Example #1
def sensor_analysis_main(sensor_df, switch_params_aggregated_df,
                         report_columns_usage_dct, report_data_lst):
    """Main function to analyze zoning configuration"""

    # report_data_lst contains information:
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = ['sensor_aggregated', 'Датчики']
    # service step information

    # load data if they were saved on previos program execution iteration
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)
    # unpacking DataFrames from the loaded list with data
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    sensor_aggregated_df, sensor_report_df = data_lst

    # list of data to analyze from report_info table
    analyzed_data_names = [
        'switch_params_aggregated', 'fabric_labels', 'sensor'

    # force run when any data from data_lst was not saved (file not found) or
    # procedure execution explicitly requested for output data or data used during fn execution
    force_run = verify_force_run(data_names, data_lst, report_steps_dct,
                                 max_title, analyzed_data_names)
    if force_run:
        # current operation information string
        info = f'Generating sensor readings table'
        print(info, end=" ")

        # aggregated DataFrames
        sensor_aggregated_df = sensor_aggregation(sensor_df,

        # after finish display status
        status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))

        # report tables
        sensor_report_df = sensor_report(sensor_aggregated_df, data_names,
                                         report_columns_usage_dct, max_title)

        # create list with partitioned DataFrames
        data_lst = [sensor_aggregated_df, sensor_report_df]
        # saving data to json or csv file
        save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)

    # verify if loaded data is empty and replace information string with empty DataFrame
        sensor_aggregated_df, sensor_report_df = verify_data(
            report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)

        data_lst = [sensor_aggregated_df, sensor_report_df]
    # save data to service file if it's required
    for data_name, data_frame in zip(data_names, data_lst):
        save_xlsx_file(data_frame, data_name, report_data_lst)

    return sensor_aggregated_df
Example #2
def find_files(folder, max_title, filename_contains='', filename_extension=''):
    Function to create list with files. Takes directory, regex_pattern to verify if filename
    contains that pattern (default empty string) and filename extension (default is empty string)
    as parameters. Returns list of files with the extension deteceted in root folder defined as
    folder parameter and it's nested folders. If both parameters are default functions returns
    list of all files in directory

    info = f'Checking {os.path.basename(folder)} folder for configuration files'
    print(info, end=" ")

    # check if ssave_path folder exist

    # list to save configuration data files
    files_lst = []

    # going through all directories inside ssave folder to find configuration data
    for root, _, files in os.walk(folder):
        for file in files:
            if file.endswith(filename_extension) and re.search(
                    filename_contains, file):
                file_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root, file))

    if len(files_lst) == 0:
        status_info('no data', max_title, len(info))
        status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))

    return files_lst
Example #3
def local_download(ns_3par_df, configs_local_lst, download_folder, comp_keys,
                   match_keys, comp_dct, max_title):
    """Function to copy 3PAR configuration files from local folder
    to download folder"""

    # verifu if download folder exist and create one if not (default behaviour)
    verify_download_folder(download_folder, max_title)

    if not 'STATs_status' in ns_3par_df.columns:
        ns_3par_df['STATs_status'] = np.nan
        drop_stats_column = True
        drop_stats_column = False

    ns_3par_df[['filename', 'Local_status']] = np.nan

    sn_lst = ns_3par_df['Serial_Number'].tolist()

    # copy files from configs_local_lst to download folder
    for i, source_file in enumerate(configs_local_lst):
        filename = os.path.basename(source_file)
        if os.path.isfile(source_file) or os.path.islink(source_file):
            # extract model and seral number from config file
            model, sn = parse_serial(source_file, comp_keys, match_keys,
            info = ' ' * 16 + f'[{i+1} of {len(configs_local_lst)}]: Copying {filename} for {model} {sn}'
            print(info, end=' ')
            # verify if config for current sn was downloaded from STATs or local folder before
            mask_sn = ns_3par_df['Serial_Number'] == sn
            status_ok = (ns_3par_df.loc[mask_sn,
                                        ['STATs_status', 'Local_status']] ==
            # copy config if 3par is in NameServer and was not downloaded from STATs or local folder before
            if sn in sn_lst and not status_ok:
                # destination_file = os.path.join(download_folder, filename)
                status = 'unknown'
                    shutil.copy2(source_file, download_folder)
                    status = status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
                except shutil.Error as e:
                    status = status_info('failed', max_title, len(info))
                    ns_3par_df.loc[mask_sn, ['filename', 'Local_status']] = [
                        filename, status.lower()
                status = status_info('skip', max_title, len(info))
            info = ' ' * 16 + f'[{i+1} of {len(configs_local_lst)}]: copying {filename}'
            print(info, end=' ')
            status_info('skip', max_title, len(info))

    if drop_stats_column:
        ns_3par_df.drop(columns=['STATs_status'], inplace=True)

    return ns_3par_df
Example #4
def devicename_correction_main(portshow_aggregated_df, device_rename_df,
                               report_columns_usage_dct, report_data_lst):
    """Main function to rename devices"""

    # report_data_lst contains information:
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    analyzed_data_names = [
        'device_rename', 'portshow_aggregated', 'portcmd', 'switchshow_ports',
        'switch_params_aggregated', 'switch_parameters', 'chassis_parameters',
        'fdmi', 'nscamshow', 'nsshow', 'alias', 'blade_servers',

    # check if portshow_aggregated DataFrame is changed or 'device_rename' force flag is on
    force_form_update_flag = any(
        [report_steps_dct[data_name][1] for data_name in analyzed_data_names])
    # list of related DataFrame names requested to change
    force_change_data_lst = [
        data_name for data_name in analyzed_data_names[1:]
        if report_steps_dct[data_name][1]
    # flag to force change group name usage mode
    force_group_name_usage_update_flag = report_steps_dct[

    # create DataFrame with devices required to change names
    device_rename_df = define_device_to_rename(portshow_aggregated_df,
                                               device_rename_df, max_title,
    # current operation information string
    info = f'Applying device rename schema'
    print(info, end=" ")

    # if at least one name is changed apply rename schema
    if device_rename_df['Device_Host_Name_rename'].notna().any():
        portshow_aggregated_df = device_rename(portshow_aggregated_df,
        status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
        # to ask if group usage required
        force_group_name_usage_update_flag = 1
        status_info('skip', max_title, len(info))

    # check if device Group_Name should be used in report tables (alias group name)
    group_name_usage(report_columns_usage_dct, device_rename_df, max_title,

    return portshow_aggregated_df, device_rename_df
Example #5
def load_data(report_data_list, *args):
    """Function to load data from JSON or CSV file to data object
    Detects wich type of data required to be loaded automaticaly
    Returns list with imported data 

    customer_name, _, json_data_dir, max_title, _ = report_data_list
    # list to store loaded data
    data_imported = []

    # check real file path
    for data_name in args:
        # constructing filenames for json and csv files
        file_name_json = customer_name + '_' + data_name + '.json'
        file_path_json = os.path.join(json_data_dir, file_name_json)
        file_name_csv = customer_name + '_' + data_name + '.csv'
        file_path_csv = os.path.join(json_data_dir, file_name_csv)
        # flags file existance
        file_json = False
        file_csv = False
        # check if json file exist
        if os.path.isfile(file_path_json):
            file_path = file_path_json
            file_name = file_name_json
            file_json = True
        # check if csv file exist
        elif os.path.isfile(file_path_csv):
            file_name = file_name_csv
            file_path = file_path_csv
            file_csv = True
        # if no files exist then dislay info about no data availabilty
        # and add None to data_imported list
            info = f'Loading {data_name}'
            print(info, end=" ")
            status_info('no file', max_title, len(info))

        # when saved file founded
        if any([file_json, file_csv]):
            info = f'Loading {data_name} from {file_name} file'
            print(info, end=" ")
            # open file
                with open(file_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as file:
                    # for json file use load method
                    if file_json:
                    # for csv file use read_csv method
                    elif file_csv:
            # display file load status
                status_info('no data', max_title, len(info))
                status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))

    return data_imported
Example #6
def dataframe_import(sheet_title, max_title, init_file = 'san_automation_info.xlsx', 
                        columns = None, index_name = None, header = 0, display_status=True):
    """Function to import dataframe from exel file"""

    warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning, module="openpyxl")

    init_file_base = os.path.basename(init_file)
    # file to store all required data to process configuratin files
    # init_file = 'san_automation_info.xlsx'
    if display_status:   
        info = f'Importing {sheet_title} dataframe from {init_file_base} file'
        print(info, end = ' ')
    # try read data in excel
        dataframe = pd.read_excel(init_file, sheet_name=sheet_title, usecols=columns, index_col=index_name, header=header)
    # if file is not found
    except FileNotFoundError:
        if display_status:
            status_info('fail', max_title, len(info))
        print(f'File not found. Check if file {init_file} exists.')
    # if sheet is not found
    except xlrd.biffh.XLRDError:
        if display_status:
            status_info('fail', max_title, len(info))
        print(f'Sheet {sheet_title} not found in {init_file}. Check if it exists.')
        if display_status:
            status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
    return dataframe
Example #7
def save_data(report_data_list, data_names, *args):
    Function to export extracted configuration data to JSON or CSV file
    depending on data passed 

    customer_name, _, json_data_dir, max_title, _ = report_data_list
    # data_names it's a list of names for data passed as args

    for data_name, data_exported in zip(data_names, args):
        empty_data = False
        file_name = customer_name + '_' + data_name
        # adding file extenson depending from type of data saved
        # csv for DataFrame
        if isinstance(data_exported, pd.DataFrame):
            file_name += '.csv'
        # for all other types is json
            # create file name and path for json file
            file_name += '.json'
        # full file path
        file_path = os.path.join(json_data_dir, file_name)
        info = f'Saving {data_name} to {file_name} file'
            print(info, end=" ")
            with open(file_path, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as file:
                # savng data for DataFrame
                if isinstance(data_exported, pd.DataFrame):
                    # check if DataFrame have MultiIndex
                    # reset index if True due to MultiIndex is not saved
                    if isinstance(data_exported.index, pd.MultiIndex):
                        data_exported_flat = data_exported.reset_index()
                    # keep indexing if False
                        data_exported_flat = data_exported.copy()
                    # when DataFrame is empty fill first row values
                    # with information string
                    if data_exported_flat.empty:
                        empty_data = True
                        if len(data_exported_flat.columns) == 0:
                            data_exported_flat['EMPTY'] = np.nan
                        data_exported_flat.loc[0] = 'NO DATA FOUND'
                    # save single level Index DataFrame to csv
                    data_exported_flat.to_csv(file, index=False)

                # for all other types
                    # if data list is not empty
                    if not len(data_exported):
                        empty_data = True
                        data_exported = 'NO DATA FOUND'
                    json.dump(data_exported, file)
        # display writing data to file status
        except FileNotFoundError:
            status_info('fail', max_title, len(info))
            if not empty_data:
                status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
                status_info('empty', max_title, len(info))
Example #8
def group_name_usage(report_columns_usage_dct, device_rename_df, max_title,
    Function to determine if device alias Group_Name column required in report tables.
    Value (True or False) written to the dictonary so no need to return value.

    info = f'Device Group Name usage'

    # if all devices were renamed and force flag is off column is dropped from report tables
    if device_rename_df['Device_Host_Name_rename'].notna().all(
    ) and not force_group_name_usage_update_flag:
        report_columns_usage_dct['group_name_usage'] = False
        print(info, end=" ")
        status_info('off', max_title, len(info))
    # if no information in report_columns_usage_dct or force flag is on or any device keep old name
    # ask user input
    elif report_columns_usage_dct.get('group_name_usage') is None or \
            force_group_name_usage_update_flag or \
        reply = reply_request(
            'Do you want to use Alias Group Device names? (y)es/(n)o: ')
        if reply == 'y':
            report_columns_usage_dct['group_name_usage'] = True
            print(info, end=" ")
            status_info('on', max_title, len(info))
            report_columns_usage_dct['group_name_usage'] = False
            print(info, end=" ")
            status_info('off', max_title, len(info))
Example #9
def create_folder(path, max_title):
    """Function to create any folder with path"""

    info = f'Make directory {os.path.basename(path)}'
    print(info, end=' ')
    # if folder not exist create
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        except OSError:
            status_info('fail', max_title, len(info))
            print(f'Not possible create directory {path}.')
            print('Code execution finished')
            status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
    # otherwise print 'SKIP' status
        status_info('skip', max_title, len(info))
Example #10
def remove_files(files_lst, max_title):
    """Function to remove files from the list"""

    # print('\n')
    for i, file in enumerate(files_lst):
        filename = os.path.basename(file)
        info = ' ' * 16 + f'[{i+1} of {len(files_lst)}]: Removing file {filename}'
        print(info, end=' ')
        # verify if file exist
        if os.path.isfile(file) or os.path.islink(file):
                status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
            except OSError as e:
                status_info('failed', max_title, len(info))
            status_info('skip', max_title, len(info))
Example #11
def columns_import(sheet_title, max_title, *args, 
                    init_file = 'san_automation_info.xlsx', display_status=True):
    """Function to import corresponding columns from init file.
    Can import several columns.

    # file to store all required data to process configuratin files
    # default init_file  is 'san_automation_info.xlsx'
    # columns titles string to display imported columns list without parenthesis
    columns_str = ""
    for arg in args:
        columns_str += "'" + arg + "', "
    columns_str = columns_str.rstrip(", ")

    if display_status:
        info = f'Importing {columns_str} from {sheet_title} tab'
        print(info, end = ' ')
    # try read data in excel
        columns = pd.read_excel(init_file, sheet_name = sheet_title, usecols = args, squeeze=True)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        if display_status:
            status_info('fail', max_title, len(info))
        print(f'File not found. Check if file {init_file} exist.')
    except ValueError:
        if display_status:
            status_info('fail', max_title, len(info))
        print(f'Column(s) {columns_str} not found. Check if column exist in {sheet_title}.')
        # if number of columns to read > 1 than returns corresponding number of lists
        if len(args)>1:
            columns_names = [columns[arg].dropna().tolist() if not columns[arg].empty else None for arg in args]
            columns_names = columns.dropna().tolist()
        if display_status:
            status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
    return columns_names
Example #12
def sensor_extract(chassis_params_lst, report_data_lst):
    """Function to extract sensor information"""

    # report_data_lst contains information:
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = ['sensor']
    # service step information

    # load data if they were saved on previos program execution iteration
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)
    # unpacking from the loaded list with data
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    sensor_lst, = data_lst

    # data force extract check
    # list of keys for each data from data_lst representing if it is required
    # to re-collect or re-analyze data even they were obtained on previous iterations
    force_extract_keys_lst = [
        report_steps_dct[data_name][1] for data_name in data_names
    # print data which were loaded but for which force extract flag is on
    force_extract_check(data_names, data_lst, force_extract_keys_lst,

    # when any of data_lst was not saved or
    # force extract flag is on then re-extract data  from configueation files
    if not all(data_lst) or any(force_extract_keys_lst):
        print('\nEXTRACTING ENVIRONMENT DATA ...\n')

        # # extract chassis parameters names from init file
        # switch_columns = columns_import('switch', max_title, 'columns')

        # extract chassis parameters names from init file
        chassis_columns = columns_import('chassis', max_title, 'columns')
        # number of switches to check
        switch_num = len(chassis_params_lst)
        # data imported from init file to extract values from config file
        *_, comp_keys, match_keys, comp_dct = data_extract_objects(
            'sensor', max_title)

        # lists to store only REQUIRED infromation
        # collecting data for all switches ports during looping
        sensor_lst = []

        # chassis_params_fabric_lst [[chassis_params_sw1], [chassis_params_sw1]]
        # checking each chassis for switch level parameters
        for i, chassis_params_data in enumerate(chassis_params_lst):
            # data unpacking from iter param
            # dictionary with parameters for the current chassis
            chassis_params_data_dct = dict(
                zip(chassis_columns, chassis_params_data))
            chassis_info_keys = ['configname', 'chassis_name', 'chassis_wwn']
            chassis_info_lst = [
                chassis_params_data_dct.get(key) for key in chassis_info_keys

            sshow_file, chassis_name, _ = chassis_info_lst

            # current operation information string
            info = f'[{i+1} of {switch_num}]: {chassis_name} sensor readings'
            print(info, end=" ")
            # search control dictionary. continue to check sshow_file until all parameters groups are found
            collected = {'sensor': False}

            with open(sshow_file, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as file:
                # check file until all groups of parameters extracted
                while not all(collected.values()):
                    line = file.readline()
                    if not line:
                    # sensor section start
                    # switchcmd_sensorshow_comp
                    if re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[0]],
                                 line) and not collected['sensor']:
                        collected['sensor'] = True
                        # switchcmd_end_comp
                        while not re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[2]], line):
                            line = file.readline()
                            match_dct = {
                                match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line)
                                for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                    comp_keys, match_keys)
                            # islshow_match
                            if match_dct[match_keys[1]]:
                                sensor_reading = line_to_list(
                                    comp_dct[comp_keys[1]], line,
                                # appending list with only REQUIRED port info for the current loop iteration
                                # to the list with all ISL port info
                            if not line:
                    # sensor section end
            status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
        # save extracted data to json file
        save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, sensor_lst)
    # verify if loaded data is empty after first iteration and replace information string with empty list
        sensor_lst = verify_data(report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)

    return sensor_lst
Example #13
def portinfo_extract(switch_params_lst, report_data_lst):
    """Function to extract switch port information"""
    # report_data_lst contains information: 
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = ['sfpshow', 'portcfgshow']
    # service step information

