Example #1
def generateQueries(DateFormat,timeQuery):
    """Converts nice DateFormat string and simple query format for time and generate mongo icky
    DateFormat : String e.g. YYYYmmdd
    timeQuery : Dict keys = format, begin, end, on
    These are not necessary"""
    timeQueryFormat = timeQuery['format'] if 'format' in timeQuery.keys() else DateFormat
    tQFset = set(timeQueryFormat)
    tFset = set(DateFormat)

    if tQFset <= tFset:
        tQHier = getHierarchy(tQFset)
        Hier = getHierarchy(DateFormat)
        mergedTimeFormat = ''.join(tFset.difference(tQFset)) + timeQueryFormat
        timeFormatter = mongotimeformatter(mergedTimeFormat)
        zeroLen = len(tFset.difference(tQFset))
        tQHier0 = [x[0] for x in tQHier]
        Hier0 = [x[0] for x in Hier]
        basePathDict = dict([(m,getPathsTo(m,Hier)) for m in tQHier0])
        belowPathDict = dict([(m,getPathsBelow(m,Hier)) for m in tQHier0])
        Q = {}
        for (k,op) in [('begin','$gte'),('end','$lt')]:
            if k in timeQuery.keys():
                timeObj = timeFormatter('X'*zeroLen + timeQuery[k])
                for m in basePathDict.keys():
                    for p in basePathDict[m]:
                        if p in Q.keys():
                            Q[p][op] = rgetattr(timeObj,p)
                            Q[p] = {op: rgetattr(timeObj,p)}
        if 'on' in timeQuery.keys():
            timeObj = timeFormatter('X'*zeroLen + timeQuery['on'])
            paths = uniqify(ListUnion([getPathsTo(m,Hier) for m in tQFset]))
            for p in paths:
                p = p + ('',)
                Q[p] = rgetattr(timeObj,p)
        if not set(timeQuery.keys()).intersection(['begin','end','on']):
            for m in set(tQHier0):
                for p in basePathDict[m]:
                    p = p + ('',)
                    Q[p] = {'$exists':True}
                for p in belowPathDict[m]:
                    p = p + ('',)
                    Q[p] = {'$exists':False}

        return Q
Example #2
def checkQuery(spaceQuery,ol):
    """compares spaceQuery to ol and if they match then returns nil
    Otherwise it removes the unnessary spaceQuery properites to match to the correct remaining format"""
    if isinstance(spaceQuery,list) or isinstance(spaceQuery,tuple):
        for k in spaceQuery:
            if rhasattr(ol,k.split('.')):
        return True
    elif hasattr(spaceQuery,'keys'):
        spaceQuery = convertSQ(spaceQuery)
        OK = True
        for k in spaceQuery.keys():
            sq = spaceQuery[k]
            if rhasattr(ol,k.split('.')):
                if rgetattr(ol,k.split('.')) != sq:
                    OK = False
        return OK
Example #3
def getQueryList(collection,keys,atVersion,toVersion,slicesCorrespondToIndexes):
    totalVariables = collection.columns
    VarMap = dict(zip(totalVariables,[str(x) for x in range(len(totalVariables))]))
    origInd = VarMap['__originalVersion__'] ; retInd = VarMap['__retained__'] ; vNInd = VarMap['__versionNumber__']
    keys = [str(x) for x in keys]
    existence = [(k,{'$exists':True,'$ne':''}) for k in keys]
    if keys:
        Q1 = processArg(dict([(origInd,{'$gt':atVersion}),(vNInd,toVersion)] + existence),collection)
        Q2 = processArg(dict([(retInd,{'$exists':False}),(vNInd,{'$lt':toVersion,'$gte':atVersion})] + existence),collection)
        Q3 = processArg(dict([(retInd,True),(vNInd,{'$lt':toVersion,'$gte':atVersion}),(origInd,{'$lte':atVersion})] + existence),collection)
        colnames = [k for k in keys if k.split('.')[0] in collection.columns]
        colgroups = [k for k in keys if k in collection.columnGroups]
        T= ListUnion([collection.columnGroups[k] for k in colgroups])
        kInds = getStrs(collection,colnames + T)
        R = list(collection.find(Q1,fields = kInds)) + list(collection.find(Q2,fields = kInds)) + (list(collection.find(Q3,fields = kInds)) if not slicesCorrespondToIndexes else [])
        R = [son.SON([(collection.columns[int(k)],r[k]) for k in r.keys() if k.isdigit() and r[k]]) for r in R]
        R = [[(k,rgetattr(r,k.split('.'))) for k in keys if  rhasattr(r,k.split('.')) if k not in T] + [(g,[r[k] for k in collection.columnGroups[g] if k in r.keys() and r[k]]) for g in colgroups ] for r in R]
        return uniqify(ListUnion([expand(r) for r in R]))
        return [()]
Example #4
def MoreThanOne(collection,key):
    v1 = rgetattr(list(collection.find({key:{'$exists':True}}).sort([(key,-1)]).limit(1))[0],key.split('.'))
    v2 = rgetattr(list(collection.find({key:{'$exists':True}}).sort([(key,1)]).limit(1))[0],key.split('.'))
    return v1 != v2
Example #5
def smallAdd(d,query,collection,contentColNums, timeColInds ,timeColNames , timeColNameInds ,timeColNameDivisions ,timeColNamePhrases ,overallDate, overallDateFormat, timeFormatter ,reverseTimeFormatter ,dateDivisions ,datePhrases ,mindate ,maxdate ,overallLocation , spaceColNames , spaceColInds ,subColInd, valueProcessors,slicecount):

