def _generic_get_compatible_paper_sizes(bounding_box, scale=Renderer.DEFAULT_SCALE, index_position=None):
        """Returns a list of the compatible paper sizes for the given bounding
        box. The list is sorted, smaller papers first, and a "custom" paper
        matching the dimensions of the bounding box is added at the end.

            bounding_box (coords.BoundingBox): the map geographic bounding box.
            scale (int): minimum mapnik scale of the map.
           index_position (str): None or 'side' (index on side),
              'bottom' (index at bottom).

        Returns a list of tuples (paper name, width in mm, height in
        mm, portrait_ok, landscape_ok, is_default). Paper sizes are
        represented in portrait mode.

        # the mapnik scale depends on the latitude
        lat = bounding_box.get_top_left()[0]
        scale *= math.cos(math.radians(lat))

        # by convention, mapnik uses 90 ppi whereas cairo uses 72 ppi
        scale *= float(72) / 90

        geo_height_m, geo_width_m = bounding_box.spheric_sizes()
        paper_width_mm = geo_width_m * 1000 / scale
        paper_height_mm = geo_height_m * 1000 / scale

            "Map represents %dx%dm, needs at least %.1fx%.1fcm "
            "on paper." % (geo_width_m, geo_height_m, paper_width_mm / 10.0, paper_height_mm / 10.0)

        # Take index into account, when applicable
        if index_position == "side":
            paper_width_mm /= 1.0 - SinglePageRenderer.MAX_INDEX_OCCUPATION_RATIO
        elif index_position == "bottom":
            paper_height_mm /= 1.0 - SinglePageRenderer.MAX_INDEX_OCCUPATION_RATIO

        # Take margins into account
        paper_width_mm += 2 * commons.convert_pt_to_mm(Renderer.PRINT_SAFE_MARGIN_PT)
        paper_height_mm += 2 * commons.convert_pt_to_mm(Renderer.PRINT_SAFE_MARGIN_PT)

        # Take grid legend, title and copyright into account
        paper_width_mm /= 1 - Renderer.GRID_LEGEND_MARGIN_RATIO
        paper_height_mm /= 1 - (Renderer.GRID_LEGEND_MARGIN_RATIO + 0.05 + 0.02)

        # Transform the values into integers
        paper_width_mm = int(math.ceil(paper_width_mm))
        paper_height_mm = int(math.ceil(paper_height_mm))

        LOG.debug("Best fit is %.1fx%.1fcm." % (paper_width_mm / 10.0, paper_height_mm / 10.0))

        # Test both portrait and landscape orientations when checking for paper
        # sizes.
        valid_sizes = []
        for name, w, h in ocitysmap.layoutlib.PAPER_SIZES:
            portrait_ok = paper_width_mm <= w and paper_height_mm <= h
            landscape_ok = paper_width_mm <= h and paper_height_mm <= w

            if portrait_ok or landscape_ok:
                valid_sizes.append([name, w, h, portrait_ok, landscape_ok, False])

        # Add a 'Custom' paper format to the list that perfectly matches the
        # bounding box.
                "Best fit",
                min(paper_width_mm, paper_height_mm),
                max(paper_width_mm, paper_height_mm),
                paper_width_mm < paper_height_mm,
                paper_width_mm > paper_height_mm,

        # select the first one as default
        valid_sizes[0][5] = True

        return valid_sizes
Example #2
    def __init__(self, db, rc, tmpdir, dpi, file_prefix):
        Renderer.__init__(self, db, rc, tmpdir, dpi)

        self._grid_legend_margin_pt = \
            min(Renderer.GRID_LEGEND_MARGIN_RATIO * self.paper_width_pt,
                Renderer.GRID_LEGEND_MARGIN_RATIO * self.paper_height_pt)

        # Compute the usable area per page
        self._usable_area_width_pt = (self.paper_width_pt -
                                      (2 * Renderer.PRINT_SAFE_MARGIN_PT))
        self._usable_area_height_pt = (self.paper_height_pt -
                                       (2 * Renderer.PRINT_SAFE_MARGIN_PT))

        scale_denom = Renderer.DEFAULT_SCALE

        # the mapnik scale depends on the latitude. However we are
        # always using Mapnik conversion functions (lat,lon <->
        # mercator_meters) so we don't need to take into account
        # latitude in following computations

