Example #1
def compute_log_likelihoods(target, source, env):
    args = source[-1].read()
    old = numpy.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
    mat, labels, features = unpack_numpy(source[0].rstr(), dense=False)
    mat = numpy.asarray(mat.todense())
    totals = mat.sum(1)
    logging.info("created totals matrix of shape %s", totals.shape)
    newmat = numpy.empty(shape=mat.shape)
    for i in range(mat.shape[1]):
        newmat[:, i] = ct_log_likelihood(mat[:, i], totals)
    pack_numpy(target[0].rstr(), data=newmat, labels=labels, features=features)
    numpy.seterr(divide="warn", invalid="warn")
    return None
Example #2
def log_likelihood(target, source, env):
    args = source[-1].read()
    mat, labels, features = unpack_numpy(source[0].rstr())
    newmat = numpy.empty(mat.shape)
    obs_totals = mat.sum(1)
    feat_totals = mat.sum(0)
    total = feat_totals.sum()
    for col, feature in enumerate(features):
        for row, label in enumerate(labels):
            ll = ct_log_likelihood([
                (mat[row][col], obs_totals[row]),
                (feat_totals[col] - mat[row][col], total - obs_totals[row])
            newmat[row][col] = ll
    #pickle.dump((newmat, labels, features), meta_open(target[0].rstr(), "w"))
    return None
Example #3
def pairwise_log_likelihood(target, source, env):
    args = source[-1].read()
    mat, labels, features = unpack_numpy(source[0].rstr())
    combos = list(set([frozenset([x, y]) for x in labels for y in labels if x != y]))
    newmat = numpy.empty((len(combos), len(features)))
    obs_totals = mat.sum(1)
    for row, combo in enumerate(combos):
        for col, feature in enumerate(features):
            rowA = labels.index(list(combo)[0])
            rowB = labels.index(list(combo)[1])
            if mat[rowA][col] == 0 and mat[rowB][col] == 0:
                ll = 0.0
                ll = ct_log_likelihood([
                    (mat[rowA][col], obs_totals[rowA]),
                    (mat[rowB][col], obs_totals[rowB])
            newmat[row][col] = ll
    #pickle.dump((newmat, combos, [x for x in features]), meta_open(target[0].rstr(), "w"))
    return None