def open(self, obj):
        if not obj.loot:
            print("The {} is empty!".format(
        #col_padding = max(len( for i in obj.loot)
        print("\t\t***** CONTENTS *****")
        for item in obj.loot:
        item_names = input("What items do you take? ".lower().split(','))

        items_to_take = ( getobj_by_name_or_hotkey(name, obj.loot) for name in item_names)
        for i in items_to_take:
            if i is not None:
    def parse_input(self, playercmd):  # Parse player input, returning an action object or None
        mo = cmdregex.match(playercmd)
        if not mo:
            return None

        cmd, target = map(lambda x: re.sub('\s+', ' ', x), mo.groups() )  # ID cmd and target, stripping whitespace
        cmd = cmd.strip()
        target = target.strip()   # TODO: define a remove_whitespace func...pass cmd and target into it.

        action = actionsdict.get(cmd)  # Will always match, since a mo was found.

        if action.__name__ == 'ViewInventory':
            return action()  # This is ALWAYS a valid action

        if action.__name__.startswith('Move'):

            return action() if action() in self.valid_movements else None

        # Else: it's a targetting action

        if action in (adventureactions.Inspect, adventureactions.PickUp, adventureactions.Open):
            context = self.player.current_location.objects
        elif action in (adventureactions.Equip, adventureactions.Use):
            context = self.player.inventory

        criteria = action.criteria

        item = getobj_by_name_or_hotkey(target, context, criteria)  # Retrieve item

        if not item:
            print('{} is not an item in your CONTEXT'.format(target))
            return None

        return action(item)