Example #1
def create_inputs(tool, model, **kwargs):
    inputs_node = SubElement(tool, "inputs")

    # some suites (such as OpenMS) need some advanced options when handling inputs
    expand_advanced_node = None
    parameter_hardcoder = kwargs["parameter_hardcoder"]

    # treat all non output-file parameters as inputs
    for param in utils.extract_and_flatten_parameters(model):
        # no need to show hardcoded parameters
        hardcoded_value = parameter_hardcoder.get_hardcoded_value(
            param.name, model.name)
        if param.name in kwargs["blacklisted_parameters"] or hardcoded_value:
            # let's not use an extra level of indentation and use NOP
        if param.type is _OutFile:
        if param.advanced:

        parent_node = inputs_node

        # for lists we need a repeat tag
        if param.is_list and param.type is not _InFile:
            rep_node = add_child_node(parent_node, "repeat")
            create_repeat_attribute_list(rep_node, param)
            parent_node = rep_node

        param_node = add_child_node(parent_node, "param")
        create_param_attribute_list(param_node, param,

    for param in utils.extract_and_flatten_parameters(model):
        # no need to show hardcoded parameters
        hardcoded_value = parameter_hardcoder.get_hardcoded_value(
            param.name, model.name)
        if param.name in kwargs["blacklisted_parameters"] or hardcoded_value:
            # let's not use an extra level of indentation and use NOP
        if param.type is _OutFile:
        if not param.advanced:
        if expand_advanced_node is None:
            expand_advanced_node = add_child_node(
                inputs_node, "expand",
                OrderedDict([("macro", ADVANCED_OPTIONS_MACRO_NAME)]))
        parent_node = expand_advanced_node

        # for lists we need a repeat tag
        if param.is_list and param.type is not _InFile:
            rep_node = add_child_node(parent_node, "repeat")
            create_repeat_attribute_list(rep_node, param)
            parent_node = rep_node

        param_node = add_child_node(parent_node, "param")
        create_param_attribute_list(param_node, param,
Example #2
def get_input_with_same_restrictions(out_param, model, supported_file_formats):
    for param in utils.extract_and_flatten_parameters(model):
        if param.type is _InFile:
            if param.restrictions is not None:
                in_param_formats = get_supported_file_types(param.restrictions.formats, supported_file_formats)
                out_param_formats = get_supported_file_types(out_param.restrictions.formats, supported_file_formats)
                if in_param_formats == out_param_formats:
                    return param
Example #3
def create_outputs(parent, model, **kwargs):
    outputs_node = add_child_node(parent, "outputs")
    parameter_hardcoder = kwargs["parameter_hardcoder"]

    for param in utils.extract_and_flatten_parameters(model):

        # no need to show hardcoded parameters
        hardcoded_value = parameter_hardcoder.get_hardcoded_value(param.name, model.name)
        if param.name in kwargs["blacklisted_parameters"] or hardcoded_value:
            # let's not use an extra level of indentation and use NOP
        if param.type is _OutFile:
            create_output_node(outputs_node, param, model, kwargs["supported_file_formats"])

    # If there are no outputs defined in the ctd the node will have no children
    # and the stdout will be used as output
    if len(outputs_node) == 0:
        add_child_node(outputs_node, "data",
                       OrderedDict([("name", "param_stdout"), ("format", "txt"), ("label", "Output from stdout")]))
Example #4
def create_inputs(tool, model, **kwargs):
    inputs_node = SubElement(tool, "inputs")

    # some suites (such as OpenMS) need some advanced options when handling inputs
    expand_advanced_node = add_child_node(tool, "expand", OrderedDict([("macro", ADVANCED_OPTIONS_MACRO_NAME)]))
    parameter_hardcoder = kwargs["parameter_hardcoder"]

    # treat all non output-file parameters as inputs
    for param in utils.extract_and_flatten_parameters(model):
        # no need to show hardcoded parameters
        hardcoded_value = parameter_hardcoder.get_hardcoded_value(param.name, model.name)
        if param.name in kwargs["blacklisted_parameters"] or hardcoded_value:
            # let's not use an extra level of indentation and use NOP
        if param.type is not _OutFile:
            if param.advanced:
                if expand_advanced_node is not None:
                    parent_node = expand_advanced_node
                    # something went wrong... we are handling an advanced parameter and the
                    # advanced input macro was not set... inform the user about it
                    logger.info("The parameter %s has been set as advanced, but advanced_input_macro has "
                                "not been set." % param.name, 1)
                    # there is not much we can do, other than use the inputs_node as a parent node!
                    parent_node = inputs_node
                parent_node = inputs_node

