def addtoplot(self, plot, properties, colors=None, customlabels=None): # Check that plot is a Plot if not isinstance(plot, Plot): raise TypeError("Plot must be an instance of the class Plot.") # Get the material properties. self.getplotvals() max_x = 0 yvals = [] for i in xrange(self.startingpoint.depth, self.todepth + 1, self.spacing): yvals.append(i) if customlabels != None and "vp" in properties: vplabel = customlabels["vp"] else: vplabel = "Vp (km/s)" if customlabels != None and "vs" in properties: vslabel = customlabels["vs"] else: vslabel = "Vs (km/s)" if customlabels != None and "density" in properties: densitylabel = customlabels["density"] else: densitylabel = "Density (g/cm^3)" if colors != None and "vp" in properties: vpcolor = colors["vp"] else: vpcolor = "r" if colors != None and "vs" in properties: vscolor = colors["vs"] else: vscolor = "b" if colors != None and "density" in properties: densitycolor = colors["density"] else: densitycolor = "g" if "vp" in properties: max_x = max(max_x, max(self.vplist)) plot.addsubplot().plot(self.vplist, yvals, "-", color=vpcolor, label=vplabel) if "vs" in properties: max_x = max(max_x, max(self.vslist)) plot.addsubplot().plot(self.vslist, yvals, "-", color=vscolor, label=vslabel) if "density" in properties: max_x = max(max_x, max(self.rholist)) plot.addsubplot().plot(self.rholist, yvals, "-", color=densitycolor, label=densitylabel) plt.legend(loc="lower left") if plt.ylim()[0] < plt.ylim()[1]: plt.gca().invert_yaxis() if max_x > plt.xlim()[1]: plt.xlim(0, math.ceil(max_x / 0.5) * 0.5)
def addtoplot(self, plot, colors=None, customlabels=None): # defaults: # colors={"vs":"b","vp":"y","density":"g"} # customlabels={"vs":"Vs (km/s)","vp":"Vp (km/s)","density":"Density (g/cm^3)"} # Check that plot is a Plot if not isinstance(plot, Plot): raise TypeError("Plot must be an instance of the class Plot.") # Get the material properties. self.getplotvals() max_x = 0 yvals = [] toto = self.toelevation if (toto <= 0): toto = toto - 1 else: toto = toto + 1 for i in xrange(int(self.startelevation), int(toto), int(self.spacing)): yvals.append(i) if customlabels != None and "vp" in vplabel = customlabels["vp"] else: vplabel = "Vp (km/s)" if customlabels != None and "vs" in vslabel = customlabels["vs"] else: vslabel = "Vs (km/s)" if customlabels != None and "density" in densitylabel = customlabels["density"] else: densitylabel = "Density (g/cm^3)" if colors != None and "vp" in vpcolor = colors["vp"] else: vpcolor = "r" if colors != None and "vs" in vscolor = colors["vs"] else: vscolor = "b" if colors != None and "density" in densitycolor = colors["density"] else: densitycolor = "g" if "vp" in myInt = 1000 newvplist = np.array(self.vplist) / myInt max_x = max(max_x, max(newvplist)) plot.addsubplot().plot(newvplist, yvals, "-", color=vpcolor, label=vplabel) if "vs" in myInt = 1000 newvslist = np.array(self.vslist) / myInt max_x = max(max_x, max(newvslist)) plot.addsubplot().plot(newvslist, yvals, "-", color=vscolor, label=vslabel) ## attempted to draw a smoothed line, not good ## xs=np.array(self.vslist) ## ys=np.array(yvals) ## # spline parameters ## s=3.0 # smoothness parameter ## k=2 # spline order ## nest=-1 # estimate of number of knots needed (-1 = maximal) ## # find the knot points ## tckp,u = splprep([xs,ys],s=s,k=k,nest=nest) ## # evaluate spline, including interpolated points ## newx,newy = splev(np.linspace(0,1,500),tckp) ## plot.addsubplot().plot(newx, newy, "b-", label="smoothed"+vslabel) ## add a vline if there is a vs threshold if self.threshold != None: plot.addsubplot().axvline(self.threshold / 1000, color='k', linestyle='dashed') self.elevationlist = yvals if "density" in myInt = 1000 newrholist = np.array(self.rholist) / myInt max_x = max(max_x, max(newrholist)) plot.addsubplot().plot(newrholist, yvals, "-", color=densitycolor, label=densitylabel) plt.legend(loc="lower left") if plt.ylim()[0] < plt.ylim()[1]: plt.gca().invert_yaxis() if max_x > plt.xlim()[1]: plt.xlim(0, math.ceil(max_x / 0.5) * 0.5) plt.axis([0, max_x, int(self.toelevation), int(self.startelevation)])