def info_lines(self, t): lines = self.lines return ['line info:', 'connecting={}'.format( zip(getattrL(lines, 'frombus'), getattrL(lines, 'tobus'))), 'Pk={}'.format(self.get_values(lines, 'power', t)), 'price={}'.format(self.line_prices[str(t)])]
def make_buses_list(self, loads, generators): """ Create list of :class:`powersystems.Bus` objects from the load and generator bus names. Otherwise (as in ED,UC) create just one (system) :class:`powersystems.Bus` instance. :param loads: a list of :class:`powersystems.Load` objects :param generators: a list of :class:`powersystems.Generator` objects :returns: a list of :class:`powersystems.Bus` objects """ busNameL = [] busNameL.extend(getattrL(generators, 'bus')) busNameL.extend(getattrL(loads, 'bus')) busNameL = pd.Series(pd.unique(busNameL)).dropna().tolist() if len(busNameL) == 0: busNameL = [None] buses = [] swingHasBeenSet = False for b, busNm in enumerate(busNameL): newBus = Bus(name=busNm, index=b) for gen in generators: if gen.bus == newBus.generators.append(gen) if not swingHasBeenSet: newBus.isSwing = swingHasBeenSet = True for ld in loads: if ld.bus == newBus.loads.append(ld) buses.append(newBus) return buses
def create_constraints(self, times, buses): """create the constraints for a line over all times""" busNames = getattrL(buses, "name") iFrom, iTo = busNames.index(self.frombus), busNames.index(self.tobus) for t in times: line_flow_ij = self.power(t) == 1 / self.reactance * (buses[iFrom].angle(t) - buses[iTo].angle(t)) self.add_constraint("line flow", t, line_flow_ij) self.add_constraint("line limit high", t, self.power(t) <= self.pmax) self.add_constraint("line limit low", t, self.pmin <= self.power(t)) return
def info_buses(self, t): buses = self.buses out = ['bus info:', 'name={}'.format(getattrL(buses, 'name')), 'Pinj={}'.format([bus.Pgen(t, evaluate=True) - bus.Pload( t, evaluate=True) for bus in buses]), 'angle={}'.format(self.get_values( buses, 'angle', t) if len(buses) > 1 else []), 'LMP={}'.format(self.lmps[str(t)])] return out
def create_constraints(self, times, buses): '''create the constraints for a line over all times''' busNames = getattrL(buses, 'name') iFrom, iTo = busNames.index(self.frombus), busNames.index(self.tobus) for t in times: line_flow_ij = self.power(t) == \ 1 / self.reactance * (buses[iFrom].angle(t) - buses[iTo].angle(t)) self.add_constraint('line flow', t, line_flow_ij) self.add_constraint( 'line limit high', t, self.power(t) <= self.pmax) self.add_constraint( 'line limit low', t, self.pmin <= self.power(t)) return
def visualization(self, show_cost_also=False): ''' economic dispatch visualization of linearized incremental cost''' if not do_plotting: return t = self.times[0] price = self.lmps[str(t)][0] generators = self.generators loads = self.loads plotted_gens, names_gens, plotted_loads, names_loads = [], [], [], [] minGen = min(getattrL(generators, 'pmin')) maxGen = max(getattrL(generators, 'pmax')) # save a plot of the price space - illustrating equal IC ax = plot.axes() for gen in generators: if gen.status(t): in_range, out_range = gen.bids.output_incremental_range() if gen.bids.is_pwl: line, = plot.step( in_range, out_range, where='pre', linestyle='-') else: line, = plot.plot(in_range, out_range, linestyle='-', ) plotted_gens.append(line) P = value(gen.power(t)) IC = gen.incrementalcost(t) plot.plot(P, IC, '.', c=line.get_color( ), markersize=8, linewidth=2, alpha=0.7) names_gens.append( if price is not None: grayColor = '.75' plot.plot([minGen, maxGen], [price, price], '--k', color=grayColor) plot.text(maxGen, price, '{p:0.2f} $/MWh'.format( p=price), color=grayColor, horizontalalignment='right') plot.xlabel('P [MWh]') if plotted_loads: plot.ylabel('Marginal Cost-Benifit [$/MWh]') else: plot.ylabel('Marginal Cost [$/MWh]') prettify_axes(ax) # plot.xlim(xmin=0,xmax=) ymin, _ = plot.ylim() if ymin < 0: plot.ylim(ymin=0) legendGens = plot.legend(plotted_gens, names_gens, fancybox=True, title='Generators:', loc='best') if plotted_loads: plot.legend(plotted_loads, names_loads, fancybox=True, title='Loads:', loc='best') # add first legend to the axes manually bcs multiple legends get overwritten plot.gca().add_artist(legendGens) self.savevisualization(filename=full_filename('dispatch.png')) if show_cost_also: # show a plot of the cost space, illustrating the linearization plot.figure() gensPlotted_price = plotted_gens plotted_gens, names_gens, plotted_loads, names_loads = [ ], [], [], [] for g, gen in enumerate(generators): if gen.status(t): plotted_gens.append(gen.cost_model.plot( P=value(gen.power(t)), linestyle='-', color=gensPlotted_price[g].get_color() )) names_gens.append( for load in loads: if load.kind == 'bidding': plotted_loads.append( t).plot(P=value(load.power(t)), linestyle=':')) names_loads.append( plot.xlabel('P [MWh]') if plotted_loads: plot.ylabel('Cost-Benifit [$/h]') else: plot.ylabel('Cost [$/h]') legendGens = plot.legend(plotted_gens, names_gens, fancybox=True, title='Generators:', loc='best') if plotted_loads: plot.legend(plotted_loads, names_loads, fancybox=True, title='Loads:', loc='best') plot.gca().add_artist(legendGens) # add first legend to the axes manually bcs multiple legends get overwritten self.savevisualization(filename=full_filename('dispatch-cost.png'))