        # by convention, mapnik uses 90 ppi whereas cairo uses 72 ppi
        scale_denom *= float(72) / 90

        GRAYED_MARGIN_MM = 10
        OVERLAP_MARGIN_MM = 20

        # Debug: show original bounding box as JS code
        # print self.rc.bounding_box.as_javascript("original", "#00ff00")

        # Convert the original Bounding box into Mercator meters
        self._proj = mapnik.Projection(coords._MAPNIK_PROJECTION)
        orig_envelope = self._project_envelope(self.rc.bounding_box)

        # Extend the bounding box to take into account the lost outter
        # margin
        off_x = orig_envelope.minx - (GRAYED_MARGIN_MM * scale_denom) / 1000
        off_y = orig_envelope.miny - (GRAYED_MARGIN_MM * scale_denom) / 1000
        width = orig_envelope.width() + (2 * GRAYED_MARGIN_MM *
                                         scale_denom) / 1000
        height = orig_envelope.height() + (2 * GRAYED_MARGIN_MM *
                                           scale_denom) / 1000

        # Calculate the total width and height of paper needed to
        # render the geographical area at the current scale.
        total_width_pt = commons.convert_mm_to_pt(
            float(width) * 1000 / scale_denom)
        total_height_pt = commons.convert_mm_to_pt(
            float(height) * 1000 / scale_denom)
        self.grayed_margin_pt = commons.convert_mm_to_pt(GRAYED_MARGIN_MM)
        overlap_margin_pt = commons.convert_mm_to_pt(OVERLAP_MARGIN_MM)

        # Calculate the number of pages needed in both directions
        if total_width_pt < self._usable_area_width_pt:
            nb_pages_width = 1
            nb_pages_width = \
                (float(total_width_pt - self._usable_area_width_pt) / \
                     (self._usable_area_width_pt - overlap_margin_pt)) + 1

        if total_height_pt < self._usable_area_height_pt:
            nb_pages_height = 1
            nb_pages_height = \
                (float(total_height_pt - self._usable_area_height_pt) / \
                     (self._usable_area_height_pt - overlap_margin_pt)) + 1

        # Round up the number of pages needed so that we have integer
        # number of pages
        self.nb_pages_width = int(math.ceil(nb_pages_width))
        self.nb_pages_height = int(math.ceil(nb_pages_height))

        # Calculate the entire paper area available
        total_width_pt_after_extension = self._usable_area_width_pt + \
            (self._usable_area_width_pt - overlap_margin_pt) * (self.nb_pages_width - 1)
        total_height_pt_after_extension = self._usable_area_height_pt + \
            (self._usable_area_height_pt - overlap_margin_pt) * (self.nb_pages_height - 1)

        # Convert this paper area available in the number of Mercator
        # meters that can be rendered on the map
        total_width_merc = \
            commons.convert_pt_to_mm(total_width_pt_after_extension) * scale_denom / 1000
        total_height_merc = \
            commons.convert_pt_to_mm(total_height_pt_after_extension) * scale_denom / 1000

        # Extend the geographical boundaries so that we completely
        # fill the available paper size. We are careful to extend the
        # boundaries evenly on all directions (so the center of the
        # previous boundaries remain the same as the new one)
        off_x -= (total_width_merc - width) / 2
        width = total_width_merc
        off_y -= (total_height_merc - height) / 2
        height = total_height_merc

        # Calculate what is the final global bounding box that we will render
        envelope = mapnik.Box2d(off_x, off_y, off_x + width, off_y + height)
        self._geo_bbox = self._inverse_envelope(envelope)

        # Debug: show transformed bounding box as JS code
        # print self._geo_bbox.as_javascript("extended", "#0f0f0f")

        # Convert the usable area on each sheet of paper into the
        # amount of Mercator meters we can render in this area.
        usable_area_merc_m_width = commons.convert_pt_to_mm(
            self._usable_area_width_pt) * scale_denom / 1000
        usable_area_merc_m_height = commons.convert_pt_to_mm(
            self._usable_area_height_pt) * scale_denom / 1000
        grayed_margin_merc_m = (GRAYED_MARGIN_MM * scale_denom) / 1000
        overlap_margin_merc_m = (OVERLAP_MARGIN_MM * scale_denom) / 1000

