Example #1
    def __init__(self, watcher_service, trader_service, monitor_service, options):
        super().__init__("strategy", options)

        self._strategies = {}
        self._indicators = {}
        self._appliances = {}
        self._tradeops = {}
        self._regions = {}

        self._watcher_service = watcher_service
        self._trader_service = trader_service
        self._monitor_service = monitor_service

        self._identity = options.get('identity', 'demo')
        self._report_path = options.get('reports-path', './')
        self._watcher_only = options.get('watcher-only', False)
        self._profile = options.get('profile', 'default')

        self._indicators_config = utils.load_config(options, 'indicators')
        self._tradeops_config = utils.load_config(options, 'tradeops')
        self._regions_config = utils.load_config(options, 'regions')
        self._strategies_config = utils.load_config(options, 'strategies')
        self._profile_config = utils.load_config(options, "profiles/%s" % self._profile)

        # backtesting options
        self._backtesting = options.get('backtesting', False)
        self._from_date = options.get('from')  # UTC tz
        self._to_date = options.get('to')  # UTC tz
        self._timestep = options.get('timestep', 60.0)

        self._timestamp = 0  # in backtesting current processed timestamp

        # cannot be more recent than now
        from common.utils import UTC
        today = datetime.now().astimezone(UTC())

        if self._from_date and self._from_date > today:
            self._from_date = today

        if self._to_date and self._to_date > today:
            self._to_date = today

        self._backtest = False
        self._start_ts = self._from_date.timestamp() if self._from_date else 0
        self._end_ts = self._to_date.timestamp() if self._to_date else 0
        self._timestep_thread = None
        self._time_factor = 0.0

        if self._backtesting:
            # can use the time factor in backtesting only
            self._time_factor = options.get('time-factor', 0.0)

        # paper mode options
        self._paper_mode = options.get('paper-mode', False)

        self._next_key = 1

        # worker pool of jobs for running data analysis
        self._worker_pool = WorkerPool()
Example #2
class StrategyService(Service):
    def __init__(self, watcher_service, trader_service, monitor_service,
        super().__init__("strategy", options)

        self._strategies = {}
        self._indicators = {}
        self._appliances = {}
        self._tradeops = {}
        self._regions = {}

        self._watcher_service = watcher_service
        self._trader_service = trader_service
        self._monitor_service = monitor_service

        self._identity = options.get('identity', 'demo')
        self._report_path = options.get('reports-path', './')
        self._watcher_only = options.get('watcher-only', False)
        self._profile = options.get('profile', 'default')

        self._indicators_config = config.INDICATORS or {}
        self._tradeops_config = config.TRADEOPS or {}
        self._regions_config = config.REGIONS or {}
        self._strategies_config = config.STRATEGIES or {}
        self._appliances_config = utils.appliances(
            options.get('config-path')) or {}
        self._profile_config = utils.profiles(options.get('config-path')) or {}

        # backtesting options
        self._backtesting = options.get('backtesting', False)
        self._from_date = options.get('from')  # UTC tz
        self._to_date = options.get('to')  # UTC tz
        self._timestep = options.get('timestep', 60.0)

        self._timestamp = 0  # in backtesting current processed timestamp

        # cannot be more recent than now
        from common.utils import UTC
        today = datetime.now().astimezone(UTC())

        if self._from_date and self._from_date > today:
            self._from_date = today

        if self._to_date and self._to_date > today:
            self._to_date = today

        self._backtest = False
        self._start_ts = self._from_date.timestamp() if self._from_date else 0
        self._end_ts = self._to_date.timestamp() if self._to_date else 0
        self._timestep_thread = None
        self._time_factor = 0.0

        if self._backtesting:
            # can use the time factor in backtesting only
            self._time_factor = options.get('time-factor', 0.0)

        # paper mode options
        self._paper_mode = options.get('paper-mode', False)

        self._next_key = 1

        # worker pool of jobs for running data analysis
        self._worker_pool = WorkerPool()

    def watcher_service(self):
        return self._watcher_service

    def trader_service(self):
        return self._trader_service

    def monitor_service(self):
        return self._monitor_service

    def worker_pool(self):
        return self._worker_pool

    def tradeops(self):
        return self._tradeops

    def regions(self):
        return self._regions

    def set_activity(self, status):
        Enable/disable execution of orders for all appliances.
        for k, appliance in self._appliances.items():

    def start(self):
        # indicators
        for k, indicators in self._indicators_config.items():
            if indicators.get("status") is not None and indicators.get(
                    "status") == "load":
                # retrieve the classname and instanciate it
                parts = indicators.get('classpath').split('.')