    # load data if they were saved on previos program execution iteration    
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)
    # unpacking from the loaded list with data
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    sfpshow_lst, portcfgshow_lst = data_lst

    # when any data from data_lst was not saved (file not found) or 
    # force extract flag is on then re-extract data from configuration files  
    force_run = verify_force_run(data_names, data_lst, report_steps_dct, max_title)

    # # data force extract check 
    # # list of keys for each data from data_lst representing if it is required 
    # # to re-collect or re-analyze data even they were obtained on previous iterations
    # force_extract_keys_lst = [report_steps_dct[data_name][1] for data_name in data_names]
    # # print data which were loaded but for which force extract flag is on
    # force_extract_check(data_names, data_lst, force_extract_keys_lst, max_title)
    # # when any of data_lst was not saved or 
    # # force extract flag is on then re-extract data  from configueation files  
    # if not all(data_lst) or any(force_extract_keys_lst):
    if force_run:    
        # extract chassis parameters names from init file
        switch_columns = columns_import('switch', max_title, 'columns')
        # number of switches to check
        switch_num = len(switch_params_lst)   
        # data imported from init file to extract values from config file
        params, params_add, comp_keys, match_keys, comp_dct = data_extract_objects('portinfo', max_title)
        portcfg_params = columns_import('portinfo', max_title, 'portcfg_params')
        # dictionary to save portcfg ALL information for all ports in fabric
        portcfgshow_dct = dict((key, []) for key in portcfg_params)
        # list to store only REQUIRED switch parameters
        # collecting sfpshow data for all switches ports during looping
        sfpshow_lst = []
        # list to save portcfg information for all ports in fabric
        portcfgshow_lst = []

        # switch_params_lst [[switch_params_sw1], [switch_params_sw1]]
        # checking each switch for switch level parameters
        for i, switch_params_data in enumerate(switch_params_lst):       

            # data unpacking from iter param
            # dictionary with parameters for the current switch
            switch_params_data_dct = dict(zip(switch_columns, switch_params_data))
            switch_info_keys = ['configname', 'chassis_name', 'chassis_wwn', 'switch_index', 
                                'SwitchName', 'switchWwn']
            switch_info_lst = [switch_params_data_dct.get(key) for key in switch_info_keys]
            ls_mode_on = True if switch_params_data_dct['LS_mode'] == 'ON' else False
            sshow_file, _, _, switch_index, switch_name, *_ = switch_info_lst
            # current operation information string
            info = f'[{i+1} of {switch_num}]: {switch_name} ports sfp and cfg'
            print(info, end =" ")           
            # search control dictionary. continue to check sshow_file until all parameters groups are found
            collected = {'sfpshow': False, 'portcfgshow': False}
            with open(sshow_file, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as file:
                # check file until all groups of parameters extracted
                while not all(collected.values()):
                    line = file.readline()                        
                    if not line:
                    # sfpshow section start
                    if re.search(r'^(SWITCHCMD )?(/fabos/cliexec/)?sfpshow +-all *: *$', line) and not collected['sfpshow']:
                        collected['sfpshow'] = True
                        if ls_mode_on:
                            while not re.search(fr'^CURRENT CONTEXT -- {switch_index} *, \d+$',line):
                                line = file.readline()
                                if not line:
                        while not re.search(r'^(real [\w.]+)|(\*\* SS CMD END \*\*)$',line):
                            line = file.readline()
                            match_dct ={match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line) for comp_key, match_key in zip(comp_keys, match_keys)}
                            if match_dct[match_keys[0]]:
                                # dictionary to store all DISCOVERED switch ports information
                                # collecting data only for the logical switch in current loop
                                sfpshow_dct = {}
                                _, slot_num, port_num = line_to_list(comp_dct[comp_keys[0]], line)
                                # if switch has no slots then all ports have slot 0
                                slot_num = '0' if not slot_num else slot_num
                                while not re.match('\r?\n', line):
                                    line = file.readline()
                                    match_dct ={match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line) for comp_key, match_key in zip(comp_keys, match_keys)}
                                    # power_match
                                    if match_dct[match_keys[1]]:
                                        sfp_power_lst = line_to_list(comp_dct[comp_keys[1]], line)
                                        # cut off RX or TX Power
                                        sfp_power_value_unit = sfp_power_lst[1:]
                                        for v, k in zip(sfp_power_value_unit[::2], sfp_power_value_unit[1::2]):
                                            if k == 'uWatts':
                                                k = 'uW'
                                            key = sfp_power_lst[0] + '_' + k
                                            sfpshow_dct[key] = v
                                    # transceiver_match
                                    elif match_dct[match_keys[2]]:
                                        sfpshow_dct[match_dct[match_keys[2]].group(1).rstrip()] = match_dct[match_keys[2]].group(2).rstrip()
                                    # no_sfp_match
                                    elif match_dct[match_keys[3]]:
                                            sfpshow_dct['Vendor Name'] = 'No SFP module'
                                    # not_available_match
                                    elif match_dct[match_keys[4]]:
                                            sfpshow_dct[match_dct[match_keys[4]].group(1).rstrip()] = match_dct[match_keys[4]].group(2).rstrip()
                                    # sfp_info_match
                                    elif match_dct[match_keys[5]]:
                                        sfpshow_dct[match_dct[match_keys[5]].group(1).rstrip()] = match_dct[match_keys[5]].group(2).rstrip()                                        
                                    if not line:
                                # additional values which need to be added to the dictionary with all DISCOVERED parameters during current loop iteration
                                # values axtracted in manual mode. if change values order change keys order in init.xlsx "chassis_params_add" column                                   
                                sfpshow_port_values = [*switch_info_lst, slot_num, port_num]                                       
                                # adding additional parameters and values to the sfpshow_dct
                                update_dct(params_add, sfpshow_port_values, sfpshow_dct)               
                                # appending list with only REQUIRED port info for the current loop iteration to the list with all fabrics port info
                                sfpshow_lst.append([sfpshow_dct.get(param, None) for param in params])
                    # sfpshow section end
                    # portcfgshow section start
                    if re.search(r'^(SWITCHCMD )?(/fabos/cliexec/)?portcfgshow *: *$', line) and not collected['portcfgshow']:
                        collected['portcfgshow'] = True
                        if ls_mode_on:
                            while not re.search(fr'^CURRENT CONTEXT -- {switch_index} *, \d+$',line):
                                line = file.readline()
                                if not line:
                        while not re.search(r'^(real [\w.]+)|(\*\* SS CMD END \*\*)$|No ports found in switch',line):
                            line = file.readline()
                            match_dct ={match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line) for comp_key, match_key in zip(comp_keys, match_keys)}
                            # 'slot_port_line_match'
                            if match_dct[match_keys[6]]:
                                # dictionary to store all DISCOVERED switch ports information
                                portcfgshow_tmp_dct = {}
                                # extract slot and port numbers
                                slot_num, port_nums_str = line_to_list(comp_dct[comp_keys[6]], line)
                                port_nums_lst = port_nums_str.split()
                                port_nums = len(port_nums_lst)
                                # list with switch and slot information
                                switch_info_slot_lst = switch_info_lst.copy()
                                # adding switch and slot information for each port to dictionary
                                for portcfg_param, switch_info_value in zip(portcfg_params[:7], switch_info_slot_lst):
                                    portcfgshow_tmp_dct[portcfg_param] = [switch_info_value for i in range(port_nums)]
                                # adding port numbers to dictionary    
                                portcfgshow_tmp_dct[portcfg_params[7]] = port_nums_lst                                
                                while not re.match('\r?\n', line):
                                    line = file.readline()
                                    match_dct ={match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line) for comp_key, match_key in zip(comp_keys, match_keys)}
                                    # portcfg_match
                                    if match_dct[match_keys[7]]:
                                        # extract param name and values for each port and adding to dictionary
                                        param_name, param_values_str = line_to_list(comp_dct[comp_keys[7]], line)
                                        portcfgshow_tmp_dct[param_name] = param_values_str.split()
                                    if not line:
                                # saving portcfg information of REQUIRED parameters from dictionary with DISCOVERED parameters
                                for portcfg_param in portcfg_params:
                                    portcfgshow_dct[portcfg_param].extend(portcfgshow_tmp_dct.get(portcfg_param, [None for i in range(port_nums)]))              
                    # portcfgshow section end
            status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))

        # after check all config files create list of lists from dictionary. each nested list contains portcfg information for one port
        for portcfg_param in portcfg_params:
        portcfgshow_lst = list(zip(*portcfgshow_lst))
        # save extracted data to json file
        save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, sfpshow_lst, portcfgshow_lst)
    # verify if loaded data is empty after first iteration and replace information string with empty list
        sfpshow_lst, portcfgshow_lst = verify_data(report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)
    return sfpshow_lst, portcfgshow_lst
Example #14
def switch_params_analysis_main(fabricshow_ag_labels_df, chassis_params_df,
                                switch_params_df, maps_params_df,
                                blade_module_loc_df, ag_principal_df,
    """Main function to create aggregated switch parameters table and report tables"""

    # report_data_lst contains information:
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = [
        'report_columns_usage', 'switch_params_aggregated', 'Коммутаторы',
        'Фабрика', 'Параметры_коммутаторов', 'Лицензии',
    # service step information

    # load data if they were saved on previos program execution iteration
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)
    # unpacking DataFrames from the loaded list with data
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    report_columns_usage_dct, switch_params_aggregated_df, switches_report_df, fabric_report_df, \
        switches_parameters_report_df, licenses_report_df, global_fabric_parameters_report_df  = data_lst

    # list of data to analyze from report_info table
    analyzed_data_names = [
        'chassis_parameters', 'switch_parameters', 'switchshow_ports',
        'maps_parameters', 'blade_interconnect', 'fabric_labels'

    # clean fabricshow DataFrame from unneccessary data
    fabric_clean_df = fabric_clean(fabricshow_ag_labels_df)
    # force run when any data from data_lst was not saved (file not found) or
    # procedure execution explicitly requested for output data or data used during fn execution
    force_run = verify_force_run(data_names, data_lst, report_steps_dct,
                                 max_title, analyzed_data_names)
    if force_run:

        # import data with switch models, firmware and etc
        switch_models_df = dataframe_import('switch_models', max_title)

        # current operation information string
        info = f'Generating aggregated switch parameters table'
        print(info, end=" ")

        # create aggregated table by joining DataFrames
        switch_params_aggregated_df, report_columns_usage_dct = \
            fabric_aggregation(fabric_clean_df, chassis_params_df, \
                switch_params_df, maps_params_df, switch_models_df, ag_principal_df)
        # add 'Device_Location for Blade chassis switches
        switch_params_aggregated_df = fill_device_location(
            switch_params_aggregated_df, blade_module_loc_df)

        # after finish display status
        status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))

        # check if switch config files missing
        mask_fabric = switch_params_aggregated_df[[
            'Fabric_name', 'Fabric_label'
        mask_no_config = switch_params_aggregated_df['chassis_name'].isna()
        missing_configs_num = switch_params_aggregated_df.loc[mask_no_config][
        if missing_configs_num:
            info = f'{missing_configs_num} switch configuration{"s" if missing_configs_num > 1 else ""} MISSING'
            print(info, end=" ")
            status_info('warning', max_title, len(info))

        switches_report_df, fabric_report_df, switches_parameters_report_df, \
            licenses_report_df, global_fabric_parameters_report_df = \
                switchs_params_report(switch_params_aggregated_df, data_names, report_columns_usage_dct, max_title)

        # # partition aggregated DataFrame to required tables
        # switches_report_df, fabric_report_df,  \
        #     switches_parameters_report_df, licenses_report_df = \
        #         dataframe_segmentation(switch_params_aggregated_df, data_names[2:-1], \
        #             report_columns_usage_dct, max_title)

        # # global parameters are equal for all switches in one fabric thus checking Principal switches only
        # mask_principal = switch_params_aggregated_df['switchRole'] == 'Principal'
        # switch_params_principal_df = switch_params_aggregated_df.loc[mask_principal].copy()
        # global_fabric_parameters_report_df, = dataframe_segmentation(switch_params_principal_df, data_names[-1], \
        #             report_columns_usage_dct, max_title)

        # # drop rows with empty switch names columns
        # fabric_report_df.dropna(subset = ['Имя коммутатора'], inplace = True)
        # switches_parameters_report_df.dropna(subset = ['Имя коммутатора'], inplace = True)
        # licenses_report_df.dropna(subset = ['Имя коммутатора'], inplace = True)

        # # drop fabric_id if all have same value
        # if fabric_report_df['Fabric ID'].dropna().nunique() == 1:
        #     fabric_report_df.drop(columns=['Fabric ID'], inplace=True)

        # # TO_REMOVE No need to drop duplicates coz Principal switches only used before
        # # # parameters are equal for all switches in one fabric
        # # if report_columns_usage_dct['fabric_name_usage']:
        # #     global_fabric_parameters_report_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Фабрика', 'Подсеть'], inplace=True)
        # # else:
        # #     global_fabric_parameters_report_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Подсеть'], inplace=True)

        # global_fabric_parameters_report_df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)

        # create list with partitioned DataFrames
        data_lst = [
            report_columns_usage_dct, switch_params_aggregated_df,
            switches_report_df, fabric_report_df,
            switches_parameters_report_df, licenses_report_df,

        # saving data to json or csv file
        save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)
    # verify if loaded data is empty and replace information string with empty DataFrame
        report_columns_usage_dct, switch_params_aggregated_df, switches_report_df, fabric_report_df,  \
            switches_parameters_report_df, licenses_report_df, global_fabric_parameters_report_df = verify_data(report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)
        data_lst = [
            report_columns_usage_dct, switch_params_aggregated_df,
            switches_report_df, fabric_report_df,
            switches_parameters_report_df, licenses_report_df,
    # save data to service file if it's required
    for data_name, data_frame in zip(data_names[1:], data_lst[1:]):
        save_xlsx_file(data_frame, data_name, report_data_lst)

    return report_columns_usage_dct, switch_params_aggregated_df, fabric_clean_df
Example #15
def errdump_main(errdump_df, switchshow_df, switch_params_aggregated_df,
                 portshow_aggregated_df, report_columns_usage_dct,
    """Main function to get most frequently appeared log messages"""

    # report_data_lst contains information:
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = ['errdump_aggregated', 'raslog_counter', 'Журнал']
    # service step information

    # loading data if were saved on previous iterations
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)
    # unpacking DataFrames from the loaded list with data
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    errdump_aggregated_df, raslog_counter_df, raslog_report_df = data_lst

    # list of data to analyze from report_info table
    analyzed_data_names = [
        'chassis_parameters', 'switch_parameters', 'switchshow_ports',
        'maps_parameters', 'portshow_aggregated', 'fabric_labels'

    # force run when any data from data_lst was not saved (file not found) or
    # procedure execution explicitly requested for output data or data used during fn execution
    force_run = verify_force_run(data_names, data_lst, report_steps_dct,
                                 max_title, analyzed_data_names)
    if force_run:
        # data imported from init file (regular expression patterns) to extract values from data columns
        # re_pattern list contains comp_keys, match_keys, comp_dct
        _, _, *re_pattern_lst = data_extract_objects('raslog', max_title)

        # current operation information string
        info = f'Counting RASLog messages'
        print(info, end=" ")

        # get aggregated DataFrames
        errdump_aggregated_df, raslog_counter_df, raslog_frequent_df = \
            errdump_aggregated(errdump_df, switchshow_df, switch_params_aggregated_df, portshow_aggregated_df, re_pattern_lst)
        # after finish display status
        status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))

