Example #1
 def opt(target, engines, vK, eps):
     tm = abs(target)
     comp = vec()
     man = vec()
     for e in engines:
         if not e.manual:
             e.limit_tmp = -e.current_torque * target / tm / abs(e.current_torque) * e.torque_ratio
             if e.limit_tmp > 0:
                 comp += e.nominal_current_torque(e.vsf(vK) * e.limit)
             elif e.maneuver:
                 if e.limit == 0: e.limit = eps
                 man += e.nominal_current_torque(e.vsf(vK) * e.limit)
             else: e.limit_tmp = 0
         else: e.limit_tmp = 0
     compm = abs(comp)
     manm = abs(man)
     if compm < eps and manm == 0: return False
     limits_norm = clamp01(tm / compm)
     man_norm = clamp01(tm / manm)
     for e in engines:
         if e.manual: continue
         if e.limit_tmp < 0:
             e.limit = clamp01(e.limit * (1.0 - e.limit_tmp * man_norm))
             e.limit = clamp01(e.limit * (1.0 - e.limit_tmp * limits_norm))
     return True
Example #2
def drawVectors():
    x = (1, 0, 0);
    y = (0, 1, 0);
    z = (0, 0, 1)

    NoseUp = [
        (0.426938, 0.6627575, 0.6152045),  # right
        (-0.9027369, 0.3521126, 0.2471495),  # up
        (-0.05282113, -0.6608852, 0.7486259),  # fwd
        (-0.825050456225237, 0.00142223040578914, 0.565057273153087),  # Up
        vec(-40.7348866753984, 82.6265182495117, -60.7879408364129).norm.v,  # vel

    NoseHor = [
        (0.9065102, 0.2023994, 0.3705047),  # right
        (-0.4193277, 0.3297398, 0.8458344),  # up
        (0.04902627, -0.9221203, 0.3837842),  # fwd
        vec(-124.8083, 99.28588, 254.6226).norm.v,  # -T
        #                 vec(8.85797889364285, 42.9853324890137, 16.2476060788045).norm.v, #vel
        #                 vec(14.74958, -277.06, 115.2648).norm.v, #[r*-T]

    LookAhead = [
        (-0.853199320849177, 0.0880317238524617, 0.514102455253879),  # Up
        (0.4738491, -0.3380022, 0.8131552),  # r
        (0.7306709, -0.3828829, -0.5652617),  # lookahead

    GreatCircle = [
        (-0.853199320849177, 0.0880317238524617, 0.514102455253879),  # Up
        (0.553682, -0.2360972, 0.7985577),  # VDir0
        (-0.4253684, -0.6641812, -0.6147562)  # VDir0

    GreatCircle = [
        (0, 1, 0),  # Up
        (np.sin(-103.6567 / 180 * np.pi), 0, np.cos(-103.6567 / 180 * np.pi))  # VDir0

    Radar = [
        (0.4143046, -0.6872179, 0.5967271),  # Dir
        (0.615147, -0.6593181, 0.4323122),  # d
        (-0.821889802172869, -0.00085793802058045, 0.569645869840723),  # Up
        (0.3722304, 0.7262448, 0.5779386),  # right

    MunNoseHor = [
        (1, 0, 0),
        (0, 1, 0),
        (0.00198698, 0.999992, 0.003474206),
        (-0.01996278, -0.1021231, -0.9945714),
        (-0.0001221597, 0.9947699, -0.1021409),
        (0.3317407, 0.9377342, -0.1029695),

    #     draw_vectors(*NoseUp)
Example #3
def solver_sim():
    def vecs2scatter(vecs):
        return np.array([v.v[:2] for v in vecs], dtype=float).transpose()

    r0 = vec(314495.948447142, 650730.150160414, 0)
    v0 = vec(-1800.99971342087, 1379.68533771485, 0)

    r1 = vec(314495.948447142, 650730.150160414, 0)
    # r1 = vec(404539.613450263, 596305.96712629, 0)

    r2 = vec(+454949.7854, +515180.6808, +0.0000) * 0.9

    s = lambert_solver(r1, r2, 1000, mu=3531600000000.0)
    t, orb, vel = s.simulate_generic(r0, v0, 2200, 0.1)
    start = 3500
    r1 = orb[start];
    v0 = vel[start]
    ori = vecs2scatter((r1, r2, vec(0, 0, 0), orb[0], orb[-1]))
    orb = vecs2scatter(orb)

    def plot_solver(s):
        x = np.linspace(-0.99, 0.99, 1000)
        y = s.y(x)
        f = s.F(x, y)
        # f1 = s.F1(x, y, f)
        # f2 = s.F2(x, y, f1)

