Example #1
def test_delete_file_item(create_shared_file, mock_ddb_table, ddb_items):
    file = create_shared_file()

    common.delete_file_item(mock_ddb_table, file)

    assert len(ddb_items) == 0
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    ddb_table = common.get_ddb_table()
    box_client, _ = common.get_box_client()
    root_folder = common.get_folder(box_client, common.BOX_FOLDER_ID)
    root_shared = common.is_box_object_public(root_folder)

    LOGGER.info("Checking files in Box")
    shared_file_ids = set()
    shared_filepaths = set()
    count = 0
    for file, shared in common.iterate_files(root_folder, shared=root_shared):
        count += 1
        if (not common.is_box_object_public(file)) and shared:
            # this includes an API call
            file = common.create_shared_link(box_client,
        elif (common.is_box_object_public(file)) and (not shared):
            file = common.remove_shared_link(box_client, file)

        if common.is_box_object_public(file):
            common.put_file_item(ddb_table, file)
            common.delete_file_item(ddb_table, file)
    LOGGER.info("Processed %s files", count)

    LOGGER.info("Checking items in DynamoDB")
    count = 0
    scan_response = ddb_table.scan()
    delete_keys = set()
    while True:
        for item in scan_response["Items"]:
            count += 1
            if (item["box_file_id"]
                    not in shared_file_ids) or (item["filepath"]
                                                not in shared_filepaths):

        # If the data returned by a scan would exceed 1MB, DynamoDB will begin paging.
        # The LastEvaluatedKey field is the placeholder used to request the next page.
        if scan_response.get("LastEvaluatedKey"):
            scan_response = ddb_table.scan(
            # this clause isn't reached by testing atm

    for key in delete_keys:
        ddb_table.delete_item(Key={"filepath": key})
    LOGGER.info("Processed %s items", count)
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    ddb_table = common.get_ddb_table()
    box_client, _ = common.get_box_client()
    root_folder = box_client.folder(common.BOX_FOLDER_ID)

    LOGGER.info("Checking files in Box")
    shared_file_ids = set()
    count = 0
    for file in common.iterate_files(root_folder):
        count += 1
        if common.is_box_file_public(file):
            common.put_file_item(ddb_table, file)
            common.delete_file_item(ddb_table, file)
    LOGGER.info("Processed %s files", count)

    LOGGER.info("Checking items in DynamoDB")
    count = 0
    scan_response = ddb_table.scan()
    delete_keys = set()
    while True:
        for item in scan_response["Items"]:
            count += 1
            if item["box_file_id"] not in shared_file_ids:

        # If the data returned by a scan would exceed 1MB, DynamoDB will begin paging.
        # The LastEvaluatedKey field is the placeholder used to request the next page.
        if scan_response.get("LastEvaluatedKey"):
            scan_response = ddb_table.scan(

    for key in delete_keys:
        ddb_table.delete_item(Key={"filename": key})
    LOGGER.info("Processed %s items", count)
def lambda_handler(event, context):

    raw_body = event["body"]
    body = json.loads(raw_body)
    trigger = body["trigger"]
    webhook_id = body["webhook"]["id"]
    source = body["source"]

    # The event structure varies by trigger
    if "item" in source:
        box_id = source["item"]["id"]
        box_type = source["item"]["type"]
    elif "id" in source:
        box_id = source["id"]
        box_type = source["type"]
        raise RuntimeError("Missing id field")

    LOGGER.info("Received trigger %s on %s id %s", trigger, box_type, box_id)

