def main(close=True, show=True, save=False): """Generate all plots. args close: close any open plots. show: display new plots on screen save: write new plots to a file returns None """ print(f"\nRunning module \"{__name__}\" ...") N = c.num_days() print("There are a total of %d days" % (N)) print("The earleiest date is %s" % (c.ind2datetime(0))) print("The latest date is %s" % (c.ind2datetime(N-1))) if close: _num = c.next_fig_num(close) close = False s.main(close=close, show=show, save=save) ts.main(close=close, show=show, save=save) rs.main(close=close, show=show, save=save) fr.main(close=close, show=show, save=save) lp.main(close=close, show=show, save=save) hp.main(close=close, show=show, save=save) bp.main(close=close, show=show, save=save) dr.main(close=close, show=show, save=save)
def main(close=True, show=True, save=False, file_names=("Fig9.pdf",)): """Plots to be used in the paper.""" print(f"\nRunning module \"{__name__}\" ...") cases = c.get_data("cases", "US") cases_padded, pad_sz = c.extrapolate(cases) f0, f1 = 1/7.0, 1/8.0 y_el_1 = ellip_bf(cases_padded, f0, f1)[pad_sz:-pad_sz] H = ellip_spec(f0, f1, 1024) y_fft_1 = c.apply_spectrum(cases_padded, H)[pad_sz:-pad_sz] start = 40 print("plot #1 begins on date: %s" % c.ind2datetime(start)) y_label = lambda x, p: "%.0fk" % (x/1000) x = np.arange(0, max(cases[start:].shape), 1) dz = np.zeros(len(x)) num = c.next_fig_num(close) fig, (ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 3.294), num=num) ax3.fill_between(x, cases[start:], dz, alpha=0.1, color="#000000", label="daily cases") ax3.plot(x, y_el_1[start:], linewidth=1.25, label="elliptic high-pass #1", linestyle=(0,(2,1))) ax3.plot(x, y_fft_1[start:], linewidth=1.25, label="FFT high-pass #1", linestyle=(0,(9,9))) ax3.set(xlabel='time [days]', ylabel='daily new cases') ax3.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(y_label)) ax3.grid(True, alpha=0.2) ax3.axis([min(x), max(x), -15000, 80000]) ax3.legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size': 9}, handlelength=2) plt.tight_layout() if show: if save: c.save_fig(fig, file_names[0])
def make_plot(phf, x, countries, close=False, show=True, save=False, file_name=None): """Create plot.""" days = ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"] xticks = np.arange(7.5, 21.5, 1.0) # xticks at 12-noon labels = [days[int(n) % 7] for n in xticks] num = c.next_fig_num(close) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10.25, 2), num=num) for n_co in range(len(countries)): co = countries[n_co] ax0 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 5), (0, n_co)) ax0.plot(x, phf['cases'][co], linewidth=1.25, label="cases", linestyle=(0, ())) ax0.plot(x, phf['deaths'][co], linewidth=1.25, label="deaths", linestyle=(0, (6, 1))) for n in range(7, 21, 2): ax0.fill_between([n, n + 1], [-2, -2], [2, 2], alpha=1.0, color="#eeeeee") ax0.axis([7, 21, -1.5, 1.2]) ax0.set_xticks(xticks) ax0.set_xticklabels(labels, fontsize=6) ax0.tick_params(axis="x", direction="in", pad=-10) ax0.set_yticklabels('') ax0.tick_params(axis=u'both', which=u'both', length=0) ax0.set(xlabel='day of the week', title=co) ax0.title.set_size(10) if n_co == 4: leg = ax0.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.11, 0.5), loc='upper right', prop={'size': 9}, handlelength=1.5, framealpha=0.92) leg.set_in_layout(False) plt.tight_layout() if show: if save: c.save_fig(fig, file_name)