        # partition aggregated DataFrame to required tables
        raslog_report_df = raslog_report(raslog_frequent_df, data_names,
                                         report_columns_usage_dct, max_title)

        # create list with partitioned DataFrames
        data_lst = [errdump_aggregated_df, raslog_counter_df, raslog_report_df]
        # saving fabric_statistics and fabric_statistics_summary DataFrames to csv file
        save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)
    # verify if loaded data is empty and replace information string with empty DataFrame
        errdump_aggregated_df, raslog_counter_df, raslog_report_df = \
            verify_data(report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)
        data_lst = [errdump_aggregated_df, raslog_counter_df, raslog_report_df]
    # save data to service file if it's required
    for data_name, data_frame in zip(data_names, data_lst):
        save_xlsx_file(data_frame, data_name, report_data_lst)

    return errdump_aggregated_df, raslog_counter_df
Example #16
def fcr_extract(switch_params_lst, report_data_lst):
    """Function to extract fabrics routing information"""

    # report_data_lst contains information:
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = [
        'fcrfabric', 'fcrproxydev', 'fcrphydev', 'lsan', 'fcredge',
    # service step information

    # load data if they were saved on previos program execution iteration
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)
    # unpacking from the loaded list with data
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    fcrfabric_lst, fcrproxydev_lst, fcrphydev_lst, lsan_lst, \
        fcredge_lst, fcrresource_lst = data_lst

    # data force extract check
    # list of keys for each data from data_lst representing if it is required
    # to re-collect or re-analyze data even they were obtained on previous iterations
    force_extract_keys_lst = [
        report_steps_dct[data_name][1] for data_name in data_names
    # print data which were loaded but for which force extract flag is on
    force_extract_check(data_names, data_lst, force_extract_keys_lst,

    # when any of data_lst was not saved or
    # force extract flag is on then re-extract data  from configueation files
    if not all(data_lst) or any(force_extract_keys_lst):

        # extract switch parameters names from init file
        switch_columns = columns_import('switch', max_title, 'columns')
        # number of switches to check
        switch_num = len(switch_params_lst)

        # lists to store only REQUIRED switch parameters
        # collecting data for all switches during looping
        fcrfabric_lst = []
        fcrproxydev_lst = []
        fcrphydev_lst = []
        lsan_lst = []
        fcredge_lst = []
        fcrresource_lst = []

        # dictionary to collect fcr device data
        # first element of list is regular expression pattern number,
        # second - list to collect data, third is index in line to which slice extracted list
        fcrdev_dct = {
            'fcrproxydev': [5, fcrproxydev_lst, None],
            'fcrphydev': [6, fcrphydev_lst, -3]

        # data imported from init file to extract values from config file
        params, _, comp_keys, match_keys, comp_dct = data_extract_objects(
            'fcr', max_title)

        # switch_params_lst [[switch_params_sw1], [switch_params_sw1]]
        # checking each switch for switch level parameters
        for i, switch_params_data in enumerate(switch_params_lst):
            # dictionary with parameters for the current switch
            switch_params_data_dct = dict(
                zip(switch_columns, switch_params_data))
            switch_info_keys = [
                'configname', 'chassis_name', 'chassis_wwn', 'switch_index',
                'SwitchName', 'switchWwn', 'switchRole', 'Fabric_ID',
            switch_info_lst = [
                switch_params_data_dct.get(key) for key in switch_info_keys
            ls_mode_on = True if switch_params_data_dct[
                'LS_mode'] == 'ON' else False

            # data unpacking from iter param
            sshow_file, *_, switch_name, _, switch_role, fid, fc_router = switch_info_lst

            # current operation information string
            info = f'[{i+1} of {switch_num}]: {switch_name} fabric routing. FC Routing: {fc_router}'
            print(info, end=" ")

            # search control dictionary. continue to check sshow_file until all parameters groups are found
            collected = {'fcrfabric': False, 'fcrproxydev': False, 'fcrphydev': False,
                         'lsanzone': False, 'fcredge': False, 'fcrresource': False} \
                if switch_role == 'Principal' else {'fcredge': False, 'fcrresource': False}

            # check config of FC routers only
            if fc_router == 'ON':
                # fcrouter_info_lst contains sshow_file, chassis_name, switch_index, switch_name, switch_fid
                fcrouter_info_lst = [*switch_info_lst[:6], switch_info_lst[7]]
                with open(sshow_file, encoding='utf-8',
                          errors='ignore') as file:
                    # check file until all groups of parameters extracted
                    while not all(collected.values()):
                        line = file.readline()
                        if not line:
                        # check configs of Principal switches only
                        if switch_role == 'Principal':
                            # fcrfabricshow section start
                            # switchcmd_fcrfabricshow
                            if re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[0]],
                                         line) and not collected['fcrfabric']:
                                collected['fcrfabric'] = True
                                if ls_mode_on:
                                    while not re.search(
                                            fr'^BASE +SWITCH +CONTEXT *-- *FID: *{fid}$',
                                        line = file.readline()
                                        if not line:
                                # switchcmd_end_comp
                                while not re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[4]],
                                    line = file.readline()
                                    # dictionary with match names as keys and match result of current line with all imported regular expressions as values
                                    match_dct = {
                                        for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                            comp_keys, match_keys)
                                    # fc_router_match'
                                    if match_dct[match_keys[1]]:
                                        fcrouter_params_lst = line_to_list(
                                            comp_dct[comp_keys[1]], line)
                                        # check if line is empty
                                        while not re.match('\r?\n', line):
                                            line = file.readline()
                                            match_dct = {
                                                for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                                    comp_keys, match_keys)
                                            # fcr_info_match
                                            if match_dct[match_keys[2]]:
                                                fcrouter_name = match_dct[
                                            # fcr_exports_match
                                            if match_dct[match_keys[3]]:
                                            if not line:
                                    if not line:
                            # fcrfabricshow section end

                            # fcrproxydev and fcrphydev checked in a loop over dictionary keys coz data representation is similar
                            # fcrdevshow section start
                            for fcrdev_type in fcrdev_dct.keys():
                                re_num, fcrdev_lst, slice_index = fcrdev_dct[
                                # switchcmd_fcrproxydevshow_comp
                                if re.search(
                                        line) and not collected[fcrdev_type]:
                                    collected[fcrdev_type] = True
                                    if ls_mode_on:
                                        while not re.search(
                                                fr'^BASE +SWITCH +CONTEXT *-- *FID: *{fid} *$',
                                            line = file.readline()
                                            if not line:
                                    # switchcmd_end_comp
                                    while not re.search(
                                            comp_dct[comp_keys[4]], line):
                                        line = file.readline()
                                        match_dct = {
                                            for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                                comp_keys, match_keys)
                                        # fcrdevshow_match
                                        if match_dct[match_keys[7]]:
                                                    line, *fcrouter_info_lst)
                                        if not line:
                            # fcrdevshow section end
                            # lsanzoneshow section start
                            if re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[8]],
                                         line) and not collected['lsanzone']:
                                collected['lsanzone'] = True
                                if ls_mode_on:
                                    while not re.search(
                                            fr'^BASE +SWITCH +CONTEXT *-- *FID: *{fid} *$',
                                        line = file.readline()
                                        if not line:
                                # switchcmd_end_comp
                                while not re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[4]],
                                    match_dct = {
                                        for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                            comp_keys, match_keys)
                                    # lsan_name_match
                                    if match_dct[match_keys[9]]:
                                        # switch_info and current connected device wwnp
                                        lsan_name = line_to_list(
                                            comp_dct[comp_keys[9]], line)
                                        # move cursor to one line down to get inside while loop
                                        line = file.readline()
                                        # lsan_switchcmd_end_comp
                                        while not re.search(
                                                comp_dct[comp_keys[11]], line):
                                            # line = file.readline()
                                            match_dct = {
                                                for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                                    comp_keys, match_keys)
                                            # lsan_members_match
                                            if match_dct[match_keys[10]]:
                                                lsan_member = line_to_list(
                                                    *lsan_name, *lsan_member
                                            #     line = file.readline()
                                            # else:
                                            #     line = file.readline()
                                            line = file.readline()
                                            if not line:
                                        line = file.readline()
                                    if not line:
                            # lsanzoneshow section end

                        # fcredge and fcrresource checked for Principal and Subordinate routers
                        # fcredgeshow section start
                        if re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[12]],
                                     line) and not collected['fcredge']:
                            collected['fcredge'] = True
                            if ls_mode_on:
                                while not re.search(
                                        fr'^BASE +SWITCH +CONTEXT *-- *FID: *{fid} *$',
                                    line = file.readline()
                                    if not line:
                            # switchcmd_end_comp
                            while not re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[4]], line):
                                line = file.readline()
                                match_dct = {
                                    match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line)
                                    for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                        comp_keys, match_keys)
                                # fcredgeshow_match
                                if match_dct[match_keys[13]]:
                                    # fcredge_lst.append(line_to_list(comp_dct[comp_keys[13]], line, *fcrouter_info_lst, switch_wwn))
                                                     line, *fcrouter_info_lst))
                                if not line:
                        # fcredgeshow section end
                        # fcrresourceshow section start
                        if re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[14]],
                                     line) and not collected['fcrresource']:
                            collected['fcrresource'] = True
                            fcrresource_dct = {}
                            if ls_mode_on:
                                while not re.search(
                                        fr'^BASE +SWITCH +CONTEXT *-- *FID: *{fid} *$',
                                    line = file.readline()
                                    if not line:
                            # switchcmd_end_comp
                            while not re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[4]], line):
                                line = file.readline()
                                match_dct = {
                                    match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line)
                                    for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                        comp_keys, match_keys)
                                # fcredgeshow_match
                                if match_dct[match_keys[15]]:
                                    fcrresource_dct[match_dct[match_keys[15]].group(1).rstrip()] = \
                                        [match_dct[match_keys[15]].group(2), match_dct[match_keys[15]].group(3)]
                                if not line:
                            # each value of dictionary is list of two elements
                            # itertools.chain makes flat tmp_lst list from all lists in dictionary
                            tmp_lst = list(
                                                        ) if fcrresource_dct.
                                    get(param) else [None, None]
                                    for param in params
                                [*fcrouter_info_lst, *tmp_lst])
                        # fcrresourceshow section end

                status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
                status_info('skip', max_title, len(info))
        # save extracted data to json file
        save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, fcrfabric_lst, fcrproxydev_lst,
                  fcrphydev_lst, lsan_lst, fcredge_lst, fcrresource_lst)
    # verify if loaded data is empty after first iteration and replace information string with empty list
        fcrfabric_lst, fcrproxydev_lst, fcrphydev_lst, lsan_lst, fcredge_lst, fcrresource_lst = verify_data(
            report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)

    return fcrfabric_lst, fcrproxydev_lst, fcrphydev_lst, lsan_lst, fcredge_lst, fcrresource_lst
Example #17
def synergy_system_extract(synergy_folder, report_data_lst):
    """Function to extract blade systems information"""

    # report_data_lst contains information:
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = ['synergy_interconnect', 'synergy_servers']
    # service step information

    # load data if they were saved on previos program execution iteration
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)

    # # unpacking from the loaded list with data
    # # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    # module_comprehensive_lst, blades_comprehensive_lst, blade_vc_comprehensive_lst = data_lst

    # force run when any data from data_lst was not saved (file not found) or
    # procedure execution explicitly requested for output data or data used during fn execution
    force_run = verify_force_run(data_names, data_lst, report_steps_dct,
    if force_run:

        # lists to store only REQUIRED infromation
        # collecting data for all blades during looping
        # list containing enclosure, blade and hba information for all blade systems

        # list containing enclosure and interconnect modules information for all blade systems

        synergy_module_columns = [
            'Enclosure_Name', 'Enclosure_SN', 'Enclosure_Type',
            'Interconnect_Bay', 'Interconnect_Model', 'Interconnect_SN',
            'Interconnect_Firmware', 'Interconnect_Name', 'NodeName',

        synergy_server_columns = [
            'Enclosure_Name', 'Enclosure_Slot', 'Host_Name', 'name',
            'serverprofilename', 'Device_Model', 'Device_SN', 'Host_OS',
            'HBA_Description', 'Mezz_type', 'Connected_portWwn',
            'Mezz_location', 'Device_Location', 'HBA_Firmware'

        synergy_module_aggregated_df = pd.DataFrame(
        synergy_servers_aggregated_df = pd.DataFrame(

        if synergy_folder:

            # collects files in folder with xlsm extension
            synergy_config_lst = find_files(synergy_folder,
            # number of files to check
            configs_num = len(synergy_config_lst)

            if configs_num:

                # # data imported from init file to extract values from config file
                # enclosure_params, _, comp_keys, match_keys, comp_dct = data_extract_objects('blades', max_title)
                # module_params = columns_import('blades', max_title, 'module_params')
                # blade_params = columns_import('blades', max_title, 'blade_params')

                for i, synergy_config in enumerate(synergy_config_lst):
                    # file name with extension
                    configname_wext = os.path.basename(synergy_config)
                    # remove extension from filename
                    configname, _ = os.path.splitext(configname_wext)

                    # current operation information string
                    info = f'[{i+1} of {configs_num}]: {configname} system.'
                    print(info, end=" ")

                    syn_enclosure_df = pd.read_excel(synergy_config,
                    syn_module_df = pd.read_excel(
                        synergy_config, sheet_name='interconnectbays')

                    syn_server_hw_df = pd.read_excel(
                        synergy_config, sheet_name='server-hardware')
                    syn_server_fw_sw_df = pd.read_excel(
                        synergy_config, sheet_name='server-fw-sw')
                    syn_server_profile_connection_df = pd.read_excel(
                        synergy_config, sheet_name='server-prof-conn-details')

                    synergy_module_df = synergy_module(syn_enclosure_df,

                    if synergy_module_aggregated_df.empty:
                        synergy_module_aggregated_df = synergy_module_df
                        synergy_module_aggregated_df = pd.concat(
                            [synergy_module_aggregated_df, synergy_module_df],

                    synergy_server_wwn_df = synergy_server_wwn(
                    synergy_profile_wwn_df = synergy_profile_wwn(

                    # conctenate connection profile and server hardware
                    synergy_servers_df = pd.concat(
                        [synergy_server_wwn_df, synergy_profile_wwn_df],

                    # add mezzanine firmware details
                    synergy_servers_df = synergy_mezz_fw(
                        syn_server_fw_sw_df, synergy_servers_df)
                        by=['enclosurename', 'position', 'Mezz_WWPN'],

                    if synergy_servers_aggregated_df.empty:
                        synergy_servers_aggregated_df = synergy_servers_df
                        synergy_servers_aggregated_df = pd.concat(

                    if synergy_module_aggregated_df['switchbasewwn'].notna(
                            'switchbasewwn'] = synergy_module_aggregated_df[
                    if synergy_servers_aggregated_df['Mezz_WWPN'].notna().any(
                            'Mezz_WWPN'] = synergy_servers_aggregated_df[

                    if not synergy_servers_df.empty or not synergy_module_df.empty:
                        status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
                        status_info('no data', max_title, len(info))

                module_columns_dct = {
                    'enclosurename': 'Enclosure_Name',
                    'enclosure_serialnumber': 'Enclosure_SN',
                    'enclosuretype': 'Enclosure_Type',
                    'baynumber': 'Interconnect_Bay',
                    'interconnectmodel': 'Interconnect_Model',
                    'serialnumber': 'Interconnect_SN',
                    'switchfwversion': 'Interconnect_Firmware',
                    'hostname': 'Interconnect_Name',
                    'switchbasewwn': 'NodeName',
                    'device_location': 'Device_Location'

                synergy_module_aggregated_df.replace(r'^None$|^none$|^ *$',

                server_columns_dct = {
                    'enclosurename': 'Enclosure_Name',
                    'position': 'Enclosure_Slot',
                    'servername': 'Host_Name',
                    'model': 'Device_Model',
                    'serialnumber': 'Device_SN',
                    'oshint': 'Host_OS',
                    'Mezz': 'HBA_Description',
                    'Mezz_WWPN': 'Connected_portWwn',
                    'device_location': 'Device_Location',
                    'componentversion': 'HBA_Firmware'

                    columns=server_columns_dct, inplace=True)
                synergy_servers_aggregated_df.replace(r'^None$|^none$|^ *$',

                data_lst = [
                    synergy_module_aggregated_df, synergy_servers_aggregated_df
                # save extracted data to json file
                save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)
            # current operation information string
            info = f'Collecting synergy details'
            print(info, end=" ")
            status_info('skip', max_title, len(info))
            data_lst = [
                synergy_module_aggregated_df, synergy_servers_aggregated_df
            # save empty data to json file
            save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)
    # verify if loaded data is empty after first iteration and replace information string with empty list
        synergy_module_aggregated_df, synergy_servers_aggregated_df = verify_data(
            report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)
        data_lst = [
            synergy_module_aggregated_df, synergy_servers_aggregated_df
    # save data to service file if it's required
    for data_name, data_frame in zip(data_names, data_lst):
        save_xlsx_file(data_frame, data_name, report_data_lst)

    return synergy_module_aggregated_df, synergy_servers_aggregated_df
Example #18
def warning_notification(portshow_aggregated_df, switch_params_aggregated_df,
                         nsshow_unsplit_df, expected_ag_links_df,
    """Function to show WARNING notification if any deviceType is UNKNOWN,
    if any PortSymb or NodeSymb was not parsed or if new switch founded which was
    not previously discovered"""