            # for lists we need a repeat tag
            if param.is_list and param.type is not _InFile:
                rep_node = add_child_node(parent_node, "repeat")
                create_repeat_attribute_list(rep_node, param)
                parent_node = rep_node

            param_node = add_child_node(parent_node, "param")
            create_param_attribute_list(param_node, param, kwargs["supported_file_formats"])

    # advanced parameter selection should be at the end
    # and only available if an advanced parameter exists
    if expand_advanced_node is not None and len(expand_advanced_node) > 0:
Example #5
def create_command(tool, model, **kwargs):
    final_command = utils.extract_tool_executable_path(
        model, kwargs["default_executable_path"]) + '\n'
    final_command += kwargs["add_to_command_line"] + '\n'
    advanced_command_start = "#if $adv_opts.adv_opts_selector=='advanced':\n"
    advanced_command_end = "#end if"
    advanced_command = ""
    parameter_hardcoder = kwargs["parameter_hardcoder"]

    found_output_parameter = False
    for param in utils.extract_and_flatten_parameters(model):
        if param.type is _OutFile:
            found_output_parameter = True
        command = ""
        param_name = utils.extract_param_name(param)
        command_line_prefix = utils.extract_command_line_prefix(param, model)

        if param.name in kwargs["blacklisted_parameters"]:

        hardcoded_value = parameter_hardcoder.get_hardcoded_value(
            param_name, model.name)
        if hardcoded_value:
            command += "%s %s\n" % (command_line_prefix, hardcoded_value)
            # parameter is neither blacklisted nor hardcoded...
            galaxy_parameter_name = get_galaxy_parameter_name(param)
            repeat_galaxy_parameter_name = get_repeat_galaxy_parameter_name(

            # logic for ITEMLISTs
            if param.is_list:
                if param.type is _InFile:
                    command += command_line_prefix + "\n"
                    command += "  #for token in $" + galaxy_parameter_name + ":\n"
                    command += "    $token\n"
                    command += "  #end for\n"
                    command += "\n#if $" + repeat_galaxy_parameter_name + ":\n"
                    command += command_line_prefix + "\n"
                    command += "  #for token in $" + repeat_galaxy_parameter_name + ":\n"
                    command += "    #if \" \" in str(token):\n"
                    command += "      \"$token." + galaxy_parameter_name + "\"\n"
                    command += "    #else\n"
                    command += "      $token." + galaxy_parameter_name + "\n"
                    command += "    #end if\n"
                    command += "  #end for\n"
                    command += "#end if\n"
            # logic for other ITEMs
                if param.advanced and param.type is not _OutFile:
                    actual_parameter = "$adv_opts.%s" % galaxy_parameter_name
                    actual_parameter = "$%s" % galaxy_parameter_name
                # TODO only useful for text fields, integers or floats
                # not useful for choices, input fields ...

                if not is_boolean_parameter(param) and type(
                        param.restrictions) is _Choices:
                    command += "#if " + actual_parameter + ":\n"
                    command += "  %s\n" % command_line_prefix
                    command += "  #if \" \" in str(" + actual_parameter + "):\n"
                    command += "    \"" + actual_parameter + "\"\n"
                    command += "  #else\n"
                    command += "    " + actual_parameter + "\n"
                    command += "  #end if\n"
                    command += "#end if\n"
                elif is_boolean_parameter(param):
                    command += "#if " + actual_parameter + ":\n"
                    command += "  %s\n" % command_line_prefix
                    command += "#end if\n"
                elif TYPE_TO_GALAXY_TYPE[param.type] is 'text':
                    command += "#if str(" + actual_parameter + "):\n"
                    command += "  %s " % command_line_prefix
                    command += "    \"" + actual_parameter + "\"\n"
                    command += "#end if\n"
                    command += "#if str(" + actual_parameter + "):\n"
                    command += "  %s " % command_line_prefix
                    command += actual_parameter + "\n"
                    command += "#end if\n"

        if param.advanced and param.type is not _OutFile:
            advanced_command += "    %s" % command
            final_command += command

    if advanced_command:
        final_command += "%s%s%s\n" % (advanced_command_start,
                                       advanced_command, advanced_command_end)

    if not found_output_parameter:
        final_command += "> $param_stdout\n"

    command_node = add_child_node(tool, "command")
    command_node.text = final_command
Example #6
def convert_to_cwl(ctd_model, args):
    # create cwl_tool object with the basic information
    base_command = utils.extract_tool_executable_path(
        ctd_model, args.default_executable_path)

