Example #1
    def process_value(self, value, property, prefix=""):
        unique = property.get('unique', True)
        expected_type = property.expected_type.key
        at = {"key": self.key, "property": prefix + property.name}

        if isinstance(value, list):
            if unique is True:
                raise common.BadData(message='expected atom, found list', at=at, value=value)
            p = web.storage(property.copy())
            p.unique = True
            return [self.process_value(v, p) for v in value]
        if unique is False:    
            raise common.BadData(message='expected list, found atom', at=at, value=value)

        type_found = common.find_type(value)
        if expected_type in common.primitive_types:
            # string can be converted to any type and int can be converted to float
                if type_found == '/type/string' and expected_type != '/type/string':
                    value = common.primitive_types[expected_type](value)
                elif type_found == '/type/int' and expected_type == '/type/float':
                    value = float(value)
            except ValueError, e:
                raise common.BadData(message=str(e), at=at, value=value)
Example #2
    def process_value(self, value, property, prefix=""):
        unique = property.get("unique", True)
        expected_type = property.expected_type.key

        at = {"key": self.key, "property": prefix + property.name}

        if isinstance(value, list):
            if unique is True:
                raise common.BadData(message="expected atom, found list", at=at, value=value)

            p = web.storage(property.copy())
            p.unique = True
            return [self.process_value(v, p) for v in value]

        if unique is False:
            raise common.BadData(message="expected list, found atom", at=at, value=value)

        type_found = common.find_type(value)

        if expected_type in common.primitive_types:
            # string can be converted to any type and int can be converted to float
                if type_found == "/type/string" and expected_type != "/type/string":
                    value = common.primitive_types[expected_type](value)
                elif type_found == "/type/int" and expected_type == "/type/float":
                    value = float(value)
            except ValueError, e:
                raise common.BadData(message=str(e), at=at, value=value)
Example #3
    def process_value(self, value, property):
            >>> def property(expected_type, unique=True):
            ...     return web.storage(expected_type=web.storage(key=expected_type, kind='regular'), unique=unique)
            >>> p = SaveProcessor(common.create_test_store(), None)
            >>> p.process_value(1, property('/type/int'))
            >>> p.process_value('1', property('/type/int'))
            >>> p.process_value(['1', '2'], property('/type/int', unique=False))
            [1, 2]
            >>> p.process_value('x', property('/type/int'))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            BadData: {"message": "invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'x'", "error": "bad_data"}
            >>> p.process_value('1', property('/type/int', unique=False))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            BadData: {"message": "expected list, found atom", "error": "bad_data"}
            >>> p.process_value(['1'], property('/type/int'))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            BadData: {"message": "expected atom, found list", "error": "bad_data"}
            >>> p.process_value('/type/string', property('/type/type'))
            <ref: u'/type/string'>
        unique = property.get('unique', True)
        expected_type = property.expected_type.key

        if isinstance(value, list):
            if unique is True:
                raise common.BadData(message='expected atom, found list', property=property.name)
            p = web.storage(property.copy())
            p.unique = True
            return [self.process_value(v, p) for v in value]
        if unique is False:    
            raise common.BadData(message='expected list, found atom', property=property.name)

        type_found = common.find_type(value)
        if expected_type in common.primitive_types:
            # string can be converted to any type and int can be converted to float
                if type_found == '/type/string' and expected_type != '/type/string':
                    value = common.primitive_types[expected_type](value)
                elif type_found == '/type/int' and expected_type == '/type/float':
                    value = float(value)
            except ValueError, e:
                raise common.BadData(message=str(e))
Example #4
                if type_found == '/type/string' and expected_type != '/type/string':
                    value = common.primitive_types[expected_type](value)
                elif type_found == '/type/int' and expected_type == '/type/float':
                    value = float(value)
            except ValueError, e:
                raise common.BadData(message=str(e))
        elif property.expected_type.kind == 'embeddable':
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                return self.process_data(value, property.expected_type)
                raise common.TypeMismatch(expected_type, type_found)
            if type_found == '/type/string':
                value = common.Reference(value)
        type_found = common.find_type(value)
        if type_found == '/type/object':
            thing = get_thing(self.store, value)
            if thing is None:
                raise common.NotFound(key=value)
            type_found = thing.type.key

        if expected_type != type_found:
            raise common.BadData(message='expected %s, found %s' % (repr(property.expected_type.key), repr(type_found)))
        return value

class WriteQueryProcessor:
    def __init__(self, store, author):
        self.store = store
        self.author = author
Example #5
                if type_found == '/type/string' and expected_type != '/type/string':
                    value = common.primitive_types[expected_type](value)
                elif type_found == '/type/int' and expected_type == '/type/float':
                    value = float(value)
            except ValueError, e:
                raise common.BadData(message=str(e), at=at, value=value)
        elif property.expected_type.kind == 'embeddable':
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                return self.process_data(value, property.expected_type, prefix=at['property'] + ".")
                raise common.TypeMismatch(expected_type, type_found, at=at, value=value)
            if type_found == '/type/string':
                value = common.Reference(value)
        type_found = common.find_type(value)
        if type_found == '/type/object':
            type_found = self.get_type(value)
            # type is not found only when the thing id not found.
            if type_found is None:
                raise common.NotFound(key=unicode(value), at=at)

        if expected_type != type_found:
            raise common.BadData(message='expected %s, found %s' % (property.expected_type.key, type_found), at=at, value=value)
        return value

class WriteQueryProcessor:
    def __init__(self, store, author):