def detect_sift(detector, set_fn, logger, pool=None): fnQ, testcase, fnT = set_fn full_fnT = myfsys.getf_input(testcase, fnT) imgT = read_image(full_fnT) with Timer('Detection with SFIT'): kpT, descT = affine_detect(detector, imgT, pool=pool, simu_param='sift') return imgT, kpT, descT
def test_splitkd(self): kp, desc = affine_detect(self.detector, self.img1, None, None, simu_param='test2') s_kp, s_desc = splta.split_kd(kp, desc, self.splt_num) self.assertIsNotNone(s_kp) self.assertIsNotNone(s_desc) self.assertEqual(len(s_kp), 64) self.assertEqual(len(s_desc), 64) lenskp = 0 lensdescr = 0 for skp, sdesc in zip(s_kp, s_desc): if not skp: self.assertTrue(False, "Keypoints is Empty") else: lenskp += len(skp) self.assertTrue(True) self.assertNotEqual(sdesc.size, 0, "Descriptor is Empty") lensdescr += sdesc.shape[0] print("{0} == {1}".format(lenskp, len(kp))) self.assertEqual(lenskp, len(kp), "Some keypoints were droped out.") self.assertEqual(lensdescr, len(desc), "Some descriptors were droped out.")
def test_cross_ORB(self): feature_name = self.opts.get('--feature', 'orb-flann') detector, matcher = init_feature(feature_name) with Timer('affine simulation detecting'): kp1, desc1 = ab.affine_detect(detector, self.img1) #ASIFT with Timer('Feature detecting'): h, w = self.img2.shape[:2] mask = np.zeros((h, w), np.uint8) mask[:] = 255 kp2, desc2 = ab.affine_detect(detector, self.img2) #ASIFT print('imgQ - %d features, imgT - %d features' % (len(kp1), len(kp2))) with Timer('matching'): raw_matches12 = matcher.knnMatch(desc2, trainDescriptors=desc1, k=2) #2 raw_matches21 = matcher.knnMatch(desc1, trainDescriptors=desc2, k=2) #2 p2, p1, kp_pairs = filter_matches_wcross(kp1, kp2, raw_matches12, raw_matches21) print('matched points T=%d, Q=%d' % (len(p1), len(p2))) self.assertEqual(len(p1), len(p2), "Not same numbers")
def asift_detect(detector, fn): img = read_image(fn) pool = ThreadPool(processes=cv2.getNumberOfCPUs()) with Timer('Detection with [ ASIFT ]'): splt_kp, splt_desc = affine_detect(detector, img, pool=pool, simu_param='asift') return img, splt_kp, splt_desc
def detect_and_match(detector, matcher, set_fn, splt_num=64, simu_type="default"): """ SplitA実験 set_fn: """ fnQ, testcase, fnT = set_fn def get_expt_names(): tmpf, tmpext = os.path.splitext(fnT) return (os.path.basename(__file__), testcase, tmpf) expt_names = get_expt_names() logger = setup(expt_names) full_fnQ = myfsys.getf_template((fnQ,)) full_fnT = myfsys.getf_input(testcase, fnT) imgQ, imgT = read_images(full_fnQ, full_fnT, logger) pool = ThreadPool(processes=cv2.getNumberOfCPUs()) with Timer('Detection with SPLIT-ASIFT', logger): splt_kpQ, splt_descQ = spltA.affine_detect_into_mesh(detector, splt_num, imgQ, simu_param=simu_type) with Timer('Detection with SFIT', logger): kpT, descT = affine_detect(detector, imgT, pool=pool, simu_param='test')'imgQ - {0} features, imgT - {1} features'.format(spltA.count_keypoints(splt_kpQ), len(kpT))) with Timer('matching', logger): mesh_pQ, mesh_pT, mesh_pairs = spltA.match_with_cross(matcher, splt_descQ, splt_kpQ, descT, kpT) Hs = [] statuses = [] kp_pairs_long = [] Hs_stable = [] kp_pairs_long_stable = [] for pQ, pT, pairs in zip(mesh_pQ, mesh_pT, mesh_pairs): pairs, H, status = calclate_Homography(pQ, pT, pairs) Hs.append(H) statuses.append(status) if status is not None and not len(status) == 0 and np.sum(status)/len(status) >= 0.4: Hs_stable.append(H) else: Hs_stable.append(None) for p in pairs: kp_pairs_long.append(p) if status is not None and not len(status) == 0 and np.sum(status)/len(status) >= 0.4: kp_pairs_long_stable.append(p) vis = draw_matches_for_meshes(imgQ, imgT, Hs=Hs) cv2.imwrite(myfsys.getf_output(expt_names, 'meshes.png'), vis) visS = draw_matches_for_meshes(imgQ, imgT, Hs=Hs_stable) cv2.imwrite(myfsys.getf_output(expt_names, 'meshes_stable.png'), visS) viw = explore_match_for_meshes('affine find_obj', imgQ, imgT, kp_pairs_long_stable, Hs=Hs_stable) cv2.imwrite(myfsys.getf_output(expt_names, 'meshes_and_keypoints_stable.png'), viw) return vis, visS, viw