    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst
    portshow_force_flag = False
    nsshow_unsplit_force_flag = False
    expected_ag_links_force_flag = False

    portshow_export_flag, *_ = report_steps_dct['portshow_aggregated']
    nsshow_unsplit_export_flag, *_ = report_steps_dct['nsshow_unsplit']
    expected_ag_links_export_flag, *_ = report_steps_dct['expected_ag_links']

    # warning if UKNOWN device class present
    if (portshow_aggregated_df['deviceType'] == 'UNKNOWN').any():
        unknown_count = len(portshow_aggregated_df[
            portshow_aggregated_df['deviceType'] == 'UNKNOWN'])
        info = f'{unknown_count} {"port" if unknown_count == 1 else "ports"} with UNKNOWN device Class found'
        print(info, end=" ")
        status_info('warning', max_title, len(info))
        # ask if save portshow_aggregated_df
        if not portshow_export_flag:
            reply = reply_request(
                "Do you want to save 'portshow_aggregated'? (y)es/(n)o: ")
            if reply == 'y':
                portshow_force_flag = True
    # warning if any values in PortSymb or NodeSymb were not parsed
    if not nsshow_unsplit_df.empty:
        portsymb_unsplit_count = nsshow_unsplit_df['PortSymb'].notna().sum()
        nodesymb_unsplit_count = nsshow_unsplit_df['NodeSymb'].notna().sum()
        unsplit_lst = [[portsymb_unsplit_count, 'PortSymb'],
                       [nodesymb_unsplit_count, 'NodeSymb']]
        unsplit_str = ' and '.join(
            [str(num) + " " + name for num, name in unsplit_lst if num])
        info = f'{unsplit_str} {"is" if portsymb_unsplit_count + nodesymb_unsplit_count == 1 else "are"} UNPARSED'
        print(info, end=" ")
        status_info('warning', max_title, len(info))
        # ask if save nsshow_unsplit
        if not nsshow_unsplit_export_flag:
            reply = reply_request(
                "Do you want to save 'nsshow_unsplit'? (y)es/(n)o: ")
            if reply == 'y':
                nsshow_unsplit_force_flag = True
    # warning if unknown switches was found
    switch_name_set = set(switch_params_aggregated_df['switchName'])
    # all founded switches in portshow_aggregated_df
    mask_switch = portshow_aggregated_df['deviceType'] == 'SWITCH'
    portshow_switch_name_set = set(
        portshow_aggregated_df.loc[mask_switch, 'Device_Host_Name'])
    # if unknown switches found
    if not portshow_switch_name_set.issubset(switch_name_set):
        unknown_count = len(
        info = f'{unknown_count} NEW {"switch" if unknown_count == 1 else "switches"} detected'
        print(info, end=" ")
        status_info('warning', max_title, len(info))
        # ask if save portshow_aggregated_df
        if not portshow_export_flag and not portshow_force_flag:
            reply = reply_request(
                "Do you want to save 'portshow_aggregated'? (y)es/(n)o: ")
            if reply == 'y':
                portshow_force_flag = True
    # if any unconfirmed AG links found
    if not expected_ag_links_df.empty:
        unknown_count = expected_ag_links_df['chassis_name'].notna().sum()
        info = f'{unknown_count} AG {"link" if unknown_count == 1 else "links"} detected'
        print(info, end=" ")
        status_info('warning', max_title, len(info))
        # ask if save expected_ag_links_df
        if not expected_ag_links_export_flag:
            reply = reply_request(
                "Do you want to save 'expected_ag_link'? (y)es/(n)o: ")
            if reply == 'y':
                expected_ag_links_force_flag = True
    return portshow_force_flag, nsshow_unsplit_force_flag, expected_ag_links_force_flag
Example #19
def err_sfp_cfg_analysis_main(portshow_aggregated_df, sfpshow_df,
                              portcfgshow_df, report_columns_usage_dct,
    """Main function to add porterr, transceiver and portcfg information to portshow DataFrame"""

    # report_data_lst contains information:
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst
    portshow_sfp_force_flag = False
    portshow_sfp_export_flag, *_ = report_steps_dct['portshow_sfp_aggregated']

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = [
        'portshow_sfp_aggregated', 'Ошибки', 'Параметры_SFP',
    # service step information

    # load data if they were saved on previos program execution iteration
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)
    # unpacking DataFrames from the loaded list with data
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    portshow_sfp_aggregated_df, error_report_df, sfp_report_df, portcfg_report_df = data_lst

    # list of data to analyze from report_info table
    analyzed_data_names = [
        'portshow_aggregated', 'sfpshow', 'portcfgshow', 'portcmd',
        'switchshow_ports', 'switch_params_aggregated', 'fdmi',
        'device_rename', 'report_columns_usage_upd', 'nscamshow', 'nsshow',
        'alias', 'blade_servers', 'fabric_labels'

    # force run when any data from data_lst was not saved (file not found) or
    # procedure execution explicitly requested for output data or data used during fn execution
    force_run = verify_force_run(data_names, data_lst, report_steps_dct,
                                 max_title, analyzed_data_names)

    if force_run:
        # import transeivers information from file
        sfp_model_df = dataframe_import('sfp_models', max_title)
        # current operation information string
        info = f'Updating connected devices table'
        print(info, end=" ")
        # add sfpshow, transceiver information and portcfg to aggregated portcmd DataFrame
        portshow_sfp_aggregated_df = port_complete(portshow_aggregated_df,
                                                   sfpshow_df, sfp_model_df,
        # after finish display status
        status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))

        # warning if UKNOWN SFP present
        if (portshow_sfp_aggregated_df['Transceiver_Supported'] ==
                'Unknown SFP').any():
            info_columns = [
                'Fabric_name', 'Fabric_label', 'configname', 'chassis_name',
                'chassis_wwn', 'slot', 'port', 'Transceiver_Supported'
            portshow_sfp_info_df = portshow_sfp_aggregated_df.drop_duplicates(
            unknown_count = len(portshow_sfp_info_df[
                portshow_sfp_info_df['Transceiver_Supported'] ==
                'Unknown SFP'])
            info = f'{unknown_count} {"port" if unknown_count == 1 else "ports"} with UNKNOWN supported SFP tag found'
            print(info, end=" ")
            status_info('warning', max_title, len(info))
            # ask if save portshow_aggregated_df
            if not portshow_sfp_export_flag:
                reply = reply_request(
                    "Do you want to save 'portshow_sfp_aggregated'? (y)es/(n)o: "
                if reply == 'y':
                    portshow_sfp_force_flag = True

        # create reaport tables from port_complete_df DataFrtame
        error_report_df, sfp_report_df, portcfg_report_df = \
            create_report_tables(portshow_sfp_aggregated_df, data_names[1:], report_columns_usage_dct, max_title)
        # saving data to json or csv file
        data_lst = [
            portshow_sfp_aggregated_df, error_report_df, sfp_report_df,
        save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)
    # verify if loaded data is empty and reset DataFrame if yes
        portshow_sfp_aggregated_df, error_report_df, sfp_report_df, portcfg_report_df \
            = verify_data(report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)
        data_lst = [
            portshow_sfp_aggregated_df, error_report_df, sfp_report_df,
    # save data to excel file if it's required
    for data_name, data_frame in zip(data_names, data_lst):
        force_flag = False
        if data_name == 'portshow_sfp_aggregated':
            force_flag = portshow_sfp_force_flag

    return portshow_sfp_aggregated_df
Example #20
def storage_3par_extract(nsshow_df, nscamshow_df, local_3par_folder,
                         project_folder, report_data_lst):
    """Function to extract 3PAR storage information"""

    # report_data_lst contains information:
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = ['system_3par', 'port_3par', 'host_3par']
    # service step information

    # load data if they were saved on previos program execution iteration
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)
    # unpacking from the loaded list with data
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    system_3par_comprehensive_lst, port_3par_comprehensive_lst, host_3par_comprehensive_lst = data_lst

    # data force extract check
    # list of keys for each data from data_lst representing if it is required
    # to re-collect or re-analyze data even they were obtained on previous iterations
    force_extract_keys_lst = [
        report_steps_dct[data_name][1] for data_name in data_names
    # print data which were loaded but for which force extract flag is on
    force_extract_check(data_names, data_lst, force_extract_keys_lst,

    # when any of data_lst was not saved or
    # force extract flag is on then re-extract data  from configueation files
    if not all(data_lst) or any(force_extract_keys_lst):

        # lists to store only REQUIRED infromation
        # collecting data for all systems during looping
        # list containing system parameters
        system_3par_comprehensive_lst = []
        # list containing 3par FC port information
        port_3par_comprehensive_lst = []
        # list containing hosts defined on 3par ports
        host_3par_comprehensive_lst = []

        # data imported from init file to extract values from config file
        params, params_add, comp_keys, match_keys, comp_dct = data_extract_objects(
            '3par', max_title)
        # verify if 3par systems registered in fabric NameServer
        ns_3par_df = verify_ns_3par(nsshow_df, nscamshow_df, comp_dct)

        if not ns_3par_df.empty:
            print('3PAR Storage Systems detected in SAN')
            # find configuration files to parse (download from STATs, local folder or use configurations
            # downloaded on previous iterations)
            configs_3par_lst = configs_download(ns_3par_df, project_folder,
                                                local_3par_folder, comp_keys,
                                                match_keys, comp_dct,

            if configs_3par_lst:
                print('\nEXTRACTING 3PAR STORAGE INFORMATION ...\n')
                # number of files to check
                configs_num = len(configs_3par_lst)

                for i, config_3par in enumerate(configs_3par_lst):
                    # file name
                    configname = os.path.basename(config_3par)
                    # current operation information string
                    info = f'[{i+1} of {configs_num}]: {configname} system'
                    print(info, end=" ")
                    showsys_lst, port_lst, host_lst = parse_config(
                        config_3par, params, params_add, comp_keys, match_keys,
                    if port_lst or host_lst:
                        status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
                        status_info('no data', max_title, len(info))

                # save extracted data to json file
                save_data(report_data_lst, data_names,
            # current operation information string
            info = f'Collecting 3PAR storage systems information'
            print(info, end=" ")
            status_info('skip', max_title, len(info))
            # save empty data to json file
            save_data(report_data_lst, data_names,
                      port_3par_comprehensive_lst, host_3par_comprehensive_lst)
    # verify if loaded data is empty after first iteration and replace information string with empty list
        system_3par_comprehensive_lst, port_3par_comprehensive_lst, host_3par_comprehensive_lst = verify_data(
            report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)

    return system_3par_comprehensive_lst, port_3par_comprehensive_lst, host_3par_comprehensive_lst
Example #21
def portcmd_analysis_main(portshow_df, switchshow_ports_df, switch_params_df,
                          switch_params_aggregated_df, isl_aggregated_df,
                          nsshow_df, nscamshow_df, ag_principal_df,
                          porttrunkarea_df, alias_df, fdmi_df, blade_module_df,
                          blade_servers_df, blade_vc_df, synergy_module_df,
                          synergy_servers_df, system_3par_df, port_3par_df,
                          report_columns_usage_dct, report_data_lst):
    """Main function to add connected devices information to portshow DataFrame"""

    # report_data_lst contains information:
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = [
        'portshow_aggregated', 'storage_connection_statistics',
        'device_connection_statistics', 'device_rename',
        'report_columns_usage_upd', 'Серверы', 'Массивы', 'Библиотеки',
        'Микрокоды_HBA', 'Подключение_массивов', 'Подключение_библиотек',
        'Подключение_серверов', 'NPIV', 'Статистика_массивов',
    # service step information

    report_columns_usage_bckp = report_columns_usage_dct

    # load data if they were saved on previos program execution iteration
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)
    # flag to forcible save portshow_aggregated_df if required
    portshow_force_flag = False
    # unpacking DataFrames from the loaded list with data
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    portshow_aggregated_df, storage_connection_statistics_df, device_connection_statistics_df, \
        device_rename_df, report_columns_usage_dct, \
            servers_report_df, storage_report_df, library_report_df, hba_report_df, \
                storage_connection_df,  library_connection_df, server_connection_df, npiv_report_df, \
                    storage_connection_statistics_report_df, device_connection_statistics_report_df = data_lst
    nsshow_unsplit_df = pd.DataFrame()

    if not report_columns_usage_dct:
        report_columns_usage_dct = report_columns_usage_bckp

    # list of data to analyze from report_info table
    analyzed_data_names = [
        'portcmd', 'switchshow_ports', 'switch_params_aggregated',
        'switch_parameters', 'chassis_parameters', 'fdmi', 'nscamshow',
        'nsshow', 'alias', 'blade_servers', 'fabric_labels', 'isl', 'trunk',
        'isl_aggregated', 'Параметры_SFP', 'portshow_sfp_aggregated'

    # force run when any data from data_lst was not saved (file not found) or
    # procedure execution explicitly requested for output data or data used during fn execution
    force_run = verify_force_run(data_names, data_lst, report_steps_dct,
                                 max_title, analyzed_data_names)
    if force_run:
        # import data with switch models, firmware and etc
        switch_models_df = dataframe_import('switch_models', max_title)
        # data imported from init file (regular expression patterns) to extract values from data columns
        # re_pattern list contains comp_keys, match_keys, comp_dct
        _, _, *re_pattern_lst = data_extract_objects('nameserver', max_title)

        oui_df = dataframe_import('oui',
                                  columns=['Connected_oui', 'type', 'subtype'])

        # current operation information string
        info = f'Generating connected devices table'
        print(info, end=" ")

        portshow_aggregated_df, alias_wwnn_wwnp_df, nsshow_unsplit_df, expected_ag_links_df = \
            portshow_aggregated(portshow_df, switchshow_ports_df, switch_params_df,
                                switch_params_aggregated_df, isl_aggregated_df, nsshow_df,
                                nscamshow_df, ag_principal_df, porttrunkarea_df, switch_models_df, alias_df,
                                oui_df, fdmi_df, blade_module_df,  blade_servers_df, blade_vc_df,
                                synergy_module_df, synergy_servers_df, system_3par_df, port_3par_df,
                                re_pattern_lst, report_data_lst)

        # after finish display status
        status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
        # show warning if any UNKNOWN device class founded, if any PortSymb or NodeSymb is not parsed,
        # if new switch founded
        portshow_force_flag, nsshow_unsplit_force_flag, expected_ag_links_force_flag = \
            warning_notification(portshow_aggregated_df, switch_params_aggregated_df,
            nsshow_unsplit_df, expected_ag_links_df, report_data_lst)
        # correct device names manually
        portshow_aggregated_df, device_rename_df = \
            devicename_correction_main(portshow_aggregated_df, device_rename_df,
                                        report_columns_usage_dct, report_data_lst)
        # count Device_Host_Name instances for fabric_label, label and total in fabric
        portshow_aggregated_df = device_ports_per_group(portshow_aggregated_df)

        # count device connection statistics
        info = f'Counting device connection statistics'
        print(info, end=" ")
        storage_connection_statistics_df = storage_connection_statistics(
            portshow_aggregated_df, re_pattern_lst)
        device_connection_statistics_df = device_connection_statistics(
        status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))

        servers_report_df, storage_report_df, library_report_df, hba_report_df, \
            storage_connection_df,  library_connection_df, server_connection_df, npiv_report_df, \
                storage_connection_statistics_report_df, device_connection_statistics_report_df  = \
                    create_report_tables(portshow_aggregated_df, storage_connection_statistics_df,
                                            device_connection_statistics_df, data_names[5:-2],
                                            report_columns_usage_dct, max_title)
        # create list with partitioned DataFrames
        data_lst = [
            portshow_aggregated_df, storage_connection_statistics_df,
            device_connection_statistics_df, device_rename_df,
            report_columns_usage_dct, servers_report_df, storage_report_df,
            library_report_df, hba_report_df, storage_connection_df,
            library_connection_df, server_connection_df, npiv_report_df,

