def getSoftwareDublicates(self, clustername, _select="*", _limitup=0, _limitdown=0, _where=None, _orderby=None): if _where == None: _where = list() # Quickhack to support mysql3 if type(_where) == list: for i in range(len(_where)): _where[i] = "t1." + _where[i] limit = BaseDB.getLimit(_limitup, _limitdown) self.log.debug("where: %s" % (_where)) _where.append("t1.clustername=\"%s\"" % (clustername)) # _where+=" AND ".join(_where) whereclause = BaseDB.resolveWhere(_where) orderbyclause = BaseDB.resolveOrderBy(_orderby) self.log.debug("whereclause: %s" % (whereclause)) query="""SELECT DISTINCT %s FROM %s AS t1 LEFT JOIN %s AS t2 USING (clustername, name) %s AND (t1.version != t2.version OR t1.subversion != t2.subversion) %s %s;""" \ %("t1."+", t1.".join(_select), self.tablename, self.tablename, whereclause, orderbyclause, limit) self.log.debug("query: %s" % (query)) return self.selectQuery(query)
def getDiffsFromSourcesByMaster(self, sourcenames, master, colnames=None, limitup=0, limitdown=0, where=None, orderby=None, Diffs=True, NotInstalled=True, Installed=False): """ Returns a resultset of differences of the given sourcenames. Parameter are the sourcesnames to compare """ orderbyclause=BaseDB.resolveOrderBy(orderby) limit=BaseDB.getLimit(limitup, limitdown) self.log.debug("where: %s" %(where)) self.log.debug("orderbyclause: %s, limit: %s, diffs: %s, notinstalled: %s, Installed: %s" %(orderbyclause, limit, Diffs, NotInstalled, Installed)) if not colnames: self.log.debug("getting colnames") colnames=self.SELECT_FOR_DIFFS_MASTER j=0 # ComLog.getLogger().debug("query %s" % query) queries=list() for sourcename in sourcenames: if Installed: queries.append(self.selectQueryOnlyEqualInstalledByMaster(sourcename, master, colnames, where, Diffs or NotInstalled)) if Diffs: queries.append(self.selectQueryOnlyDiffsByMaster(sourcename, master, colnames, where, Installed)) if NotInstalled: queries.append(self.selectQueryNotInstalledByMaster(sourcename, master, colnames, where, True, Installed)) queries.append(self.selectQueryNotInstalledByMaster(sourcename, master, colnames, where, False, Installed)) union="\n UNION \n".join(queries) if orderbyclause and orderbyclause!="": union+="\n"+orderbyclause if limit and limit != "": union+="\n"+limit self.log.debug("union: "+union) return self.selectQuery(union)
def getDiffsFromSources(self, sourcenames, colnames=None, limitup=0, limitdown=0, where=None, orderby=None, Diffs=True, NotInstalled=True, Installed=False): """ Returns a resultset of differences of the given sourcenames. Parameter are the sourcesnames to compare """ if not sourcenames or type(sourcenames) != list or len( sourcenames) <= 1: return None orderbyclause = BaseDB.resolveOrderBy(orderby) limit = BaseDB.getLimit(limitup, limitdown) self.log.debug("where: %s" % (where)) self.log.debug( "orderbyclause: %s, limit: %s, diffs: %s, notinstalled: %s" % (orderbyclause, limit, Diffs, NotInstalled)) self.log.debug("getting colnames") if not colnames: colnames = self.getColnamesForDiff(sourcenames) j = 0 # ComLog.getLogger().debug("query %s" % query) queries = list() installed = None if Installed: if Diffs or NotInstalled: installed = 0 queries.append( self.selectQueryInstalled(sourcenames, colnames, SoftwareCMDB.COMPARE_2_SOFTWARE, where, installed)) if Diffs: if