def affine_detect_into_mesh(detector, split_num, img1, mask=None, simu_param='default'): pool = ThreadPool(processes=cv2.getNumberOfCPUs()) kp, desc = affine_detect(detector, img1, mask, pool=pool, simu_param=simu_param) return split_kd(kp, desc, split_num)
def test_affine_detection(self): with Timer('affine simulation detecting'): kp1, desc1 = ab.affine_detect(self.detector, self.img1) #ASIFT with Timer('Feature detecting'): h, w = self.img2.shape[:2] mask = np.zeros((h, w), np.uint8) mask[:] = 255 kp2, desc2 = self.detector.detectAndCompute(self.img2, mask) # kpT, descT = ab.affine_detect(self.detector, self.imgT, simu_param='test') #SIFT print('imgQ - %d features, imgT - %d features' % (len(kp1), len(kp2))) with Timer('matching T -> Q'): raw_matches12 = self.matcher.knnMatch(desc2, trainDescriptors=desc1, k=2) #2 with Timer('matching Q -> T'): raw_matches21 = self.matcher.knnMatch(desc1, trainDescriptors=desc2, k=2) #2 p2, p1, kp_pairs = filter_matches_wcross(kp1, kp2, raw_matches12, raw_matches21) if len(p2) >= 4: H, status = cv2.findHomography(p1, p2, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0) print('%d / %d inliers/matched' % (np.sum(status), len(status))) # do not draw outliers (there will be a lot of them) kp_pairs = [kpp for kpp, flag in zip(kp_pairs, status) if flag] else: H, status = None, None print('%d matches found, not enough for homography estimation' % len(p1)) vis = explore_match('test_affine_detection', self.img1, self.img2, kp_pairs, None, H) print('Ckeck SIFT matching numbers') with Timer('Feature detecting'): h, w = self.img2.shape[:2] mask = np.zeros((h, w), np.uint8) mask[:] = 255 kp3, desc3 = self.detector.detectAndCompute(self.img2, mask) with Timer('matching T -> Q'): raw_matches23 = self.matcher.knnMatch(desc3, trainDescriptors=desc2, k=2) #2 with Timer('matching Q -> T'): raw_matches32 = self.matcher.knnMatch(desc2, trainDescriptors=desc3, k=2) #2 p3, p2_, kp_pairs_ = filter_matches_wcross(kp2, kp3, raw_matches23, raw_matches32) self.assertEqual( len(kp_pairs), len(kp_pairs_), "keypoints pairs and sift_keypoints_pairs is not equal")
def test_result(self): pool = ThreadPool(processes=cv2.getNumberOfCPUs()) meshList_kpT, meshList_descT = splta2.affine_detect_into_mesh( self.detector, self.splt_num, self.img1, pool=pool) kpQ, descQ = affine_detect(self.detector, self.img2, pool=pool) def count_keypoints(): c = 0 for s_kpT in meshList_kpT: for kpT in s_kpT: c += len(kpT) return c print('imgQ - %d features, imgT - %d features' % (count_keypoints(), len(kpQ))) mesh_pT, mesh_pQ, mesh_pairs = splta2.match_with_cross( self.matcher, meshList_descT, meshList_kpT, descQ, kpQ) self.assertTrue(True)
def test_affine_detect_into_mesh(self): with Timer('Detection with split into mesh'): splits_kp, splits_desc = splta2.affine_detect_into_mesh( self.detector, self.splt_num, self.img1, simu_param='test2') self.assertIsNotNone(splits_kp) self.assertIsNotNone(splits_desc) self.assertEqual(len(splits_kp), self.splt_num, "It is not same") self.assertEqual(len(splits_desc), self.splt_num, "It is not same") lenskp = 0 lensdescr = 0 for skp, sdesc in zip(splits_kp, splits_desc): if not skp: self.assertTrue(False, "Keypoints of mesh is Empty") else: self.assertEqual(len(skp), 3, "It is not same") for mesh_kp in skp: lenskp += len(mesh_kp) if not sdesc: self.assertTrue(False, "Descriptors of mesh is Empty") self.assertNotEqual(sdesc[0].size, 0, "Descriptor is Empty") self.assertEqual(sdesc[0].shape[1], 128, "SIFT features") self.assertEqual(len(sdesc), 3, "It is not same") for mesh_desc in sdesc: lensdescr += mesh_desc.shape[0] with Timer('Detection'): kp, desc = affine_detect(self.detector, self.img1, simu_param='test2') kps, descs = splta.affine_detect_into_mesh(self.detector, self.splt_num, self.img1, simu_param='test2') a = splta.count_keypoints(kps) print("{0} == {1}, {2}, {3}".format(lenskp, a, len(kp), lensdescr)) self.assertEqual(lenskp, len(kp), "Some keypoints were droped out.") self.assertEqual(lensdescr, len(desc), "Some descriptors were droped out.") self.assertEqual(lenskp, a, "Some keypoints were droped out.") self.assertEqual(lensdescr, a, "Some descriptors were droped out.")
