def problem_49():
    """ Attempt to solve the problem... """

    # create a list of primes that are exactly 4 digits
    primes = [x for x in list(seive_generator(9999) )if int(log10(x)) + 1 == 4]
    know_seq = [1487, 4817, 8147]

    for x in primes:
        perms = set()
        for v in list(permutations(str(x))):
            prime = ''.join(v)
            if len(prime) is not 4:
            prime = int(prime)
            if prime in primes:

        maches = set()
        for y in perms:
            for z in perms:
                if fabs(y - z) == 3330:
        if len(maches) == 3:
            print x
            print maches

    return 0
def problem():
    """ Attempt to solve the problem... """

    print 'problem #24'

    g = permutations([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
    p = [ for x in xrange(10**6)]
    digits = ''.join(str(x) for x in p[-1])
    print 'the digits of the millionth perm are: %s' % digits
Example #3
def isPandigital(n):
    number = ""
    for i in range(1, n+1):
        number += str(i)

    perms = permutations(number)

    primes = []
    for perm in perms:
        if isprime(int(perm)):
    return primes
def problem_43():
    """ Attempt to solve the problem... """

    pandigital_sum = 0
    for item in map(''.join, permutations('1406357289')):
        if int(item[7:]) % 17 is not 0:
        if int(item[6:-1]) % 13 is not 0:
        if int(item[5:-2]) % 11 is not 0:
        if int(item[4:-3]) % 7 is not 0:
        if int(item[3:-4]) % 5 is not 0:
        if int(item[2:-5]) % 3 is not 0:
        if int(item[1:-6]) % 2 is not 0:
        pandigital_sum += int(item)
    return pandigital_sum
Example #5
File: Project: jpaeng/PE
def find_magic_ring(ring_size, external_nodes, internal_nodes):
    """Return a set of magic rings, each of which uses each external node once, and internal node once,
    and have the same sum.

    :param ring_size:       Number of inner nodes on the ring (same as the number of outer nodes)
    :param external_nodes:  List of numbers to be used as external nodes.
                            Each number on this list will be used once for each magic ring.
    :param internal_nodes:  List of numbers to be used as internal nodes.
                            Each number on this list will be used once for each magic ring.
    :return:                List of magic rings having the specified external and internal nodes in the form:
                            [[(external1, internal1, internal2), (external2, internal2, internal3), ... ring_size number of tuples], [next magic ring]...]

    # Calculate the only possible magic sum for a given set of external/internal node values.
    expected_magic_sum = (sum(external_nodes) + 2*sum(internal_nodes)) // ring_size

    # Generate sets of nodes with the same sum
    magic_sum_sets = []
    for e_node in external_nodes:
        for i_node1 in internal_nodes:
            i_node2 = expected_magic_sum - e_node - i_node1
            if i_node2 in internal_nodes and i_node2 != i_node1:
                magic_sum_sets.append((e_node, i_node1, i_node2))

    # Generate rings
    magic_rings = []
    if len(magic_sum_sets) >= ring_size:
        external_node_permutations_count = common.permutations(ring_size-1, ring_size-1)
        for permutation_index in range(external_node_permutations_count):
            external_node_list =[external_nodes[0]]
            external_node_list.extend(common.nth_permutation(permutation_index, external_nodes[1:]))
            magic_rings.extend(next_magic_node([], external_node_list, magic_sum_sets))

    # Delete sets that do not cycle back from last node to first node
    for magic_ring in reversed(magic_rings):
        if magic_ring[0][1] != magic_ring[-1][2]:

    return magic_rings
Example #6
#! /usr/bin/env python

from common import isprime, permutations

primes = []
for n in xrange(1000, 10000):
    if isprime(n):

primelist = {}
for prime in primes:
    string_perms = set(permutations(str(prime)))
    perms = []
    for perm in string_perms:
        p = int(perm)
        if p > prime and isprime(p):

    if len(perms) > 1:
        for perm_prime in perms:
            next_prime = perm_prime + perm_prime - prime
            if next_prime in perms:
                print prime, perm_prime, next_prime, "- all terms concatenated:", str(prime) + str(perm_prime) + str(next_prime)
Example #7
#! /usr/bin/env python

from common import permutations

digits = '123456789'
perms = permutations(digits)
pandigital_products = []
for perm in perms:
    for x in range(1, 6):
        for eq in range(x+1, 7):
            multiplicand = int(''.join(perm[0:x]))
            multiplier = int(''.join(perm[x:eq]))
            product = int(''.join(perm[eq:]))

            if multiplicand * multiplier == product:
                print perm, multiplicand, "x", multiplier, "=", product

print sum(set(pandigital_products))
Example #8
#! /usr/bin/env python

from common import permutations

def check_all_multiples(multiples, perms):
    for m in multiples:
        if m not in perms:
            return False

    return True

for n in xrange(1, 1000000):
    multiples = []
    for i in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]:
        multiples.append(str(i * n))

    perms = permutations(str(n))

    if check_all_multiples(multiples, perms):
        print n, multiples
Example #9
#! /usr/bin/env python

from common import permutations, isprime

n = '0123456789'
perms = permutations(n)

primes = []
for p in range(1, 18):
    if isprime(p):

def subStringDivisibility(n):
    for d in range(1, 8):
        if int(n[d:d+3]) % primes[d-1] != 0:
            return False

    return True

count = 0
sum = 0
for perm in perms:
    if subStringDivisibility(perm):
        count += 1
        sum += int(perm)

print "the sum of all 0 to 9 pandigital numbers with this property", sum
print "count", count