Example #1
    def send_update(self, datos=None):
        Sends an email update with status of run.
        note_queue = common.global_vars['test_notes']
        notes = ''
        while not note_queue.empty():
            notes += note_queue.get()

        checkpoint_results = ''
        for checkpoint, result in common.global_vars['checkpoints']:
            checkpoint_results += '\n+ %s: %s' % (result, checkpoint)

        # Format completed message.
        msg = 'Test Update.\n\n'
        msg += '    Name:      %s\n' % self.test_name
        msg += '    Config:    %s\n' % self.config_name
        msg += '    Log:       %s\n' % self.log_dir
        msg += '    Time:      %s\n' % seconds_to_days_hours_min_sec_string(
            time.time() - self.start_time)
        if checkpoint_results:
            msg += '\nCheckpoints:\n%s\n' % checkpoint_results
        if notes:
            msg += '\nMessages:\n%s' % notes

        # Playing with the formatting a bit here to create better looking reports.
        msg = '*    %s' % msg.strip('\n').replace('\n', '\n*    ')
        report(msg, no_date=True, no_level=True)

        if common.global_vars['email']:
                  subject='Geppetto Test {%s} Update' % self.test_name)
def get_substrings(string, k, allowed_substrings):
    """Return all substrings of length >= <k> in <string> as a dict of 
        substring:count where there are count occurrences of substring in 
        If <allowed_substrings> then only allow substrings from <allowed_substrings>. 

        The returned substring:count dict will no longer than 
        <allowed_substrings> or <parent_keys> so the best way to guarantee 
        performance is to find short key sets.
    common.report('get_substrings:k=%2d,allowed_substrings=%5d,size=%7d' % 
        (k, len(allowed_substrings) if allowed_substrings else -1, len(string)))
    substrings = {}
    n = len(string)
    for i in range(n-k):
        pattern = string[i:i+k]
        if common.is_junk(pattern):
        if allowed_substrings: 
            if not pattern in allowed_substrings:
        if not pattern in substrings:
            substrings[pattern] = 0
        substrings[pattern] += 1
    return substrings
def validate_child_offsets(file_names, offsets_dict, child_offsets_dict, k):
    """Check that a length k+1 substring is repeated no more than the length k substrings it 
    substrings_list = _od_substrings(offsets_dict) 
    child_substrings_list = _od_substrings(child_offsets_dict) 
    common.report('validate_child_offsets(%d)' % k) 

    for child_substring in child_substrings_list:
        assert(len(child_substring) == k+1)
        child_matching_offsets = get_matching_offsets(file_names, child_offsets_dict, child_substring)
        substring1 = child_substring[:-1]
        substring2 = child_substring[1:]
        if not substring1 in substrings_list:
            print 'No match for parent"%s", child="%s" in parent list' % (H(substring1), H(child_substring))
            return False
        if not substring2 in substrings_list:
            print 'No match for parent"%s", child="%s" in parent list' % (H(substring2), H(child_substring))
            return False
        matching_offsets1 = get_matching_offsets(file_names, offsets_dict, substring1)
        matching_offsets2 = get_matching_offsets(file_names, offsets_dict, substring1)
        if not is_offsets_greater(file_names, matching_offsets1, child_matching_offsets):
            print 'Mismatch on parent="%s", child="%s"' % (H(substring1), H(child_substring))
            return False
        if not is_offsets_greater(file_names, matching_offsets2, child_matching_offsets):
            print 'Mismatch on parent="%s", child="%s"' % (H(substring2), H(child_substring))
            return False
    return True
Example #4
 def handle_sysexit(self):
     Handle any sys exit exceptions ... tear down any processes necessary.
     report(' ', no_date=True, no_level=True)
     update_status('Test Complete')
Example #5
    def complete(self):
        Completely wrap up the test run. Do log moving, emailing, etc.
        note_queue = common.global_vars['test_notes']
        notes = ''
        while not note_queue.empty():
            notes += note_queue.get()

        checkpoint_results = ''
        for checkpoint, result in common.global_vars['checkpoints']:
            checkpoint_results += '\n+ %s: %s' % (result, checkpoint)

