def get_single_task(mongodb, x, y, s, d, t): print("get_single_task({}, {}, ({}, {}, {}))".format(x, y, s, d, t)) start = time_print(0) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data')): raise OSError("Must first download data, see") data_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data') file_path = os.path.join(data_dir, '{}-{}-G.pkl'.format(x, y)) print("CHECK1") with open(file_path, 'rb') as handle: nx_g = pickle.load(handle) print("CHECK2") Qdf = generator.generate_single_query(nx_g, s, d, t) print(Qdf) write_queries_to_mongodb(mongodb, Qdf) a = generator.gen_SG(nx_g, Qdf) Qdf = Qdf.assign(og=a) task_list = generator.generate_tasks(Qdf) elapsed = time_print(0) - start print("Run time: {} ms".format(elapsed)) if sorted: task_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.step, reverse=False) return task_list
def process_tasks(self): while True: if len(self._tasks) > 0: for task in self._tasks: t_dict = task.get_json() if t_dict['next_node'] is None and t_dict['step'] != '000': continue if utils.time_print( 0) - t_dict['inquiry_time'] >= GLOBAL_VARS.TIMEOUT: continue route = self._route_extractor.find_route(t_dict) if route is None: continue if all(route): r = route[1] r_int = [int(x) for x in r] t_dict['route'] = r_int t_dict['travel_time'] = route[0] topic = utils.add_destination( GLOBAL_VARS.RESPONSE_TO_BROKER, self._client_id) if DEBUG == 1: utils.print_log("Done {} done with route".format( t_dict['_id'])) utils.print_log("Sending {} to {}:rsu-{}".format( t_dict['_id'], topic.split("/")[-1], GLOBAL_VARS.WORKER[topic.split("/")[-1]])) utils.print_log( "Removing {} from task queue and appending to processed_tasks" .format(t_dict['_id'])) self._processed_tasks.append(t_dict['_id']) self.send(topic, json.dumps(t_dict)) next_rsu = t_dict['next_rsu'] if next_rsu: rsu_rsu_dict = {} next_step = str(int(t_dict['step']) + 1).zfill(3) rsu_rsu_dict['_id'] = "{}{}{}".format( t_dict['parsed_id'], next_step, t_dict['steps']) rsu_rsu_dict['next_node'] = t_dict['route'][-1] topic = utils.add_destination( GLOBAL_VARS.RSU_TO_RSU, next_rsu) if DEBUG == 1: utils.print_log( "Sending {} update to {}:rsu-{}".format( rsu_rsu_dict['_id'], topic.split("/")[-1], utils.get_worker_from_topic(topic))) self.send(topic, json.dumps(rsu_rsu_dict)) self.remove_task(t_dict['_id']) time.sleep(0.1)
def logging_task(self): while self._LOG_FLAG: log_dict = {} log_dict['time'] = utils.time_print(0) log_dict['queued_tasks'] = [ task._id for task in self._tasks if task._id not in self._processed_tasks ] log_dict['total_processed'] = list(set(self._processed_tasks)) log_dict['timed_out'] = [] if (len(self._tasks) + len(self._processed_tasks)) != 0: utils.write_log(self._log_file, log_dict) time.sleep(GLOBAL_VARS.LOG_RATE)
def parse_topic(self, msg): t_arr = msg.topic.split("/") # For logging only if msg.topic == GLOBAL_VARS.START_LOGGING: self._processed_tasks = [] self._logging_task = threading.Thread(target=self.logging_task, args=()) self._logging_task.start() if msg.topic == GLOBAL_VARS.STOP_LOGGING: utils.print_log("Stopping logging and removing tasks.") self._tasks = [] self._LOG_FLAG = False log_dict = {} log_dict['time'] = utils.time_print(0) log_dict['queued_tasks'] = [] log_dict['total_processed'] = list(set(self._processed_tasks)) log_dict['timed_out'] = [ task._id for task in self._tasks if task._id not in self._processed_tasks ] utils.write_log(self._log_file, log_dict) if GLOBAL_VARS.BROKER_TO_RSU in msg.topic: rsu = t_arr[-1] if rsu == self._client_id: data = json.loads(msg.payload) if DEBUG == 1: utils.print_log("RSU receives: {}".format(data['_id'])) self.verify_append_task(Route_Task(data)) if GLOBAL_VARS.RSU_TO_RSU in msg.topic: rsu = t_arr[-1] if rsu == self._client_id: data = json.loads(msg.payload) self.update_subtask(data) if len(self._tasks) > 0: if DEBUG == 1: utils.print_log("Updated tasks:") [ utils.print_log("\t{}:{}".format( t._id, t.next_node)) for t in self._tasks ] pass return True
def generate_mongo_tasks_entry(self, tasks): for task in tasks: print(task) data = task.get_json() data['inquiry_time'] = utils.time_print(int) data['allocation_time'] = None data['processed_time'] = None data['state'] = GLOBAL_VARS.TASK_STATES["UNSENT"] data['next_node'] = None data['route'] = None data['travel_time'] = None data['rsu_assigned_to'] = None data['retry_count'] = 0 data['next_rsu'] = None t_id = data['_id'] _DB = self._mongodb_c.get_db("admin") found = _DB["tasks"].count_documents({"_id": t_id}) if found == 0: t_id = self._mongodb_c.insert("tasks", data)
def generate_tasks(Qdf): task_list = [] for _, row in Qdf.iterrows(): t_id = row.t_id og = copy.copy(row['og']) s = row.s d = row.d t = str(row.t) + ':' + str(row.t_m) if len(og) >= 2: nodes = [] nodes.append(s) nodes.extend([None] * (len(og) - 2)) nodes.append(d) og.append(None) # # [t] * len(og) -> Assigns time variable to each pair ids = [ "{}{}{}".format(t_id, str(i).zfill(3), str(len(og) - 2).zfill(3)) for i in range(len(og) - 1) ] pairs = zip(ids, nodes, og, og[1:], [t] * len(og)) elif len(og) == 1: id_ = "{}{}{}".format(t_id, str(0).zfill(3), str(0).zfill(3)) pairs = zip([id_], [s], [d], [og[0]], [t]) pass labels = ["_id", "node", "gridA", "gridB", "time_window"] for p in pairs: task_json = dict(zip(labels, p)) task_json['state'] = GLOBAL_VARS.TASK_STATES["UNSENT"] task_json['next_node'] = None task_json['inquiry_time'] = utils.time_print(0) task_json['next_rsu'] = None task_json['rsu_assigned_to'] = None task_json['route'] = None task_list.append(Task(task_json)) task_list.extend(list(pairs)) return task_list
def send_tasks(i, ts): print("Sending chunk: {} of size {}".format(i, len(ts))) mqttc = MyMQTTClass() mqttc.connect() # task_list = specify_task(task_list, "b7c475b6") for t in ts: # for t in enumerate(task_list[0:1]): # for t in enumerate(task_list[1:2]): payload = {} payload['time_sent'] = time_print(0) # payload['data'] = t.get_json() payload['data'] = t.__dict__ if __debug__: print(payload['data']) data = json.dumps(payload) mqttc.send(GLOBAL_VARS.QUERY_TO_BROKER, data) time.sleep(0.02) mqttc.close()
def generate_mongo_payload(self, message): print("generate_mongo_payload:", len(message)) _m = utils.decode(message) _d = json.loads(_m) data = _d['data'] data['inquiry_time'] = utils.time_print(int) data['allocation_time'] = None data['processed_time'] = None data['state'] = GLOBAL_VARS.TASK_STATES["UNSENT"] data['next_node'] = None data['route'] = None data['travel_time'] = None data['rsu_assigned_to'] = None data['retry_count'] = 0 data['next_rsu'] = None t_id = data['_id'] _DB = self._mongodb_c.get_db("admin") found = _DB["tasks"].count_documents({"_id": t_id}) if found == 0: t_id = self._mongodb_c.insert("tasks", data)