def main(close=True, show=True, save=False, file_names=( "Fig10.pdf", "Fig11.pdf", "FigUnused_BP.pdf", )): """Plots to be used in the paper.""" print(f"\nRunning module \"{__name__}\" ...") cases = c.get_data("cases", "US") deaths = c.get_data("deaths", "US") # Extrapolation cases_padded, pad_sz = c.extrapolate(cases) deaths_padded, pad_sz = c.extrapolate(deaths) numPts = 1024 # first plot wp, ws = [1 / 8.0, 1 / 6.0], [1 / 9.0, 1 / 5.0] y_el_1 = ellip_bf(cases_padded, wp, ws)[pad_sz:-pad_sz] # elliptic H_1 = ellip_spec(wp, ws, numPts) y_fft_1 = c.apply_spectrum(cases_padded, H_1)[pad_sz:-pad_sz] # FFT start1 = 40 print("plot #1 begins on date: %s" % c.ind2datetime(start1)) y1_lables = lambda x, p: "%.0fk" % (x / 1000) x1 = np.arange(0, max(cases[start1:].shape), 1) dz = np.zeros(len(x1)) num = c.next_fig_num(close) fig1, (ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 3.294), num=num) ax1.fill_between(x1, cases[start1:], dz, alpha=0.1, color="#000000", label="daily deaths") ax1.plot(x1, y_el_1[start1:], linewidth=1.25, label="elliptic band-pass #1", linestyle=(0, (2, 1))) ax1.plot(x1, y_fft_1[start1:], linewidth=1.25, label="FFT band-pass #1", linestyle=(0, (9, 9))) ax1.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(y1_lables)) ax1.grid(True, alpha=0.2) ax1.legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size': 9}, handlelength=2) ax1.set(xlabel='time [days]') ax1.set(ylabel='daily new cases') ax1.axis([0, max(y_fft_1[start1:].shape) - 1, -15000, 80000]) plt.tight_layout() # second plot wp, ws = [1 / 19, 1 / 9.0], [1 / 21.0, 1 / 8.0] y_el_2 = ellip_bf(deaths_padded, wp, ws)[pad_sz:-pad_sz] # elliptic H_2 = ellip_spec(wp, ws, numPts) y_fft_2 = c.apply_spectrum(deaths_padded, H_2)[pad_sz:-pad_sz] start3 = 100 print("plot #2 begins on date: %s" % c.ind2datetime(start3)) y3_lables = lambda x, p: "%.1fk" % (x / 1000) x3 = np.arange(0, max(deaths[start3:].shape), 1) dz = np.zeros(len(x3)) num += 1 fig3, (ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 3.3), num=num) ax3.fill_between(x3, deaths[start3:], dz, alpha=0.1, color="#000000", label="daily deaths") ax3.plot(x3, y_el_2[start3:], linewidth=1.25, label="elliptic band-pass #2", linestyle=(0, (2, 1))) ax3.plot(x3, y_fft_2[start3:], linewidth=1.25, label="FFT band-pass #2", linestyle=(0, (9, 9))) ax3.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(y3_lables)) ax3.grid(True, alpha=0.2) ax3.legend(loc='upper right', prop={'size': 9}, handlelength=2) ax3.set(xlabel='time [days]') ax3.set(ylabel='daily new deaths') ax3.axis([0, max(y_fft_2[start3:].shape) - 1, -250, 2500]) plt.tight_layout() # third plot - To check if second plot contains any energy leaking # in from bandwidth associated with the seven-day oscillation. f = np.arange(0, numPts) / numPts d_dt_deaths = c.deriv_fft(deaths) Z = np.abs(np.fft.fft(d_dt_deaths, n=int(numPts)) / numPts) norm_val = np.max( Z[int(numPts * 0.1 + 0.5):int(numPts * 0.5 + 0.5)]) # normalize to max value above 0.1 and 0.5 Z_deaths = Z / norm_val dz = np.zeros(len(f)) num += 1 