Installed: installed = 1 queries.append( self.selectQueryOnlyDiffs(sourcenames, colnames, SoftwareCMDB.COMPARE_2_SOFTWARE, where, installed)) if NotInstalled: queries += self.selectQueriesNotInstalled( sourcenames, colnames, SoftwareCMDB.COMPARE_2_SOFTWARE, where, Installed) union = "\n UNION \n".join(queries) if orderbyclause and orderbyclause != "": union += "\n" + orderbyclause if limit and limit != "": union += "\n" + limit self.log.debug("union: " + union) return self.selectQuery(union)
def getSoftware(self, clustername, select="*", limitup=0, limitdown=0, where=None, orderby=None): if where==None: where=list() limit=BaseDB.getLimit(limitup, limitdown) where.append("clustername=\"%s\"" %(clustername)) self.log.debug("where: %s" %(where)) whereclause=BaseDB.resolveWhere(where) orderbyclause=BaseDB.resolveOrderBy(orderby) self.log.debug("whereclause: %s" %(whereclause)) query="SELECT DISTINCT %s FROM %s %s %s %s;" %(", ".join(select), self.tablename, whereclause, orderbyclause, limit) self.log.debug("query: %s" %(query)) return self.selectQuery(query)
def getDiffsFromSourcesByMaster(self, sourcenames, master, colnames=None, limitup=0, limitdown=0, where=None, orderby=None, Diffs=True, NotInstalled=True, Installed=False): """ Returns a resultset of differences of the given sourcenames. Parameter are the sourcesnames to compare """ orderbyclause = BaseDB.resolveOrderBy(orderby) limit = BaseDB.getLimit(limitup, limitdown) self.log.debug("where: %s" % (where)) self.log.debug( "orderbyclause: %s, limit: %s, diffs: %s, notinstalled: %s, Installed: %s" % (orderbyclause, limit, Diffs, NotInstalled, Installed)) if not colnames: self.log.debug("getting colnames") colnames = self.SELECT_FOR_DIFFS_MASTER j = 0 # ComLog.getLogger().debug("query %s" % query) queries = list() for sourcename in sourcenames: if Installed: queries.append( self.selectQueryOnlyEqualInstalledByMaster( sourcename, master, colnames, where, Diffs or NotInstalled)) if Diffs: queries.append( self.selectQueryOnlyDiffsByMaster(sourcename, master, colnames, where, Installed)) if NotInstalled: queries.append( self.selectQueryNotInstalledByMaster( sourcename, master, colnames, where, True, Installed)) queries.append( self.selectQueryNotInstalledByMaster( sourcename, master, colnames, where, False, Installed)) union = "\n UNION \n".join(queries) if orderbyclause and orderbyclause != "": union += "\n" + orderbyclause if limit and limit != "": union += "\n" + limit self.log.debug("union: " + union) return self.selectQuery(union)
def getSoftware(self, clustername, select="*", limitup=0, limitdown=0, where=None, orderby=None): if where == None: where = list() limit = BaseDB.getLimit(limitup, limitdown) where.append("clustername=\"%s\"" % (clustername)) self.log.debug("where: %s" % (where)) whereclause = BaseDB.resolveWhere(where) orderbyclause = BaseDB.resolveOrderBy(orderby) self.log.debug("whereclause: %s" % (whereclause)) query = "SELECT DISTINCT %s FROM %s %s %s %s;" % (", ".join( select), self.tablename, whereclause, orderbyclause, limit) self.log.debug("query: %s" % (query)) return self.selectQuery(query)