        # Calculate all the bounding boxes that correspond to the
        # geographical area that will be rendered on each sheet of
        # paper.
        area_polygon = shapely.wkt.loads(self.rc.polygon_wkt)
        bboxes = []
        self.page_disposition, map_number = {}, 0
        for j in reversed(range(0, self.nb_pages_height)):
            col = self.nb_pages_height - j - 1
            self.page_disposition[col] = []
            for i in range(0, self.nb_pages_width):
                cur_x = off_x + i * (usable_area_merc_m_width -
                cur_y = off_y + j * (usable_area_merc_m_height -
                envelope = mapnik.Box2d(cur_x, cur_y,
                                        cur_x + usable_area_merc_m_width,
                                        cur_y + usable_area_merc_m_height)

                envelope_inner = mapnik.Box2d(
                    cur_x + grayed_margin_merc_m, cur_y + grayed_margin_merc_m,
                    cur_x + usable_area_merc_m_width - grayed_margin_merc_m,
                    cur_y + usable_area_merc_m_height - grayed_margin_merc_m)
                inner_bb = self._inverse_envelope(envelope_inner)
                if not area_polygon.disjoint(
                    map_number += 1
                    bboxes.append((self._inverse_envelope(envelope), inner_bb))
        # Debug: show per-page bounding boxes as JS code
        # for i, (bb, bb_inner) in enumerate(bboxes):
        #    print bb.as_javascript(name="p%d" % i)

        self.pages = []

        # Create an overview map

        overview_bb = self._geo_bbox.create_expanded(0.001, 0.001)
        # Create the overview grid
        self.overview_grid = OverviewGrid(
            overview_bb, [bb_inner for bb, bb_inner in bboxes],

        grid_shape = self.overview_grid.generate_shape_file(
            os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'grid_overview.shp'))

        # Create a canvas for the overview page
        self.overview_canvas = MapCanvas(self.rc.stylesheet,

        # Create the gray shape around the overview map
        exterior = shapely.wkt.loads(self.overview_canvas.get_actual_bounding_box()\
        interior = shapely.wkt.loads(self.rc.polygon_wkt)
        shade_wkt = exterior.difference(interior).wkt
        shade = maplib.shapes.PolyShapeFile(
            os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'shape_overview.shp'), 'shade-overview')



        # Create the map canvas for each page
        indexes = []
        for i, (bb, bb_inner) in enumerate(bboxes):

            # Create the gray shape around the map
            exterior = shapely.wkt.loads(bb.as_wkt())
            interior = shapely.wkt.loads(bb_inner.as_wkt())
            shade_wkt = exterior.difference(interior).wkt
            shade = maplib.shapes.PolyShapeFile(
                bb, os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'shade%d.shp' % i),
                'shade%d' % i)

            # Create the contour shade

            # Area to keep visible
            interior_contour = shapely.wkt.loads(self.rc.polygon_wkt)
            # Determine the shade WKT
            shade_contour_wkt = interior.difference(interior_contour).wkt
            # Prepare the shade SHP
            shade_contour = maplib.shapes.PolyShapeFile(
                bb, os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'shade_contour%d.shp' % i),
                'shade_contour%d' % i)

            # Create one canvas for the current page
            map_canvas = MapCanvas(self.rc.stylesheet,

            # Create canvas for overlay on current page
            overla_canvas = None
            if self.rc.overlay:
                overlay_canvas = MapCanvas(self.rc.overlay,

            # Create the grid
            map_grid = Grid(bb_inner, map_canvas.get_actual_scale(),
            grid_shape = map_grid.generate_shape_file(
                os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'grid%d.shp' % i))



            if overlay_canvas:

            self.pages.append((map_canvas, map_grid, overlay_canvas))

            # Create the index for the current page
            inside_contour_wkt = interior_contour.intersection(interior).wkt
            index = StreetIndex(self.db,
                                page_number=(i + 4))


        # Merge all indexes
        self.index_categories = self._merge_page_indexes(indexes)

        # Prepare the small map for the front page
        self._front_page_map = self._prepare_front_page_map(dpi)
    def _generic_get_compatible_paper_sizes(bounding_box,
                                            scale=Renderer.DEFAULT_SCALE, index_position = None):
        """Returns a list of the compatible paper sizes for the given bounding
        box. The list is sorted, smaller papers first, and a "custom" paper
        matching the dimensions of the bounding box is added at the end.

            bounding_box (coords.BoundingBox): the map geographic bounding box.
            scale (int): minimum mapnik scale of the map.
           index_position (str): None or 'side' (index on side),
              'bottom' (index at bottom).