sbStyle = (0, (1, 1)) pbStyle = (0, (2, 1)) fig4, (ax4) = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 3.3), num=num) ax4.plot(np.array([wp[0]] * 2), np.array([-999, 999]), '#666666', linewidth=1.25, linestyle=pbStyle, label="\"pass-band\"") ax4.plot(np.array([wp[1]] * 2), np.array([-999, 999]), '#666666', linewidth=1.25, linestyle=pbStyle) ax4.plot(np.array([ws[0]] * 2), np.array([-999, 999]), '#bbbbbb', linewidth=1.25, linestyle=sbStyle, label="\"stop-band\"") ax4.plot(np.array([ws[1]] * 2), np.array([-999, 999]), '#bbbbbb', linewidth=1.25, linestyle=sbStyle) ax4.fill_between(f, Z_deaths, dz, label="full spectrum", color="#555500", alpha=0.1) ax4.plot(f, Z_deaths * np.abs(H_2), label="plotted spectrum", linewidth=1.25, linestyle=(0, ())) ax4.set(title="The spectrum plotted for \"Band-Pass #2\"", xlabel='frequency [1/day]', ylabel='magnitude [1]') ax4.title.set_size(10) ax4.axis([0, 0.5, -0.0, 1.05]) ax4.legend(loc='upper right', prop={'size': 9}, handlelength=2, framealpha=0.92) plt.tight_layout() if show: if save: c.save_fig(fig1, file_names[0]) c.save_fig(fig3, file_names[1]) c.save_fig(fig4, file_names[2])
def main(close=True, show=True, save=False, file_names=( "Fig4.pdf", "Fig5.pdf", "FigUnused_FR.pdf", )): """Filter response plots used in the paper.""" print(f"\nRunning module \"{__name__}\" ...") f, H = get_ellip_l1() H_lp1_x2 = H * H H_El_lp1_x2_db = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(H_lp1_x2)) f, H = get_ellip_l2() H_lp2_x2 = H * H H_El_lp2_x2_db = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(H_lp2_x2)) f, H = get_ellip_h1() H_hp1_x2 = H * H H_El_hp1_x2_db = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(H_hp1_x2)) f, H = get_ellip_bp1() H_bp1_x2 = H * H H_El_bp1_x2_db = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(H_bp1_x2)) f, H = get_ellip_bp2() H_bp2_x2 = H * H H_El_bp2_x2_db = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(H_bp2_x2)) f, H_ma = get_7day_ave() H_ma_db = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(H_ma)) ma_angles = np.unwrap(np.angle(H_ma)) # phase response def y_label(x, p): if x / np.pi == 0: s = r" 0" elif x / np.pi == 1: s = r"$\pi$" elif x / np.pi == -1: s = r"-$\pi$" else: s = r"%.1f$\pi$" % (x / np.pi) return s num = c.next_fig_num(close) fStyle = (0, (1, 1)) num = c.next_fig_num(close) fig1, (ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 3), num=num) ax1.plot(np.array([1 / 7, 1 / 7]), np.array([-999, 999]), '#bbbbbb', linewidth=1.0, linestyle=fStyle) ax1.plot(np.array([2 / 7, 2 / 7]), np.array([-999, 999]), '#bbbbbb', linewidth=1.0, linestyle=fStyle) ax1.plot(np.array([3 / 7, 3 / 7]), np.array([-999, 999]), '#bbbbbb', linewidth=1.0, linestyle=fStyle) ax1.plot(f, H_ma_db, label="moving average", linewidth=1.25) ax1.plot(f, H_El_lp2_x2_db, label="elliptic low-pass #2", linewidth=1.25, linestyle=(0, (7, 1))) ax1.plot(f, H_El_hp1_x2_db, label="elliptic high-pass #1", linewidth=1.25, linestyle=(0, (3, 1))) ax1.set(xlabel='frequency [1/day]', ylabel='magnitude [dB]') ax1.legend(loc='lower right', prop={'size': 9}, handlelength=2) ax1.axis([0.0, 0.5, -120, +5]) plt.tight_layout() num += 1 fig2, (ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 2), num=num) ax2.plot(np.array([1 / 7, 1 / 7]), np.array([-999, 999]), '#bbbbbb', linewidth=1.0, linestyle=fStyle) ax2.plot(np.array([2 / 7, 2 / 7]), np.array([-999, 999]), '#bbbbbb', linewidth=1.0, linestyle=fStyle) ax2.plot(np.array([3 / 7, 3 / 7]), np.array([-999, 999]), '#bbbbbb', linewidth=1.0, linestyle=fStyle) ax2.plot(f, ma_angles, label="moving average", linewidth=1.25) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(np.pi / 1)) ax2.