def lambda_function_update_config(ctx, name, config): tenant, token, url, tenantId = CheckAndGetConnection() CheckEmptyParam('name', name, "") CheckEmptyParam('config', config, "specify a valid path to config file") click.echo("Lambda Update - Function {} Config {}".format(name, config)) funcObject = None name = getNameWithPrefix(name, tenant) # Load the json file with open(config) as json_file: json_data = json.load(json_file) for index, item in enumerate(json_data["LambdaFunctions"]): if getNameWithPrefix(item["FunctionName"], tenant) == name: funcObject = item break if funcObject is None: raise ValueError( 'Failed to find desired function {} in config file'.format(name)) funcObject["FunctionName"] = getNameWithPrefix(funcObject["FunctionName"], tenant) # Create Function print("Updating lambda function {}".format(funcObject["FunctionName"])) updateLambdaFunctionConfig(token, url, tenantId, funcObject) printSuccess('Updated Lambda Function {} configuration'.format(name))
def lambda_delete(ctx, name): tenant, token, url, tenantId = CheckAndGetConnection() CheckEmptyParam('name', name, "") click.echo("Lambda - Delete Function {} ".format(name)) name = getNameWithPrefix(name, tenant) deleteLambdaFunction(token, url, tenantId, name) printSuccess('Deleted Lambda Function {}'.format(name))
def apigateway_add(ctx, name): tenant, token, url, tenantId = CheckAndGetConnection() CheckEmptyParam('name', name, "") click.echo("Apigateway - Delete API {}".format(name)) name = getNameWithPrefix(name, tenant) jsondata = {"Name": name, "State": "delete"} createApiGatewayApi(token, url, tenantId, jsondata) printSuccess( 'Marked ApiGateway {} for delete .. It will removed in about a min'. format(name))
def apigateway_add(ctx, name, lambdaa): tenant, token, url, tenantId = CheckAndGetConnection() CheckEmptyParam('name', name, "") if lambdaa is None: lambdaa = "" click.echo("Apigateway - Create API {} Lambda function {}".format( name, lambdaa)) name = getNameWithPrefix(name, tenant) jsondata = {"Name": name, "LambdaFunction": lambdaa} createApiGatewayApi(token, url, tenantId, jsondata) printSuccess( 'Created ApiGateway {} .. It will available in about a min'.format( name))
def lambda_add_or_update(ctx, name, config, dir, update): tenant, token, url, tenantId = CheckAndGetConnection() CheckEmptyParam('name', name, "") CheckEmptyParam('config', config, "specify a valid path to config file") click.echo("Lambda Deploy - Function {} Config {}".format(name, config)) funcObject = None name = getNameWithPrefix(name, tenant) # Load the json file with open(config) as json_file: json_data = json.load(json_file) for index, item in enumerate(json_data["LambdaFunctions"]): if getNameWithPrefix(item["FunctionName"], tenant) == name: funcObject = item break if funcObject is None: raise ValueError( 'Failed to find desired function {} in config file'.format(name)) funcObject["FunctionName"] = getNameWithPrefix(funcObject["FunctionName"], tenant) zipFilePath = "" if dir.endswith(".zip"): zipFilePath = dir localFileName = os.path.basename(dir) else: fileVersion = funcObject["FunctionName"] + "-" + ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") zipFilePath = "/tmp/" + fileVersion print('Making a zip file {} from folder {}'.format( zipFilePath + ".zip", dir)) # zip the directory shutil.make_archive(zipFilePath, 'zip', dir) zipFilePath = zipFilePath + ".zip" localFileName = fileVersion + ".zip" # check if s3 bucket exists, if not create it bucketName = getNameWithPrefix("lambda-packages", tenant) bucketName = checkAndCreateS3Bucket(bucketName, tenant, token, url, tenantId) # Upload the file uploadFileToS3(token, tenantId, url, bucketName, zipFilePath, localFileName) if not update: # Create Function funcObject["Code"] = { "S3Bucket": bucketName, "S3Key": localFileName } print("Creating lambda function {}".format(funcObject["FunctionName"])) createLambdaFunction(token, url, tenantId, funcObject) printSuccess('Created Lambda Function {}'.format( funcObject["FunctionName"])) else: print("Updating lambda function code {}".format( funcObject["FunctionName"])) data = { "FunctionName": funcObject["FunctionName"], "S3Bucket": bucketName, "S3Key": localFileName } updateLambdaFunctionCode(token, url, tenantId, data) printSuccess('Updated Lambda Function {} code'.format( funcObject["FunctionName"]))