    # add basic properties
    cwl_tool = {}
    cwl_tool[CLASS] = 'CommandLineTool'
    cwl_tool[LABEL] = ctd_model.opt_attribs["description"]
    cwl_tool[DOC] = utils.extract_tool_help_text(ctd_model)
    cwl_tool[BASE_COMMAND] = base_command

    # TODO: test with optional output files

    # add inputs/outputs
    for param in utils.extract_and_flatten_parameters(ctd_model):
        if param.name in args.blacklisted_parameters:

        param_name = utils.extract_param_name(param)
        cwl_fixed_param_name = fix_param_name(param_name)
        hardcoded_value = args.parameter_hardcoder.get_hardcoded_value(
            param_name, ctd_model.name)
        param_default = str(
        ) if param.default is not _Null and param.default is not None else None

        if param.type is _OutFile:
            create_lists_if_missing(cwl_tool, [INPUTS, OUTPUTS])
            # we know the only outputs are of type _OutFile
            # we need an input of type string that will contain the name of the output file
            label = "Filename for %s output file" % param_name
            input_name_for_output_filename = get_input_name_for_output_filename(
            input_param = {}
            input_param[ID] = input_name_for_output_filename
            input_param[DOC] = label
            input_param[LABEL] = label
            if param_default is not None:
                input_param[DEFAULT] = param_default
            input_param[TYPE] = generate_cwl_param_type(param, TYPE_STRING)
            insert_input_binding(ctd_model, param, hardcoded_value,

            output_binding = {}
                GLOB] = "$(inputs.%s)" % input_name_for_output_filename

            output_param = {}
            output_param[ID] = cwl_fixed_param_name
            output_param[OUTPUT_BINDING] = output_binding
            output_param[DOC] = param.description
            output_param[LABEL] = param.description
            output_param[TYPE] = generate_cwl_param_type(param)


            create_lists_if_missing(cwl_tool, [INPUTS])
            # we know that anything that is not an _OutFile is an input
            input_param = {}
            input_param[ID] = cwl_fixed_param_name
            input_param[DOC] = param.description
            input_param[LABEL] = param.description
            if param_default is not None:
                input_param[DEFAULT] = param_default
            input_param[TYPE] = generate_cwl_param_type(param)
            insert_input_binding(ctd_model, param, hardcoded_value,


    return cwl_tool
def create_command(tool, model, **kwargs):
    final_command = utils.extract_tool_executable_path(model, kwargs["default_executable_path"]) + '\n'
    final_command += kwargs["add_to_command_line"] + '\n'
    advanced_command_start = "#if $adv_opts.adv_opts_selector=='advanced':\n"
    advanced_command_end = "#end if"
    advanced_command = ""
    parameter_hardcoder = kwargs["parameter_hardcoder"]

    found_output_parameter = False
    for param in utils.extract_and_flatten_parameters(model):
        if param.type is _OutFile:
            found_output_parameter = True
        command = ""
        param_name = utils.extract_param_name(param)
        command_line_prefix = utils.extract_command_line_prefix(param, model)

        if param.name in kwargs["blacklisted_parameters"]:

        hardcoded_value = parameter_hardcoder.get_hardcoded_value(param_name, model.name)
        if hardcoded_value:
            command += "%s %s\n" % (command_line_prefix, hardcoded_value)
            # parameter is neither blacklisted nor hardcoded...
            galaxy_parameter_name = get_galaxy_parameter_name(param)
            repeat_galaxy_parameter_name = get_repeat_galaxy_parameter_name(param)

            # logic for ITEMLISTs
            if param.is_list:
                if param.type is _InFile:
                    command += command_line_prefix + "\n"
                    command += "  #for token in $" + galaxy_parameter_name + ":\n" 
                    command += "    $token\n"
                    command += "  #end for\n" 
                    command += "\n#if $" + repeat_galaxy_parameter_name + ":\n"
                    command += command_line_prefix + "\n"
                    command += "  #for token in $" + repeat_galaxy_parameter_name + ":\n" 
                    command += "    #if \" \" in str(token):\n"
                    command += "      \"$token." + galaxy_parameter_name + "\"\n"
                    command += "    #else\n"
                    command += "      $token." + galaxy_parameter_name + "\n"
                    command += "    #end if\n"
                    command += "  #end for\n" 
                    command += "#end if\n" 
            # logic for other ITEMs 
                if param.advanced and param.type is not _OutFile:
                    actual_parameter = "$adv_opts.%s" % galaxy_parameter_name
                    actual_parameter = "$%s" % galaxy_parameter_name
                # TODO only useful for text fields, integers or floats
                # not useful for choices, input fields ...

