def ecef_euler_from_ned(ned_ecef_init, ned_pose): ''' Got it from here: Using Rotations to Build Aerospace Coordinate Systems -Don Koks ''' converter = LocalCoord.from_ecef(ned_ecef_init) x0 = converter.ned2ecef([1, 0, 0]) - converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 0]) y0 = converter.ned2ecef([0, 1, 0]) - converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 0]) z0 = converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 1]) - converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 0]) x1 = rot(z0, ned_pose[2]).dot(x0) y1 = rot(z0, ned_pose[2]).dot(y0) z1 = rot(z0, ned_pose[2]).dot(z0) x2 = rot(y1, ned_pose[1]).dot(x1) y2 = rot(y1, ned_pose[1]).dot(y1) z2 = rot(y1, ned_pose[1]).dot(z1) x3 = rot(x2, ned_pose[0]).dot(x2) y3 = rot(x2, ned_pose[0]).dot(y2) #z3 = rot(x2, ned_pose[0]).dot(z2) x0 = array([1, 0, 0]) y0 = array([0, 1, 0]) z0 = array([0, 0, 1]) psi = np.arctan2(inner(x3, y0), inner(x3, x0)) theta = np.arctan2(-inner(x3, z0), np.sqrt(inner(x3, x0)**2 + inner(x3, y0)**2)) y2 = rot(z0, psi).dot(y0) z2 = rot(y2, theta).dot(z0) phi = np.arctan2(inner(y3, z2), inner(y3, y2)) ret = array([phi, theta, psi]) return ret
def ned_euler_from_ecef(ned_ecef_init, ecef_poses): ''' Got the math from here: Using Rotations to Build Aerospace Coordinate Systems -Don Koks Also accepts array of ecef_poses and array of ned_ecef_inits. Where each row is a pose and an ecef_init. ''' ned_ecef_init = array(ned_ecef_init) ecef_poses = array(ecef_poses) output_shape = ecef_poses.shape ned_ecef_init = np.atleast_2d(ned_ecef_init) if ned_ecef_init.shape[0] == 1: ned_ecef_init = np.tile(ned_ecef_init[0], (output_shape[0], 1)) ecef_poses = np.atleast_2d(ecef_poses) ned_poses = np.zeros(ecef_poses.shape) for i, ecef_pose in enumerate(ecef_poses): converter = LocalCoord.from_ecef(ned_ecef_init[i]) x0 = array([1, 0, 0]) y0 = array([0, 1, 0]) z0 = array([0, 0, 1]) x1 = rot(z0, ecef_pose[2]).dot(x0) y1 = rot(z0, ecef_pose[2]).dot(y0) z1 = rot(z0, ecef_pose[2]).dot(z0) x2 = rot(y1, ecef_pose[1]).dot(x1) y2 = rot(y1, ecef_pose[1]).dot(y1) z2 = rot(y1, ecef_pose[1]).dot(z1) x3 = rot(x2, ecef_pose[0]).dot(x2) y3 = rot(x2, ecef_pose[0]).dot(y2) #z3 = rot(x2, ecef_pose[0]).dot(z2) x0 = converter.ned2ecef([1, 0, 0]) - converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 0]) y0 = converter.ned2ecef([0, 1, 0]) - converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 0]) z0 = converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 1]) - converter.ned2ecef([0, 0, 0]) psi = np.arctan2(inner(x3, y0), inner(x3, x0)) theta = np.arctan2(-inner(x3, z0), np.sqrt(inner(x3, x0)**2 + inner(x3, y0)**2)) y2 = rot(z0, psi).dot(y0) z2 = rot(y2, theta).dot(z0) phi = np.arctan2(inner(y3, z2), inner(y3, y2)) ned_poses[i] = array([phi, theta, psi]) return ned_poses.reshape(output_shape)
def points_in_car_frame(self, lat, lon, heading): lc = LocalCoord.from_geodetic([lat, lon, 0.]) # Build rotation matrix heading = math.radians(-heading + 90) c, s = np.cos(heading), np.sin(heading) rot = np.array([[c, s, 0.], [-s, c, 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]) # Convert to local coordinates points_carframe = lc.geodetic2ned(self.points).T # Rotate with heading of car points_carframe =, points_carframe[(1, 0, 2), :]).T return points_carframe
def mpc_vwr_thread(addr=""): plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_xlim([-SCALE, SCALE]) ax.set_ylim([-SCALE, SCALE]) ax.grid(True) line, = ax.plot([0.0], [0.0], ".b") line2, = ax.plot([0.0], [0.0], 'r') ax.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') live_location = messaging.sub_sock('liveLocation', addr=addr, conflate=True) gps_planner_points = messaging.sub_sock('gpsPlannerPoints', conflate=True) gps_planner_plan = messaging.sub_sock('gpsPlannerPlan', conflate=True) last_points = messaging.recv_one(gps_planner_points) last_plan = messaging.recv_one(gps_planner_plan) while True: p = messaging.recv_one_or_none(gps_planner_points) pl = messaging.recv_one_or_none(gps_planner_plan) ll = messaging.recv_one(live_location).liveLocation if p is not None: last_points = p if pl is not None: last_plan = pl if not last_plan.gpsPlannerPlan.valid: time.sleep(0.1) line2.set_color('r') continue p0 = last_points.gpsPlannerPoints.points[0] p0 = np.array([p0.x, p0.y, p0.z]) n = LocalCoord.from_geodetic(np.array([, ll.lon, ll.alt])) points = [] print(len(last_points.gpsPlannerPoints.points)) for p in last_points.gpsPlannerPoints.points: ecef = np.array([p.x, p.y, p.z]) points.append(n.ecef2ned(ecef)) points = np.vstack(points) line.set_xdata(points[:, 1]) line.set_ydata(points[:, 0]) y = np.matrix(np.arange(-100, 100.0, 0.5)) x = -np.matrix(np.polyval(last_plan.gpsPlannerPlan.poly, y)) xy = np.hstack([x.T, y.T]) cur_heading = np.radians(ll.heading - 90) c, s = np.cos(cur_heading), np.sin(cur_heading) R = np.array([[c, -s], [s, c]]) xy = line2.set_xdata(xy[:, 1]) line2.set_ydata(-xy[:, 0]) line2.set_color('g') ax.set_xlim([-SCALE, SCALE]) ax.set_ylim([-SCALE, SCALE]) fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events()