                module = import_module('.'.join(parts[:-1]))
                Clazz = getattr(module, parts[-1])

                if not Clazz:
                    raise Exception("Cannot load indicator %s" % k)

                self._indicators[k] = Clazz

        # tradeops
        for k, tradeops in self._tradeops_config.items():
            if tradeops.get("status") is not None and tradeops.get(
                    "status") == "load":
                # retrieve the classname and instanciate it
                parts = tradeops.get('classpath').split('.')

                module = import_module('.'.join(parts[:-1]))
                Clazz = getattr(module, parts[-1])

                if not Clazz:
                    raise Exception("Cannot load tradeop %s" % k)

                self._tradeops[k] = Clazz

        # regions
        for k, regions in self._regions_config.items():
            if regions.get("status") is not None and regions.get(
                    "status") == "load":
                # retrieve the classname and instanciate it
                parts = regions.get('classpath').split('.')

                module = import_module('.'.join(parts[:-1]))
                Clazz = getattr(module, parts[-1])

                if not Clazz:
                    raise Exception("Cannot load region %s" % k)

                self._regions[k] = Clazz

        # strategies
        for k, strategy in self._strategies_config.items():
            if k == "default":

            if strategy.get("status") is not None and strategy.get(
                    "status") == "load":
                # retrieve the classname and instanciate it
                parts = strategy.get('classpath').split('.')

                module = import_module('.'.join(parts[:-1]))
                Clazz = getattr(module, parts[-1])

                if not Clazz:
                    # @todo subclass of...
                    raise Exception("Cannot load strategy %s" % k)

                self._strategies[k] = Clazz

        # no appliance in watcher only
        if self._watcher_only:

        # and finally appliances
        for k, appl in self._appliances_config.items():
            if k == "default":

            if not self.profile_has_appliance(k):
                # ignore if not in the current profile

            if self._appliances.get(k) is not None:
                logger.error("Strategy appliance %s already started" % k)

            if appl.get("status") is not None and appl.get(
                    "status") == "enabled":
                # retrieve the classname and instanciate it
                strategy = appl.get('strategy')

                # overrided strategy parameters
                parameters = strategy.get('parameters', {})

                if not strategy or not strategy.get('name'):
                        "Invalid strategy configuration for appliance %s !" %

                Clazz = self._strategies.get(strategy['name'])
                if not Clazz:
                    logger.error("Unknown strategy name for appliance %s !" %

                appl_inst = Clazz(self, self.watcher_service,
                                  self.trader_service, appl, parameters)

                if appl_inst.start():
                    self._appliances[k] = appl_inst

        # start the worker pool

    def terminate(self):
        if self._timestep_thread and self._timestep_thread.is_alive():
            # abort backtesting
            self._timestep_thread.abort = True
            self._timestep_thread = None

        for k, appl in self._appliances.items():
            if not appl:

            # stop all workers
            if appl.running:

        for k, appl in self._appliances.items():
            if not appl:

            # join them
            if appl.thread.is_alive():

            # and save state to database
            if not self.backtesting and (appl.trader()
                                         and not appl.trader().paper_mode):

        # terminate the worker pool

        self._appliances = {}
        self._strategies = {}
        self._indicators = {}

    def sync(self):
        # start backtesting
        if self._backtesting and not self._backtest:
            go_ready = True

            self._backtest_progress = 0

            for k, appl, in self._appliances.items():
                if not appl.running or not appl.ready():
                    go_ready = False


            if go_ready:
                # start the time thread once all appliance get theirs data and are ready
                class TimeStepThread(threading.Thread):
                    def __init__(self, service, s, e, ts, tf=0.0):

                        self.service = service
                        self.abort = False
                        self.s = s
                        self.e = e
                        self.c = s
                        self.ts = ts
                        self.ppc = 0
                        self.tf = tf

                    def run(self):
                        prev = self.c
                        min_limit = 0.0001
                        limit = min_limit  # starts with min limit
                        last_saturation = 0
                        last_sleep = time.time()

                        Terminal.inst().info("Backtesting started...",

                        appliances = self.service._appliances.values()
                        traders = []
                        wait = False

                        appl = None

                        # get the list of used traders, to sync them after each pass
                        for appl in appliances:
                            if appl.trader() and appl.trader() not in traders:

                        if len(appliances) == 1:
                            # a signe appliance, don't need to parellelize, and to sync, python sync suxx a lot, avoid the overload in most of the
                            # backtesting usage
                            while self.c < self.e + self.ts:
                                # now sync the trader base time
                                for trader in traders:

                                appl.backtest_update(self.c, self.e)

                                if self.tf > 0:
                                    # wait factor of time step, so 1 mean realtime simulation, 0 mean as fast as possible
                                    time.sleep((1 / self.tf) * self.ts)

                                self.c += self.ts  # add one time step
                                self.service._timestamp = self.c