                if not is_boolean_parameter(param) and type(param.restrictions) is _Choices :
                    command += "#if " + actual_parameter + ":\n"
                    command += "  %s\n" % command_line_prefix
                    command += "  #if \" \" in str(" + actual_parameter + "):\n"
                    command += "    \"" + actual_parameter + "\"\n"
                    command += "  #else\n"
                    command += "    " + actual_parameter + "\n"
                    command += "  #end if\n"
                    command += "#end if\n" 
                elif is_boolean_parameter(param):
                    command += "#if " + actual_parameter + ":\n"
                    command += "  %s\n" % command_line_prefix
                    command += "#end if\n" 
                elif TYPE_TO_GALAXY_TYPE[param.type] is 'text':
                    command += "#if " + actual_parameter + ":\n"
                    command += "  %s " % command_line_prefix
                    command += "    \"" + actual_parameter + "\"\n"
                    command += "#end if\n" 
                    command += "#if " + actual_parameter + ":\n"
                    command += "  %s " % command_line_prefix
                    command += actual_parameter + "\n"
                    command += "#end if\n" 

        if param.advanced and param.type is not _OutFile:
            advanced_command += "    %s" % command
            final_command += command

    if advanced_command:
        final_command += "%s%s%s\n" % (advanced_command_start, advanced_command, advanced_command_end)

    if not found_output_parameter:
        final_command += "> $param_stdout\n" 

    command_node = add_child_node(tool, "command")
    command_node.text = final_command
def convert_to_cwl(ctd_model, args):
    # create cwl_tool object with the basic information
    base_command = utils.extract_tool_executable_path(ctd_model, args.default_executable_path)

    # add basic properties
    cwl_tool = {}
    cwl_tool[CLASS] = 'CommandLineTool'
    cwl_tool[LABEL] = ctd_model.opt_attribs["description"]
    cwl_tool[DOC] = utils.extract_tool_help_text(ctd_model)
    cwl_tool[BASE_COMMAND] = base_command

    # TODO: test with optional output files

    # add inputs/outputs
    for param in utils.extract_and_flatten_parameters(ctd_model):
        if param.name in args.blacklisted_parameters:

        param_name = utils.extract_param_name(param)
        cwl_fixed_param_name = fix_param_name(param_name)
        hardcoded_value = args.parameter_hardcoder.get_hardcoded_value(param_name, ctd_model.name)
        param_default = str(param.default) if param.default is not _Null and param.default is not None else None

        if param.type is _OutFile:
            create_lists_if_missing(cwl_tool, [INPUTS, OUTPUTS])
            # we know the only outputs are of type _OutFile
            # we need an input of type string that will contain the name of the output file
            label = "Filename for %s output file" % param_name
            input_name_for_output_filename = get_input_name_for_output_filename(param)
            input_param = {}
            input_param[ID] = input_name_for_output_filename
            input_param[DOC] = label
            input_param[LABEL] = label
            if param_default is not None:
                input_param[DEFAULT] = param_default
            input_param[TYPE] = generate_cwl_param_type(param, TYPE_STRING)
            insert_input_binding(ctd_model, param, hardcoded_value, input_param)

            output_binding = {}
            output_binding[GLOB] = "$(inputs.%s)" % input_name_for_output_filename

            output_param = {}
            output_param[ID] = cwl_fixed_param_name
            output_param[OUTPUT_BINDING] = output_binding
            output_param[DOC] = param.description
            output_param[LABEL] = param.description
            output_param[TYPE] = generate_cwl_param_type(param)


            create_lists_if_missing(cwl_tool, [INPUTS])
            # we know that anything that is not an _OutFile is an input
            input_param = {}
            input_param[ID] = cwl_fixed_param_name
            input_param[DOC] = param.description
            input_param[LABEL] = param.description
            if param_default is not None:
                input_param[DEFAULT] = param_default
            input_param[TYPE] = generate_cwl_param_type(param)
            insert_input_binding(ctd_model, param, hardcoded_value, input_param)


    return cwl_tool