def getUserPicture(outputWidth): camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0) if not camera.isOpened(): logging.error("Arrgghhh! The camera is not working!") return None outputSize = calculateScaledSize(outputWidth, capture=camera) logging.debug("Reading camera...") readOk, image = picWin = "Sonria..." cv2.namedWindow(picWin) key = -1 while key != ENTER_KEY and readOk: image = cv2.resize(image, outputSize) drawLabel("Presione [Enter]...", image, (int(outputWidth/3), 50)) cv2.imshow(picWin, image) key = cv2.waitKey(5) % 256 readOk, image = cv2.destroyWindow(picWin) cv2.waitKey(1) logging.debug('Picture taken.') return image
def main(): args = configureArguments() configureLogging(args.log)"Starting video delay...") picWin = "Sonria..." try: camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0) outputSize = calculateScaledSize(args.outputWidth, capture=camera) if not camera.isOpened(): logging.error("Arrrgggghhhh! Camera is not open...") return None cv2.namedWindow(picWin) if args.delay == 0: readOk = True while cv2.waitKey(1) == -1: readOk, image = cv2.imshow(picWin, image) cv2.waitKey(1) else: fps = camera.get( logging.debug("Detected {0} FPS".format(fps)) fps = fps if fps > 0 else 30 logging.debug("Using {0} FPS".format(fps)) frameBufferSize = fps * args.delay framesBuffer = [None] * frameBufferSize logging.debug("Start reading and buffering {0} frames...".format(frameBufferSize)) i = 0 while cv2.waitKey(1) and i < frameBufferSize: readOk, image = framesBuffer[i] = image i += 1 logging.debug("Start display of buffered images and queue new ones...") while True: for i in xrange(frameBufferSize): readOk, image = delayedImage = framesBuffer[i] framesBuffer[i] = image outputImage = delayedImage # cv2.resize(delayedImage, outputSize) cv2.imshow(picWin, outputImage) cv2.waitKey(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass logging.debug("Trying to exit app gracefuly.") camera.release() cv2.destroyWindow(picWin)"Exit video delay OK.")
def main(): args = configureArguments() configureLogging(args.log) windowTitle = "Test draw app" cv2.namedWindow(windowTitle) haarFolder = "/home/juan/ciberpunks/opencv-2.4.11/data/haarcascades" faceCascade = loadCascadeClassifier(haarFolder + "/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml") leftEyeCascade = loadCascadeClassifier(haarFolder + "/haarcascade_lefteye_2splits.xml") rightEyeCascade = loadCascadeClassifier(haarFolder + "/haarcascade_righteye_2splits.xml") mouthCascade = loadCascadeClassifier(haarFolder + '/haarcascade_mcs_mouth.xml') color = (120,120,130) thickness = 2 width = 600 image = cv2.imread('/home/juan/ciberpunks/faces/news/[email protected]') image = cv2.resize(image, calculateScaledSize(width, image=image)) if image is None: print 'ERROR: no se pudo leer la imagen.' return minFaceSize = (10, 10) minEyeSize = (5, 5) faces = detectFaces(image, faceCascade, leftEyeCascade, rightEyeCascade, minFaceSize, minEyeSize) for (x, y, w, h, leftEyes, rightEyes) in faces: center = calculateCenter((x,y,w,h)) cv2.line(image, (x,0), (x, width), color, 2) cv2.line(image, (x+w,0), (x+w, width), color, 2) cv2.line(image, (0,y), (width, y), color, 2) cv2.line(image, (0,y+h), (width, y+h), color, 2) drawLabel("Juan Gabriel", image, (x, y+20)) cv2.imshow(windowTitle, image) cv2.waitKey(6000) cv2.destroyWindow(windowTitle)