def complete_installation(): print(os.linesep) msg = "This Kubernetes environment" warnings = Log.get_warning_count() errors = Log.get_error_count() if errors > 0 and warnings > 0: msg = "{0} had {1} error(s) and {2} warning(s) during the bootstraping process for MapR".format( msg, errors, warnings) Log.error(msg) elif errors > 0 and warnings == 0: msg = "{0} had {1} error(s) during the bootstraping process for MapR".format( msg, errors) Log.error(msg) elif errors == 0 and warnings > 0: msg = "{0} had {1} warnings(s) during the bootstraping process for MapR".format( msg, warnings) Log.warning(msg) else: msg = "{0} has been successfully bootstrapped for MapR".format(msg), True) "MapR components can now be created via the newly installed operators", True) if errors > 0 or warnings > 0: msg = "Please check the bootstrap log file for this session here: {0}".format( Log.get_log_filename()) Log.warning(msg)"")
def invoke_gcloud(cmd): response, status = OSCommand.run2("gcloud {0}".format(cmd)) if status != 0: Log.error("Could not create GKE Cluster: {0}: {1}".format( status, response)) BootstrapBase.exit_application(101) return response, status
def complete_uninstallation(): print(os.linesep) msg = "This Kubernetes environment" warnings = Log.get_warning_count() errors = Log.get_error_count() if errors > 0 and warnings > 0: msg = "{0} had {1} error(s) and {2} warning(s) during the uninstall process for MapR".format( msg, errors, warnings) Log.error(msg) elif errors > 0 and warnings == 0: msg = "{0} had {1} error(s) during the uninstall process for MapR".format( msg, errors) Log.error(msg) elif errors == 0 and warnings > 0: msg = "{0} had {1} warnings(s) during the uninstall process for MapR".format( msg, warnings) Log.warning(msg) else: msg = "{0} has had MapR successfully uninstalled".format(msg), True) if errors > 0 or warnings > 0: msg = "Please check the bootstrap log file for this session here: {0}".format( Log.get_log_filename()) Log.warning(msg)"")
def build_cloud(self): self.cluster_name = self.prompts.prompt("Enter cluster name", self.cluster_name, key_name="GKE_CLUSTER_NAME") self.nodes = self.prompts.prompt_integer("Enter number of nodes", self.nodes, 1, key_name="GKE_NODE_COUNT") self.disks = self.prompts.prompt_integer( "Enter number of local SSD disks for MapR FS. Each disk will be a fixed 375GB", self.disks, 1, key_name="GKE_NUM_DISKS") self.instance_type = self.prompts.prompt("GKE compute instance type?", self.instance_type, key_name="GKE_INSTANCE_TYPE") if self.alpha: self.k8s_version = self.prompts.prompt("Kubernetes version?", self.k8s_alpha_version, key_name="GKE_K8S_VERSION") else: self.k8s_version = self.prompts.prompt("Kubernetes version?", self.k8s_version, key_name="GKE_K8S_VERSION") = self.prompts.prompt("GCE Zone to deploy into?",, key_name="GKE_ZONE") self.project = self.prompts.prompt("GCE project id?", self.project, key_name="GKE_PROJECT_ID") self.user = self.prompts.prompt("GCE user id?", self.user, key_name="GKE_USER") # self.image_type = self.prompts.prompt("GKE image type?", self.image_type)"Using GKE compute image type: {0}".format(self.image_type), True) if self.alpha:"Using alpha Kubernetes version", True) else:"Using non-alpha Kubernetes version", True) if not self.prompts.prompt_boolean( "Ready to create Google GKS cluster. Do you want to continue?", True, key_name="GKE_CREATE"): Log.error("Exiiting since user is not ready to continue") BootstrapBase.exit_application(100) before = time.time() self.create_k8s_cluster() after = time.time() diff = int(after - before) "Cluster creation took {0}m {1}s".format(diff / 60, diff % 60), True)
def configure_cloud(self): cmd = GoogleCloud.CMD_ROLE_BINDING.format(self.user)"Now we will configure RBAC for your kubernetes env...", True) "Binding cluster-admin role to GCE user: {0}...".format(self.user), True) response, status = OSCommand.run2(cmd) if status != 0: Log.error("Could not bind cluster-admin role: {0}:{1}", status, response)"Configured GKE permissions", True)
def collect(self): Log.debug('Checking kubectl is installed correctly...') response, status = OSCommand.run2("command -v kubectl") if status == 0:"Looking good... Found kubectl") self.operation = Validator.OPERATION_OK else: self.operation = Validator.OPERATION_INSTALL Log.error( "You will need to have kubectl installed on this machine.") Log.error( "To install kubectl please see:" )
def configure_kubernetes(self): print(os.linesep)"Ensuring proper kubernetes configuration...", True)"Checking kubectl can connect to your kubernetes cluster...", True) response, status = OSCommand.run2("kubectl get nodes") if status != 0: Log.error( "Cannot connect to Kubernetes. Make sure kubectl is pre-configured to communicate with a Kubernetes cluster." ) BootstrapBase.exit_application(4)"Looking good... Connected to Kubernetes", True) if self.cloud_instance is not None: self.cloud_instance.configure_cloud()