        # Set the overall test status if not set already. (Can also be set anywhere for test faults etc)
        if not common.global_vars['test_status']:
            common.global_vars['test_status'] = 'Passed'
            for checkpoint, status in common.global_vars['checkpoints']:
                if status.lower() != 'passed':
                    common.global_vars['test_status'] = 'Failed'

        # Format completed message.
        msg = '  Status:    %s\n' % common.global_vars[
            'test_status']  #self.passed
        msg += '  Name:      %s\n' % self.test_name
        msg += '  Config:    %s\n' % self.config_name
        msg += '  Log:       %s\n' % self.log_dir
        msg += '  Time:      %s\n' % seconds_to_days_hours_min_sec_string(
            time.time() - self.start_time)

        if common.global_vars['commit_id']:
            msg += '  Commit:    %s\n' % common.global_vars['commit_id']
            msg += '  Traces:    %s\n' % common.global_vars['traceback_count']
            msg += '  Errors:    %s\n' % common.global_vars['error_count']

        if checkpoint_results:
            msg += '\nCheckpoints:\n%s\n' % checkpoint_results

        if notes:
            msg += '\nMessages:\n%s' % notes

        # Playing with the formatting a bit here to create better looking reports.
        msg = '*  %s' % msg.strip('\n').replace('\n', '\n*    ')

        msg = '*' * 70 + '\n' + msg + '\n' + '*' * 70

        # Move geppetto logs to log dir.
        os.system('mv ./logs/*.log* %s/' % self.log_dir)

        if common.global_vars['email']:
                  subject='Geppetto Test {%s} Results' % self.test_name)

        # Do final printout of test to terminal.
        report(msg, no_date=True, no_level=True)
Example #6
 def do_start_message(self):
     msg = '...\n%s\n' % ('*' * 70)
     msg += '*\tTest:   %s\n' % self.test_name
     msg += '*\tConfig: %s\n' % self.config_name
     msg += '*\tLog:    %s\n' % self.log_dir
     email = common.global_vars['email']
     if email:
         msg += '*\tEmails: %s\n' % email
         msg += '*\tEmails: Disabled.\n'
     msg += '%s' % ('*' * 70)
Example #7
def main():
    box_num = raw_input("input box number:")
    over_time = float(raw_input("input work time:"))
    report_datas = common.report()
    log_path = path + "/log/" + box_num
    cases_run = []
    for case in case_files:
        cases_run.append(case + ".run(log_path)")
    threads = []
    threads.append(threading.Thread(target=common.heart_beat, args=(over_time,)))
    for t in threads:

    time_flag = 0
    while 1:
        for t in threads:
            if t.is_alive():
                for case_run in cases_run:
                    response = eval(case_run)
                    if response[response.keys()[0]]["state"]:
                        print ".",
                        print "F",
                common.get_report_html(box_num, report_datas, report_path)
                time_flag = 1
        print ""
        if time_flag:

    print 99999
Example #8
    def set_init_params(self, configuration_dict, args, test_name,
        self.test_name = test_name
        self.config_name = config_name
        self.configuration_dict = configuration_dict
        self.start_time = time.time()

        # Require certain parameters to be in configuration file.  Do all parsing here!!!!! EARLLLYYYY !!!
        required_params = []

        for param in required_params:
            assert (param
                    in self.configuration_dict), 'Param not found: %s' % param

        # Check that email given is valid.
        if args.email:
            if self._check_email_format(args.email):
                common.global_vars['email'] = args.email
                report('Invalid email address given. Emails disabled.',
Example #9
 def _handle_stopped_runner(self, runner):
         common.report(runner, self._mail_kwargs)
Example #10
 def _handle_stopped_runner(self, runner):
         common.report(runner, self._mail_kwargs)
Example #11
def modify_names(directory, action, position, input_string,
                 replace_string=None, recursive=False, exclude=None,
                 pattern=None, ignore_case=True, regex_syntax=False,
                 report_file=None, ignore_symlinks=False, strip_chars=None):
        Modify the base name of files by adding, removing or replacing a
        user-defined string.
    pv.path(directory, "given", False, True)
    pv.compstr(action, "action", ["add", "remove", "replace"])
    pv.compstr(position, "position", ["any", "prefix", "suffix"])
    pv.string(input_string, "input string", False, common.get_invalid_chars())

    action = action.lower()
    position = position.lower()
    directory = os.path.abspath(directory)
    if not directory.endswith(os.path.sep):
        directory += os.path.sep

    if report_file == None:
        simulate = False
        pv.path(report_file, "report", True, False)
        report_file = os.path.abspath(report_file)
        simulate = True

    if not replace_string == None:
        if not action == "replace":
            raise Exception("The replace string argument can only be used " \
                            "together with the action 'replace'.")
            pv.string(replace_string, "string False", False,

    if action == "add" and position == "any":
        raise Exception("The position 'any' cannot be used together with " \
                        "the action 'add'.")