        # saving data to json or csv file
        save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)
    # verify if loaded data is empty and replace information string with empty DataFrame
        portshow_aggregated_df, storage_connection_statistics_df, device_connection_statistics_df, \
            device_rename_df, report_columns_usage_dct, \
                servers_report_df, storage_report_df, library_report_df, hba_report_df, \
                    storage_connection_df, library_connection_df, server_connection_df, npiv_report_df, \
                        storage_connection_statistics_report_df, device_connection_statistics_report_df \
                            = verify_data(report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)
        data_lst = [
            portshow_aggregated_df, storage_connection_statistics_df,
            device_connection_statistics_df, device_rename_df,
            report_columns_usage_dct, servers_report_df, storage_report_df,
            library_report_df, hba_report_df, storage_connection_df,
            library_connection_df, server_connection_df, npiv_report_df,
    # save data to service file if it's required
    for data_name, data_frame in zip(data_names, data_lst):
        force_flag = False
        if data_name == 'portshow_aggregated':
            force_flag = portshow_force_flag
    return portshow_aggregated_df
Example #22
def fabric_main(fabricshow_ag_labels_df, chassis_params_df, \
    switch_params_df, maps_params_df, report_data_lst):
    """Main function to create tables"""

    # report_data_lst contains information:
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = [
        'Коммутаторы', 'Фабрика', 'Глобальные_параметры_фабрики',
        'Параметры_коммутаторов', 'Лицензии'
    # service step information

    # load data if they were saved on previos program execution iteration
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)
    # unpacking DataFrames from the loaded list with data
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    switches_report_df, fabric_report_df, global_fabric_parameters_report_df, \
        switches_parameters_report_df, licenses_report_df = data_lst

    # data force extract check
    # list of keys for each data from data_lst representing if it is required
    # to re-collect or re-analyze data even they were obtained on previous iterations
    force_extract_keys_lst = [
        report_steps_dct[data_name][1] for data_name in data_names
    # list with True (if data loaded) and/or False (if data was not found and None returned)
    data_check = force_extract_check(data_names, data_lst,
                                     force_extract_keys_lst, max_title)

    # flag if fabrics labels was forced to be changed
    fabric_labels_change = True if report_steps_dct['fabric_labels'][
        1] else False
    # initialization chassis information and farbric name columns usage
    report_columns_usage_dct = {
        'fabric_name_usage': True,
        'chassis_info_usage': True
    # import data with switch models, firmware and etc
    switch_models_df = dataframe_import('switch_models', max_title)
    # clean fabricshow DataFrame from unneccessary data
    fabric_clean_df = fabric_clean(fabricshow_ag_labels_df)
    # create aggregated table by joining DataFrames
    switch_params_aggregated_df, report_columns_usage_dct = \
        fabric_aggregation(fabric_clean_df, chassis_params_df, \
            switch_params_df, maps_params_df, switch_models_df)
    save_xlsx_file(switch_params_aggregated_df, 'switch_params_aggregated', \
        report_data_lst, report_type = 'analysis')

    # when no data saved or force extract flag is on or fabric labels have been changed than
    # analyze extracted config data
    if not all(data_check) or any(
            force_extract_keys_lst) or fabric_labels_change:
        # information string if fabric labels force changed was initiated
        # and statistics recounting required
        if fabric_labels_change and not any(force_extract_keys_lst) and all(
            info = f'Switch information force extract due to change in Fabrics labeling'
            print(info, end=" ")
            status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))

        # partition aggregated DataFrame to required tables
        switches_report_df, fabric_report_df, global_fabric_parameters_report_df, \
            switches_parameters_report_df, licenses_report_df = \
                dataframe_segmentation(switch_params_aggregated_df, data_names, \
                    report_columns_usage_dct, max_title)

        # drop rows with empty switch names columns
        fabric_report_df.dropna(subset=['Имя коммутатора'], inplace=True)
        switches_parameters_report_df.dropna(subset=['Имя коммутатора'],
        licenses_report_df.dropna(subset=['Имя коммутатора'], inplace=True)

        # parameters are equal for all switches in one fabric
        if report_columns_usage_dct['fabric_name_usage']:
                subset=['Фабрика', 'Подсеть'], inplace=True)
                subset=['Подсеть'], inplace=True)
        global_fabric_parameters_report_df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)

        # create list with partitioned DataFrames
        data_lst = [switches_report_df, fabric_report_df, global_fabric_parameters_report_df, \
            switches_parameters_report_df, licenses_report_df]

        # current operation information string
        info = f'Generating Fabric and Switches tables'
        print(info, end=" ")
        # after finish display status
        status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))

        # saving DataFrames to csv file
        save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)
        # save_data(report_data_lst, data_auxillary_names, *data_auxillary_lst)

    # save data to service file if it's required
    for data_name, data_frame in zip(data_names, data_lst):
        save_xlsx_file(data_frame, data_name, report_data_lst)

    return switch_params_aggregated_df, report_columns_usage_dct, fabric_clean_df
Example #23
def connected_devices_extract(switch_params_lst, report_data_lst):
    """Function to extract connected devices information
    (fdmi, nsshow, nscamshow)

    # report_data_lst contains information:
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = ['fdmi', 'nsshow', 'nscamshow']
    # service step information

    # load data if they were saved on previos program execution iteration
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)
    # unpacking from the loaded list with data
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    fdmi_lst, nsshow_lst, nscamshow_lst = data_lst

    # data force extract check
    # list of keys for each data from data_lst representing if it is required
    # to re-collect or re-analyze data even they were obtained on previous iterations
    force_extract_keys_lst = [
        report_steps_dct[data_name][1] for data_name in data_names
    # print data which were loaded but for which force extract flag is on
    force_extract_check(data_names, data_lst, force_extract_keys_lst,

    # when any of data_lst was not saved or
    # force extract flag is on then re-extract data  from configueation files
    if not all(data_lst) or any(force_extract_keys_lst):

        # extract chassis parameters names from init file
        switch_columns = columns_import('switch', max_title, 'columns')
        # number of switches to check
        switch_num = len(switch_params_lst)

        # data imported from init file to extract values from config file
        params, params_add, comp_keys, match_keys, comp_dct = data_extract_objects(
            'connected_dev', max_title)
        nsshow_params, nsshow_params_add = columns_import(
            'connected_dev', max_title, 'nsshow_params', 'nsshow_params_add')

        # lists to store only REQUIRED infromation
        # collecting data for all switches ports during looping
        fdmi_lst = []
        # lists with local Name Server (NS) information
        nsshow_lst = []
        nscamshow_lst = []

        # dictionary with required to collect nsshow data
        # first element of list is regular expression pattern number, second - list to collect data
        nsshow_dct = {
            'nsshow': [5, nsshow_lst],
            'nscamshow': [6, nscamshow_lst]

        # switch_params_lst [[switch_params_sw1], [switch_params_sw1]]
        # checking each switch for switch level parameters
        for i, switch_params_data in enumerate(switch_params_lst):
            # data unpacking from iter param
            # dictionary with parameters for the current chassis
            switch_params_data_dct = dict(
                zip(switch_columns, switch_params_data))
            switch_info_keys = [
                'configname', 'chassis_name', 'chassis_wwn', 'switch_index',
                'SwitchName', 'switchWwn', 'switchMode'
            switch_info_lst = [
                switch_params_data_dct.get(key) for key in switch_info_keys
            ls_mode_on = True if switch_params_data_dct[
                'LS_mode'] == 'ON' else False

            sshow_file, *_, switch_index, switch_name, _, switch_mode = switch_info_lst

            # current operation information string
            info = f'[{i+1} of {switch_num}]: {switch_name} connected devices'
            print(info, end=" ")

            # search control dictionary. continue to check sshow_file until all parameters groups are found
            # Name Server service started only in Native mode
            collected = {'fdmi': False, 'nsshow': False, 'nscamshow': False} \
                if switch_params_data_dct.get('switchMode') == 'Native' else {'fdmi': False}

            with open(sshow_file, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as file:
                # check file until all groups of parameters extracted
                while not all(collected.values()):
                    line = file.readline()
                    if not line:
                    # fdmi section start
                    # switchcmd_fdmishow_comp
                    if re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[0]], line):
                        collected['fdmi'] = True
                        if ls_mode_on:
                            while not re.search(
                                    fr'^CURRENT CONTEXT -- {switch_index} *, \d+$',
                                line = file.readline()
                                if not line:
                        # local_database_comp
                        while not re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[4]], line):
                            match_dct = {
                                match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line)
                                for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                    comp_keys, match_keys)
                            # wwnp_match
                            if match_dct[match_keys[1]]:
                                # dictionary to store all DISCOVERED switch ports information
                                # collecting data only for the logical switch in current loop
                                fdmi_dct = {}
                                # switch_info and current connected device wwnp
                                switch_wwnp = line_to_list(
                                    comp_dct[comp_keys[1]], line,
                                # move cursor to one line down to get inside while loop
                                line = file.readline()
                                # wwnp_local_comp
                                while not re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[3]],
                                    line = file.readline()
                                    match_dct = {
                                        for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                            comp_keys, match_keys)
                                    # fdmi_port_match
                                    if match_dct[match_keys[2]]:
                                            2]].group(1).rstrip()] = match_dct[
                                    if not line:

                                # adding additional parameters and values to the fdmi_dct
                                update_dct(params_add, switch_wwnp, fdmi_dct)
                                # appending list with only REQUIRED port info for the current loop iteration to the list with all fabrics port info
                                    fdmi_dct.get(param, None)
                                    for param in params
                                line = file.readline()
                            if not line:
                    # fdmi section end
                    # only switches in Native mode have Name Server service started
                    if switch_mode == 'Native':
                        # nsshow section start
                        for nsshow_type in nsshow_dct.keys():
                            # unpacking re number and list to save REQUIRED params
                            re_num, ns_lst = nsshow_dct[nsshow_type]
                            # switchcmd_nsshow_comp, switchcmd_nscamshow_comp
                            if re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[re_num]], line):
                                collected[nsshow_type] = True
                                if ls_mode_on:
                                    while not re.search(
                                            fr'^CURRENT CONTEXT -- {switch_index} *, \d+$',
                                        line = file.readline()
                                        if not line:
                                # switchcmd_end_comp
                                while not re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[9]],
                                    # line = file.readline()
                                    match_dct = {
                                        for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                            comp_keys, match_keys)
                                    # port_pid__match
                                    if match_dct[match_keys[7]]:
                                        # dictionary to store all DISCOVERED switch ports information
                                        # collecting data only for the logical switch in current loop
                                        nsshow_port_dct = {}
                                        # switch_info and current connected device wwnp
                                        switch_pid = line_to_list(
                                            comp_dct[comp_keys[7]], line,
                                        # move cursor to one line down to get inside while loop
                                        line = file.readline()
                                        # pid_switchcmd_end_comp
                                        while not re.search(
                                                comp_dct[comp_keys[8]], line):
                                            match_dct = {
                                                for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                                    comp_keys, match_keys)
                                            # nsshow_port_match
                                            if match_dct[match_keys[2]]:
                                                    ).rstrip()] = match_dct[
                                            line = file.readline()
                                            if not line:

                                        # adding additional parameters and values to the fdmi_dct
                                                   switch_pid, nsshow_port_dct)
                                        # appending list with only REQUIRED port info for the current loop iteration to the list with all fabrics port info
                                                nsshow_param, None)
                                            for nsshow_param in nsshow_params
                                        line = file.readline()
                                    if not line:
                        # nsshow section end
            status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
        # save extracted data to json file
        save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, fdmi_lst, nsshow_lst,
    # verify if loaded data is empty after first iteration and replace information string with empty list
        fdmi_lst, nsshow_lst, nscamshow_lst = verify_data(
            report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)

    return fdmi_lst, nsshow_lst, nscamshow_lst
Example #24
def save_xlsx_file(data_frame,
    Check if excel file exists, check if dataframe sheet is in file, 
    delete sheet with stored dataframe (if sheet tabs number > 1)
    and save new dataframe 

    customer_name, report_path, _, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    options = {}
    options['strings_to_formulas'] = False
    options['strings_to_urls'] = False

    # report_steps_dct for each data_name contains: export_to_excel flag,
    # force_extract flag, report_type, step_info, data_description
    if report_steps_dct.get(sheet_title):
        export_flag, _, report_type, _, df_decription = report_steps_dct.get(
        info = f'DataFrame {sheet_title}'
        print(info, end=" ")
        status_info('unknown', max_title, len(info))
        export_flag, report_type = 1, 'unknown'
        df_decription = '-'

    # check DataFrame report type to save
    if report_type == 'report':
        report_mark = 'SAN_Assessment_Tables'
        report_mark = report_type

    # current_date = str(date.today())
    # construct excel filename
    file_name = customer_name + '_' + report_mark + '_' + current_date + '.xlsx'

    # information string
    info = f'Exporting {sheet_title} table to {report_mark} file'
    print(info, end=" ")
    file_path = os.path.join(report_path, file_name)

    # save DataFrame to excel file if export_to_excel trigger is ON
    # and DataFrame is not empty
    if (force_flag or export_flag) and not data_frame.empty:
        # pd.ExcelWriter has only two file open modes
        # if file doesn't exist it has be opened in "w" mode otherwise in "a"
        if os.path.isfile(file_path):
            file_mode = 'a'
            # open existing excel file
            workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_path)
            if sheet_title in workbook.sheetnames:
                # after sheet removal excel file must contain at least one sheet
                if len(workbook.sheetnames) != 1:
                    del workbook[sheet_title]
                    except PermissionError:
                        status_info('fail', max_title, len(info))
                        print('\nPermission denied. Close the file.\n')
                    file_mode = 'w'
            file_mode = 'w'

        # if required export DataFrame to the new sheet
        if file_mode:
                with pd.ExcelWriter(file_path, mode=file_mode,
                                    options=options) as writer:  # pylint: disable=abstract-class-instantiated
                    # table of content item generation start
                    # if file is new then create table of content
                    if file_mode == 'w':
                        # save current item with header
                        content_df = pd.DataFrame(
                            [[sheet_title, df_decription]],
                            columns=['Закладка', 'Название таблицы'])
                        # create hyperlink to wotksheet
                        workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_path)
                        writer.book = workbook
                        writer.sheets = {
                            ws.title: ws
                            for ws in workbook.worksheets
                        startrow = workbook['Содержание'].max_row
                        cell_address = 'A' + str(startrow)
                    # if file exist new table of content item is appended if it's not exist
                    elif file_mode == 'a':
                        workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_path)
                        # check if item exist in menu
                        item_exist = []
                        for row in workbook.get_sheet_by_name(
                            if any(value == sheet_title for value in row):
                        # if not exist add item without header and create hyperlink
                        if not any(item_exist):
                            # it makes append item to the same worksheet instead of making new one
                            writer.book = workbook
                            writer.sheets = {
                                ws.title: ws
                                for ws in workbook.worksheets
                            # content item to add
                            content_df = pd.DataFrame(
                                [[sheet_title, df_decription]],
                                columns=['Закладка', 'Название таблицы'])
                            # find row and cell to add new item and hyperlink
                            startrow = writer.sheets['Содержание'].max_row
                            cell_address = 'A' + str(startrow + 1)
                            # add content item
                            # create hyperlink
                    # table of content item generation finish
                    # DataFrame save to worksheet start
                    # check if DataFrame have MultiIndex
                    # reset index if True
                    if isinstance(data_frame.index, pd.MultiIndex):
                        data_frame_flat = data_frame.reset_index()
                    # keep index if False
                        data_frame_flat = data_frame.copy()
                    # saving DataFrame with single Index
                    workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_path)
                    writer.book = workbook
                    writer.sheets = {
                        ws.title: ws
                        for ws in workbook.worksheets
                    # add table title
                    workbook[sheet_title]['A1'] = df_decription
                        'A1'].font = openpyxl.styles.fonts.Font(bold=True)
                    # add hyperlink to the Table of contents
                                     display_name='К содержанию')
                    # DataFrame save to worksheet finish
            except PermissionError:
                status_info('fail', max_title, len(info))
                print('\nPermission denied. Close the file.\n')
                status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
        return file_path
        # if save key is on but DataFrame empty
        if report_steps_dct[sheet_title][0] and data_frame.empty:
            status_info('no data', max_title, len(info))
            status_info('skip', max_title, len(info))
        return None
Example #25
def chassis_params_extract(all_config_data, report_data_lst):
    """Function to extract chassis parameters"""