        Returns a list of tuples (paper name, width in mm, height in
        mm, portrait_ok, landscape_ok, is_default). Paper sizes are
        represented in portrait mode.

        # the mapnik scale depends on the latitude
        lat = bounding_box.get_top_left()[0]
        scale *= math.cos(math.radians(lat))

        # by convention, mapnik uses 90 ppi whereas cairo uses 72 ppi
        scale *= float(72) / 90

        geo_height_m, geo_width_m = bounding_box.spheric_sizes()
        paper_width_mm = geo_width_m * 1000 / scale
        paper_height_mm = geo_height_m * 1000 / scale

        LOG.debug('Map represents %dx%dm, needs at least %.1fx%.1fcm '
                  'on paper.' % (geo_width_m, geo_height_m,
                                 paper_width_mm/10., paper_height_mm/10.))

        # Take index into account, when applicable
        if index_position == 'side':
            paper_width_mm /= (1. -
        elif index_position == 'bottom':
            paper_height_mm /= (1. -

        # Take margins into account
        paper_width_mm += 2 * commons.convert_pt_to_mm(Renderer.PRINT_SAFE_MARGIN_PT)
        paper_height_mm += 2 * commons.convert_pt_to_mm(Renderer.PRINT_SAFE_MARGIN_PT)

        # Take grid legend, title and copyright into account
        paper_width_mm /= 1 - Renderer.GRID_LEGEND_MARGIN_RATIO
        paper_height_mm /= 1 - (Renderer.GRID_LEGEND_MARGIN_RATIO + 0.05 + 0.02)

        # Transform the values into integers
        paper_width_mm  = int(math.ceil(paper_width_mm))
        paper_height_mm = int(math.ceil(paper_height_mm))

        LOG.debug('Best fit is %.1fx%.1fcm.' % (paper_width_mm/10., paper_height_mm/10.))

        # Test both portrait and landscape orientations when checking for paper
        # sizes.
        valid_sizes = []
        for name, w, h in ocitysmap.layoutlib.PAPER_SIZES:
            portrait_ok  = paper_width_mm <= w and paper_height_mm <= h
            landscape_ok = paper_width_mm <= h and paper_height_mm <= w

            if portrait_ok or landscape_ok:
                valid_sizes.append([name, w, h, portrait_ok, landscape_ok, False])

        # Add a 'Custom' paper format to the list that perfectly matches the
        # bounding box.
        valid_sizes.append(['Best fit',
                            min(paper_width_mm, paper_height_mm),
                            max(paper_width_mm, paper_height_mm),
                            paper_width_mm < paper_height_mm,
                            paper_width_mm > paper_height_mm,

        # select the first one as default
        valid_sizes[0][5] = True

        return valid_sizes
    def __init__(self, db, rc, tmpdir, dpi, file_prefix):
        Renderer.__init__(self, db, rc, tmpdir, dpi)

        self._grid_legend_margin_pt = \
            min(Renderer.GRID_LEGEND_MARGIN_RATIO * self.paper_width_pt,
                Renderer.GRID_LEGEND_MARGIN_RATIO * self.paper_height_pt)

        # Compute the usable area per page
        self._usable_area_width_pt = (self.paper_width_pt -
                                      (2 * Renderer.PRINT_SAFE_MARGIN_PT))
        self._usable_area_height_pt = (self.paper_height_pt -
                                       (2 * Renderer.PRINT_SAFE_MARGIN_PT))

        scale_denom = Renderer.DEFAULT_SCALE

        # the mapnik scale depends on the latitude. However we are
        # always using Mapnik conversion functions (lat,lon <->
        # mercator_meters) so we don't need to take into account
        # latitude in following computations