    if len(input_string) == 0:
        raise Exception("The input string must not be empty.")
        pv.string(input_string, "input string", False,

    if not strip_chars == None:
        pv.string(strip_chars, "strip chars string", False,

    time_start = dt.now()

    list_content = []
    list_excluded = []
    list_renamed = []
    list_skipped = []
    regex = None
    if not pattern == None:
        regex = common.compile_regex(pattern, ignore_case, regex_syntax)

    list_content, list_excluded = \
        common.get_files(directory, recursive, ignore_case, regex, exclude,
    for item in list_content:
        list_files = item[1]
        __modify_names(list_files, list_renamed, list_skipped, action,
                       position, input_string, replace_string, strip_chars)

    if simulate:
        explicit = None
        if exclude == None:
            exclude = False
            explicit = False
        elif exclude:
            explicit = False
            explicit = True

        list_header = []
        list_header.append("Nomen File Name Modifier simulation report")
        list_header.append(["Report file name:", report_file])
        list_header.append(["Directory:", directory])
        list_header.append(["Recursive:", recursive])
        list_header.append(["Ignore symlinks:", ignore_symlinks])
        list_header.append(["Action to perform:", action.capitalize()])
        list_header.append(["Position:", position.capitalize()])
        list_header.append(["Input string:", "\"" + input_string + "\" " \
                            "(without double quotes)"])
        if not replace_string == None:
            list_header.append(["Replace string:", "\"" + replace_string + \
                                "\" (without double quotes)"])
        if strip_chars == None:
            list_header.append(["Strip chars:", "None"])
            list_header.append(["Strip chars:", "\"" + strip_chars + "\" " \
                                "(without double quotes)"])

        list_header.append(["Exclude files:", exclude])
        list_header.append(["Explicit files:", explicit])
        list_header.append(["Pattern:", pattern])
        list_header.append(["Ignore case:", ignore_case])
        list_header.append(["Regex syntax:", regex_syntax])

        common.report(report_file, list_header, list_renamed, list_excluded,
                      list_skipped, time_start)
Example #12
def rename_files(directory, rename_mode, separator=" ", recursive=False,
                 padding=0, exclude=None, pattern=None, ignore_case=True,
                 regex_syntax=False, report_file=None, ignore_symlinks=False,
                 ignore_file_ext=False, custom_name=None, step=1,
        Rename the base name of files based on the name of the directory where
        they are stored in and add a numeric ID.
    pv.path(directory, "given", False, True)
    pv.compstr(rename_mode, "rename mode",
               ["fill-gaps", "increase", "keep-order", "rename-new"])
    pv.intrange(padding, "padding", 0, 12, True)
    pv.string(separator, "seperator", False, common.get_invalid_chars())
    pv.intvalue(step, "step", True, False, False)

    if not order_by == None:
        pv.compstr(order_by, "order by", ["accessed", "created", "modified"])
        if not rename_mode == "keep-order":
            raise Exception("The order-by argument can only be used in " \
                            "combination with keep-order mode.")

    step = int(step)
    rename_mode = rename_mode.lower()
    directory = os.path.abspath(directory)
    if not directory.endswith(os.path.sep):
        directory += os.path.sep

    if report_file == None:
        simulate = False
        pv.path(report_file, "report", True, False)
        report_file = os.path.abspath(report_file)
        simulate = True

    if not custom_name == None:
        pv.string(custom_name, "custom file name", False,

    time_start = dt.now()

    list_content = []
    list_excluded = []
    list_renamed = []
    list_skipped = []
    regex = None
    if not pattern == None:
        regex = common.compile_regex(pattern, ignore_case, regex_syntax)

