Example #1
    def test_qlinear_relu(self):
        qlinear_prepack = torch.ops.quantized.fbgemm_linear_prepack
        qlinear_relu = torch.ops.quantized.fbgemm_linear_relu

        batch_size = 4
        input_channels = 16
        output_channels = 8

        X_scale = 1.5
        X_zp = 5
        X_value_min = 0
        X_value_max = 225
        X_q0 = np.round(
            np.random.rand(batch_size, input_channels) * (X_value_max - X_value_min)
            + X_value_min

        W_scale = 0.4
        W_zp = 2
        W_value_min = -128
        W_value_max = 127
        W_q0 = np.round(
            np.random.rand(output_channels, input_channels)
            * (W_value_max - W_value_min)
            + W_value_min

        b_value_min = -10
        b_value_max = 10
        b_q0 = np.round(
            np.random.rand(output_channels) * (b_value_max - b_value_min) + b_value_min


        X = torch.from_numpy(_dequantize(X_q0, X_scale, X_zp)).to(dtype=torch.float)
        W = torch.from_numpy(_dequantize(W_q0, W_scale, W_zp)).to(dtype=torch.float)
        b = torch.from_numpy(_dequantize(b_q0, X_scale * W_scale, 0)).to(dtype=torch.float)

        X_q = torch.quantize_linear(X, scale=X_scale, zero_point=X_zp, dtype=torch.quint8)
        W_q = torch.quantize_linear(W, scale=W_scale, zero_point=W_zp, dtype=torch.qint8)
        b_q = torch.quantize_linear(b, scale=X_scale * W_scale, zero_point=0, dtype=torch.qint32)

        # Compare X_scale * W_scale * input_channels * X_value_max * W_value_max with
        # Y_scale * 255 (max for uint8).
        Y_scale = 125.1234
        Y_zp = 5

        # Reference quantized Linear operator
        Y_q_ref = qlinear_ref(X_q0, X_scale, X_zp, W_q0, W_scale, W_zp, b_q0, Y_scale, Y_zp)
        Y_q_ref[Y_q_ref < Y_zp] = Y_zp

        # Weight prepacking operator for quantized Linear
        W_prepack = qlinear_prepack(W_q)
        # Quantized Linear operator with prepacked weight
        Y_q = qlinear_relu(X_q, W_prepack, b_q, Y_scale, Y_zp)

        # Y_q_ref_real = _dequantize(Y_q_ref, Y_scale, Y_zp)
        # Y_q_real = Y_q.dequantize()

        # Assert equal
        np.testing.assert_equal(Y_q_ref, Y_q.int_repr().numpy())

        # Reference quantized result from PyTorch Linear operator
        W_fp32 = W_q.dequantize().to(dtype=torch.float)
        X_fp32 = X_q.dequantize().to(dtype=torch.float)
        b_fp32 = b_q.dequantize().to(dtype=torch.float)
        Y_fp32_ref = F.linear(X_fp32, W_fp32, b_fp32)
        Y_fp32_ref[Y_fp32_ref < 0.0] = 0.0
        Y_q_ref2 = torch.quantize_linear(Y_fp32_ref, Y_scale, Y_zp, torch.quint8)

        # Assert equal
        np.testing.assert_equal(Y_q_ref2.int_repr().numpy(), Y_q.int_repr().numpy())
Example #2
    def test_qnnpack_linear(self, output_channels, Q):
        X, (X_scale, X_zp), (qmin, qmax), (torch_type, np_type) = Q

        input_channels = X.shape[X.ndim - 1]

        input_rows = 1

        for x in range(X.ndim - 1):
            input_rows *= X.shape[x]

        qnnpack_linear = torch.ops.quantized.qnnpack_linear

        X_q0 = np.round(
            X * (qmin - qmax)
            + qmin

        W_scale = 0.4
        W_zp = 0
        W_value_min = 0
        W_value_max = 255
        W_q0 = np.round(
            np.random.rand(output_channels, input_channels)
            * (W_value_max - W_value_min)
            + W_value_min

        b_value_min = -10
        b_value_max = 10
        b_q0 = np.round(
            np.random.rand(output_channels) * (b_value_max - b_value_min) + b_value_min

        X_scale = 10
        X_zp = 0
        X = torch.from_numpy(_dequantize(X_q0, X_scale, X_zp)).to(dtype=torch.float)
        W = torch.from_numpy(_dequantize(W_q0, W_scale, W_zp)).to(dtype=torch.float)
        b = torch.from_numpy(_dequantize(b_q0, X_scale * W_scale, 0)).to(dtype=torch.float)

        X_q = torch.quantize_linear(X, scale=X_scale, zero_point=X_zp, dtype=torch.quint8)
        W_q = torch.quantize_linear(W, scale=W_scale, zero_point=W_zp, dtype=torch.quint8)
        b_q = torch.quantize_linear(b, scale=X_scale * W_scale, zero_point=0, dtype=torch.qint32)

        Y_scale = 5.4  # This makes sure that the max output value does not exceed 255.
        Y_zp = 0

        # Reference quantized Linear operator
        Y_q_ref = qlinear_ref(X_q0, X_scale, X_zp, W_q0, W_scale, W_zp, b_q0, Y_scale, Y_zp)
        Y_q_ref_float = _dequantize(Y_q_ref, Y_scale, Y_zp)

        # Quantized linear operator
        Y_q = qnnpack_linear(X_q, W_q, b_q, Y_scale, Y_zp)

        # Assert equal
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(Y_q_ref_float, Y_q.dequantize().numpy(), decimal=4)

        # Reference quantized result from PyTorch Linear operator

        W_fp32 = W_q.dequantize().to(dtype=torch.float)
        X_fp32 = X_q.dequantize().to(dtype=torch.float)
        b_fp32 = b_q.dequantize().to(dtype=torch.float)
        Y_fp32_ref = F.linear(X_fp32, W_fp32, b_fp32)
        Y_fp32_ref = Y_fp32_ref.view(-1, output_channels)
        Y_q_ref2 = torch.quantize_linear(Y_fp32_ref, Y_scale, Y_zp, torch.quint8)

        # Assert equal
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(Y_q_ref2.dequantize().numpy(), Y_q.dequantize().numpy(), decimal=4)