Example #1
    def update(self):
        addr_ivals = alloc_state.addr_ivals_sorted()
        if not addr_ivals:

        # Use the first address being tracked as the base of the image
        baseva = addr_ivals[0].begin

        # Just how big is this image, anyway?
        # Assume 16-byte alignment, so one pixel per 16 bytes.
        topva = baseva + self._geom[0] * self._geom[1] * 16

        # OK, now slice, so we don't spend all our time considering things
        # that are off the map anyway.
        addr_ivals = alloc_state.addr_ivals_sorted(begin=baseva, end=topva)

        now = run.timestamp_ns
        img = Image.new('RGB', self._geom)

        # Extract Z order from image width
        zo = img.width.bit_length() << 1

        renderSpansZ(img, zo,
          (((i.begin - baseva) >> 4, (i.end - i.begin) >> 4, self.st2color[i.value])
            for i in addr_ivals))

        img.save("%s/%s.png" % (self._dir, now))
    def render(self, img):
        from common.render import renderSpansZ
        from PIL import ImageDraw

        zo = img.width.bit_length() << 1
        basebix = next(loc for (loc, _, _) in self._bix2state)

        # Paint most of the buckets; exclude AHWM since that's big
            img, zo,
            ((loc - basebix, sz, bst2color[st])
             for (loc, sz, st) in self._bix2state if st != BuckSt.AHWM))

        # Paint over small WAIT buckets with some occupancy information
        renderSpansZ(img, zo,
                     ((bix - basebix, 1, self.occshade(self._bix2szbm[bix]))
                      for (loc, sz, st) in self._bix2state if st == BuckSt.WAIT
                      for bix in range(loc, loc + sz)
                      if self._bix2szbm.get(bix, None) is not None
                      if self._issmall(self._bix2szbm[bix][0])))

        # Paint over the largest revokable span (which may hide some TIDY
        # blocks, but that's fine)
        brss = self._find_largest_revokable_spans(n=1)
        if brss != [] and brss[0][1] is not None:
            renderSpansZ(img, zo, [(brss[0][1] - basebix, brss[0][2], cBRS)])

        # Paint over the oldest JUNK span
        oldestj = self._junklru.first
        if oldestj is not None:
            (qbix, qsz, _) = self._bix2state.get(oldestj.value[0],
            renderSpansZ(img, zo, [(qbix - basebix, qsz, cOJS)])
        def rendszbm(bio, ap, sz, bm):
            ep = self._maxoix(sz)

            if ap is None: ap = ep

            for oix in range(0, ap):
                    img, zo,
                    [(expand(bio, oix * sz), expand(0,
                                                    sz * (oix + 1) - 1) -
                      expand(0, sz * oix), bst2color[BuckSt.JUNK] if bm
                      & 1 == 1 else bst2color[BuckSt.WAIT])])
                bm >>= 1

            renderSpansZ(img, zo,
                         [(expand(bio, ap * sz), expand(0, sz * ep) -
                           expand(0, sz * ap), bst2color[BuckSt.TIDY])])
    def render(self, img):
        from common.render import renderSpansZ
        from PIL import ImageDraw

        sst2color = {
            SegSt.TIDY: 0xFFFFFF,
            SegSt.WAIT: 0x00FF00,
            SegSt.JUNK: 0xFF0000,

        baseva = self._basepg * 2**self._pagelog

        zo = img.width.bit_length() << 1

            img, zo,
            (((loc - baseva) >> self._alignlog, sz >> self._alignlog,
             for (loc, sz, st) in self._eva2sst.irange(baseva, self._wildern)))

        # Paint over the oldest JUNK span
        oldestj = self._junklru.first
        if oldestj is not None:
            (qb, qsz) = oldestj.value
            qb -= baseva
                img, zo,
                [(qb >> self._alignlog, qsz >> self._alignlog, 0xFF00FF)])

        # Paint over the oldest TIDY span
        oldestt = self._tidylst.eldest()
        if oldestt is not None:
            (qb, qsz) = oldestt
            qb -= baseva
                img, zo,
                [(qb >> self._alignlog, qsz >> self._alignlog, 0x00FFFF)])
    def _render_expanded(self, img):
        from common.render import renderSpansZ
        from PIL import ImageDraw

        zo = img.width.bit_length() << 1
        basebix = next(loc for (loc, _, _) in self._bix2state)

        # bix and offset to pixel index
        def expand(bix, off):
            return (bix * 2**self._bucklog + off + 15) >> 4

        # render a bitmap bucket at block index offset (relative to basebix)
        def rendszbm(bio, ap, sz, bm):
            ep = self._maxoix(sz)

            if ap is None: ap = ep

            for oix in range(0, ap):
                    img, zo,
                    [(expand(bio, oix * sz), expand(0,
                                                    sz * (oix + 1) - 1) -
                      expand(0, sz * oix), bst2color[BuckSt.JUNK] if bm
                      & 1 == 1 else bst2color[BuckSt.WAIT])])
                bm >>= 1

            renderSpansZ(img, zo,
                         [(expand(bio, ap * sz), expand(0, sz * ep) -
                           expand(0, sz * ap), bst2color[BuckSt.TIDY])])

        # Paint most of the buckets; exclude AHWM since that's big
        for (loc, sz, st) in self._bix2state:
            # skip AHWM
            if st == BuckSt.AHWM:
            # JUNK, and TIDY are entirely uniform
            elif st == BuckSt.JUNK:
                    img, zo,
                    [(expand(loc - basebix, 0), expand(sz, 0), bst2color[st])])
            elif st == BuckSt.TIDY:
                    img, zo,
                    [(expand(loc - basebix, 0), expand(sz, 0), bst2color[st])])
            # BUMP states are backed at every bix with a bitmap
            elif st == BuckSt.BUMP:
                for bix in range(loc, loc + sz):
                    (asz, bm) = self._bix2szbm[bix]
                    rendszbm(bix - basebix, self._szbix2ap[asz].get(bix, None),
                             asz, bm)
            # WAIT states are complicated: they are either backed with a bitmap
            # or by a large value, indicating the uniform occupancy of one or
            # more buckets.  We don't have better resolution than that, so just
            # render those uniformly.
            elif st == BuckSt.WAIT:
                bix = loc
                while bix < loc + sz:
                    (asz, bm) = self._bix2szbm[bix]
                    if self._issmall(asz):
                        # bitmap, one bucket
                        rendszbm(bix - basebix,
                                 self._szbix2ap[asz].get(bix, None), asz, bm)
                        bix += 1
                        # large object
                        nsz = self._sz2nbucks(asz)
                        renderSpansZ(img, zo,
                                     [(expand(bix - basebix, 0), expand(
                                         nsz, 0), bst2color[st])])
                        bix += nsz