    list_content, list_excluded = \
        common.get_files(directory, recursive, ignore_case, regex, exclude,
                         ignore_symlinks, order_by)

    for item in list_content:
        list_files = item[1]
        if rename_mode == "fill-gaps":
            list_renamed, list_skipped = \
                __rename_files_fill(list_files, list_renamed, list_skipped,
                                    separator, padding, True, ignore_file_ext,
                                    custom_name, step)
        elif rename_mode == "rename-new":
            list_renamed, list_skipped = \
                __rename_files_fill(list_files, list_renamed, list_skipped,
                                    separator, padding, False,
                                    ignore_file_ext, custom_name, step)
        elif rename_mode == "keep-order":
            list_renamed, list_skipped = \
                __rename_files_keep_order(list_files, list_renamed,
                                          list_skipped, separator, padding,
                                          ignore_file_ext, custom_name, step,
            raise Exception("An invalid rename mode was given.")

    if simulate:
        if padding == 0:
            padding = "Set automatically"
            padding = str(padding)

        explicit = None
        if exclude == None:
            exclude = False
            explicit = False
        elif exclude:
            explicit = False
            explicit = True

        if order_by == "accessed":
            order_by = "Access time"
        elif order_by == "created":
            order_by = "Creation time"
        elif order_by == "modified":
            order_by = "Modification time"
            order_by = "False"

        list_header = []
        list_header.append("Nomen File Renamer simulation report")
        list_header.append(["Report file name:", report_file])
        list_header.append(["Directory:", directory])
        list_header.append(["Recursive:", recursive])
        list_header.append(["Ignore symlinks:", ignore_symlinks])
        list_header.append(["Rename mode:", rename_mode.capitalize()])
        list_header.append(["Order by time:", order_by])
        list_header.append(["Separator:", "\"" + separator + "\" " \
                            "(without double quotes)"])
        list_header.append(["Numeric padding:", padding])
        list_header.append(["Step size:", step])
        list_header.append(["Exclude files:", exclude])
        list_header.append(["Explicit files:", explicit])
        list_header.append(["Pattern:", pattern])
        list_header.append(["Ignore case:", ignore_case])
        list_header.append(["Regex syntax:", regex_syntax])

        common.report(report_file, list_header, list_renamed, list_excluded,
                      list_skipped, time_start)
Example #13
    if simulate:
        list_header = []
        list_header.append("Nomen File Name Case Converter simulation report")
        list_header.append(["Report file name:", report_file])
        list_header.append(["Directory:", directory])
        list_header.append(["Recursive:", recursive])
        list_header.append(["Ignore symlinks:", ignore_symlinks])
        list_header.append(["Conflict mode:", conflict_mode.capitalize()])
        list_header.append(["Case:", case.capitalize()])
        list_header.append(["Lowercase config:", cfg_lower])
        list_header.append(["Mixed case config:", cfg_mixed])
        list_header.append(["Title case config:", cfg_title])
        list_header.append(["Uppercase config:", cfg_upper])

        common.report(report_file, list_header, list_renamed, list_excluded,
                      list_skipped, time_start)

def get_version():
        Return the version of this module.
    return __version__

def modify_names(directory, action, position, input_string,
                 replace_string=None, recursive=False, exclude=None,
                 pattern=None, ignore_case=True, regex_syntax=False,
                 report_file=None, ignore_symlinks=False, strip_chars=None):
        Modify the base name of files by adding, removing or replacing a
Example #14
def rename_extensions(directory,
        Rename the file extensions in the given directory and all of its
        sub-directories (if requested).
    pv.path(directory, "given", False, True)
    pv.compstr(conflict_mode, "conflict mode", ["rename", "skip"])
    pv.string(extension, "extension", False, common.get_invalid_chars())
    pv.string(extension_target, "target extension", False,

    conflict_mode = conflict_mode.lower()
    directory = os.path.abspath(directory)
    if not directory.endswith(os.path.sep):
        directory += os.path.sep

    if report_file == None:
        simulate = False
        pv.path(report_file, "report", True, False)
        report_file = os.path.abspath(report_file)
        simulate = True

    time_start = dt.now()

    list_content = []
    list_excluded = []
    list_extensions = []
    list_renamed = []
    list_skipped = []

