Example #1
    def start(self, pkg_id, install_path, update_status=True):
        conf_file = self.getConfigFile(pkg_id, install_path)
        user, group = self.getUser(conf_file)
        # 修改文件属主
        common.chown_by_name(install_path, user, group)

        # 添加crontab
        self.opLog.info("start to add crontab")
        ret = self.pkgCom.getLock(os.path.dirname(self.CONF_BASE), filename="crontab.lock")
        if not ret:
            self.exit_proc(2005, "get lock error, please try again")
        shell = 'export VISUAL="%s/crontab.py add %s";echo "no"|crontab -e'%(self.curr_folder, install_path)
        code,msg = common.runShell(shell,user=user)
        if code != 0:
            self.exit_proc(2010, "add crontab error,code:%s,msg:%s"%(code,msg))
        ret = self.pkgCom.unLock(os.path.dirname(self.CONF_BASE), filename ="crontab.lock")
        if not ret:
            self.exit_proc(2009, "unlock error")

        # 执行启动脚本
        self.opLog.info("start to start")
        code, start_msg = common.runConfig(conf_file, "start_script", install_path)
        if code != 0:
            msg = '执行启动脚本失败, code=%s,msg=%s' % (code,start_msg)
            return code, msg
        msg = start_msg

        self.opLog.info("start end, start to check process")
        # 检查启动结果
        err_app, ok_app, err_port, ok_port = self.pkgCom.checkStart(conf_file, install_path)

        # 更新包状态
        if update_status:
            self.opLog.info("check end,update status")
            status = {
                'status': 'started',
                'time': time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()),
                'successProcess': ok_app,
                'errorProcess': err_app,
                'successPort': ok_port,
                'errorPort': err_port
        err_msg = ""
        if err_app or err_port:
            if err_app:
                err_msg += ",异常进程:" + ";".join(err_app)
            if err_port:
                err_msg += ",异常端口:" + ";".join(map(str, err_port))

            msg = '启动失败 %s,启动返回信息:%s' % (err_msg,start_msg)
            code = 1009
            return code, msg
        self.opLog.info("start successfully ")
        return code, msg
Example #2
    def stop(self, pkg_id, install_path, update_status=True):
        conf_file = self.getConfigFile(pkg_id, install_path)
        user, group = self.getUser(conf_file)
        # 修改文件属主
        common.chown_by_name(install_path, user, group)

        self.opLog.info("start to clear crontab")
        ret = self.pkgCom.getLock(os.path.dirname(self.CONF_BASE), filename="crontab.lock")
        if not ret:
            self.exit_proc(2005, "get lock error, please try again")
        shell = 'export VISUAL="%s/crontab.py del %s";crontab -e'%(self.curr_folder, install_path)
        code,msg = common.runShell(shell,user=user)
        if code != 0:
            self.exit_proc(2010, "del crontab error,code:%s,msg:%s"%(code,msg))
        ret = self.pkgCom.unLock(os.path.dirname(self.CONF_BASE), filename="crontab.lock")
        if not ret:
            self.exit_proc(2009, "unlock error")

        self.opLog.info("start to stop")
        code, msg = common.runConfig(conf_file, "stop_script", install_path)
        if code != 0:
            msg = '执行停止脚本失败,code=%s,msg=%s' % (code,msg)
            return code, msg
        self.opLog.info("stop end, start to check process")
        err_app, ok_app, ok_port, err_port = self.pkgCom.checkStop(conf_file, install_path)
        # 如果是restart的话是不更新状态的
        if update_status:
            self.opLog.info("check end,update status")
            status = {
                'status': 'stopped',
                'time': time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()),
                'successProcess': ok_app,
                'errorProcess': err_app,
                'successPort': ok_port,
                'errorPort': err_port
        err_msg = ""
        code = 0
        if err_app or err_port:
            if err_app:
                err_msg += ",error process:" + ";".join(err_app)
            if err_port:
                err_msg += ",error port:" + ";".join(map(str, err_port))

            msg = 'stop failed %s' % (err_msg)
            code = 1010
            return code, msg
        self.opLog.info("stop successfully")
        return code, msg
Example #3
def preScript(pkg_file, user):
    instance_conf_file = os.path.join(pkg_file, "package.conf.yaml")
    code, out = common.runConfig(instance_conf_file, 'install_prescript', pkg_file, user)
    print out
    if code != 0:
        code = 1002
        msg = "run pre script failed " + out
        print msg
        return code, msg
    return 0, 'ok'
Example #4
def postScript(install_path, pkg_id, user):
    conf_path = getConfPath(install_path, pkg_id)
    instance_conf_file = os.path.join(conf_path, "package.conf.yaml")
    code, out = common.runConfig(instance_conf_file, 'install_postscript', install_path, user)
    if code != 0:
        code = 1002
        msg = "run post script failed " + out
        print msg
        return code, msg
    print out
    return 0, 'ok'
Example #5
def postScript(install_path, pkg_id, user):
    pkg_real_path = os.path.realpath(install_path)
    m = hashlib.md5()
    instance_md5 = m.hexdigest()
    conf_path = os.path.join(conf_base_path, pkg_id, instance_md5[:7])
    instance_conf_file = os.path.join(conf_path, "package.conf.yaml")
    code, out = common.runConfig(instance_conf_file, 'update_postscript', install_path, user)
    if code != 0:
        code = 1002
        msg = "run post script failed " + out
        print msg
        return code, msg
    print out
    return 0, 'ok'
Example #6
 def resolve(self, pkg_id, install_path):
     self.opLog.info("run resolve")
     conf_file = self.getConfigFile(pkg_id, install_path)
     code, msg = common.runConfig(conf_file, "resolve_script", install_path)
     self.opLog.info("resolve end,code:%s,msg:%s" % (code, msg))
     return code, msg