def face_search(request): """ Search photos related to the face(s) in given photo. """ latest_tag_list = dbControl.get_latest_tags() email = common.get_email(request) if request.method == 'POST': latest_tag_list = [r'none for now'] form = forms.photo_file_form(request.POST or None, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): photo_file = request.FILES['face_photo_file'].read() # upload photo photo_url = storage.objUpload(photo_file, tag) thumbnail_url = common.get_thumbnail_url( photo_url, size='c_fit,w_750') # add face to faceset person_id_list = faceControl.add_faces( method='url', urlOrPath=thumbnail_url) photo_list = dbControl.get_related_photos(person_id_list) return_dict = {'photo_list': photo_list, 'user_Email': email, 'latest_tag_list': latest_tag_list} return render(request, u'index.html', return_dict) else: pass return_dict = {'user_Email': email, 'latest_tag_list': latest_tag_list} return render(request, u'face.html', return_dict)
def upload(request): """ Upload photo and infomation. """ if request.user.is_authenticated(): latest_tag_list = dbControl.get_latest_tags() email = common.get_email(request) # after upload if request.method == 'POST': form = forms.photo_info_form(request.POST or None, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): photo_file = request.FILES['photo_file'].read() description = request.POST['description'] tag = request.POST['tag'] permission = request.POST['permission'] photo_info = common.upload_photo( photo_file, description, tag, permission, email) return_dict = {'latest_tag_list': latest_tag_list, 'user_Email': email, 'photo_info': photo_info} return render(request, 'photo.html', return_dict) else: pass # before upload else: return_dict = {'latest_tag_list': latest_tag_list, 'user_Email': email} return render(request, u'upload.html', return_dict) else: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('users_login'))
def homepage(request): """ Homepage of the website. """ latest_tag_list = dbControl.get_latest_tags() email = common.get_email(request) if request.user.is_authenticated(): # if search if request.method == 'POST': form = forms.search_form(request.POST or None) if form.is_valid(): search_word = request.POST['search_word'] photo_list = dbControl.get_photos_of_tag(search_word) else: pass # not search, get photos may be interested in else: search_word = '' photo_list = dbControl.get_interested_photos(email=email) # not login else: search_word = '' photo_list = dbControl.get_latest_photos() return_dict = {'photo_list': photo_list, 'search_word': search_word, 'latest_tag_list': latest_tag_list, 'user_Email': email} return render(request, u'index.html', return_dict)
def user_info(request): """ Show infomation of user. """ if request.user.is_authenticated(): email = common.get_email(request) info = dbControl.get_user_info(email) return_dict = { 'user_Email': email, 'info': info, } return render(request, 'user_info.html', return_dict) else: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('users_login'))
def tag(request, search_word): """ Search by tag (it's search_word here). """ latest_tag_list = dbControl.get_latest_tags() email = common.get_email(request) photo_list = dbControl.get_photos_of_tag(search_word) return_dict = {'photo_list': photo_list, 'search_word': search_word, 'user_Email': email, 'latest_tag_list': latest_tag_list} return render(request, u'index.html', return_dict)
def collect_delete(request): """ Cancel collect. """ return_dict = {} if request.user.is_authenticated(): email = common.get_email(request) if request.method == 'GET': photo_id = int(request.GET['p_id']) return_dict['SUC'] = dbControl.add_collect(email, photo_id) return_dict['collected_times'] = dbControl.get_collected_times(photo_id) return_dict['info'] = '' else: return_dict['SUC'] = False return_dict['info'] = u'未登录' return JsonResponse(return_dict)
def photo_delete(request, p_id): """ Delete photo, don't check owner now. """ latest_tag_list = dbControl.get_latest_tags() email = common.get_email(request) if request.user.is_authenticated(): p_id = int(p_id) is_deleted = dbControl.delete(p_id) else: is_deleted = False return_dict = {'user_Email': email, 'latest_tag_list': latest_tag_list, 'is_deleted': is_deleted} return render(request, 'delete.html', return_dict)
def photo_manage(request): """ Manage user's photo. """ if request.user.is_authenticated(): latest_tag_list = dbControl.get_latest_tags() email = common.get_email(request) photo_list = dbControl.get_owned_photos(email) return_dict = {'photo_list': photo_list, 'owner': email, 'user_Email': email, 'latest_tag_list': latest_tag_list} return render(request, u'index.html', return_dict) else: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('users_login'))
def photo(request): """ Show infomation of photo. Don't check the p_id temporary """ latest_tag_list = dbControl.get_latest_tags() email = common.get_email(request) p_id = int(request.GET['photo']) if request.user.is_authenticated(): is_collected = dbControl.is_collected(email, p_id) else: is_collected = False photo_info = dbControl.get_photo_info(p_id, method='p_id') return_dict = {'user_Email': email, 'latest_tag_list': latest_tag_list, 'is_collected': is_collected, 'photo_info': photo_info} return render(request, 'photo.html', return_dict)
def extract2(html): soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') try: job_name = soup.find('h1').get('title') except: job_name = '' try: job_year = soup.find('em', {'class': 'i1'}).next_element except: job_year = 0 try: job_degree = soup.find('em', {'class': 'i2'}).next_element except: job_degree = '' try: job_date = soup.find('em', {'class': 'i4'}).next_element except: job_date = '' try: company_inurl = soup.find('p', {'class': 'cname'}).a.get('href') job_company = soup.find('p', {'class': 'cname'}).a.get('title') except: company_inurl = '' job_company = '' p = re.compile('co\d+') aa =, company_inurl) if aa: company_id = else: company_id = '' print job_year, job_name, job_degree try: job_salary = soup.find('div', {'class': 'cn'}).strong.get_text() job_l = re.findall(r'\d+', job_salary) job_low = job_l[0] job_high = job_l[1] except: job_low = '' job_high = '' print job_low, job_high try: job_addr = soup.find('div', {'class': 'bmsg inbox'}).p.contents[2].strip() except: job_addr = '' print job_addr job_str = soup.find('div', {'class': 'bmsg job_msg inbox'}).contents[2] job_describe = job_str.get_text().split(u'职能类别:')[0] job_input = soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'tBorderTop_box'}) phone = common.get_phone(job_describe) email = common.get_email(job_describe) company_info = soup.find('div', {'class': 'tmsg inbox'}).get_text() company_url = common.get_url(job_describe) if len(phone) == 0: phone = common.get_phone(company_info) if len(email) == 0: email = common.get_email(company_info) if len(company_url) == 0: company_url = common.get_url(company_info) try: job_type = job_str.find('p', {'class': 'fp f2'}).find_all('span', {'class': 'el'}) job_type = ','.join([i.get_text() for i in job_type]) except: job_type = '' job_area = soup.find('span', {'class': 'lname'}).get_text() print job_area job_dict = {'job_name':job_name, 'job_addr': job_addr, 'job_low': job_low, 'job_high': job_high, 'job_des': job_describe, 'job_type': job_type, 'job_area': job_area, 'company_id': company_id, 'job_year': job_year, 'job_degree': job_degree, 'email': email, 'phone': phone, 'job_date': job_date, 'company_inurl': company_inurl, 'company_url': company_url, 'job_company': job_company} return job_dict