    if ";" in extension:
        while (";" * 2) in extension:
            extension = extension.replace((";" * 2), ";")

        list_temp = extension.split(";")
        for extension in list_temp:
            if not extension == "":

        if len(list_extensions) == 0:
            raise Exception("The given extension list does not contain any " \

    pattern = ""
    for extension in list_extensions:
        pattern += "(.*\." + str(extension) + "$)|"
    pattern = pattern.rstrip("|")

    if ignore_case:
        regex = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
        regex = re.compile(pattern)

    list_content, list_excluded = \
        common.get_files(directory, recursive, ignore_case, regex, False,
    for item in list_content:
        list_files = item[1]
        list_renamed, list_skipped = \
            __rename_extensions(list_files, list_extensions, list_renamed,
                                list_skipped, conflict_mode, extension_target)

    if simulate:
        list_header = []
        list_header.append("Nomen Extension Renamer simulation report")
        list_header.append(["Report file name:", report_file])
        list_header.append(["Directory:", directory])
        list_header.append(["Recursive:", recursive])
        list_header.append(["Ignore symlinks:", ignore_symlinks])
        list_header.append(["Conflict mode:", conflict_mode.capitalize()])
        list_header.append(["Extensions:", extension])
        list_header.append(["Target extension:", extension_target])
        list_header.append(["Ignore case:", ignore_case])

        common.report(report_file, list_header, list_renamed, list_excluded,
                      list_skipped, time_start)
def find_repeated_substrings(test_files):
    """Return the longest substring(s) s that is repeated in <test_files>
        according to rule:
            For each x in test_files:
                s occurs at least x['repeats'] times in x['text']
        test_files[name] = {'text':text, 'repeats':repeats}
    common.note_time('start searching strings')
    common.report('find_repeated_substrings(%d,%d,%d)' % (len(test_files.keys()), _MIN_K, _MAX_K))
    if not test_files:
        print 'no test files'

    # Find the substrings that are repeated >= k times in files with k repeats
    # It is important to test shorter files first
    file_names = [x for x in test_files.keys()]
    file_names.sort(key = lambda x: len(test_files[x]['text']))

    common.report('file_names:\n%s' % '\n'.join(['%8d:%3d: %s' % 
            (len(test_files[name]['text']),test_files[name]['repeats'],name) for name in file_names]))

    # Start by finding all substrings of length _MIN_K which is typically 4
    k = _MIN_K
    if False:
        print 'Pure Python'
        pattern_offsets_list = get_offsets_from_texts(file_names, test_files, k)
        print 'Cython rolling hash'
        text_list, repeats_list = test_files_to_text_repeats(file_names, test_files)
        # Get rid of expensive references to big strings
        for name in file_names:
            test_files[name]['text'] = None
        pattern_offsets_list = rolling_hash.get_offsets_from_texts(text_list, repeats_list, k, 

        text_repeats_to_test_files(file_names, test_files, text_list, repeats_list)    
        text_list = None
        min_repeats_list = None
    if False:
        # Does not work. !@#$ Find out why
        while k >= _MIN_K:  
            pattern_offsets_list = rolling_hash.get_offsets_from_texts(text_list, repeats_list, k, 
            if pattern_offsets_list[0]:
            print 'reducing k %d=>%d' % (k, k // 2)
            k = k // 2
    common.note_time('got substrings')

    offsets_dict = dict(zip(file_names, pattern_offsets_list))

    # Work in increasing length of substrings, +1 per round    
    offsets_dict_dict = {}
    k_list = []
    for k in range(_MIN_K, _MAX_K):
        #sparsify the text
        for name in file_names:
            test_files[name]['text'] = common.sparsify_by_offsets(test_files[name]['text'], 
                offsets_dict[name], k)