def collect(self): Log.debug('Checking for oc (OpenShift CLI) installation...') response, status = OSCommand.run2("command -v oc") if status == 0:"Looking good... Found oc (OpenShift CLI) installed", True) self.operation = Validator.OPERATION_OK else: self.operation = Validator.OPERATION_NONE Log.error( "You will need to have oc (OpenShift CLI) installed on this machine." ) Log.error( "To install oc please see:" )
def _get_json(self):"Retrieving node information...", stdout=True) result, status = self.k8s.run_get("nodes -o=json") if status != 0: return None self._json = json.loads(result) if self._json is None: Log.error("No JSON was returned from get nodes command") return self._items = self._json.get("items") if self._items is None: Log.error("No items dictonary in get nodes JSON") return self._node_count = len(self._items)
def validate_nodes(self): print(os.linesep) "We must validate and annotate your Kubernetes nodes. " "MapR node validation pods will be installed.", stdout=True) agree = self._prompts.prompt_boolean("Do you agree?", True, key_name="AGREEMENT_VALIDATE") if not agree: Log.error("Exiting due to non-agreement...") BootstrapBase.exit_application(2) # TODO: Add node exclusion code here # exclude = self._prompts.prompt_boolean("Do you want to exclude any nodes?", False, key_name="EXCLUDE_NODES") # if exclude: # Log.error("Operation not currently supported...") # BootstrapBase.exit_application(6) print("")
def collect(self): Log.debug("Getting Python information...") python_major, python_version = self._get_python_version()"Python version: {0}".format(python_version)) self.results[Validator.FOUND] = True self.results[Validator.VERSION] = python_version if python_major == 2: pmin = PythonValidator.PYTHON2_MIN pmax = PythonValidator.PYTHON2_MAX elif python_major == 3: pmin = PythonValidator.PYTHON3_MIN pmax = PythonValidator.PYTHON3_MAX if python_version <= PythonValidator.PYTHON3_ERROR_MAX: Log.error("The virtual environments created with your python version {0} are incompatible. " "Please use Python 3.3 or greater".format(python_version)) self.operation = Validator.OPERATION_INSTALL return else: Log.error("The major Python version '{0}' is not supported; Only version 2 and 3 supported".format(python_major)) self.operation = Validator.OPERATION_TOO_NEW return expected = "Expected versions between {0} and {1} or between {2} and {3}"\ .format(PythonValidator.PYTHON2_MIN, PythonValidator.PYTHON2_MAX, PythonValidator.PYTHON3_MIN, PythonValidator.PYTHON3_MAX) if python_version > pmax or python_version < pmin: Log.warning("The Python version on this system is {0}. {1}" .format(python_version, expected)) self.operation = Validator.OPERATION_WARNING else: Log.debug("The Python version on this system is compatible") self.operation = Validator.OPERATION_OK
def create_k8s_cluster(self): "Creating cluster with {0} nodes of type {1} with {2} local ssd(s) of size 375GB..." .format(self.nodes, self.instance_type, self.disks), True) args = "--zone {0} ".format( args += "--username admin " args += "--cluster-version {0} ".format(self.k8s_version) args += "--machine-type {0} ".format(self.instance_type) args += "--image-type {0} ".format(self.image_type) args += "--disk-size {0} ".format(self.disk_size_on_node) args += "--disk-type {0} ".format(self.disk_type_on_node) args += "--num-nodes {0} ".format(self.nodes) args += "--network default " args += "--enable-cloud-logging " args += "--enable-cloud-monitoring " args += "--subnetwork default " args += "--scopes,,,,,, " if self.alpha: args += "--enable-kubernetes-alpha " args += "--no-enable-autorepair " self.invoke_alpha_cluster(args) else: self.invoke_stable_cluster(args)"Node log follows after cluster creation. One moment...", True) cmd = "container clusters get-credentials {0} --zone {1} --project {2}".format( self.cluster_name,, self.project) result, status = self.invoke_gcloud(cmd), True) # TODO Got to be a better way to get this filtered list result, status = OSCommand.run2( "kubectl get nodes | grep Ready | cut -d' ' -f1") if status != 0: Log.error("Could not get list of nodes: {0}: {1}".format( status, result)) BootstrapBase.exit_application(103) nodes = result.split("\n") if len(nodes[-1]) == 0: nodes = nodes[:-1] "After cluster creation, {0} node(s) were found".format( len(nodes)), True) all_threads = list() for node in nodes: t = Thread(target=self.create_disks_and_attach, args=(node, ), name=node) all_threads.append(t) t.start() time.sleep(0.05) for thread in all_threads: thread.join(timeout=10 * 60) if thread.is_alive(): Log.error( "Thread for node {0} did not complete in the supplied time limit" .format(