Example #1
def test_format(val,format):
    if format == 'numeric' and not is_num_like(val):
        if is_string_like(val):
            return 'string'
            return 'other'
    elif format == 'string' and not is_string_like(val):
        return 'other'

    return format
Example #2
def checkMetadata(iterator):
        Sanity check on metadata. 
    assert hasattr(iterator,'metadata'), 'Has no metadata attribute.'
    metadata = iterator.metadata
    assert isinstance(metadata,dict), 'Metadata isnt a dictionary.'
    assert all(map(is_string_like,metadata.keys())), 'Metadata keys must be strings'
    assert '' in metadata.keys(), 'Metadata must contain "" key.'
    assert all(map(lambda x : isinstance(x,dict),metadata.values())), 'Metadata values must be dictionaries.'
    assert all(map(lambda x : all(map(is_string_like,x.keys())),metadata.values())), 'metadata values\' keys must be strings.'
    assert all(['title' in metadata[k].keys() for k in metadata.keys() if k]), 'The subcollections following have no "title" metadata:' + str([k for k in metadata.keys() if 'title' not in metadata[k].keys() and k]) 
    M = metadata['']

    assert isinstance(M.get('keywords'),list) and all(map(is_string_like,M['keywords'])), 'Metadata must contain "keywords" entry, which must be a python list.'
    assert is_string_like(M.get('description')), 'Metadata must contain description.'
    S = M.get('source') 
    assert isinstance(S,list), 'Metadata must contain source list.'
        S = OrderedDict(S)
        print 'Metadata source list in wrong format for making SON object.'
    required = ['agency','subagency','dataset']
    assert all([r in S.keys() for r in required]), 'Source dictionary must contain agency, subagency, and dataset keys.'
    assert all(map(lambda x : isinstance(x,dict),S.values())), 'All source dictionary keys must be dictionaries containing "name" and possibly "shortName" keys.'

    assert all(map(lambda x : 'name' in x.keys(),S.values()))
    assert all(['shortName' in S[r].keys() for r in required]), 'shortName entry required for agency, subagency, and dataset source.'
    p = re.compile('[\w]*')
    assert all([p.match(y.get('shortName','')) for y in S.values()]), 'shortName entry can only contain alphanumeric and "_" characters.'
    SC = M.get('sliceCols')
    assert isinstance(SC,list) and all([isinstance(x,list) and all([is_string_like(y) or isinstance(y,tuple) for y in x]) for x in SC]), 'sliceCol metadata not present or improperly formed.'
    CG = M.get('columnGroups')
    assert isinstance(CG,dict) and 'labelColumns' in CG.keys(), 'columnGroup metadata not present or improperly formed.'

Example #3
def decode_obj(x):
    if is_string_like(x):
        return decode(x)
    elif hasattr(x,'keys'):
        return pm.son.SON([(k,decode_obj(x[k])) for k in x.keys()]) 
    elif is_instance(x,list):
        return [decode_obj(y) for y in x]
        return x
Example #4
def makeHierarchy(V,E):
    """Convert hierarchy into a network graph and creates a dictionary of ordered list to describe the hiearchy"""
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    for v in V:
    for e in E:
        if is_string_like(e[0]):
            s = e[0]
            s = e[0][0]
        if is_string_like(e[1]):
            t = e[1]
            t = e[1][0]
    H = dict([(o,v.keys()) for (o,v) in nx.all_pairs_shortest_path(G).items()]) 
    T = nx.topological_sort(G)
    for k in H.keys():
        H[k] = [j for j in T if j in H[k]]
    return [G,H]
Example #5
def processArg(arg,collection):
    """Translates the arg to human readable to collections"""
    V = collection.columns
    C = collection.columnGroups
    if is_string_like(arg):
        argsplit = arg.split('.')
        if argsplit[0] in V:
            argsplit[0] = str(V.index(argsplit[0]))
            return '.'.join(argsplit)
        elif arg in C.keys():
            return [str(V.index(c)) for c in C[arg]]
            return arg
    elif isinstance(arg, list):

        T = [processArg(d,collection) for d in arg]