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(y_label)) ax2.set(xlabel='frequency [1/day]', ylabel='phase angle') ax2.legend(loc='upper center', prop={'size': 9}, handlelength=2) ax2.axis([0.0, 0.5, -np.pi * 1.2, np.pi * 1.2]) plt.tight_layout() num += 1 fig3, (ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 3), num=num) ax3.plot(np.array([1 / 7, 1 / 7]), np.array([-999, 999]), '#bbbbbb', linewidth=1.0, linestyle=fStyle) ax3.plot(np.array([2 / 7, 2 / 7]), np.array([-999, 999]), '#bbbbbb', linewidth=1.0, linestyle=fStyle) ax3.plot(np.array([3 / 7, 3 / 7]), np.array([-999, 999]), '#bbbbbb', linewidth=1.0, linestyle=fStyle) ax3.plot(f, H_El_lp2_x2_db, label="elliptic low-pass #1", linewidth=1.25, linestyle=(0, ())) ax3.plot(f, H_El_bp1_x2_db, label="elliptic band-pass #1", linewidth=1.25, linestyle=(0, (7, 1))) ax3.plot(f, H_El_bp2_x2_db, label="elliptic band-pass #2", linewidth=1.25, linestyle=(0, (3, 1))) ax3.legend(loc='lower right', prop={'size': 9}, handlelength=2) ax3.set(xlabel='frequency [1/day]', ylabel='magnitude [dB]') ax3.set(title="Elliptic filter frequency responses", xlabel='frequency [1/day]', ylabel='magnitude [1]') ax3.axis([0.0, 0.5, -50, +5]) plt.tight_layout() if show: if save: c.save_fig(fig1, file_names[0]) c.save_fig(fig2, file_names[1]) c.save_fig(fig3, file_names[2])
def main(close=True, show=True, save=False, file_names=("Fig1.pdf",)): """Create and save frequency spectrum plot for time series (deaths and cases).""" print(f"\nRunning module \"{__name__}\" ...") # some variables # countries = ["United Kingdom", "Brazil", "US", "Mexico", "South Africa", "Russia"] # countries = ["United Kingdom", "Brazil", "US", "Mexico", "Argentina", "Kenya"] countries = ["United Kingdom", "Brazil", "US", "Mexico", "Argentina", "Switzerland"] start = 65 end = c.num_days() print("total days: %d, date range: %s, %s" % (end-start, c.ind2datetime(start), c.ind2datetime(end))) print("end-start/7 = %f, (end-start)/3.5 = %f" % ((end-start)/7.0, (end-start)/3.5)) # Create the data p_data = dict() for country in countries: cases = c.get_data("cases", "global", country=country) deaths = c.get_data("deaths", "global", country=country) f, Z_cases = process_data(cases, start, end) f, Z_deaths = process_data(deaths, start, end) p_data[country] = {"cases": Z_cases, "deaths": Z_deaths, "f": f} # Plot the data axis = [0, 0.5, -0.0, 1.05] num = c.next_fig_num(close) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10.25, 3), num=num) fStyle = (0,(1,1)) for row in range(2): for col in range(3): country = countries[col + row*3] sub_p_data = p_data[country] Z_cases = sub_p_data["cases"] Z_deaths = sub_p_data["deaths"] f = sub_p_data["f"] ax0 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 3), (row, col), colspan=1) ax0.plot(np.array([1/7, 