def getSoftwareDublicates(self, clustername, _select="*", _limitup=0, _limitdown=0, _where=None, _orderby=None): if _where==None: _where=list() # Quickhack to support mysql3 if type(_where)==list: for i in range(len(_where)): _where[i]="t1."+_where[i] limit=BaseDB.getLimit(_limitup, _limitdown) self.log.debug("where: %s" %(_where)) _where.append("t1.clustername=\"%s\"" %(clustername)) # _where+=" AND ".join(_where) whereclause=BaseDB.resolveWhere(_where) orderbyclause=BaseDB.resolveOrderBy(_orderby) self.log.debug("whereclause: %s" %(whereclause)) query="""SELECT DISTINCT %s FROM %s AS t1 LEFT JOIN %s AS t2 USING (clustername, name) %s AND (t1.version != t2.version OR t1.subversion != t2.subversion) %s %s;""" \ %("t1."+", t1.".join(_select), self.tablename, self.tablename, whereclause, orderbyclause, limit) self.log.debug("query: %s" %(query)) return self.selectQuery(query)
def getDiffsFromSources(self, sourcenames, colnames=None, limitup=0, limitdown=0, where=None, orderby=None, Diffs=True, NotInstalled=True, Installed=False): """ Returns a resultset of differences of the given sourcenames. Parameter are the sourcesnames to compare """ if not sourcenames or type(sourcenames)!=list or len(sourcenames)<=1: return None orderbyclause=BaseDB.resolveOrderBy(orderby) limit=BaseDB.getLimit(limitup, limitdown) self.log.debug("where: %s" %(where)) self.log.debug("orderbyclause: %s, limit: %s, diffs: %s, notinstalled: %s" %(orderbyclause, limit, Diffs, NotInstalled)) self.log.debug("getting colnames") if not colnames: colnames=self.getColnamesForDiff(sourcenames) j=0 # ComLog.getLogger().debug("query %s" % query) queries=list() installed=None if Installed: if Diffs or NotInstalled: installed=0 queries.append(self.selectQueryInstalled(sourcenames, colnames, SoftwareCMDB.COMPARE_2_SOFTWARE, where, installed)) if Diffs: if Installed: installed=1 queries.append(self.selectQueryOnlyDiffs(sourcenames, colnames, SoftwareCMDB.COMPARE_2_SOFTWARE, where, installed)) if NotInstalled: queries+=self.selectQueriesNotInstalled(sourcenames, colnames, SoftwareCMDB.COMPARE_2_SOFTWARE, where, Installed) union="\n UNION \n".join(queries) if orderbyclause and orderbyclause!="": union+="\n"+orderbyclause if limit and limit != "": union+="\n"+limit self.log.debug("union: "+union) return self.selectQuery(union)
def selectQueryOnlyDiffs(self, sourcenames, allcolnamesr, colnames=COMPARE_2_SOFTWARE, where=None, withInstalled=None, equals=["name", "architecture"], unequals=["version", "subversion"]): """ Returns the select query that only filters differences between installed Software. See selectNotInstalledQuery. """ if not unequals: unequals = list() j = 0 tablealias = "odrpms" version_unequalcols = list() subversion_unequalcols = list() joins = list() columns = list() dbs = list() wherelst = list() dbs2 = list() wherelst2 = list() notexists = list() joins2 = list() equals2 = list(equals) equals2 += unequals unequalsmap = dict() count_clusternames = list() for unequal in unequals: unequalsmap[unequal] = list() for i in range(len(sourcenames)): formatedname = self.formatToSQLCompat(sourcenames[i]) if j == 0: columns.append(tablealias+str(i)+"."+colnames[1]+" AS \""+allcolnamesr[j+1]+\ "\", MAX("+tablealias+str(i)+"."+colnames[2]+") AS \""+allcolnamesr[j+2]+\ "\", MAX("+tablealias+str(i)+"."+colnames[3]+") AS \""+allcolnamesr[j+3]+"\"") elif j + 3 < len(allcolnamesr): columns.append(tablealias+str(i)+"."+colnames[1]+" AS \""+allcolnamesr[j+1]+"\", "+tablealias+str(i)+"."