    # report_data_lst contains information:
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = ['chassis_parameters']
    # service step information

    # load data if they were saved on previos program execution iteration
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)
    # unpacking from the loaded list with data
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    chassis_params_fabric_lst, = data_lst

    # data force extract check
    # list of keys for each data from data_lst representing if it is required
    # to re-collect or re-analyze data even they were obtained on previous iterations
    force_extract_keys_lst = [
        report_steps_dct[data_name][1] for data_name in data_names
    # print data which were loaded but for which force extract flag is on
    force_extract_check(data_names, data_lst, force_extract_keys_lst,

    # when any of data_lst was not saved or
    # force extract flag is on then re-extract data  from configueation files
    if not all(data_lst) or any(force_extract_keys_lst):
        # number of switches to check
        switch_num = len(all_config_data)
        # list to store only REQUIRED chassis parameters
        # collecting data for all chassis during looping
        chassis_params_fabric_lst = []
        # data imported from init file to extract values from config file
        chassis_params, chassis_params_add, comp_keys, match_keys, comp_dct = data_extract_objects(
            'chassis', max_title)

        # all_confg_data format ([swtch_name, supportshow file, (ams_maps_log files, ...)])
        # checking each config set(supportshow file) for chassis level parameters
        for i, switch_config_data in enumerate(all_config_data):
            # data unpacking from iter param
            switch_name, sshow_file, ams_maps_file = switch_config_data
            # search control dictionary. continue to check sshow_file until all parameters groups are found
            collected = {
                'configshow': False,
                'uptime_cpu': False,
                'flash': False,
                'memory': False,
                'dhcp': False,
                'licenses': False,
                'vf_id': False
            # dictionary to store all DISCOVERED chassis parameters
            # collecting data only for the chassis in current loop
            chassis_params_dct = {}
            # sets and list to store parameters which could be joined in one group
            snmp_target_set = set()
            syslog_set = set()
            tz_lst = []
            licenses = []
            vf_id_set = set()

            # current operation information string
            info = f'[{i+1} of {switch_num}]: {switch_name} chassis parameters'
            print(info, end=" ")

            with open(sshow_file, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as file:
                # check file until all groups of parameters extracted
                while not all(collected.values()):
                    line = file.readline()
                    if not line:
                    # configshow section start
                    if re.search(
                            r'^(/fabos/cliexec/|/bin/cat /var/log/)?configshow *-?(all)? *:$',
                        # when section is found corresponding collected dict values changed to True
                        collected['configshow'] = True
                        while not re.search(
                                r'^(\[Chassis Configuration End\])|(real [\w.]+)|(\*\* SS CMD END \*\*)$',
                            line = file.readline()
                            # dictionary with match names as keys and match result of current line with all imported regular expressions as values
                            match_dct = {
                                match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line)
                                for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                    comp_keys, match_keys)
                            # match_keys ['chassis_param_match', 'snmp_target_match', 'syslog_match', 'tz_match', 'uptime_cpu_match', 'memory_match', 'flash_match']
                            # 'chassis_param_match'
                            if match_dct[match_keys[0]]:
                                    )] = match_dct[match_keys[0]].group(3)
                            # for snmp and syslog data addresses are added to the coreesponding sets to avoid duplicates
                            # 'snmp_target_match'
                            if match_dct[match_keys[1]] and match_dct[
                                    match_keys[1]].group(2) != '':
                            # 'syslog_match'
                            if match_dct[match_keys[2]]:
                            # for timezone extracted data added to the list for later concatenation
                            # 'tz_match'
                            if match_dct[match_keys[3]]:
                            if not line:
                    # config section end
                    # uptime section start
                    elif re.search(r'^(/fabos/cliexec/)?uptime *:$', line):
                        collected['uptime_cpu'] = True
                        while not re.search(r'^real [\w.]+$', line):
                            line = file.readline()
                            match_dct = {
                                match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line)
                                for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                    comp_keys, match_keys)
                            # 'uptime_cpu_match'
                            if match_dct[match_keys[4]]:
                                uptime = match_dct[match_keys[4]].group(1)
                                cpu_load = match_dct[match_keys[4]].group(2)
                            if not line:
                    # uptime section end
                    # memory section start
                    elif re.search(r'^(/bin/)?(cat\s+)?/proc/meminfo\s*:$',
                        collected['memory'] = True
                        memory_dct = {}
                        while not re.search(r'^real [\w.]+$', line):
                            line = file.readline()
                            match_dct = {
                                match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line)
                                for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                    comp_keys, match_keys)
                            # 'memory_match'
                            if match_dct[match_keys[5]]:
                                    1)] = match_dct[match_keys[5]].group(2)
                            if not line:
                        # free_mem + buffers > 5% from total memory
                        # memory usage < 95%
                        memory = round((1 - (int(memory_dct['MemFree']) +
                                             int(memory_dct['Buffers'])) /
                                        int(memory_dct['MemTotal'])) * 100)
                        memory = str(memory)
                    # memory section end
                    # flash section start
                    elif re.search(r'^(/bin/)?df\s*:$', line):
                        collected['flash'] = True
                        while not re.search(r'^real [\w.]+$', line):
                            line = file.readline()
                            match_dct = {
                                match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line)
                                for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                    comp_keys, match_keys)
                            # 'flash_match'
                            if match_dct[match_keys[6]]:
                                flash = match_dct[match_keys[6]].group(1)
                            if not line:
                    # flash section end
                    # ipaddrshow section start
                    if re.search(r'^(/fabos/link_bin/)?ipaddrshow *:$', line):
                        collected['dhcp'] = True
                        while not re.search(
                                r'^(real [\w.]+)|(\*\* SS CMD END \*\*)$',
                            line = file.readline()
                            match_dct = {
                                match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line)
                                for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                    comp_keys, match_keys)
                            # 'dhcp_match'
                            if match_dct[match_keys[7]]:
                                    )] = match_dct[match_keys[7]].group(2)
                            if not line:
                    # ipaddrshow section end
                    # licenses section start
                    if re.search(r'^(/fabos/cliexec/)?licenseshow *:$', line):
                        collected['licenses'] = True
                        while not re.search(
                                r'^(real [\w.]+)|(\*\* SS CMD END \*\*)$',
                            line = file.readline()
                            match_dct = {
                                match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line)
                                for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                    comp_keys, match_keys)
                            # 'licenses_match'
                            if match_dct[match_keys[8]]:
                            elif re.match('^No licenses installed.$', line):
                                licenses = 'No licenses installed'
                            if not line:
                    # licenses section end
                    # LS indexes identification start
                    if re.search(r'Section *: +SSHOW_FABRIC', line):
                        collected['vf_id'] = True
                        while not re.search(
                                r'^(SWITCHCMD /fabos/cliexec/)?dom *:$|Non-VF',
                            if re.search(r'CURRENT +CONTEXT +-- +(\d+) *, \d+',
                                id = re.match(
                                    r'CURRENT +CONTEXT +-- +(\d+) *, \d+',
                                line = file.readline()
                                line = file.readline()
                                if not line:
                    # LS indexes identification end

            # additional values which need to be added to the chassis params dictionary
            # chassis_params_add order (configname, ams_maps_log, chassis_name, snmp_server, syslog_server, timezone_h:m, uptime, cpu_average_load, memory_usage, flash_usage, licenses)
            # values axtracted in manual mode. if change values order change keys order in init.xlsx "chassis_params_add" column
            vf_id_lst = list(vf_id_set)
            chassis_params_values = (sshow_file, ams_maps_file, switch_name,
                                     vf_id_lst, snmp_target_set, syslog_set,
                                     tz_lst, uptime, cpu_load, memory, flash,

            # adding additional parameters and values to the chassis_params_switch_dct
            for chassis_param_add, chassis_param_value in zip(
                    chassis_params_add, chassis_params_values):
                if chassis_param_value:
                    if not isinstance(chassis_param_value, str):
                        s = ':' if chassis_param_add == 'timezone_h:m' else ', '
                        chassis_param_value = f'{s}'.join(chassis_param_value)
                    chassis_params_dct[chassis_param_add] = chassis_param_value
            # creating list with REQUIRED chassis parameters for the current switch
            # if no value in the chassis_params_dct for the parameter then None is added
            # and appending this list to the list of all switches chassis_params_fabric_lst
                chassis_params_dct.get(chassis_param, None)
                for chassis_param in chassis_params

            status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
        # save extracted data to json file
        save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, chassis_params_fabric_lst)
    # verify if loaded data is empty after first iteration and replace information string with empty list
        chassis_params_fabric_lst = verify_data(report_data_lst, data_names,

    return chassis_params_fabric_lst
Example #26
def interswitch_connection_extract(switch_params_lst, report_data_lst):
    """Function to extract interswitch connection information"""

    # report_data_lst contains information:
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = ['isl', 'trunk', 'porttrunkarea']
    # service step information

    # load data if they were saved on previos program execution iteration
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)
    # unpacking from the loaded list with data
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    isl_lst, trunk_lst, porttrunkarea_lst = data_lst

    # data force extract check
    # list of keys for each data from data_lst representing if it is required
    # to re-collect or re-analyze data even they were obtained on previous iterations
    force_extract_keys_lst = [
        report_steps_dct[data_name][1] for data_name in data_names
    # print data which were loaded but for which force extract flag is on
    force_extract_check(data_names, data_lst, force_extract_keys_lst,

    # when any of data_lst was not saved or
    # force extract flag is on then re-extract data  from configueation files
    if not all(data_lst) or any(force_extract_keys_lst):

        # extract chassis parameters names from init file
        switch_columns = columns_import('switch', max_title, 'columns')
        # number of switches to check
        switch_num = len(switch_params_lst)

        # data imported from init file to extract values from config file
        *_, comp_keys, match_keys, comp_dct = data_extract_objects(
            'isl', max_title)

        # lists to store only REQUIRED infromation
        # collecting data for all switches ports during looping
        isl_lst = []
        trunk_lst = []
        porttrunkarea_lst = []

        # switch_params_lst [[switch_params_sw1], [switch_params_sw1]]
        # checking each switch for switch level parameters
        for i, switch_params_data in enumerate(switch_params_lst):
            # data unpacking from iter param
            # dictionary with parameters for the current switch
            switch_params_data_dct = dict(
                zip(switch_columns, switch_params_data))
            switch_info_keys = [
                'configname', 'chassis_name', 'chassis_wwn', 'switch_index',
                'SwitchName', 'switchWwn', 'switchRole', 'Fabric_ID',
                'FC_Router', 'switchMode'
            switch_info_lst = [
                switch_params_data_dct.get(key) for key in switch_info_keys
            ls_mode_on = True if switch_params_data_dct[
                'LS_mode'] == 'ON' else False

            sshow_file, _, _, switch_index, switch_name, *_, switch_mode = switch_info_lst

            # current operation information string
            info = f'[{i+1} of {switch_num}]: {switch_name} isl, trunk and trunk area ports. Switch mode: {switch_mode}'
            print(info, end=" ")
            # search control dictionary. continue to check sshow_file until all parameters groups are found
            collected = {'isl': False, 'trunk': False, 'trunkarea': False}

            if switch_mode == 'Native':
                with open(sshow_file, encoding='utf-8',
                          errors='ignore') as file:
                    # check file until all groups of parameters extracted
                    while not all(collected.values()):
                        line = file.readline()
                        if not line:
                        # isl section start
                        # switchcmd_islshow_comp
                        if re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[0]],
                                     line) and not collected['isl']:
                            collected['isl'] = True
                            if ls_mode_on:
                                while not re.search(
                                        fr'^CURRENT CONTEXT -- {switch_index} *, \d+$',
                                    line = file.readline()
                                    if not line:
                            # switchcmd_end_comp
                            while not re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[2]], line):
                                line = file.readline()
                                match_dct = {
                                    match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line)
                                    for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                        comp_keys, match_keys)
                                # islshow_match
                                if match_dct[match_keys[1]]:
                                    isl_port = line_to_list(
                                        comp_dct[comp_keys[1]], line,
                                    # portcfg parameters
                                    if isl_port[-1]:
                                        isl_port[-1] = isl_port[-1].replace(
                                            ' ', ', ')
                                    # appending list with only REQUIRED port info for the current loop iteration
                                    # to the list with all ISL port info
                                if not line:
                        # isl section end
                        # trunk section start
                        # switchcmd_trunkshow_comp
                        if re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[3]],
                                     line) and not collected['trunk']:
                            collected['trunk'] = True
                            if ls_mode_on:
                                while not re.search(
                                        fr'^CURRENT CONTEXT -- {switch_index} *, \d+$',
                                    line = file.readline()
                                    if not line:
                            # switchcmd_end_comp
                            while not re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[2]], line):
                                match_dct = {
                                    match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line)
                                    for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                        comp_keys, match_keys)
                                # trunkshow_match
                                if match_dct[match_keys[4]]:
                                    trunk_port = line_to_list(
                                        comp_dct[comp_keys[4]], line,
                                    # if trunk line has trunk number then remove ":" from trunk number
                                    if trunk_port[9]:
                                        trunk_port[9] = trunk_port[9].strip(
                                        trunk_num = trunk_port[9]
                                    # if trunk line has no number then use number from previous line
                                        trunk_port[9] = trunk_num
                                    # appending list with only REQUIRED trunk info for the current loop iteration
                                    # to the list with all trunk port info
                                line = file.readline()
                                if not line:
                        # trunk section end
                        # porttrunkarea section start
                        # switchcmd_trunkarea_comp
                        if re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[5]],
                                     line) and not collected['trunkarea']:
                            collected['trunkarea'] = True
                            if ls_mode_on:
                                while not re.search(
                                        fr'^CURRENT CONTEXT -- {switch_index} *, \d+$',
                                    line = file.readline()
                                    if not line:
                            # switchcmd_end_comp
                            while not re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[2]], line):
                                line = file.readline()
                                match_dct = {
                                    match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line)
                                    for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                        comp_keys, match_keys)
                                # 'porttrunkarea_match'
                                if match_dct[match_keys[6]]:
                                    porttrunkarea_port_lst = line_to_list(
                                        comp_dct[comp_keys[6]], line,
                                    # for No_light ports port and slot numbers are '--'
                                    if porttrunkarea_port_lst[11] == '--':
                                        porttrunkarea_port_lst[10] = '--'
                                    # if switch has no slots than slot number is 0
                                    for idx in [6, 10]:
                                        if not porttrunkarea_port_lst[idx]:
                                            porttrunkarea_port_lst[idx] = str(

                                if not line:
                        # porttrunkarea section end
                status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
            # if switch in Access Gateway mode then skip
                status_info('skip', max_title, len(info))
        # save extracted data to json file
        save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, isl_lst, trunk_lst,
    # verify if loaded data is empty after first iteration and replace information string with empty list
        isl_lst, trunk_lst, porttrunkarea_lst = verify_data(
            report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)

    return isl_lst, trunk_lst, porttrunkarea_lst
Example #27
def fabricshow_extract(switch_params_lst, report_data_lst):
    Function to extract from principal switch configuration 
    list of switches in fabric including AG switches

    # report_data_lst contains information:
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = ['fabricshow', 'ag_principal']
    # service step information

    # load data if they were saved on previos program execution iteration
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)
    # unpacking from the loaded list with data
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    fabricshow_lst, ag_principal_lst = data_lst

    # data force extract check
    # list of keys for each data from data_lst representing if it is required
    # to re-collect or re-analyze data even they were obtained on previous iterations
    force_extract_keys_lst = [
        report_steps_dct[data_name][1] for data_name in data_names
    # print data which were loaded but for which force extract flag is on
    force_extract_check(data_names, data_lst, force_extract_keys_lst,

    # when any of data_lst was not saved or
    # force extract flag is on then re-extract data  from configueation files
    if not all(data_lst) or any(force_extract_keys_lst):

        # extract switch parameters names from init file
        switch_columns = columns_import('switch', max_title, 'columns')
        # number of switches to check
        switch_num = len(switch_params_lst)
        # list to store only REQUIRED switch parameters
        # collecting data for all switches during looping
        fabricshow_lst = []
        ag_principal_lst = []
        # data imported from init file to extract values from config file
        *_, comp_keys, match_keys, comp_dct = data_extract_objects(
            'fabricshow', max_title)
        ag_params = columns_import('fabricshow', max_title, 'ag_params')