1/7]), np.array([-999, 999]), '#bbbbbb', linewidth=1.0, linestyle=fStyle) ax0.plot(np.array([2/7, 2/7]), np.array([-999, 999]), '#bbbbbb', linewidth=1.0, linestyle=fStyle) ax0.plot(np.array([3/7, 3/7]), np.array([-999, 999]), '#bbbbbb', linewidth=1.0, linestyle=fStyle) ax0.plot(f, Z_cases, label="cases", linewidth=1.25) ax0.plot(f, Z_deaths, label="deaths", linewidth=1.25, linestyle=(0,(7,1))) ax0.set(title=country) ax0.title.set_size(10) ax0.get_xaxis().set_tick_params(direction='in') ax0.get_yaxis().set_tick_params(direction='in') ax0.axis(axis) if row == 1: ax0.set(xlabel='frequency [1/day]') else: ax0.set_xticklabels('') if col == 0: ax0.set(ylabel='magnitude') else: ax0.set_yticklabels('') if (row, col) == (0, 2): ax0.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.3), loc='upper right', prop={'size': 9}, handlelength=2, framealpha=0.92) plt.tight_layout() if show: if save: c.save_fig(fig, file_names[0])
def main(close=True, show=True, save=False, file_names=( "Fig12.pdf", "Fig13.pdf", )): """Plot frequency and phase response of derivative algorithms.""" print(f"\nRunning module \"{__name__}\" ...") f, H_cd = get_cent_diff() H_cda = np.abs(H_cd) H_cd_ph = np.angle(H_cd) f, H_fd = get_first_diff() H_fda = np.abs(H_fd) H_fd_ph = np.angle(H_fd) f, H_fft = get_fft_deriv() H_ffta = np.abs(H_fft) H_fft_ph = np.angle(H_fft) def y_label(x, p): ad = {1 / 2: r"$\pi/2$", 0: r"$0$", -1 / 2: r"$-\pi/2$"} try: s = ad[x / np.pi] except KeyError: s = r"%.1f$\pi$" % (x / np.pi) return s num = c.next_fig_num(close) fig2, (ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 2), num=num) ax2.plot(f, H_fft_ph, label="frequency domain", linewidth=1.25) ax2.plot(f, H_fd_ph, label="first difference", linewidth=1.25, linestyle=(0, (7, 1))) ax2.plot(f, H_cd_ph, label="central difference", linewidth=1.25, linestyle=(0, (3, 1))) ax2.set(xlabel='frequency [1/day]', ylabel='phase angle') ax2.legend(loc='center left', prop={'size': 9}, handlelength=2, bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 0.425)) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(np.pi / 2)) ax2.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(y_label)) ax2.axis([0.0, 0.5, -np.pi * 0.5 * 1.2, np.pi * 0.5 * 1.2]) plt.tight_layout() num += 1 fig1, (ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 3), num=num) ax1.plot(f, H_ffta, label="frequency domain", linewidth=1.25) ax1.plot(f, H_fda, label="first difference", linewidth=1.25, linestyle=(0, (7, 1))) ax1.plot(f, H_cda, label="central difference", linewidth=1.25, linestyle=(0, (3, 1))) ax1.set(xlabel='frequency [1/day]', ylabel='magnitude [1]') ax1.legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size': 9}, handlelength=2) ax1.axis([0.0, 0.5, 0, np.pi]) plt.tight_layout() if show: if save: c.save_fig(fig2, file_names[0]) c.save_fig(fig1, file_names[1])
