def up2cloud(filename, abs_filepath, need_rm=True, pic_host=""): ckey = "up2cloud" thekey = filename rcli = RedisClient().get_cli() thetoken = rcli.get(ckey) if thetoken: thetoken = json.loads(thetoken) else: q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) # 上传后保存的文件名 # 生成上传 Token,可以指定过期时间等 ttl = 3600 thetoken = q.upload_token(g_bucket_name, None, ttl) rcli.set(ckey, json.dumps(thetoken), ex=ttl - 600) # 要上传文件的本地路径 ret, info = put_file(thetoken, thekey, abs_filepath) uri = "" if ret and ret["key"] == thekey and ret['hash'] == etag(abs_filepath): uri = json.loads(info.text_body)["key"] if not uri: g_stdlogging.error("[up2cloud]%s %s" % (ret, info)) raise unknown_err # print(abs_filepath) if need_rm: os.remove(abs_filepath) if not pic_host: pic_host = app.config["PIC_HOST"] return pic_host + "/" + uri
def get_dict8xml(xmldata): res_dict = {} try: root = ET.fromstring(xmldata) except Exception as e: g_stdlogging.error("[get_dict8xml_err]%s" % e) return res_dict for item in root: res_dict[item.tag] = item.text return res_dict
def send2mq(info, push_type=0, ttl=1): try: credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(RABBITMQ_USER, RABBITMQ_USER_PASSWORD) connection = pika.BlockingConnection( pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost', credentials=credentials)) # Create normal 'Hello World' type channel. channel = channel.confirm_delivery() channel.queue_declare(queue=push_main_queue, durable=True) # We need to bind this channel to an exchange, that will be used to transfer # messages from our delay queue. channel.queue_bind(exchange=t_exchange, queue=push_main_queue) # Create our delay channel. delay_channel = delay_channel.confirm_delivery() # This is where we declare the delay, and routing for our delay channel. delay_channel.queue_declare( queue=push_delay_queue, durable=True, arguments={ # 'x-message-ttl' :3000, # Delay until the message is transferred in milliseconds. 'x-dead-letter-exchange': t_exchange, # Exchange used to transfer the message from A to B. 'x-dead-letter-routing-key': push_main_queue # Name of the queue we want the message transferred to. }) if ttl <= 0: raise Exception("ttl less than 1") pt = pika.BasicProperties(delivery_mode=2, expiration=str(ttl)) new_info = {"info": json.loads(info), "push_type": push_type}"[send2mq] %s %s" % (new_info, ttl)) res = delay_channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key=push_delay_queue, body=json.dumps(new_info), properties=pt) except Exception as e: g_stdlogging.error("[send2mq]err %s " % e)
def up2cloud_video_part(filename, abs_filepath, need_rm=True, pic_host=""): ckey = "up2cloud_video_part1" thekey = filename rcli = RedisClient().get_cli() thetoken = rcli.get(ckey) if False and thetoken: thetoken = json.loads(thetoken) else: q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) # 上传后保存的文件名 # 生成上传 Token,可以指定过期时间等 ttl = 3600 pat = urlsafe_base64_encode("videopart-$(count)") policy = { # "persistentOps": "vsample/jpg/ss/1/t/4/s/480x360/interval/1/pattern/dmZyYW1lLSQoY291bnQp", "persistentOps": "segment/mp4/segtime/5/pattern/%s" % pat, "persistentNotifyUrl": "" } thetoken = q.upload_token(g_bucket_name, None, ttl, policy) rcli.set(ckey, json.dumps(thetoken), ex=ttl - 600) # 要上传文件的本地路径 ret, info = put_file(thetoken, thekey, abs_filepath) uri = "" if ret and ret["key"] == thekey and ret['hash'] == etag(abs_filepath): uri = json.loads(info.text_body)["key"] if not uri: g_stdlogging.error("[up2cloud_video]%s %s" % (ret, info)) raise unknown_err # print(abs_filepath) if need_rm: os.remove(abs_filepath) if not pic_host: pic_host = app.config["PIC_HOST"] return pic_host + "/" + uri