        # switch_params_lst [[switch_params_sw1], [switch_params_sw1]]
        # checking each switch for switch level parameters
        for i, switch_params_data in enumerate(switch_params_lst):
            # data unpacking from iter param
            # dictionary with parameters for the current switch
            switch_params_data_dct = dict(
                zip(switch_columns, switch_params_data))
            switch_info_keys = [
                'configname', 'chassis_name', 'chassis_wwn', 'switch_index',
                'SwitchName', 'switchWwn', 'switchRole', 'Fabric_ID',
                'FC_Router', 'switchMode'
            switch_info_lst = [
                switch_params_data_dct[key] for key in switch_info_keys
            ls_mode_on = True if switch_params_data_dct[
                'LS_mode'] == 'ON' else False

            sshow_file, _, _, switch_index, switch_name, _, switch_role = switch_info_lst[:

            # current operation information string
            info = f'[{i+1} of {switch_num}]: {switch_name} fabric environment. Switch role: {switch_role}'
            print(info, end=" ")

            collected = {'fabricshow': False, 'ag_principal': False}

            # switch_params_data_dct.get('FC_Router') == 'ON'
            # print('collected', collected)

            # check config of Principal switch only
            if switch_role == 'Principal':
                # principal_switch_lst contains sshow_file, chassis_name, chassis_wwn, switch_index, switch_name, switch_fid
                principal_switch_lst = [
                    *switch_info_lst[:6], *switch_info_lst[7:9]

                # search control dictionary. continue to check sshow_file until all parameters groups are found
                with open(sshow_file, encoding='utf-8',
                          errors='ignore') as file:
                    # check file until all groups of parameters extracted
                    while not all(collected.values()):
                        line = file.readline()
                        if not line:
                        # fabricshow section start
                        if re.search(
                                r'^(SWITCHCMD /fabos/cliexec/)?fabricshow\s*:$',
                            # when section is found corresponding collected dict values changed to True
                            collected['fabricshow'] = True
                            if ls_mode_on:
                                while not re.search(
                                        fr'^CURRENT CONTEXT -- {switch_index} *, \d+$',
                                    line = file.readline()
                                    if not line:
                            while not re.search(
                                    r'^(real [\w.]+)|(\*\* SS CMD END \*\*)$',
                                line = file.readline()
                                # dictionary with match names as keys and match result of current line with all imported regular expressions as values
                                match_dct = {
                                    match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line)
                                    for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                        comp_keys, match_keys)
                                # match_keys ['fabricshow_match']
                                # 'fabricshow_match'
                                if match_dct[match_keys[0]]:
                                if not line:
                        # ag_principal section start
                        # switchcmd_agshow_comp
                        if re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[4]], line):
                            collected['ag_principal'] = True
                            # if switch in LS mode switch to required LS number
                            if ls_mode_on:
                                while not re.search(
                                        fr'^CURRENT CONTEXT -- {switch_index} *, \d+$',
                                    line = file.readline()
                                    if not line:
                            # switchcmd_end_comp
                            while not re.search(comp_dct[comp_keys[10]], line):
                                match_dct = {
                                    match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line)
                                    for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                        comp_keys, match_keys)
                                # ag_num_match
                                if match_dct[match_keys[5]]:
                                    # dictionary to store all DISCOVERED switch ports information
                                    # collecting data only for the logical switch in current loop
                                    # Access Gateway common information dictionary
                                    ag_info_dct = {}
                                    # Attached F-Port information dictionary
                                    ag_attach_dct = {}
                                    # Access Gateway F-Port information dictionary
                                    ag_fport_dct = {}
                                    # Domaid ID, port_ID, port_index dictionary
                                    did_port_dct = {}

                                    # move cursor to one line down to get inside while loop
                                    line = file.readline()
                                    # ag_switchcmd_end_comp
                                    while not re.search(
                                            comp_dct[comp_keys[9]], line):
                                        match_dct = {
                                            for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                                comp_keys, match_keys)
                                        # ag_info_match
                                        if match_dct[match_keys[6]]:
                                                    1).rstrip()] = match_dct[
                                        # ag_attached_match
                                        elif match_dct[match_keys[7]]:
                                            # if Attached F-Port information dictionary is empty than create dictionary with N-Port ID(s) as keys and empty lists as values
                                            # if ag_attach_dct has been already created (not empty) then it's preserved
                                            ag_attach_dct = ag_attach_dct or dict(
                                                (n_portid, []) for n_portid in
                                                ag_info_dct['N-Port ID(s)'].
                                            # extracting attached F-port data from line to list
                                            ag_attach_lst = line_to_list(
                                                comp_dct[comp_keys[7]], line)
                                            # getting port_ID of N-port from port_id of F-port
                                            n_portid = ag_attach_lst[
                                                0][:-2] + '00'
                                            # adding current line F-port information to Attached F-Port information dictionary
                                            if n_portid in ag_attach_dct.keys(
                                        # ag_fport_match
                                        elif match_dct[match_keys[8]]:
                                            # create Access Gateway F-Port information dictionary
                                            ag_fport_dct = ag_fport_dct or dict(
                                                (n_portid, []) for n_portid in
                                                ag_info_dct['N-Port ID(s)'].
                                            # extracting access gateway F-port data from line to list
                                            ag_fport_lst = line_to_list(
                                                comp_dct[comp_keys[8]], line)
                                            # getting port_ID of N-port from port_id of F-port
                                            n_portid = ag_fport_lst[
                                                1][:-2] + '00'
                                            # adding current line F-port information to Access Gateway F-Port information dictionary
                                            if n_portid in ag_fport_dct.keys():
                                        line = file.readline()
                                        if not line:

                                    # list of N-ports extracted from N-Port ID(s) line
                                    n_portids_lst = ag_info_dct[
                                        'N-Port ID(s)'].split(',')
                                    # (domain_id, n_portid)
                                    did_port_lst = [
                                        (int(n_portid[:4], 0), n_portid)
                                        for n_portid in n_portids_lst
                                    # creating dictionary with n_portid as keys and (domain_id, n_portid) as values
                                    did_port_dct = {
                                        port[1]: list(port)
                                        for port in did_port_lst

                                    # change values representation in dictionaries
                                    # before {n_portid: [(port_id_1, port_wwn_1, f-port_num_1)], [(port_id_2, port_wwn_2, f-port_num_2)]}
                                    # after {n_portid: [(port_id_1, port_id_2), (port_wwn_1, port_wwn_2), (f-port_num_1, f-port_num_1)]
                                    ag_attach_dct = {
                                        for n_portid in n_portids_lst
                                        if ag_attach_dct.get(n_portid)
                                    ag_fport_dct = {
                                        for n_portid in n_portids_lst
                                        if ag_fport_dct.get(n_portid)

                                    # add connected switch port_index to did_port_dct extracted from ag_attach_dct
                                    # (domain_id, n_portid, n_port_index)
                                    # if no port_index then add None
                                    for n_portid in n_portids_lst:
                                        if ag_attach_dct.get(n_portid):

                                    # for each element of list convert tuples to strings
                                    # if no data extracted for the n_portid then add None for each parameter
                                    for n_portid in n_portids_lst:
                                        if ag_attach_dct.get(n_portid):
                                            ag_attach_dct[n_portid] = [
                                                ', '.join(v) for v in
                                            ag_attach_dct[n_portid] = [None
                                                                       ] * 3
                                    for n_portid in n_portids_lst:
                                        if ag_fport_dct.get(n_portid):
                                            ag_fport_dct[n_portid] = [
                                                ', '.join(v)
                                                for v in ag_fport_dct[n_portid]
                                            ag_fport_dct[n_portid] = [None] * 3

                                    # getting data from ag_info_dct in required order
                                    ag_info_lst = [
                                        ag_info_dct.get(param, None)
                                        for param in ag_params
                                    # appending list with only REQUIRED ag info for the current loop iteration to the list with all ag switch info
                                    for n_portid in n_portids_lst:
                                    line = file.readline()
                                if not line:
                        # ag_principal section end

                status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
                status_info('skip', max_title, len(info))
        # save extracted data to json file
        save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, fabricshow_lst,
        fabricshow_lst, ag_principal_lst = verify_data(report_data_lst,
                                                       data_names, *data_lst)

    return fabricshow_lst, ag_principal_lst
Example #28
def blade_system_extract(blade_folder, report_data_lst):
    """Function to extract blade systems information"""

    # report_data_lst contains information:
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = ['blade_interconnect', 'blade_servers', 'blade_vc']
    # service step information

    # load data if they were saved on previos program execution iteration
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)
    # unpacking from the loaded list with data
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    module_comprehensive_lst, blades_comprehensive_lst, blade_vc_comprehensive_lst = data_lst

    # data force extract check
    # list of keys for each data from data_lst representing if it is required
    # to re-collect or re-analyze data even they were obtained on previous iterations
    force_extract_keys_lst = [
        report_steps_dct[data_name][1] for data_name in data_names
    # print data which were loaded but for which force extract flag is on
    force_extract_check(data_names, data_lst, force_extract_keys_lst,

    # when any of data_lst was not saved or
    # force extract flag is on then re-extract data  from configueation files
    if not all(data_lst) or any(force_extract_keys_lst):

        # lists to store only REQUIRED infromation
        # collecting data for all blades during looping
        # list containing enclosure, blade and hba information for all blade systems
        blades_comprehensive_lst = []
        # list containing enclosure and interconnect modules information for all blade systems
        module_comprehensive_lst = []
        # list containing virtual connect ports information for all blade systems
        blade_vc_comprehensive_lst = []

        if blade_folder:

            # collects files in folder with txt extension
            txt_files = find_files(blade_folder,
            log_files = find_files(blade_folder,
            blade_configs_lst = txt_files + log_files
            # number of files to check
            configs_num = len(blade_configs_lst)

            if configs_num:

                # data imported from init file to extract values from config file
                enclosure_params, _, comp_keys, match_keys, comp_dct = data_extract_objects(
                    'blades', max_title)
                module_params = columns_import('blades', max_title,
                blade_params = columns_import('blades', max_title,

                for i, blade_config in enumerate(blade_configs_lst):
                    # file name with extension
                    configname_wext = os.path.basename(blade_config)
                    # remove extension from filename
                    configname, _ = os.path.splitext(configname_wext)
                    # Active Onboard Administrator IP address
                    oa_ip = None
                    # interconnect modules number
                    module_num = 0

                    # current operation information string
                    info = f'[{i+1} of {configs_num}]: {configname} system.'
                    print(info, end=" ")

                    # search control dictionary. continue to check file until all parameters groups are found
                    collected = {
                        'enclosure': False,
                        'oa_ip': False,
                        'module': False,
                        'servers': False,
                        'vc': False
                    # if blade_lst remains empty after file checkimng than status_info shows NO_DATA for current file
                    blade_lst = []
                    enclosure_vc_lst = []

                    with open(blade_config, encoding='utf-8',
                              errors='ignore') as file:
                        # check file until all groups of parameters extracted
                        while not all(collected.values()):
                            line = file.readline()
                            if not line:
                            # enclosure section start
                            if re.search(
                                    r'>SHOW ENCLOSURE INFO|^ +ENCLOSURE INFORMATION$',
                                enclosure_dct = {}
                                collected['enclosure'] = True
                                # while not reach empty line
                                while not re.search(r'Serial Number', line):
                                    line = file.readline()
                                    # dictionary with match names as keys and match result of current line with all imported regular expressions as values
                                    match_dct = {
                                        for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                            comp_keys, match_keys)
                                    # name_value_pair_match
                                    if match_dct[match_keys[0]]:
                                        result = match_dct[match_keys[0]]
                                        )] = result.group(2).strip()
                                    if not line:
                                # rename Description key to Enclosure Type key for VC
                                if enclosure_dct.get('Description'):
                                        'Enclosure Type'] = enclosure_dct.pop(
                                # creating list with REQUIRED enclosure information only
                                enclosure_lst = [
                                    for param in enclosure_params
                            # enclosure section end
                            # vc fabric connection section start
                            elif re.search(r'FABRIC INFORMATION', line):
                                info_type = 'Type VC'
                                print(info_type, end=" ")
                                info = info + " " + info_type
                                line = file.readline()
                                collected['vc'] = True
                                while not re.search(
                                        r'FC-CONNECTION INFORMATION', line):

                                    # dictionary with match names as keys and match result of current line with all imported regular expressions as values
                                    match_dct = {
                                        for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                            comp_keys, match_keys)
                                    # vc_port_match
                                    if match_dct[match_keys[14]]:
                                        vc_port = line_to_list(
                                            comp_dct[comp_keys[14]], line,
                                        line = file.readline()
                                        line = file.readline()
                                        if not line:

                            # vc fabric connection section end
                            # active onboard administrator ip section start
                            elif re.search(r'>SHOW TOPOLOGY *$', line):
                                info_type = 'Type Blade Enclosure'
                                print(info_type, end=" ")
                                info = info + " " + info_type
                                line = file.readline()
                                collected['oa_ip'] = True
                                while not re.search(r'^>SHOW', line):
                                    # dictionary with match names as keys and match result of current line with all imported regular expressions as values
                                    match_dct = {
                                        for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                            comp_keys, match_keys)
                                    # oa_ip_match
                                    if match_dct[match_keys[1]]:
                                        oa_ip = match_dct[match_keys[1]].group(
                                        line = file.readline()
                                        line = file.readline()
                                        if not line:
                            # active onboard administrator ip section end
                            # interconnect modules section start
                            elif re.search(r'>SHOW INTERCONNECT INFO ALL',
                                line = file.readline()
                                collected['modules'] = True
                                while not re.search(r'^>SHOW', line):
                                    # dictionary with match names as keys and match result of current line with all imported regular expressions as values
                                    match_dct = {
                                        for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                            comp_keys, match_keys)
                                    # module_type_num_match
                                    if match_dct[match_keys[2]]:
                                        module_dct = {}
                                        module_lst = []
                                        module = match_dct[match_keys[2]]
                                        # interconnect module slot number
                                        module_slot = module.group(1)
                                        # interconnect module type (Ethernet, FC)
                                        module_type = module.group(2).rstrip()
                                        line = file.readline()
                                        # module_section_end_comp
                                        while not re.search(
                                                comp_dct[comp_keys[3]], line):
                                            # dictionary with match names as keys and match result of current line with all imported regular expressions as values
                                            match_dct = {
                                                for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                                    comp_keys, match_keys)
                                            # name_value_pair_match
                                            if match_dct[match_keys[0]]:
                                                result = match_dct[
                                                name = result.group(1).strip()
                                                value = result.group(2).strip()
                                                # if value is empty string use None
                                                if value == '':
                                                    value = None
                                                module_dct[name] = value
                                                line = file.readline()
                                                line = file.readline()
                                                if not line:
                                        # creating list with REQUIRED interconnect module information only
                                        module_lst = [
                                            for param in module_params
                                        # add current module information to list containing all modules infromation
                                        # oa_ip added as None and extracted later in the file
                                            *enclosure_lst, oa_ip, module_slot,
                                            module_type, *module_lst
                                        # based on module's number oa_ip is added to module_comprehensive_lst after extraction
                                        module_num += 1
                                        line = file.readline()
                                        if not line:
                            # interconnect modules section end
                            # blade server, hba and flb section start
                            elif re.search(r'>SHOW SERVER INFO ALL', line):
                                line = file.readline()
                                collected['servers'] = True
                                while not re.search(r'^>SHOW', line):
                                    # dictionary with match names as keys and match result of current line with all imported regular expressions as values
                                    match_dct = {
                                        for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                            comp_keys, match_keys)
                                    # blade_server_num_match
                                    if match_dct[match_keys[4]]:
                                        blade_dct = {}
                                        blade_lst = []
                                        hba_lst = []
                                        result = match_dct[match_keys[4]]
                                            1)] = result.group(2)
                                        # blade_num = result.group(2)
                                        # print("Blade number:", blade_num)
                                        line = file.readline()
                                        # server_section_end_comp
                                        while not re.search(
                                                comp_dct[comp_keys[11]], line):
                                            # dictionary with match names as keys and match result of current line with all imported regular expressions as values
                                            match_dct = {
                                                for comp_key, match_key in zip(
                                                    comp_keys, match_keys)
                                            # mezzanin hba section start
                                            # mezzanine_model_match
                                            if match_dct[match_keys[6]]:
                                                result = match_dct[
                                                hba_description = result.group(
                                                hba_model = result.group(2)
                                                line = file.readline()
                                                # mezzanine_wwn_comp
                                                while re.search(
                                                    # dictionary with match names as keys and match result of current line with all imported regular expressions as values
                                                    match_dct = {
                                                        for comp_key, match_key
                                                        in zip(
                                                    # mezzanine_wwn_match
                                                    result = match_dct[
                                                    wwnp = result.group(1)
                                                        hba_model, wwnp
                                                    line = file.readline()
                                            # mezzanin hba section end
                                            # flex flb hba section start
                                            # flb_model_match and flex_ethernet_match
                                            elif match_dct[match_keys[
                                                    8]] or match_dct[
                                                if match_dct[match_keys[8]]:
                                                    result = match_dct[
                                                    flex_description = result.group(
                                                    if re.search(
                                                        flex_model = re.search(
                                                        flex_model = None
                                                elif match_dct[match_keys[15]]:
                                                    result = match_dct[
                                                    flex_description = result.group(
                                                    flex_model = result.group(
                                                line = file.readline()
                                                # wwn_mac_line_comp
                                                while re.search(
                                                    # dictionary with match names as keys and match result of current line with all imported regular expressions as values
                                                    match_dct = {
                                                        for comp_key, match_key
                                                        in zip(
                                                    # flb_wwn_match
                                                    if match_dct[
                                                        result = match_dct[
                                                        wwnp = result.group(1)
                                                            flex_model, wwnp