def main(close=True, show=True, save=False, file_names=("Fig6.pdf", "Fig7.pdf", "Fig8.pdf",)): """Plots to be used in the paper.""" print(f"\nRunning module \"{__name__}\" ...") deaths = c.get_data("deaths", "US") deaths_padded, pad_sz = c.extrapolate(deaths) m_ave = seven_day_ave_manual(deaths_padded)[pad_sz-3:-(pad_sz-3)] # moving average wp, ws = 1/9, 1/8 y_el_1 = ellip_bf(deaths_padded, wp, ws)[pad_sz:-pad_sz] # elliptic H = ellip_spec(wp, ws, 1024) y_fft_1 = c.apply_spectrum(deaths_padded, H)[pad_sz:-pad_sz] # FFT wp, ws = 1/21, 1/19 y_el_2 = ellip_bf(deaths_padded, wp, ws)[pad_sz:-pad_sz] # elliptic H = ellip_spec(wp, ws, 1024) y_fft_2 = c.apply_spectrum(deaths_padded, H)[pad_sz:-pad_sz] # FFT start = 100 print("plots #1, #2, and #3 begin on date: %s" % c.ind2datetime(start)) y_lables = lambda x, p: "%.1fk" % (x/1000) x = np.arange(0, max(deaths[start:].shape), 1) dz = np.zeros(len(x)) num = c.next_fig_num(close) fig1, (ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 3), num=num) ax1.fill_between(x, deaths[start:], dz, alpha=0.1, color="#000000", label="daily deaths") ax1.plot(x, m_ave[start:], linewidth=1.25, label="moving average") ax1.set(xlabel='time [days]', ylabel='daily new deaths') ax1.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(y_lables)) ax1.grid(True, alpha=0.2) ax1.axis([min(x), max(x), 0, 2500]) ax1.legend(loc='upper right', prop={'size': 9}, handlelength=2) plt.tight_layout() y_lables = lambda x, p: "%.1fk" % (x/1000) x = np.arange(0, max(deaths[start:].shape), 1) dz = np.zeros(len(x)) num += 1 fig2, (ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 3), num=num) ax2.fill_between(x, deaths[start:], dz, alpha=0.1, color="#000000", label="daily deaths") ax2.plot(x, y_el_1[start:], linewidth=1.25, label="elliptic low-pass #1", linestyle=(0,(2,1))) ax2.plot(x, y_fft_1[start:], linewidth=1.25, label="FFT low-pass #1", linestyle=(0,(9,9))) ax2.set(xlabel='time [days]', ylabel='daily new deaths') ax2.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(y_lables)) ax2.grid(True, alpha=0.2) ax2.axis([min(x), max(x), 0, 2500]) ax2.legend(loc='upper right', prop={'size': 9}, handlelength=2) plt.tight_layout() y_lables = lambda x, p: "%.1fk" % (x/1000) x = np.arange(0, max(deaths[start:].shape), 1) dz = np.zeros(len(x)) num += 1 fig4, (ax4) = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 3), num=num) ax4.fill_between(x, deaths[start:], dz, alpha=0.1, color="#000000", label="daily deaths") ax4.plot(x, y_el_2[start:], linewidth=1.25, label="elliptic low-pass #2", linestyle=(0,(2,1))) ax4.plot(x, y_fft_2[start:], linewidth=1.25, label="FFT low-pass #2", linestyle=(0,(9,9))) ax4.set(xlabel='time [days]', ylabel='daily new deaths') ax4.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(y_lables)) ax4.grid(True, alpha=0.2) ax4.axis([min(x), max(x), 0, 2500]) ax4.legend(loc='upper right', prop={'size': 9}, handlelength=2) plt.tight_layout() if show: if save: c.save_fig(fig1, file_names[0]) c.save_fig(fig2, file_names[1]) c.save_fig(fig4, file_names[2])
def main(close=True, show=True, save=False, rt="deaths", region="global", country="Brazil", state=None, file_names=("Fig2.pdf", )): """time segment FFT analysis. keyword args close: close plots (boolean) show: show plots (boolean) save: save plots (boolean) rt: record type ("deaths" or "cases") region: global or US country: country name state: name of US State returns None """ print(f"\nRunning module \"{__name__}\" ...") start = 35 data = c.get_data(rt, region, country=country, state=state) data = data[start:] data_d_dt = c.deriv_fft(data) winSz = 25 