def index(request): if request.path == '/': response = redirect('landing') return response appList = getapplist(request) if not request.user.is_authenticated: appList = [app for app in appList if app[0] in publicApps] context = {} context['version'] = appconfig.getversion() context['appList'] = appList context['labels'] = 'name file'.split(' ') context['apptitle'] = TITLE context['hostname'] = hostname context['device'] = devicetype(request) context['timestamp'] = time.strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) try: alert_config = cspace.getConfig(path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'config'), 'alert') context['ALERT'] = alert_config.get('alert', 'ALERT') context['MESSAGE'] = alert_config.get('alert', 'MESSAGE') except: context['ALERT'] = '' return render(request, 'listApps.html', context)
def configure_common_tools(context, request, action, webappconfig): context['serverlabel'] = webappconfig.get('info', 'serverlabel') context['serverlabelcolor'] = webappconfig.get('info', 'serverlabelcolor') context['institution'] = webappconfig.get('info', 'institution') context['apptitle'] = webappconfig.get(action, 'apptitle') context['version'] = appconfig.getversion() context['device'] = devicetype(request) context['timestamp'] = time.strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) context['labels'] = 'name file'.split(' ') return context
def index(request): appList = getapplist(request) if not request.user.is_authenticated(): appList = [app for app in appList if app[0] in publicApps] context = {} context['version'] = appconfig.getversion() context['appList'] = appList context['labels'] = 'name file'.split(' ') context['apptitle'] = TITLE context['hostname'] = hostname context['device'] = devicetype(request) context['timestamp'] = time.strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) return render(request, 'listApps.html', context)
def index(request): appList = getapplist(request) if not request.user.is_authenticated(): appList = [app for app in appList if not app[0] in loginRequiredApps] context = {} context['version'] = appconfig.getversion() context['appList'] = appList context['labels'] = 'name file'.split(' ') context['apptitle'] = TITLE context['hostname'] = hostname context['device'] = devicetype(request) context['timestamp'] = time.strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) return render(request, 'listApps.html', context)
def setconstants(request, context, appname): context['timestamp'] = time.strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) context['searchrows'] = range(1, 4) context['searchcolumns'] = range(1, 4) context['apptitle'] = APPS[appname][0] context['appname'] = appname context['suggestions'] = suggestions context['institution'] = institution context['version'] = VERSION context['additionalInfo'] = AdditionalInfo.objects.filter(live=True) context['device'] = devicetype(request) # insert a nav bar item to enable user to switch to a different tool context['extra_nav'] = {'href': './', 'id': 'switchtool', 'name': 'Switch Tool'} return context
def configure_common_tools(context, request, action, webappconfig): context['serverlabel'] = webappconfig.get('info', 'serverlabel') context['serverlabelcolor'] = webappconfig.get('info', 'serverlabelcolor') context['institution'] = webappconfig.get('info', 'institution') context['apptitle'] = webappconfig.get(action, 'apptitle') context['version'] = appconfig.getversion() context['device'] = devicetype(request) context['timestamp'] = time.strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) context['labels'] = 'name file'.split(' ') try: alert_config = getConfig(os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'config'), 'alert') context['ALERT'] = alert_config.get('alert', 'ALERT') context['MESSAGE'] = alert_config.get('alert', 'MESSAGE') except: context['ALERT'] = '' return context
def index(request): context = {} context['version'] = appconfig.getversion() context['labels'] = 'name file'.split(' ') context['apptitle'] = TITLE context['hostname'] = hostname context['device'] = devicetype(request) context['timestamp'] = time.strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) html = '' topLocs = sorted(locMap.keys()) for i, l in enumerate(topLocs): #cols = int(math.log(objectCounts[l],2)/3) cols = makeBin(objectCounts[l]) if cols == 0: cols = 1 html += f'<div class="box col{cols}"><div class="show left" data-loc="{l}">{l}</div><div class="right">{objectCounts[l]}</div>' # % (cols,l,objectCounts[l],cols,l) sublocs = sorted(locMap[l].keys()) html += '''<div class="bottom" id="%s" style="display:none">''' % l for subloc in sublocs: combined = l + ' ' + subloc locCount = len(roomCounts[combined]) html += '''<div class="show bottom" data-loc="%s"> %s %s ''' % ( combined, subloc, locMap[l][subloc]) html += '''<div class="locdetail" id="%s" style="display:none;"><i>%s</i>:<br/>%s locs, %s objs</div></div>''' % ( combined, combined, locCount, locMap[l][subloc]) html += '</div></div>' context['html'] = html try: alert_config = cspace.getConfig(path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'config'), 'alert') context['ALERT'] = alert_config.get('alert', 'ALERT') context['MESSAGE'] = alert_config.get('alert', 'MESSAGE') except: context['ALERT'] = '' return render(request, 'vp.html', context)