    R = collection.find(query,timeout=False)
    colnames = []
    d['sliceContents'] = []
    Subcollections = []
    spaceVals = spaceColNames
    commonLocation = overallLocation    
    for sv in spaceColNames:
        commonLocation = loc.intersect(commonLocation,sv)
        if not commonLocation:
    for (i,r) in enumerate(R):
        d['sliceContents'].append(' '.join([translate(valueProcessors.get(x,None),decode_obj(rgetattr(r,x.split('.')))) if rhasattr(r,x.split('.')) else '' for x in contentColNums]))
        colnames  = uniqify(colnames + r.keys())
        if subColInd:
            Subcollections += r[str(subColInd)]
        if timeColInds:
            for x in timeColInds:
                if str(x) in r.keys():
                    time = r[str(x)]
                    if overallDate:
                        time = timeFormatter(overallDate + reverseTimeFormatter(time))
                    dateDivisions += td.getLowest(time)
                    mindate = td.makemin(mindate,time)
                    maxdate = td.makemax(maxdate,time)
        if spaceColInds:
            for x in spaceColInds:
                if str(x) in r.keys():
                    location = loc.integrate(overallLocation,r[str(x)])
                    commonLocation = loc.intersect(commonLocation,r[str(x)]) if commonLocation != None else None
    d['sliceContents'] = ' '.join(d['sliceContents'])
    Subcollections = uniqify(Subcollections)
    d['columnNames'] = [collection.columns[int(x)] for x in colnames if x.isdigit()]
    d['dimension'] = len(d['columnNames'])
    if overallDateFormat:
        d['dateFormat'] = overallDateFormat
        if 'timeColNames' in collection.columnGroups.keys():
            K = [k for (k,j) in enumerate(timeColNameInds) if str(j) in colnames]
            dateDivisions += uniqify(ListUnion([timeColNameDivisions[k] for k in K]))
            mindate = td.makemin(mindate,min([timeColNames[k] for k in K]))
            maxdate = td.makemax(maxdate,max([timeColNames[k] for k in K]))         
            datePhrases += uniqify([timeColNamePhrases[k] for k in K])
        d['beginDate'] = td.convertToDT(mindate)
        d['endDate'] = td.convertToDT(maxdate,convertMode='High')
        d['dateDivisions'] = uniqify(dateDivisions)
        d['datePhrases'] = datePhrases if d['volume'] < 10000 else uniqify(datePhrases)

    if spaceVals:
        d['spatialDivisions'] = uniqify(ListUnion(map(loc.divisions,spaceVals)))
        d['spatialDivisionsTight'] = uniqify(ListUnion(map(loc.divisions2,spaceVals)))
        d['spatialPhrases'] = uniqify(map(loc.phrase,spaceVals))
        d['spatialPhrasesTight'] = uniqify(map(loc.phrase2,spaceVals))
    return d