        Tr = []
        for t in T:
            if is_string_like(t):
                Tr += t
        return Tr
    elif isinstance(arg,tuple):
        return tuple(processArg(list(arg),collection))
    elif isinstance(arg,dict):
        T = [(processArg(k,collection), v)  for (k,v) in arg.items() if k != '$where' ]
        S = dict([(k,v) for (k,v) in T if not (isinstance(k,list) or isinstance(k,tuple))])
        for (k,v) in T:
            if isinstance(k,list) or isinstance(k,tuple):
                S["$or"] = [{kk:v} for kk in k]
        if '$where' in arg:
            S['$where'] = arg['$where']
        return S
        return arg
Example #6
def applyHierarchy(H,bdict):
    """Helper for getFunc"""
    if isinstance(H,list):
        L = [applyHierarchy(h,bdict) for h in H]
        return son.SON([l for l in L if l[1]])
    elif isinstance(H,tuple):
        assert 1 <= len(H) <= 2
        assert is_string_like(H[0])
        F = {}
        if not 'X' in bdict[H[0]]:
            F[''] = int(bdict[H[0]])
        if len(H) == 2:
            assert isinstance(H[1],list)
        return (H[0],F)
Example #7
def integrate(l1,l2):
    """Combines two space objects"""
    if not l1:
        return l2
    elif not l2:
        return l1
        D = l1.copy()
        for (k,v) in l2.items():
            if is_string_like(v):
                D[k] = v
                assert is_instance(v,dict)
        return D
Example #8
def intersect(l1,l2):
    """Intersects two space objects"""
    if l1 and l2 :
        I = dict([(k,l1[k]) for k in set(l1.keys()).intersection(l2.keys())])
        for (k,v) in l2.items():
            if k in I.keys() and v != I[k]:
                if is_string_like(v):
                    for j in SPACE_HIERARCHY[k]:
                        if j in I.keys():
                    D = intersect(I[k],v)
                    if D:
                        I[k] = D
        return I
Example #9
def expand(r):
    L = [k for (k,v) in r if isinstance(v,list)]
    I = itertools.product(*tuple([v for (k,v) in r if isinstance(v,list)]))
    return [tuple([(k,v) for (k,v) in r if is_string_like(v)] + zip(L,x)) for x in I]
Example #10
def geodbGuts(g,level_code):
    """General geodb lookup function Helper"""
    level = loc.SPACE_DB_TABLES[level_code]
    methodstr = g['method']
    method = getattr(getattr(models,level).objects,methodstr)   
    if 'querylist' in g:
        querylist = g['querylist']
        if is_string_like(querylist):
            querylist = json.loads(querylist)
        keylist =['field','query','type','pattern','radius','units']
        querylist = [dict( [(k,g[k]) for k in keylist if k in g])]  

    argdict = {}
    for d in querylist:
        field = d['field']
        type = d['type'] if 'type' in d.keys() else ''          
        key = field + ('__' + type if type else '')
        if type == 'relate':
            geom = d['query']
            pattern = d['pattern']
            results = (geom,pattern)
        elif type in ['distance_lt','distance_lte','distance_gt','distance_gte','dwithin']:
            geom = d['query']
            radius = float(d['radius'])
            if 'units' in d.keys():
                units = d['units']
                from django.contrib.gis.measure import D
                dobj = D(**{units:radius})
                dobj = radius
            args = (geom,dobj)
            args = d['query']
        argdict[str(key)] = args
    results = method(**argdict)
    if 'return' in g:
        returnVals = g['return'].split(',')
        if 'name' in returnVals:
            returnVals[returnVals.index('name')] = loc.LEVEL_NAMES[level_code]
        if 'code' in returnVals:
            returnVals[returnVals.index('code')] = loc.LEVEL_CODES[level_code]
        name = loc.LEVEL_NAMES[level_code]
        code = loc.LEVEL_CODES[level_code]
        returnVals = [name,code]

    if g.get('stringify',True):
        results = [dict([(a,str(Rgetattr(x,a.split('.')))) for a in returnVals if Rhasattr(x,a.split('.'))]) for x in results]
        results = [dict([(a,Rgetattr(x,a.split('.'))) for a in returnVals if Rhasattr(x,a.split('.'))]) for x in results]
    return results
Example #11
def processSolrArg(base,key,value):
        helper for solrURL
    return base + ('.' if key and base else '') + key + '=' + urllib.quote(value) if is_string_like(value) else '&'.join([base + ('.' if key and base else '') + key + '=' + urllib.quote(v) for v in value])