+colnames[2]+" AS \""+\ allcolnamesr[j+2]+"\", "+tablealias+str(i)+"."+colnames[3]+" AS \""+allcolnamesr[j+3]+"\"") _db = tablealias + str(i) dbs.append(self.tablename + " AS " + _db) if i > 0: joins.append(" INNER JOIN " + dbs[i] + " USING (%s) " % (", ".join(equals))) wherelst.append(tablealias + str(i) + ".clustername=\"" + sourcenames[i] + "\"") for unequal in unequals: unequalsmap[unequal].append(tablealias + str(i) + "." + unequal) _db1 = tablealias + str(len(sourcenames) + i) dbs2.append(self.tablename + " AS " + _db1) if i > 0: joins2.append(" LEFT JOIN " + dbs2[i] + " USING (%s) " % (", ".join(equals2))) wherelst2.append("\n " + _db1 + ".clustername=\"" + sourcenames[i] + "\"") for col in unequals: wherelst2.append("\n " + _db1 + "." + col + "=" + _db + "." + col) _db2 = tablealias + str(len(sourcenames) * 2 + i) _notexists="\n SELECT * FROM "+self.tablename+" AS "+_db2+\ " \n WHERE \n "+_db2+".clustername="+_db+".clustername" # name and architecutre need to be equal for col in equals: _notexists += " AND \n " + _db2 + "." + col + "=" + _db + "." + col _ors = list() for k in range(len(sourcenames)): if k == i: continue _ands = list() for col in unequals: _ands.append("%s.%s=%s.%s" % (_db2, col, tablealias + str(k), col)) _ors.append("(" + " AND ".join(_ands) + ")") if len(_ors) == 1: _notexists += " AND \n %s " % (_ors[0]) else: _notexists += " AND \n (%s) " % ( " OR \n ".join(_ors)) notexists.append("NOT EXISTS (%s)" % (_notexists)) count_clusternames.append("%s.clustername=" + _db + ".clustername") j += 3 # If special names are filter that where clause is generated here whererest = "" if where and type(where) == str and where != "": whererest = "\n AND " + tablealias + "0." + where elif where and type(where) == list: _tmpname = "\n AND " + tablealias + "0." whererest = _tmpname + _tmpname.join(where) unequalstr = "" for unequal in unequals: unequalstr += " OR %s" % (" OR ".join( BaseDB.BinOperatorFromList(unequalsmap[unequal], "!="))) if unequalstr != "": unequalstr = " AND (%s)\n" % (unequalstr[4:]) self.log.debug("selectQueryOnlyDiffs %s" % withInstalled) if withInstalled != None: columns.append("%u AS %s" % (withInstalled, SoftwareCMDB.DIFFS_COLNAME)) notexistsquery="NOT EXISTS ("+"\n SELECT * FROM "+dbs2[0]+"\n"+\ "\n ".join(joins2)+\ "\n WHERE "+" AND ".join(wherelst2)+")" _countname = tablealias + str(len(joins) + len(notexists) + 2) for k in range(len(count_clusternames)): count_clusternames[k] = count_clusternames[k] % (_countname) countquery="SELECT COUNT("+_countname+".name) FROM "+self.tablename+" AS "+_countname+\ "\n WHERE"+\ "\n ("+" OR ".join(count_clusternames)+")"+\ "\n AND "+_countname+".name="+tablealias+" AND "+_countname+".architecture="+tablealias+"0.architecture GROUP BY "+_countname+".name" if len(notexists) <= 2: _notexist_op = "\n AND " else: _notexist_op = "\n OR " query="SELECT DISTINCT "+tablealias+"0."+colnames[0]+" AS \""+allcolnamesr[0]+"\", "+','.join(columns)+"\n FROM "+dbs[0]+"\n"+\ "\n ".join(joins)+\ "\n WHERE "+" AND ".join(wherelst)+"\n"+\ unequalstr+" AND "+notexistsquery+"\n AND ("+\ _notexist_op.join(notexists)+")"\ "\n AND ("+countquery+") % "+str(len(sourcenames))+ "=0"\ " "+whererest+"\n GROUP BY "+tablealias+"0.version, "+tablealias+"0.subversion" # +" ORDER BY "+tablealias+"" return query