def write_queries_to_mongodb(mongodb, query_df): print("write_queries_to_mongodb()") # print(query_df.head()) # df = query_df[['t_id', 's', 'd', 't', 'r']].copy() query_df = query_df.rename(columns={"t_id": "_id", "r": "initial_route"}) query_df['query_time'] = time_print(0) query_df['total_processed_time'] = None query_df['final_route'] = None query_df['total_travel_time'] = None # query_df['json'] = query_df.apply(lambda x: x.to_json(), axis=1) # print(new_df) # OK, but failing if record already exists. records = json.loads(query_df.T.to_json()).values() for record in records: t_id = record['_id'] if mongodb._db.queries.count_documents({"_id": t_id}) == 0: mongodb._db.queries.insert(record) else: print("{} already exists.".format(t_id)) print("Finished writing")
def get_tasks(mongodb, x, y, queries, sorted=True): print("get_tasks({}, {}, {})".format(x, y, queries)) start = time_print(0) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data')): raise OSError("Must first download data, see") data_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data') file_path = os.path.join(data_dir, '{}-{}-G.pkl'.format(x, y)) with open(file_path, 'rb') as handle: nx_g = pickle.load(handle) number_of_queries = queries # res = generator.generate_single_query(nx_g, 1286, 1471, 22) # pprint(res) file_path = os.path.join( data_dir, '{}-queries-for-{}-{}.pkl'.format(number_of_queries, x, y)) if not os.path.exists(file_path): Qdf = generator.generate_query(nx_g, number_of_queries) Qdf.to_pickle(file_path) else: Qdf = pd.read_pickle(file_path) write_queries_to_mongodb(mongodb, Qdf) # Generate random minute values random.seed(100) minutes = random.choices(range(0, 59), k=number_of_queries) # Generate hours based on 'time-zone' dead_time = [21, 22, 23, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] morning_rush = [6, 7, 8, 9] evening_rush = [15, 16, 17, 18] working_hour = [10, 11, 12, 13, 14] random_hours = range(0, 24) if GLOBAL_VARS.TIME_ZONE == 'DEAD_TIME': Qdf['t'] = random.choices(dead_time, k=number_of_queries) elif GLOBAL_VARS.TIME_ZONE == 'MORNING_RUSH': Qdf['t'] = random.choices(morning_rush, k=number_of_queries) elif GLOBAL_VARS.TIME_ZONE == 'EVENING_RUSH': Qdf['t'] = random.choices(evening_rush, k=number_of_queries) elif GLOBAL_VARS.TIME_ZONE == 'WORKING_HOUR': Qdf['t'] = random.choices(working_hour, k=number_of_queries) else: Qdf['t'] = random.choices(random_hours, k=number_of_queries) Qdf.insert(4, "t_m", minutes, True) a = generator.gen_SG(nx_g, Qdf) Qdf = Qdf.assign(og=a) task_list = generator.generate_tasks(Qdf) elapsed = time_print(0) - start print("Run time: {} ms".format(elapsed)) if sorted: task_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.step, reverse=False) return task_list
def parse_topic(self, msg): t_arr = msg.topic.split("/") if msg.topic == GLOBAL_VARS.SIMULATED_SINGLE_QUERY_TO_BROKER: data = json.loads(utils.decode(msg.payload)) print("Broker receives : {}".format(data)) tasks = generator.get_single_task(self._mongodb_c, data['x'], data['y'], data['s'], data['d'], data['t']) print(tasks) print(type(tasks)) self.generate_mongo_tasks_entry(tasks) start = utils.time_print(0) utils.print_log("Starting sub-task allocation.") for task in tasks: self.subtask_allocation(GLOBAL_VARS.NEIGHBOR_LEVEL, task) for task in tasks: self.assign_next_rsu(task) elapsed = utils.time_print(0) - start utils.print_log("Total allocation time: {} ms".format(elapsed)) # HACK: Add sleep so I can get the allocation time data # time.sleep(5) self._tasks = tasks self._log_flag_once = False self._task_start_time = utils.time_print(0) # The placement here is purely for debugging self._collect_tasks = threading.Thread( target=self.compile_tasks_by_id, args=()) self._collect_tasks.start() self.send(GLOBAL_VARS.START_LOGGING, utils.encode("START")) pass if msg.topic == GLOBAL_VARS.SIMULATED_QUERY_TO_BROKER: data = json.loads(utils.decode(msg.payload)) print("Broker receives : {}".format(data)) tasks = generator.get_tasks(self._mongodb_c, data['x'], data['y'], data['number_of_queries'], sorted=True) self.generate_mongo_tasks_entry(tasks) start = utils.time_print(0) utils.print_log("Starting sub-task allocation.") for task in tasks: self.subtask_allocation(GLOBAL_VARS.NEIGHBOR_LEVEL, task) for task in tasks: self.assign_next_rsu(task) elapsed = utils.time_print(0) - start utils.print_log("Total allocation time: {} ms".format(elapsed)) # # HACK: Add sleep so I can get the allocation time data # time.sleep(5) self._tasks = tasks self._log_flag_once = False self._task_start_time = utils.time_print(0) # The placement here is purely for debugging self._collect_tasks = threading.Thread( target=self.compile_tasks_by_id, args=()) self._collect_tasks.start() self.send(GLOBAL_VARS.START_LOGGING, utils.encode("START")) if msg.topic == GLOBAL_VARS.QUERY_TO_BROKER: print("Broker receives : {}".format(str(msg.payload))) self.generate_mongo_payload(msg.payload) if GLOBAL_VARS.RESPONSE_TO_BROKER in msg.topic: rsu = t_arr[-1] if rsu in list(GLOBAL_VARS.RSUS.values()): # update mongodb entry as Responded (2) data = json.loads(utils.decode(msg.payload)) route = data['route'] travel_time = data['travel_time'] utils.print_log("worker-{} responded with :{}".format( rsu, data['_id'])) self._mongodb_c.update_one( "tasks", data['_id'], { "state": GLOBAL_VARS.TASK_STATES["RESPONDED"], "processed_time": utils.time_print(int), "travel_time": travel_time, "route": route, "next_node": route[-1] }) if DEBUG == 1: utils.print_log("Updated: {}".format(data['_id'])) self.start_unsent_tasks_thread()
def compile_tasks_by_id(self): while True: if utils.time_print( int) - self._task_start_time >= GLOBAL_VARS.TIMEOUT: res = self._mongodb_c._db.tasks.find({ "state": { "$eq": GLOBAL_VARS.TASK_STATES["SENT"] } }).sort([("_id", 1)]) timedout = [] for task in res: parsed_id = task['parsed_id'] if parsed_id not in timedout: timedout.append(parsed_id) self._mongodb_c._db.tasks.update_many( {"parsed_id": parsed_id}, { '$set': { 'state': GLOBAL_VARS.TASK_STATES['TIMEOUT'] } }) self._mongodb_c._db.queries.update_one( {"_id": parsed_id}, { '$set': { 'final_route': "ERROR", 'total_travel_time': "ERROR", 'total_processed_time': "ERROR" } }) [utils.print_log("{} timedout.".format(t)) for t in timedout] self.send(GLOBAL_VARS.STOP_LOGGING, utils.encode("STOP")) self._mongodb_c.save_collection_to_json('queries') self._mongodb_c.save_collection_to_json('tasks') break count = self._mongodb_c._db.queries.count_documents( {"final_route": None}) if count == 0: continue res = self._mongodb_c._db.queries.find({"final_route": None}) for r in res: parsed_id = r['_id'] count = self._mongodb_c._db.tasks.count_documents({ "parsed_id": parsed_id, "state": GLOBAL_VARS.TASK_STATES["RESPONDED"] }) temps = self._mongodb_c._db.tasks.find_one({ "parsed_id": parsed_id, "state": GLOBAL_VARS.TASK_STATES["RESPONDED"] }) if not temps: continue task_steps = int(temps['steps']) + 1 if task_steps == count: tasks = self._mongodb_c._db.tasks.find({ "parsed_id": parsed_id, "state": GLOBAL_VARS.TASK_STATES["RESPONDED"] }) route = [] total_travel_time = 0 utils.print_log("Collecting {}".format(parsed_id)) for task in tasks: route.extend(task['route']) last_processing_time = task['processed_time'] total_travel_time = total_travel_time + task[ 'travel_time'] if route and total_travel_time > 0: self._mongodb_c._db.queries.update_one( {'_id': parsed_id}, { '$set': { 'final_route': utils.f7(route), 'total_processed_time': last_processing_time, 'total_travel_time': total_travel_time } }) self._mongodb_c._db.tasks.update_many( { "parsed_id": parsed_id, "state": GLOBAL_VARS.TASK_STATES["RESPONDED"] }, { '$set': { 'state': GLOBAL_VARS.TASK_STATES['COLLECTED'] } })
def subtask_allocation(self, nlevel, subtask): data = subtask.get_json() gridA = data['gridA'] gridB = data['gridB'] if isinstance(gridA, int): optimal_rsu = gridB else: optimal_rsu = gridA if DEBUG == 1: print("Checking for: {}".format(optimal_rsu)) if nlevel == 0: self._mongodb_c._db.tasks.update_one({"_id": data['_id']}, { '$set': { 'rsu_assigned_to': optimal_rsu, 'allocation_time': utils.time_print(int) } }) return if nlevel > 0: r = geo_utils.get_rsu_by_grid_id(self._rsu_arr, optimal_rsu) nn = geo_utils.get_neighbors_level(self._rsu_arr, r.get_idx(), nlevel) nn.insert(0, r.get_idx()) found = False candidate_rsus = [] # Arranges the neighbors by distance from the most optimal grid in question # DEBUG: This will cause some additional delays nn = geo_utils.sort_idx_by_distance(GLOBAL_VARS.X_AXIS, GLOBAL_VARS.Y_AXIS, r.get_idx(), nn) nn.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) nn = [n[0] for n in nn] for n in nn: rsu = self._rsu_arr[n] candidate_rsus.append(rsu) res, gid = rsu.add_task( self._nxg, self._rsu_arr, subtask, use_sub_grids=GLOBAL_VARS.USE_SUB_GRIDS) if res: found = True self._mongodb_c._db.tasks.update_one( {"_id": data['_id']}, { '$set': { 'rsu_assigned_to': gid, 'allocation_time': utils.time_print(int) } }) # utils.print_log("Assigned to: {}".format(gid)) break ''' If not ok, move to the next one (keep which has lowest number) ''' # Get RSU with least number of queue if not found: if DEBUG == 1: print("Not found by looking, must force...") # NOTE: Just shuffling so there is a chance that subtasks will be assigned to different RSUs and not just in the order they come in (if they are both tied for minimum queue lengths) # IDEA: Check if this has an effect # Right now as the last resort, it appends to the RSU with least queue length # If i don't randomize this, then it will assign to the least distance, which is just the most optimal one (may cause delay) random.shuffle(candidate_rsus) candidate_rsus = sorted(candidate_rsus, key=lambda rsu: len(rsu.queue), reverse=False) if DEBUG == 1: [print(r) for r in candidate_rsus] if candidate_rsus[0]._sub_grids: [print(r) for r in candidate_rsus[0]._sub_grids] print("\n") _, gid = candidate_rsus[0].add_task_forced( subtask, use_sub_grids=GLOBAL_VARS.USE_SUB_GRIDS) # utils.print_log("Forced to: {}".format(gid)) self._mongodb_c._db.tasks.update_one({"_id": data['_id']}, { '$set': { 'rsu_assigned_to': gid, 'allocation_time': utils.time_print(int) } }) return