                                                    line = file.readline()
                                            # flex flb hba section end
                                            # blade server section start
                                            # blade_server_info_match
                                            elif match_dct[match_keys[5]]:
                                                result = match_dct[
                                                # name = result.group(1) + result.group(2) if result.group(2) else result.group(1)
                                                name = result.group(1).rstrip()
                                                value = result.group(
                                                # to avoid Type parameter overwrire
                                                # add parameter only if parameter has not been added to blade dictionary before
                                                if not blade_dct.get(name):
                                                    blade_dct[name] = value
                                                line = file.readline()
                                            # blade server section end
                                            # if none of matches found for current blade server than next line
                                                line = file.readline()
                                                if not line:
                                        # unpopulated blade slots have 'Server Blade Type' line but populated have 'Type' line
                                        # add 'Server Blade Type' parameter for populated slots for consistency
                                        if blade_dct.get('Type'):
                                                'Server Blade Type'] = blade_dct.pop(
                                        # creating list with REQUIRED blade server information only
                                        blade_lst = [
                                            for param in blade_params
                                        # if hba or flex cards installed in blade server
                                        if len(hba_lst):
                                            # add line for each hba to blades_comprehensive_lst
                                            for hba in hba_lst:
                                                        *blade_lst, *hba
                                        # if no nba add one line with enclosure and blade info only
                                                *enclosure_lst, *blade_lst,
                                                None, None
                                    # if no blade_server_num_match found in >SHOW SERVER INFO ALL section than next line
                                        line = file.readline()
                                        if not line:
                            # blade server, hba and flb section end

                        # adding OA IP to module_comprehensive_lst based on interconnect modules number
                        for num in range(-1, -module_num - 1, -1):
                            module_comprehensive_lst[num][3] = oa_ip
                        # show status blades information extraction from file
                        if blade_lst or enclosure_vc_lst:
                            status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
                            status_info('no data', max_title, len(info))
                # save extracted data to json file
                save_data(report_data_lst, data_names,
                          module_comprehensive_lst, blades_comprehensive_lst,
            # current operation information string
            info = f'Collecting enclosure, interconnect modules, blade servers, hba'
            print(info, end=" ")
            status_info('skip', max_title, len(info))
            # save empty data to json file
            save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, module_comprehensive_lst,
                      blades_comprehensive_lst, blade_vc_comprehensive_lst)
    # verify if loaded data is empty after first iteration and replace information string with empty list
        module_comprehensive_lst, blades_comprehensive_lst, blade_vc_comprehensive_lst = verify_data(
            report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)

    return module_comprehensive_lst, blades_comprehensive_lst, blade_vc_comprehensive_lst
Example #29
def zoning_analysis_main(switch_params_aggregated_df, portshow_aggregated_df,
                         cfg_df, zone_df, alias_df, cfg_effective_df,
                         fcrfabric_df, lsan_df, peerzone_df,
                         report_columns_usage_dct, report_data_lst):
    """Main function to analyze zoning configuration"""

    # report_data_lst contains information:
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = [
        'zoning_aggregated', 'alias_aggregated', 'zonemember_statistics',
        'portshow_zoned_aggregated', 'alias_statistics',
        'effective_cfg_statistics', 'Зонирование', 'Псевдонимы',
        'Зонирование_A&B', 'Порты_не_в_зонах', 'Порты_без_псевдономов',
        'Отсутсвуют_в_сети', 'Статистика_зон', 'Статистика_псевдонимов',
    # service step information

    # load data if they were saved on previos program execution iteration
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)
    # unpacking DataFrames from the loaded list with data
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    zoning_aggregated_df, alias_aggregated_df, zonemember_statistics_df, \
        portshow_zoned_aggregated_df, alias_statistics_df, effective_cfg_statistics_df, zoning_report_df, alias_report_df, \
            zoning_compare_report_df, unzoned_device_report_df, no_alias_device_report_df, zoning_absent_device_report_df,\
                zonemember_statistics_report_df,  alias_statistics_report_df, effective_cfg_statistics_report_df = data_lst

    # list of data to analyze from report_info table
    analyzed_data_names = [
        'cfg', 'cfg_effective', 'zone', 'alias', 'switch_params_aggregated',
        'switch_parameters', 'switchshow_ports', 'chassis_parameters',
        'portshow_aggregated', 'device_rename', 'report_columns_usage_upd',
        'portcmd', 'fdmi', 'nscamshow', 'nsshow', 'blade_servers',

    # force run when any data from data_lst was not saved (file not found) or
    # procedure execution explicitly requested for output data or data used during fn execution
    force_run = verify_force_run(data_names, data_lst, report_steps_dct,
                                 max_title, analyzed_data_names)
    if force_run:
        # current operation information string
        info = f'Generating zoning table'
        print(info, end=" ")

        # aggregated DataFrames
        zoning_aggregated_df, alias_aggregated_df \
            = zoning_aggregated(switch_params_aggregated_df, portshow_aggregated_df,
                                    cfg_df, zone_df, alias_df, cfg_effective_df, fcrfabric_df, lsan_df, peerzone_df, report_data_lst)

        # create comprehesive statistics DataFrame with Fabric summaries and
        # zones statistics DataFrame without summaries
        zonemember_statistics_df, zonemember_zonelevel_stat_df = zonemember_statistics(
            zoning_aggregated_df, report_data_lst)
        # add zoning statistics notes, zone duplicates and zone pairs to zoning aggregated DataFrame
        zoning_aggregated_df = statistics_to_aggregated_zoning(
            zoning_aggregated_df, zonemember_zonelevel_stat_df)
        # check all fabric devices (Wwnp) for usage in zoning configuration
        portshow_zoned_aggregated_df = verify_cfg_type(portshow_aggregated_df,
        # create alias configuration statistics
        alias_statistics_df = alias_dashboard(alias_aggregated_df,
        # create Effective zoning configuration summary statistics
        effective_cfg_statistics_df = cfg_dashborad(
            zonemember_statistics_df, portshow_zoned_aggregated_df,
            zoning_aggregated_df, alias_aggregated_df)
        # after finish display status
        status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))

        # report tables
        zoning_report_df, alias_report_df, zoning_compare_report_df, \
            unzoned_device_report_df, no_alias_device_report_df, zoning_absent_device_report_df, \
                zonemember_statistics_report_df, alias_statistics_report_df, effective_cfg_statistics_report_df = \
                    zoning_report_main(zoning_aggregated_df, alias_aggregated_df, portshow_zoned_aggregated_df,
                                        zonemember_statistics_df, alias_statistics_df, effective_cfg_statistics_df,
                                        data_names, report_columns_usage_dct, max_title)

        # create list with partitioned DataFrames
        data_lst = [
            zoning_aggregated_df, alias_aggregated_df,
            zonemember_statistics_df, portshow_zoned_aggregated_df,
            alias_statistics_df, effective_cfg_statistics_df, zoning_report_df,
            alias_report_df, zoning_compare_report_df,
            unzoned_device_report_df, no_alias_device_report_df,
            zoning_absent_device_report_df, zonemember_statistics_report_df,
            alias_statistics_report_df, effective_cfg_statistics_report_df
        # saving data to json or csv file
        save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)

    # verify if loaded data is empty and replace information string with empty DataFrame
        zoning_aggregated_df, alias_aggregated_df, zonemember_statistics_df, \
            portshow_zoned_aggregated_df, alias_statistics_df, effective_cfg_statistics_df, zoning_report_df, alias_report_df, \
                zoning_compare_report_df, unzoned_device_report_df, no_alias_device_report_df, zoning_absent_device_report_df, \
                    zonemember_statistics_report_df, alias_statistics_report_df, effective_cfg_statistics_report_df \
                    = verify_data(report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)

        data_lst = [
            zoning_aggregated_df, alias_aggregated_df,
            zonemember_statistics_df, portshow_zoned_aggregated_df,
            alias_statistics_df, effective_cfg_statistics_df, zoning_report_df,
            alias_report_df, zoning_compare_report_df,
            unzoned_device_report_df, no_alias_device_report_df,
            zoning_absent_device_report_df, zonemember_statistics_report_df,
            alias_statistics_report_df, effective_cfg_statistics_report_df
    # save data to service file if it's required
    for data_name, data_frame in zip(data_names, data_lst):

        save_xlsx_file(data_frame, data_name, report_data_lst)

    return zoning_aggregated_df, alias_aggregated_df, portshow_zoned_aggregated_df
Example #30
def switch_params_configshow_extract(chassis_params_fabric_lst, report_data_lst):
    """Function to extract switch parameters"""

    # report_data_lst contains information: 
    # customer_name, dir_report, dir to save obtained data, max_title, report_steps_dct
    *_, max_title, report_steps_dct = report_data_lst

    # names to save data obtained after current module execution
    data_names = ['switch_parameters', 'switchshow_ports']
    # service step information

    # load data if they were saved on previos program execution iteration
    data_lst = load_data(report_data_lst, *data_names)
    # unpacking from the loaded list with data
    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    switch_params_lst, switchshow_ports_lst = data_lst
    # data force extract check 
    # list of keys for each data from data_lst representing if it is required 
    # to re-collect or re-analyze data even they were obtained on previous iterations
    force_extract_keys_lst = [report_steps_dct[data_name][1] for data_name in data_names]
    # print data which were loaded but for which force extract flag is on
    force_extract_check(data_names, data_lst, force_extract_keys_lst, max_title)
    # when any of data_lst was not saved or 
    # force extract flag is on then re-extract data  from configueation files  
    if not all(data_lst) or any(force_extract_keys_lst):    
        # extract chassis parameters names from init file
        chassis_columns = columns_import('chassis', max_title, 'columns')
        # number of switches to check
        switch_num = len(chassis_params_fabric_lst)   
        # list to store only REQUIRED switch parameters
        # collecting data for all switches during looping
        switch_params_lst = []
        # list to store switch ports details 
        switchshow_ports_lst = []    
        # data imported from init file to extract values from config file
        switch_params, params_add, comp_keys, match_keys, comp_dct = data_extract_objects('switch', max_title)
        # chassis_params_fabric_lst [[chassis_params_sw1], [chassis_params_sw1]]
        # checking each chassis for switch level parameters
        for i, chassis_params_data in enumerate(chassis_params_fabric_lst):       
            # data unpacking from iter param
            # dictionary with parameters for the current chassis
            chassis_params_data_dct = dict(zip(chassis_columns, chassis_params_data))
            sshow_file = chassis_params_data_dct['configname']
            chassis_name = chassis_params_data_dct['chassis_name']
            chassis_wwn = chassis_params_data_dct['chassis_wwn']
            # num_ls = int(chassis_params_data_dct["Number_of_LS"]) if not chassis_params_data_dct["Number_of_LS"] in ['0', None] else 1
            # when num of logical switches is 0 or None than mode is Non-VF otherwise VF
            ls_mode_on = (True if not chassis_params_data_dct["Number_of_LS"] in ['0', None] else False)
            ls_mode = ('ON' if not chassis_params_data_dct["Number_of_LS"] in ['0', None] else 'OFF')
            # logical switches indexes. if switch is in Non-VF mode then ls_id is 0
            ls_ids = chassis_params_data_dct['LS_IDs'].split(', ') if chassis_params_data_dct['LS_IDs'] else ['0']      
            # current operation information string
            info = f'[{i+1} of {switch_num}]: {chassis_params_data_dct["chassis_name"]} switch parameters. Number of LS: {chassis_params_data_dct["Number_of_LS"]}'
            print(info, end =" ")

            # check each logical switch in chassis
            for i in ls_ids:
                # search control dictionary. continue to check sshow_file until all parameters groups are found
                collected = {'configshow': False, 'switchshow': False}
                # dictionary to store all DISCOVERED switch parameters
                # collecting data only for the logical switch in current loop
                switch_params_dct = {}      
                with open(sshow_file, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as file:
                    # check file until all groups of parameters extracted
                    while not all(collected.values()):
                        line = file.readline()                        
                        if not line:
                        # configshow section start
                        if re.search(fr'^\[Switch Configuration Begin *: *{i}\]$', line) and not collected['configshow']:
                            # when section is found corresponding collected dict values changed to True
                            collected['configshow'] = True
                            while not re.search(fr'^\[Switch Configuration End : {i}\]$',line):
                                line = file.readline()
                                # dictionary with match names as keys and match result of current line with all imported regular expressions as values
                                match_dct ={match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line) for comp_key, match_key in zip(comp_keys, match_keys)}                           
                                # match_keys ['switch_configall_match', 'switch_switchshow_match']
                                if match_dct[match_keys[0]]:
                                    switch_params_dct[match_dct[match_keys[0]].group(1).rstrip()] = match_dct[match_keys[0]].group(3).rstrip()              
                                if not line:
                        # config section end
                        # switchshow section start
                        if re.search(r'^(SWITCHCMD /fabos/bin/)?switchshow *:$', line) and not collected['switchshow']:
                            collected['switchshow'] = True
                            if ls_mode_on:
                                while not re.search(fr'^CURRENT CONTEXT -- {i} *, \d+$',line):
                                    line = file.readline()
                                    if not line:
                            while not re.search(r'^real [\w.]+$',line):
                                line = file.readline()
                                match_dct ={match_key: comp_dct[comp_key].match(line) for comp_key, match_key in zip(comp_keys, match_keys)}
                                # 'switch_switchshow_match'
                                if match_dct[match_keys[1]]:
                                    switch_params_dct[match_dct[match_keys[1]].group(1).rstrip()] = match_dct[match_keys[1]].group(2).rstrip()
                                # 'ls_attr_match'
                                if match_dct[match_keys[2]]:
                                    ls_attr = comp_dct[comp_keys[2]].findall(line)[0]
                                    for k, v in zip(ls_attr[::2], ls_attr[1::2]):
                                        switch_params_dct[k] = v
                                # 'switchshow_portinfo_match'
                                if match_dct[match_keys[3]]:
                                    switchinfo_lst = [sshow_file, chassis_name, chassis_wwn, str(i), 
                                                      switch_params_dct.get('switchName', None), 
                                                      switch_params_dct.get('switchWwn', None), 
                                                      switch_params_dct.get('switchState', None), 
                                                      switch_params_dct.get('switchMode', None)
                                    switchshow_port_lst = line_to_list(comp_dct[comp_keys[3]], line, *switchinfo_lst)
                                    # if switch has no slots than slot number is 0
                                    if not switchshow_port_lst[9]:
                                        switchshow_port_lst[9] = str(0)
                                if not line:
                        # switchshow section end
                # additional values which need to be added to the switch params dictionary 
                # switch_params_add order ('configname', 'chassis_name', 'switch_index', 'ls_mode')
                # values axtracted in manual mode. if change values order change keys order in init.xlsx switch tab "params_add" column
                switch_params_values = (sshow_file, chassis_name, chassis_wwn, str(i), ls_mode)

                if switch_params_dct:
                    # adding additional parameters and values to the switch_params_switch_dct
                    update_dct(params_add, switch_params_values, switch_params_dct)                                                
                    # creating list with REQUIRED chassis parameters for the current switch.
                    # if no value in the switch_params_dct for the parameter then None is added 
                    # and appending this list to the list of all switches switch_params_fabric_lst            
                    switch_params_lst.append([switch_params_dct.get(switch_param, None) for switch_param in switch_params])
            status_info('ok', max_title, len(info))
        # save extracted data to json file
        save_data(report_data_lst, data_names, switch_params_lst, switchshow_ports_lst)
    # verify if loaded data is empty after first iteration and replace information string with empty list
        switch_params_lst, switchshow_ports_lst = verify_data(report_data_lst, data_names, *data_lst)

    return switch_params_lst, switchshow_ports_lst