Example #1
def get2020Product() -> Optional[int]:
    expense_list = readList('input.txt', int)
    for multiplicand in expense_list:
        for multiplier in expense_list:
            if multiplicand + multiplier == 2020:
                return multiplicand * multiplier
    return None
Example #2
    def __init__(self, max_length: int, filename='input.txt'):
        self.input_list = readList(filename, int)
        self.max_length = max_length

        self.input_deque = deque(self.input_list[0:self.max_length],
        self.target_index = 0
Example #3
def get2020ProductPart2() -> Optional[int]:
    expense_list = readList('input.txt', int)
    for first in expense_list:
        for second in expense_list:
            for third in expense_list:
                if first + second + third == 2020:
                    return first * second * third
    return None
Example #4
def getSeatIDs():
    seat_ids: List[int] = []
    max_row = 128
    max_col = 8
    for boarding_pass in readList():
        row, col = getRow(boarding_pass,
                          max_row), getCol(boarding_pass, max_col)
        seat_id = getSeatID(row, col)

    return seat_ids
Example #5
def answerTwo():
    valid = []
    for line in readList('input.txt'):
        occurrences, character, password = line.split(' ')
        occurrences = list(map(lambda x: int(x) - 1, occurrences.split('-')))
        character = character.strip(':')
        assert (len(occurrences) == 2)

        if bool(password[occurrences[0]] == character) ^ bool(
                password[occurrences[1]] == character):

    return len(valid)
Example #6
def main():
    # I did this not because it's good code, but to see if I could make it work. It works.
    part1 = [
        in inclusiveRange(*map(int, occurrences.split('-')))
        for occurrences, character, password in
        [line.split(' ') for line in readList('input.txt')]

    part2 = answerTwo()

    print(f'Answer 1: {part1}')
    print(f'Answer 2: {part2}')
Example #7
def treesHit(right: int, down: int) -> int:
    tree_map = readList()
    trees_hit = 0

    row_num = 0
    width_increment = right

    for line in tree_map:
        if row_num % down != 0:
            row_num += 1

        # The pattern repeats
        col_num = (row_num * width_increment) % len(line)

        if line[col_num] == '#':
            trees_hit += 1

        row_num += 1

    return trees_hit
Example #8
    def __init__(self, filename='input.txt'):
        self.accumulator = 0
        self.instructions = readList(filename=filename)
        self.instructions_read = set()

        self.instruction_pattern = re.compile(r'^(acc|jmp|nop) ([+\-])(\d+)$')
Example #9
 def __init__(self, filename: str = 'input.txt'):
     self.input_list = readList(filename=filename)
     # A list of top level bags found at the start of each line
     self.bag_graph = {}
     self.gold_list = []
     self.total_bags: int = 0
Example #10
import os
from os.path import join

from common import readList,  quote, keywordsAndSymbolsFrequencies

languages = readList("langs.txt")
results = dict()

for language in languages:
    print "Language: ", language
    files = [f for f in os.listdir(language) if os.path.isfile(join(language, f))]
    fileno = 1
    kws = readList(language + "_keywords.txt")
    for filename in files:
        if fileno % 10 == 0:
            print filename, " file ", fileno, " out of ", len(files)
        fileno += 1

        with open(language + "/" + filename, 'r') as file:
             features = keywordsAndSymbolsFrequencies(kws, file.read())

        results[filename] = (features, language)

allFeatures = reduce(lambda x, y: x | set(y[0].keys()), results.values(), set())

with open("out_nonalpha.csv", "w") as out:
    out.write("name," + ",".join(map(quote, allFeatures)) + "\n")
    for entry in results.keys():
        for feature in allFeatures:
Example #11
 def __init__(self, filename='input.txt'):
     self.input_list = [0] + readList(filename, int)
     self.list_combinations = set()