def assign_loglines_to_experiments(loglines, experiments, battor_power_syncs):"Assigning loglines to experiments")
    logcat_power_syncs = get_power_syncs(None, experiments=experiments)

    for idx, expt in enumerate(experiments):"\t%d/%d" % (idx, len(experiments)))
        for measurement in expt.get_measurements():
            op = measurement.operation
            start = measurement.results.get(op + "Begin")
            end = measurement.results.get(op + "End")

            start_logline, start_idx = common.nearest_battor_logline_to_logcat_timestamp(
                loglines, start, battor_power_syncs, logcat_power_syncs
            end_logline, end_idx = common.nearest_battor_logline_to_logcat_timestamp(
                loglines, end, battor_power_syncs, logcat_power_syncs

            # Filter out all measurements that have current or voltage readings above normal
            # 			measurement_loglines = loglines[start_idx:end_idx]
            # 			if not all([x.current <= 1650 for x in measurement_loglines]) or \
            # 					not all([x.voltage <= 7200 for x in measurement_loglines]):
            # 						iface_m = getattr(expt, measurement.interface)
            # 						logger.warn("Removing measurement due to high voltage/current")
            # 						setattr(iface_m, op, None)
            # 			else:
            if start_logline and end_logline:
      "\t\tAssigned %s" % (op))
                setattr(measurement, "loglines", loglines[start_idx:end_idx])
                setattr(measurement, "start_idx", start_idx)
                setattr(measurement, "end_idx", end_idx)
      "\t\tNo loglines found for measurement. Removing it")
            measurement.start_logline_idx = start_idx
            measurement.end_logline_idx = end_idx
def process(args):
	# First, we read the config
	config = json.loads(open(args.config).read())

	# Get the list of files of each type
	battor_files, dev1_files, dev2_files, server_files, handover_files = post_processing.get_files(config)

	# Build schedule
	schedule = post_processing.get_schedule(args)
	user_dict = post_processing.build_user_dict(args)
	sorted_user_dict_by_value = pycommons.sort_dict(user_dict, 1)
	user_order = [x[0] for x in sorted_user_dict_by_value]
	# Create colors per user

	overall_experiments = {}

	for date, b_f, d1_f, d2_f, s_f, h_f in itertools.izip(config['dates'], battor_files, dev1_files, dev2_files, server_files, handover_files):
		date_str = str(date)
		assert schedule[date], 'Schedule does not contain entry for date: %s' % (date_str)
		user = schedule[date]"Processing: %s (%s)" % (date_str, user))

		# Merge all the separate log files together
		experiments = post_processing.merge_logs(date, d1_f, d2_f, s_f, h_f)
		# Find all power syncs as reported by logcat
		logcat_power_syncs = device1.get_power_syncs(None, experiments=experiments)
		# Logcat power syncs contain all the power syncs sorted by 'powerSyncBegin' key
		# Once we find the BattOr power syncs, we can line these up

		# Get all the BattOr loglines
		loglines = common.parse_battor_loglines(b_f, **config)

		sample_rate = common.get_sample_rate(b_f)
		down_sample = config['battor']['down_sample']
		# Get the start and end of each BattOr power sync
		# This is only the start and end of the *edge* corresponding to 'powerSyncEnd' key
		# in the device1's logcat logs
		battor_power_syncs = common.find_battor_power_syncs(date, loglines, sample_rate=sample_rate, down_sample=down_sample, logcat_power_syncs=logcat_power_syncs, **config['edge'])
		# Now we have both logcat power syncs and BattOr power syncs
		# We now have a way to anchor BattOr loglines with android timestamps

		# Build a handover object for the day's file
		handover = Handover(h_f)
		for data in
			os_timestamp = data.os_timestamp
			nearest_logline, logline_idx = common.nearest_battor_logline_to_logcat_timestamp(loglines, os_timestamp, battor_power_syncs, logcat_power_syncs)