        # by convention, mapnik uses 90 ppi whereas cairo uses 72 ppi
        scale_denom *= float(72) / 90

        GRAYED_MARGIN_MM  = 10
        OVERLAP_MARGIN_MM = 20

        # Debug: show original bounding box as JS code
        # print self.rc.bounding_box.as_javascript("original", "#00ff00")

        # Convert the original Bounding box into Mercator meters
        self._proj = mapnik.Projection(coords._MAPNIK_PROJECTION)
        orig_envelope = self._project_envelope(self.rc.bounding_box)

        # Extend the bounding box to take into account the lost outter
        # margin
        off_x  = orig_envelope.minx - (GRAYED_MARGIN_MM * scale_denom) / 1000
        off_y  = orig_envelope.miny - (GRAYED_MARGIN_MM * scale_denom) / 1000
        width  = orig_envelope.width() + (2 * GRAYED_MARGIN_MM * scale_denom) / 1000
        height = orig_envelope.height() + (2 * GRAYED_MARGIN_MM * scale_denom) / 1000

        # Calculate the total width and height of paper needed to
        # render the geographical area at the current scale.
        total_width_pt   = commons.convert_mm_to_pt(float(width) * 1000 / scale_denom)
        total_height_pt  = commons.convert_mm_to_pt(float(height) * 1000 / scale_denom)
        self.grayed_margin_pt = commons.convert_mm_to_pt(GRAYED_MARGIN_MM)
        overlap_margin_pt = commons.convert_mm_to_pt(OVERLAP_MARGIN_MM)

        # Calculate the number of pages needed in both directions
        if total_width_pt < self._usable_area_width_pt:
            nb_pages_width = 1
            nb_pages_width = \
                (float(total_width_pt - self._usable_area_width_pt) / \
                     (self._usable_area_width_pt - overlap_margin_pt)) + 1

        if total_height_pt < self._usable_area_height_pt:
            nb_pages_height = 1
            nb_pages_height = \
                (float(total_height_pt - self._usable_area_height_pt) / \
                     (self._usable_area_height_pt - overlap_margin_pt)) + 1

        # Round up the number of pages needed so that we have integer
        # number of pages
        self.nb_pages_width = int(math.ceil(nb_pages_width))
        self.nb_pages_height = int(math.ceil(nb_pages_height))

        # Calculate the entire paper area available
        total_width_pt_after_extension = self._usable_area_width_pt + \
            (self._usable_area_width_pt - overlap_margin_pt) * (self.nb_pages_width - 1)
        total_height_pt_after_extension = self._usable_area_height_pt + \
            (self._usable_area_height_pt - overlap_margin_pt) * (self.nb_pages_height - 1)

        # Convert this paper area available in the number of Mercator
        # meters that can be rendered on the map
        total_width_merc = \
            commons.convert_pt_to_mm(total_width_pt_after_extension) * scale_denom / 1000
        total_height_merc = \
            commons.convert_pt_to_mm(total_height_pt_after_extension) * scale_denom / 1000

        # Extend the geographical boundaries so that we completely
        # fill the available paper size. We are careful to extend the
        # boundaries evenly on all directions (so the center of the
        # previous boundaries remain the same as the new one)
        off_x -= (total_width_merc - width) / 2
        width = total_width_merc
        off_y -= (total_height_merc - height) / 2
        height = total_height_merc

        # Calculate what is the final global bounding box that we will render
        envelope = mapnik.Box2d(off_x, off_y, off_x + width, off_y + height)
        self._geo_bbox = self._inverse_envelope(envelope)

        # Debug: show transformed bounding box as JS code
        # print self._geo_bbox.as_javascript("extended", "#0f0f0f")

        # Convert the usable area on each sheet of paper into the
        # amount of Mercator meters we can render in this area.
        usable_area_merc_m_width  = commons.convert_pt_to_mm(self._usable_area_width_pt) * scale_denom / 1000
        usable_area_merc_m_height = commons.convert_pt_to_mm(self._usable_area_height_pt) * scale_denom / 1000
        grayed_margin_merc_m      = (GRAYED_MARGIN_MM * scale_denom) / 1000
        overlap_margin_merc_m     = (OVERLAP_MARGIN_MM * scale_denom) / 1000