        # plt.plot(x, y, label='y')
        plt.plot(x, f, label='f')
        # plt.plot(x, f1, label='f1')
        # plt.plot(x, f2, label='f2')

    def analyze_solution(tt):
        s = lambert_solver(r1, r2, tt, mu=3531600000000.0)
        # plot_solver(s)
        print 'dV: %s' % (s.V - v0)
        t, r, v = s.simulate(tt / 10000.0)
        path = vecs2scatter(r)
        print s
        print 'TT: %f; Err: %s, dR*V %f' % (tt, r[-1] - r2, (r2 - r1).norm * s.V)
        plt.scatter(ori[0], ori[1], color=['b', 'r', 'g', 'y', 'c'])
        plt.plot(orb[0], orb[1], 'grey')
        plt.plot(path[0], path[1])

    # analyze_solution(1106.96240719769)
    for tt in xrange(700, 3600, 100): analyze_solution(tt)
Example #4
 def solve(self):
     if abs(self.tau - self.tauME) < 1e-6:
         v = np.sqrt(self.mu) * self.y(0) / np.sqrt(self.n)
         self.V = (r1.norm + self.cv / self.c) * v
     elif self.tau <= 2.0 / 3 * (1 - self.sigma3):
         print 'Only parabolic transfer is possible'
         self.V = vec()
         self.transfer_time = 0
         n = 1
         x1 = np.nan
         while np.isnan(x1) and n <= 2 ** 10:
             x0 = 0
             if np.isnan(x1):
                 x1 = 0.5 if self.tau < self.tauME else -0.5
             while abs(x1 - x0) > 1e-6:
                 x0 = x1
                 x1 = self.next_x(x1, n)
             # if n == 1: break
             n *= 2
             # if n > 2**10 and np.isnan(x1): n = 1
         vr = np.sqrt(self.mu) * (self.y(x1) / np.sqrt(self.n) - x1 / np.sqrt(self.m))
         vc = np.sqrt(self.mu) * (self.y(x1) / np.sqrt(self.n) + x1 / np.sqrt(self.m))
         self.V = r1.norm * vr + self.cv / self.c * vc
     return self.V, self.transfer_time
Example #5
 def __init__(self, pos, direction, spec_torque, min_thrust=0.0, max_thrust=100.0, maneuver=False, manual=False):
     self.pos = pos
     self.dir = direction
     self.torque = spec_torque
     self.min_thrust = float(min_thrust)
     self.max_thrust = float(max_thrust)
     self.limit = 1.0
     self.limit_tmp = 1.0
     self.best_limit = 1.0
     self.torque_ratio = 1.0
     self.current_torque = vec()
     self.maneuver = maneuver
     self.manual = manual
Example #6
def sim_PIDf():
    MoI = vec(3.517439, 5.191057, 3.517369)

    def A(_t):  return vec(_t / MoI[0], _t / MoI[1], _t / MoI[2])

    def Tf(_t): return vec(MoI[0] / _t, MoI[1] / _t, MoI[2] / _t)

    ph = 0.4;
    pl = 0.05;
    dp = ph - pl

    def hill(x, x0=1.0, k=1.0):
        p1 = x ** 2
        p2 = -(x * 2 - x0 * 3)
        p3 = (x * 2 + x0 * 3)
        return p1 * p2 * p3

    T = np.arange(0, 2, 0.01)
    P = []
    I = []
    As = []
    S = []
    S1 = []
    S2 = []
    for t in T:
        #         f = asymp01(As[-1], 10)
        #         P.append(pl+dp*(1.0-f))
        #         I.append(P[-1]*(1.0-f)/1.5)
        S.append(hill(t, 1, 1))