        offsets_dict_dict[k] = offsets_dict
        common.note_time('found %3d substrings of length >= %3d' % (len(offsets_dict[file_names[0]]), k)) 
        child_offsets_dict = get_child_offsets(file_names, test_files, offsets_dict, k)
        if not child_offsets_dict:
        offsets_dict = child_offsets_dict 
    # The offsets dict may have too many repeats 
    # Walk back through the offsets list to find the first one without excess repeats
    print '$' * 60
    print 'k_list', k_list
    for k in k_list:
        print '-' * 60
        offsets_dict = offsets_dict_dict[k]
        for key in sorted(offsets_dict[file_names[0]].keys()):
            print '%s:' % H(key), 
            for name in file_names:
                if len(offsets_dict[name][key]) != test_files[name]['repeats']:
                    print '"%s":%d,%d' % (name, len(offsets_dict[name][key]), test_files[name]['repeats']),
        for name in file_names:
            for key, ofs_set in offsets_dict[name].items():            
                if len(ofs_set) > test_files[name]['repeats']:
                    for n in file_names:
        #for name in file_names:                
        #    if not offsets_dict[name]:
        #        del(offsets_dict[name])
        print 'k=%d, offsets_dict=' % (k)
        for name in file_names:
            print ' ', name, ['"%s":%d'%(key, len(val)) for (key,val) in offsets_dict[name].items()]
        if all(offsets_dict.values()):
    # return last non-empty dict of offsets    
    return offsets_dict
def get_child_offsets(file_names, test_files, offsets_dict, k):
    """ Given a set of substrings of length <k> defined by offsets in a set of 
        test_files, return a dict of substrings of length k+1
            offsets_dict[<filename>][<substring>] is the set of offsets of <substring>
            in test_files[<filename>]
        <file_names> is keys of test_files in the desired sort order (shorter first)
        This is the inner loop of the program.
        The returned dict will no longer than offsets_dict and string searches are on existing
        substrings + 1 character to left or right so there is not that much text to search.
    common.report('get_child_offsets(file_names=%d,test_files=%d,%d,substrings=%d,k=%d)' % 
        (len(file_names), len(test_files), len(offsets_dict), len(offsets_dict.values()[0]), k))
    parent_substrings = offsets_dict[file_names[0]].keys()
    child_offsets_dict = {}
    allowed_substrings = None

    for name in file_names:
        x = test_files[name]
        child_offsets_dict[name] = {}
        for key, ofs_set in offsets_dict[name].items():
            # Use a list which unlike a set can be indexed and sorted
            ofs_list = sorted(ofs_set) 
            # Remove parent offsets that would truncate substrings of length k+1
            if ofs_list[0] == 0:
            if ofs_list[-1]+k+1 == len(x['text']):

            # Create the child length k+1 substrings and add them to the child offsets dict
            # ofs1 is the offset of the k+1 substring key1 
            for ofs in ofs_list:
                for ofs1 in [ofs-1, ofs]:
                    key1 = x['text'][ofs1:ofs1+k+1]
                    #if len(key1) != k+1:
                    #    print 'key="%s", key1="%s"' % (key, key1)
                    assert(len(key1) == k+1)
                    if allowed_substrings:    
                        if not key1 in allowed_substrings:
                    # Only allow keys with valid parents
                    if not key1[1:] in parent_substrings or not key1[:-1] in parent_substrings:
                    # Get rid of the junk too    
                    if common.is_junk(key1):

                    # Got through all the filters. Add the new offset to the child dict
                    if not key1 in child_offsets_dict[name].keys():
                        child_offsets_dict[name][key1] = set([])
        # Prune the entries with insufficient repeats
        unpruned_len = len(child_offsets_dict[name].keys())
        for key, ofs_set in child_offsets_dict[name].items():            
            if len(ofs_set) < x['repeats']:
        # allowed_substrings is used as a filter in all but first pass through this loop
        allowed_substrings = child_offsets_dict[name].keys() 
        common.report('  allowed_substrings=%3d,%3d,size=%7d' % 
            (unpruned_len, len(allowed_substrings), len(x['text'])))

    # Need to go back and trim the substrings lists to allowed_substrings
    # If this results in a zero length list for any file then returns
    for name in file_names:
        for key in child_offsets_dict[name].keys():            
            if not key in allowed_substrings:
        if len(child_offsets_dict[name]) == 0:
            return None

    common.dump_dict('dumpfile_%03d' % (k+1), file_names, test_files, child_offsets_dict)
    if common.is_validate():
        if not validate_child_offsets(file_names, offsets_dict, child_offsets_dict, k):
            raise ValueError

    for name in file_names:
        common.report('before=%3d,after=%3d,file=%s' % (len(offsets_dict[name]),

    return child_offsets_dict