+ ' Execute /Users/tiwasaki/PycharmProjects/makedb/') with Timer('Detection and dividing'): splt_kpQ, splt_descQ = affine_detect_into_mesh(detector, temp_inf.get_splitnum(), imgQ, simu_param='default') sk_num = count_keypoints(splt_kpQ) m_skQ, m_sdQ, m_k_num, merged_map = combine_mesh_compact(splt_kpQ, splt_descQ, temp_inf) if not sk_num == count_keypoints(m_skQ) and not count_keypoints(m_skQ) == np.sum(m_k_num): print('{0}, {1}, {2}'.format(sk_num, count_keypoints(m_skQ), np.sum(m_k_num))) sys.exit(1) median = np.nanmedian(m_k_num) list_merged_mesh_id = list(set(np.ravel(merged_map))) pool = ThreadPool(processes=cv2.getNumberOfCPUs()) with Timer('Detection'): kpT, descT = affine_detect(detector, imgT, pool=pool, simu_param='test') with Timer('matching'): mesh_pQ, mesh_pT, mesh_pairs = match_with_cross(matcher, m_sdQ, m_skQ, descT, kpT) # Hs, statuses, pairs = calclate_Homography4splitmesh(mesh_pQ, mesh_pT, mesh_pairs) with Timer('estimation'): Hs, statuses, pairs = calclate_Homography4splitmesh(mesh_pQ, mesh_pT, mesh_pairs, median=median) vis = draw_matches_for_meshes(imgQ, imgT, temp_inf=temp_inf, Hs=Hs, list_merged_mesh_id=list_merged_mesh_id, merged_map=merged_map) cv2.imshow('view weak meshes', vis) cv2.imwrite('qrmarker_detection_merged.png', vis) cv2.waitKey() # viw = explore_match_for_meshes('affine find_obj', imgQ, imgT, pairs,
def test_result(self): s_kp, s_desc = splta.affine_detect_into_mesh(self.detector, self.splt_num, self.img1) pool = ThreadPool(processes=cv2.getNumberOfCPUs()) kp2, desc2 = affine_detect(self.detector, self.img2, pool=pool) len_s_kp = 0 for kps in s_kp: len_s_kp += len(kps) print('imgQ - %d features, imgT - %d features' % (len_s_kp, len(kp2))) def calc_H(kp1, kp2, desc1, desc2): with Timer('matching'): raw_matches = self.matcher.knnMatch(desc2, desc1, 2) #2 p1, p2, kp_pairs = filter_matches(kp1, kp2, raw_matches) if len(p1) >= 4: H, status = cv2.findHomography(p1, p2, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0) print('%d / %d inliers/matched' % (np.sum(status), len(status))) # do not draw outliers (there will be a lot of them) kp_pairs = [kpp for kpp, flag in zip(kp_pairs, status) if flag] else: H, status = None, None print( '%d matches found, not enough for homography estimation' % len(p1)) return kp_pairs, H, status def match_and_draw(win): list_kp_pairs = [] Hs = [] statuses = [] i = 0 for kps, desc in zip(s_kp, s_desc): assert type(desc) == type(desc2), "EORROR TYPE" with Timer('matching'): raw_matches = self.matcher.knnMatch(desc2, trainDescriptors=desc, k=2) #2 p2, p1, kp_pairs = filter_matches(kp2, kps, raw_matches) if len(p1) >= 4: H, status = cv2.findHomography(p2, p1, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0) print('%d / %d inliers/matched' % (np.sum(status), len(status))) # do not draw outliers (there will be a lot of them) list_kp_pairs.extend( [kpp for kpp, flag in zip(kp_pairs, status) if flag]) else: H, status = None, None print( '%d matches found, not enough for homography estimation' % len(p1)) Hs.append(H) statuses.extend(status) i += 1 vis = show(win, self.img2, self.img1, list_kp_pairs, statuses, Hs) match_and_draw('affine find_obj') cv2.waitKey() cv2.destroyAllWindows() self.assertEqual(1, 1)