print("time-spectrum start date: %s" % (c.ind2datetime(start))) print("initial window center: %s" % (c.ind2datetime(start + winSz / 2))) print("final window center: %s" % (c.ind2datetime(start + len(data) - 1 - winSz / 2))) print("sliding window size: %d" % (winSz)) N = 1024 # % pts in FFT numSamps = len(data) numHops = numSamps - winSz # 1 sample hops (sliding window) # set frequency range used for plotting minFreq = 0.0 maxFreq = 0.5 minFreq_ind = int(N * minFreq + 0.5) maxFreq_ind = int(N * maxFreq + 0.5) # set frequency range used for normnalization normCutMinFreq = 0.1 normCutMaxFreq = 0.5 normCutMinFreq_ind = int(N * normCutMinFreq + 0.5) normCutMaxFreq_ind = int(N * normCutMaxFreq + 0.5) Z = np.zeros([numHops, maxFreq_ind - minFreq_ind]) Z_hanning = np.zeros([numHops, maxFreq_ind - minFreq_ind]) Z_d_dt = np.zeros([numHops, maxFreq_ind - minFreq_ind]) b_start = 0 b_stop = winSz for n in range(numHops): xr = data[b_start:b_stop] X = np.fft.fft(xr, n=N) / N X = np.abs(X[:N // 2]) Z[n] = X[minFreq_ind:maxFreq_ind] / np.max( X[normCutMinFreq_ind:normCutMaxFreq_ind]) xr = data[b_start:b_stop] X = np.fft.fft(xr * np.hanning(winSz), n=N) / N X = np.abs(X[:N // 2]) Z_hanning[n] = X[minFreq_ind:maxFreq_ind] / np.max( X[normCutMinFreq_ind:normCutMaxFreq_ind]) xr = data_d_dt[b_start:b_stop] X = np.fft.fft(xr, n=N) / N X = np.abs(X[:N // 2]) Z_d_dt[n] = X[minFreq_ind:maxFreq_ind] / np.max( X[normCutMinFreq_ind:normCutMaxFreq_ind]) b_start += 1 b_stop += 1 # clip values that exceed unity. Z = np.clip(Z, 0, 1) Z_hanning = np.clip(Z_hanning, 0, 1) Z_d_dt = np.clip(Z_d_dt, 0, 1) # interp = None # smallest size interp = 'sinc' colors = cm.Blues_r # colors = cm.magma # largest size, percetual color map # colors = cm.gray # smallest size xMin = winSz * 0.5 xMax = winSz * 0.5 + Z.shape[0] num = c.next_fig_num(close) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10.25, 2.3), num=num) # -------------------------------------------------------------- ax0 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 0)) ax0.imshow(np.flipud(Z.transpose(1, 0)), interpolation=interp, cmap=colors, extent=(xMin, xMax, minFreq, maxFreq), aspect='auto') ax0.set(xlabel='time [days]', title="Square Window", ylabel='frequency [1/day]') ax0.title.set_size(10) ax0.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) # -------------------------------------------------------------- ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 1)) ax1.imshow(np.flipud(Z_hanning.transpose(1, 0)), interpolation=interp, cmap=colors, extent=(xMin, xMax, minFreq, maxFreq), aspect='auto') ax1.set(xlabel='time [days]', title="Hanning Window") ax1.title.set_size(10) ax1.set_yticklabels('') ax1.tick_params(axis=u'y', which=u'both', length=0) # -------------------------------------------------------------- ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 2)) ax2.imshow(np.flipud(Z_d_dt.transpose(1, 0)), interpolation=interp, cmap=colors, extent=(xMin, xMax, minFreq, maxFreq), aspect='auto') ax2.set(xlabel='time [days]', title="Square Window of Derivative") ax2.title.set_size(10) ax2.set_yticklabels('') ax2.tick_params(axis=u'y', which=u'both', length=0) plt.tight_layout() if show: if save: c.save_fig(fig, file_names[0])