    #     plt.plot(T, P)
    #     plt.plot(T, I)
    #     plt.show()
    plt.plot(T, S)
def sentence2vec(words_in_sentence, model):
	array_of_vectors = map(lambda (x): common.vec(x, model), words_in_sentence)
	filtered = np.array([x for x in array_of_vectors if len(x) != 0])
	return filtered.transpose()
Example #8
 def optR(engines, D=vec(), vK=1.0, eps=0.1, maxI=500, output=True):
     torque_clamp = vec6()
     torque_imbalance = vec()
     ti_min = vec()
     for e in engines:
         e.limit = 1.0 if not e.maneuver else 0
         ti_min += e.nominal_current_torque(0)
     if abs(ti_min) > 0:
         print ti_min
         anti_ti_min = vec()
         for e in engines:
             if e.torque * ti_min < 0:
                 anti_ti_min += e.nominal_current_torque(1)
         if abs(anti_ti_min) > 0:
             vK = clampL(vK, clamp01(abs(ti_min) / abs(anti_ti_min) * 1.2))
     for e in engines:
         e.torque_ratio = clamp01(1.0 - abs(e.pos.norm * e.dir.norm)) ** 0.1
         e.current_torque = e.nominal_current_torque(e.vsf(vK))
         torque_imbalance += e.nominal_current_torque(e.vsf(vK) * e.limit)
     _d = torque_clamp.clamp(D)
     if output:
         print 'vK: %f' % vK
         print 'Torque clamp:\n', torque_clamp
         print 'demand:        ', D
         print 'clamped demand:', _d
         print ('initial     %s, error %s, dir error %s' %
                (torque_imbalance, abs(torque_imbalance - _d), torque_imbalance.angle(_d)))
     s = [];
     s1 = [];
     i = 0;
     best_error = -1;
     best_angle = -1;
     best_index = -1;
     for i in xrange(maxI):
         s.append(abs(torque_imbalance - _d))
         s1.append(torque_imbalance.angle(_d) if abs(_d) > 0 else 0)
         if (s1[-1] <= 0 and s[-1] < best_error or
                         s[-1] + s1[-1] < best_error + best_angle or best_angle < 0):
             for e in engines: e.best_limit = e.limit
             best_error = s[-1]
             best_angle = s1[-1]
             best_index = len(s) - 1
         #             if len(s1) > 1 and s1[-1] < 55 and s1[-1]-s1[-2] > eps: break
         #             if s1[-1] > 0:
         #                 if s1[-1] < eps or len(s1) > 1 and abs(s1[-1]-s1[-2]) < eps*eps: break
         #             elif
         if s[-1] < eps or len(s) > 1 and abs(s[-1] - s[-2]) < eps / 10.0: break
         if len(filter(lambda e: e.manual, engines)) == 0:
             mlim = max(e.limit for e in engines)
             if mlim > 0:
                 for e in engines: e.limit = clamp01(e.limit / mlim)
         if not opt(_d - torque_imbalance, engines, vK, eps): break
         torque_imbalance = vec.sum(e.nominal_current_torque(e.vsf(vK) * e.limit) for e in engines)
     for e in engines: e.limit = e.best_limit
     if output:
         print 'iterations:', i + 1
         #             print 'dAngle:    ', abs(s1[-1]-s1[-2])
         print 'limits:    ', list(e.limit for e in engines)
         print 'result      %s, error %s, dir error %s' % (torque_imbalance, s[best_index], s1[best_index])
         print 'engines:\n' + '\n'.join(str(e.nominal_current_torque(e.vsf(vK) * e.limit)) for e in engines)
         x = np.arange(len(s))
         plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
         plt.plot(x, s, '-')
         plt.ylabel('torque error (kNm)')
         plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
         plt.plot(x, s1, '-')
         plt.ylabel('torque direction error (deg)')
     return s[best_index], s1[best_index]
Example #9
    def Tf(_t): return vec(MoI[0] / _t, MoI[1] / _t, MoI[2] / _t)

    ph = 0.4;
Example #10
    def A(_t):  return vec(_t / MoI[0], _t / MoI[1], _t / MoI[2])

    def Tf(_t): return vec(MoI[0] / _t, MoI[1] / _t, MoI[2] / _t)
Example #11
#                 engineF(vec(1.5, 2.0, 0.0),   min_thrust=0.0, max_thrust=250.0),
#                 engineF(vec(1.3, 2.0, 1.6),   min_thrust=0.0, max_thrust=20.0, maneuver=True),
#                 engineF(vec(3.1, -2.0, -3.7), min_thrust=0.0, max_thrust=20.0, maneuver=True),
#                 engineF(vec(-3.1, -2.0, 3.7), min_thrust=0.0, max_thrust=20.0, maneuver=True),
#                 engineF(vec(-2.4, 2.0, -2.9), min_thrust=0.0, max_thrust=20.0, maneuver=True),
#              ]
# Hover_Test = [
#                 engineF(vec(-6.2, 6.4, 0.6),   max_thrust=450),
#                 engineF(vec(-6.2, -6.4, -0.6), max_thrust=450),
#                 engineF(vec(3.9, 7.4, 0.6),    max_thrust=450),
#                 engineF(vec(3.9, -6.4, -0.6),  max_thrust=450)
#             ]

Uneven_Test = [
    engine(vec(-0.1, -2.1, 0.0), vec(0.0, -1.0, 0.0), vec(0.0, 0.0, 0.1), 0, 200),
    engine(vec(-1.4, -1.4, 0.0), vec(0.0, -1.0, 0.0), vec(0.0, 0.0, 1.4), 0, 60),
    engine(vec(1.1, -1.4, 0.0), vec(0.0, -1.0, 0.0), vec(0.0, 0.0, -1.1), 0, 200),
    engine(vec(-0.1, 0.2, 0.8), vec(0.0, -1.0, 0.1), vec(0.8, 0.0, 0.1), 0, 16),
    engine(vec(-0.1, 0.2, -0.8), vec(0.0, -1.0, -0.1), vec(-0.8, 0.0, 0.1), 0, 16)

Shuttle_Test = [
    engine(vec(0.0, -5.9, -2.7), vec(0.0, -1.0, 0.0), vec(-2.7, 0.0, 0.0), 0, 1500),
    engine(vec(0.0, -6.2, 1.2), vec(0.0, -1.0, 0.0), vec(1.2, 0.0, 0.0), 0, 4000),

VTOL_Test_Bad_Demand = [
    vec(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
    vec(10.0, 0.0, 0.0),
    vec(0.0, 10.0, 0.0),