        # Calculate all the bounding boxes that correspond to the
        # geographical area that will be rendered on each sheet of
        # paper.
        area_polygon = shapely.wkt.loads(self.rc.polygon_wkt)
        bboxes = []
        self.page_disposition, map_number = {}, 0
        for j in reversed(range(0, self.nb_pages_height)):
            col = self.nb_pages_height - j - 1
            self.page_disposition[col] = []
            for i in range(0, self.nb_pages_width):
                cur_x = off_x + i * (usable_area_merc_m_width - overlap_margin_merc_m)
                cur_y = off_y + j * (usable_area_merc_m_height - overlap_margin_merc_m)
                envelope = mapnik.Box2d(cur_x, cur_y,

                envelope_inner = mapnik.Box2d(cur_x + grayed_margin_merc_m,
                                              cur_y + grayed_margin_merc_m,
                                              cur_x + usable_area_merc_m_width  - grayed_margin_merc_m,
                                              cur_y + usable_area_merc_m_height - grayed_margin_merc_m)
                inner_bb = self._inverse_envelope(envelope_inner)
                if not area_polygon.disjoint(shapely.wkt.loads(
                    map_number += 1
        # Debug: show per-page bounding boxes as JS code
        # for i, (bb, bb_inner) in enumerate(bboxes):
        #    print bb.as_javascript(name="p%d" % i)

        self.pages = []

        # Create an overview map

        overview_bb = self._geo_bbox.create_expanded(0.001, 0.001)
        # Create the overview grid
        self.overview_grid = OverviewGrid(overview_bb,
                     [bb_inner for bb, bb_inner in bboxes], self.rc.i18n.isrtl())

        grid_shape = self.overview_grid.generate_shape_file(
                    os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'grid_overview.shp'))

        # Create a canvas for the overview page
        self.overview_canvas = MapCanvas(self.rc.stylesheet,
                               overview_bb, self._usable_area_width_pt,
                               self._usable_area_height_pt, dpi,

        # Create the gray shape around the overview map
        exterior = shapely.wkt.loads(self.overview_canvas.get_actual_bounding_box()\
        interior = shapely.wkt.loads(self.rc.polygon_wkt)
        shade_wkt = exterior.difference(interior).wkt
        shade = maplib.shapes.PolyShapeFile(self.rc.bounding_box,
                os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'shape_overview.shp'),

                                  self.rc.stylesheet.grid_line_color, 1,


        # Create the map canvas for each page
        indexes = []
        for i, (bb, bb_inner) in enumerate(bboxes):

            # Create the gray shape around the map
            exterior = shapely.wkt.loads(bb.as_wkt())
            interior = shapely.wkt.loads(bb_inner.as_wkt())
            shade_wkt = exterior.difference(interior).wkt
            shade = maplib.shapes.PolyShapeFile(
                bb, os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'shade%d.shp' % i),
                'shade%d' % i)

            # Create the contour shade

            # Area to keep visible
            interior_contour = shapely.wkt.loads(self.rc.polygon_wkt)
            # Determine the shade WKT
            shade_contour_wkt = interior.difference(interior_contour).wkt
            # Prepare the shade SHP
            shade_contour = maplib.shapes.PolyShapeFile(bb,
                os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'shade_contour%d.shp' % i),
                'shade_contour%d' % i)

            # Create one canvas for the current page
            map_canvas = MapCanvas(self.rc.stylesheet,
                                   bb, self._usable_area_width_pt,
                                   self._usable_area_height_pt, dpi,

            # Create the grid
            map_grid = Grid(bb_inner, map_canvas.get_actual_scale(), self.rc.i18n.isrtl())
            grid_shape = map_grid.generate_shape_file(
                os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'grid%d.shp' % i))


            self.pages.append((map_canvas, map_grid))

            # Create the index for the current page
            inside_contour_wkt = interior_contour.intersection(interior).wkt
            index = StreetIndex(self.db,
                                self.rc.i18n, page_number=(i + 4))


        # Merge all indexes
        self.index_categories = self._merge_page_indexes(indexes)

        # Prepare the small map for the front page
        self._front_page_map = self._prepare_front_page_map(dpi)