    # only get a box client if we're actually going to need one
    if trigger not in common.HANDLED_TRIGGERS:
        LOGGER.info("%s is not supported by this endpoint", trigger)
        return STATUS_SUCCESS

    client, webhook_key = common.get_box_client()
    ddb = common.get_ddb_table()

    webhook = client.webhook(webhook_id)
    is_valid = webhook.validate_message(bytes(raw_body, "utf-8"),
                                        event["headers"], webhook_key)
    if not is_valid:
        LOGGER.critical("Received invalid webhook request")
        return STATUS_SUCCESS

    if trigger in common.HANDLED_FILE_TRIGGERS:
        file = common.get_file(client, box_id)
        if not file:
            LOGGER.warning("File %s is missing (trashed or deleted)", box_id)
            common.delete_file_item(ddb, file)
            return STATUS_SUCCESS

        if common.is_box_file_public(file):
            common.put_file_item(ddb, file)
            common.delete_file_item(ddb, file)
    elif trigger in common.HANDLED_FOLDER_TRIGGERS:
        folder = common.get_folder(client, box_id)
        if not folder:
            LOGGER.warning("Folder %s is missing (trashed or deleted)", box_id)
            # NOTE(eslavich): The Box API doesn't appear to give us a way to
            # list the contents of a trashed folder, so we're just going to have
            # to let the sync lambda clean up the relevant DynamoDB rows.
            return STATUS_SUCCESS

        for file in common.iterate_files(folder):
            if common.is_box_file_public(file):
                common.put_file_item(ddb, file)
                common.delete_file_item(ddb, file)

def lambda_handler(event, context):

    raw_body = event["body"]
    body = json.loads(raw_body)
    trigger = body["trigger"]
    webhook_id = body["webhook"]["id"]
    source = body["source"]

    # The event structure varies by trigger
    if "item" in source:
        box_id = source["item"]["id"]
        box_type = source["item"]["type"]
    elif "id" in source:
        # not covered by tests
        box_id = source["id"]
        box_type = source["type"]
        # not covered by tests
        raise RuntimeError("Missing id field")

    LOGGER.info("Received trigger %s on %s id %s", trigger, box_type, box_id)

    # only get a box client if we're actually going to need one
    if trigger not in common.HANDLED_TRIGGERS:
        LOGGER.info("%s is not supported by this endpoint", trigger)
        return STATUS_SUCCESS

    client, webhook_key = common.get_box_client()
    ddb = common.get_ddb_table()

    webhook = client.webhook(webhook_id)
    is_valid = webhook.validate_message(bytes(raw_body, "utf-8"),
                                        event["headers"], webhook_key)
    if not is_valid:
        LOGGER.critical("Received invalid webhook request")
        return STATUS_SUCCESS

    if (trigger in common.HANDLED_FILE_TRIGGERS) and (box_type == "file"):
        file = common.get_file(client, box_id)
        if not file:
            LOGGER.warning("File %s is missing (trashed or deleted)", box_id)
            # We don't know what the file's path was, so we'll just have to
            # let the sync lambda clean up DynamoDB.
            return STATUS_SUCCESS

        # if the file isn't public but any parent directory is, make a shared link
        parent_public = common.is_any_parent_public(client, file)
        if (not common.is_box_object_public(file)) and parent_public:
            # this includes an api call
            file = common.create_shared_link(client,
        # if the file is public but no parent directory is, delete the shared link
        if (common.is_box_object_public(file)) and (not parent_public):
            file = common.remove_shared_link(client, file)

        if common.is_box_object_public(file):
            common.put_file_item(ddb, file)
            common.delete_file_item(ddb, file)
    elif (trigger in common.HANDLED_FOLDER_TRIGGERS) and (box_type
                                                          == "folder"):
        folder = common.get_folder(client, box_id)
        if not folder:
            LOGGER.warning("Folder %s is missing (trashed or deleted)", box_id)
            # The Box API doesn't appear to give us a way to list the contents of
            # a trashed folder, so we're just going to have to let the sync lambda
            # clean up the relevant DynamoDB rows.
            return STATUS_SUCCESS

        folder_shared = common.is_box_object_public(folder)
        for file, shared in common.iterate_files(folder, shared=folder_shared):

            # if the file isn't public but any parent directory is
            if (not common.is_box_object_public(file)) and shared:
                # this includes an api call
                file = common.create_shared_link(client,
            elif (common.is_box_object_public(file)) and (not shared):
                file = common.remove_shared_link(client, file)

            if common.is_box_object_public(file):
                common.put_file_item(ddb, file)
                common.delete_file_item(ddb, file)