                                # one more step then we can update traders (limits orders, P/L update...)
                                for trader in traders:

                                time.sleep(0)  # yield

                                if self.abort:
                            # multiple appliances, parralelise them
                            while self.c < self.e + self.ts:
                                if not wait:
                                    # now sync the trader base time
                                    for trader in traders:
                                        # @todo it could be better if we add two step, one update the market and then the strategy computation
                                        # to avoid to update multiple time the same market and potentially with different ut... but not really an issue

                                    # query async update per appliance
                                    for appl in appliances:
                                            self.c, self.e)

                                # @todo could use a semaphore or condition counter
                                wait = False
                                for appl in appliances:
                                    # appl.backtest_update(self.c, self.e)
                                    # wait all appliance did theirs jobs
                                    if appl._last_done_ts < self.c:
                                        wait = True

                                if not wait:
                                    if self.tf > 0:
                                        # wait factor of time step, so 1 mean realtime simulation, 0 mean as fast as possible
                                        time.sleep((1 / self.tf) * self.ts)

                                    self.c += self.ts  # add one time step
                                    self.service._timestamp = self.c

                                    # one more step then we can update traders (limits orders, P/L update...)
                                    for trader in traders:

                                time.sleep(0)  # yield

                                if self.abort:

                self._timestep_thread = TimeStepThread(self, self._start_ts,

                # backtesting started, avoid re-enter
                self._backtest = True

        if self._backtesting and self._backtest and self._backtest_progress < 100.0:
            progress = 0

            for k, appl, in self._appliances.items():
                if appl.running:
                    progress += appl.progress()

            if self._appliances:
                progress /= float(len(self._appliances))


            total = self._end_ts - self._start_ts
            remaining = self._end_ts - progress

            pc = 100.0 - (remaining / (total + 0.001) * 100)

            if pc - self._backtest_progress >= 1.0 and pc < 100.0:
                self._backtest_progress = pc
                Terminal.inst().info("Backtesting %s%%..." % round(pc),

            if self._end_ts - progress <= 0.0:
                # finished !
                self._backtest_progress = 100.0

                # backtesting done => waiting user
                Terminal.inst().info("Backtesting 100% finished !",

    def notify(self, signal_type, source_name, signal_data):
        if signal_data is None:

        signal = Signal(Signal.SOURCE_STRATEGY, source_name, signal_type,


    def command(self, command_type, data):
        if Strategy.COMMAND_SHOW_STATS <= command_type <= Strategy.COMMAND_INFO:
            # any or specific commands
            appliance_identifier = data.get('appliance')

            if appliance_identifier:
                # for a specific appliance
                appliance = self._appliances.get(appliance_identifier)
                if appliance:
                    appliance.command(command_type, data)
                # or any
                for k, appliance in self._appliances.items():
                    appliance.command(command_type, data)
            # specific commands
            appliance_identifier = data.get('appliance')
            appliance = None

            if appliance_identifier:
                appliance = self._appliances.get(appliance_identifier)

            if appliance:
                appliance.command(command_type, data)

    def __gen_command_key(self):
        next_key = self._next_key
        self._next_key += 1

        return next_key

    def receiver(self, signal):
        now = time.time()

    def indicator(self, name):
        return self._indicators.get(name)

    def strategy(self, name):
        return self._strategies.get(name)

    def appliance(self, name):
        return self._appliances.get(name)

    def get_appliances(self):
        return list(self._appliances.values())

    def appliances_identifiers(self):
        return [app.identifier for k, app in self._appliances.items()]

    def timestamp(self):
        return self._timestamp if self._backtesting else time.time()

    def backtesting(self):
        return self._backtesting

    def from_date(self):
        return self._from_date

    def to_date(self):
        return self._to_date

    def appliance_config(self, name):
        Get the configurations for an appliance as dict.
        return self._appliances_config.get(name, {})

    def profile_has_appliance(self, name):
        Check if an appliance is allowed for a the current loaded profile.
        profile = self._profile_config.get(self._profile, {'appliances': []})

        if 'appliances' not in profile:
            profile['appliances'] = []

        for app_name in profile['appliances']:
            if app_name.startswith('!'):
                if app_name[1:] == name:
                    # ignored
                    return False

            if app_name == '*':
                # any except ignored
                return True

            if app_name == name:
                return True

        return False

    def strategy_config(self, name):
        Get the configurations for a strategy as dict.
        return self._strategies_config.get(name, {})

    def indicator_config(self, name):
        Get the configurations for an indicator as dict.
        return self._indicators_config.get(name, {})

    def tradeop_config(self, name):
        Get the configurations for a tradeop as dict.
        return self._tradeops_config.get(name, {})

    def ping(self):
        for k, appl, in self._appliances.items():

