Example #1
def intersection_plane_plane(plane1, plane2, epsilon=1e-6):
    """Computes the intersection of two planes

    plane1 : tuple
        The base point and normal (normalized) defining the 1st plane.
    plane2 : tuple
        The base point and normal (normalized) defining the 2nd plane.

    line : tuple
        Two points defining the intersection line. None if planes are parallel.

    # check for parallelity of planes
    if abs(dot_vectors(plane1[1], plane2[1])) > 1 - epsilon:
        return None
    vec = cross_vectors(plane1[1], plane2[1])  # direction of intersection line
    p1 = plane1[0]
    vec_inplane = cross_vectors(vec, plane1[1])
    p2 = add_vectors(p1, vec_inplane)
    px1 = intersection_line_plane((p1, p2), plane2)
    px2 = add_vectors(px1, vec)
    return px1, px2
Example #2
def intersection_plane_plane(plane1, plane2, tol=1e-6):
    """Computes the intersection of two planes

    plane1 : tuple
        The base point and normal (normalized) defining the 1st plane.
    plane2 : tuple
        The base point and normal (normalized) defining the 2nd plane.
    tol : float, optional
        A tolerance for membership verification.
        Default is ``1e-6``.

    line : tuple
        Two points defining the intersection line. None if planes are parallel.

    o1, n1 = plane1
    o2, n2 = plane2

    if fabs(dot_vectors(n1, n2)) >= 1 - tol:
        return None

    # direction of intersection line
    d = cross_vectors(n1, n2)
    # vector in plane 1 perpendicular to the direction of the intersection line
    v1 = cross_vectors(d, n1)
    # point on plane 1
    p1 = add_vectors(o1, v1)

    x1 = intersection_line_plane((o1, p1), plane2, tol=tol)
    x2 = add_vectors(x1, d)
    return x1, x2
Example #3
def check_length_sol_one(solution, pt_mean, pt, b1, b2, b1_key, b2_key,

    vec_sol = solution
    dpp = dropped_perpendicular_points(pt, add_vectors(pt, vec_sol),
    pt_x1 = dpp[0]
    pt_1 = dpp[1]
    dpp = dropped_perpendicular_points(pt, add_vectors(pt, vec_sol),
    pt_x2 = dpp[0]
    pt_2 = dpp[1]

    if pt_x1 == None:
        return None
    if pt_x2 == None:
        return None

    pts_all_b1 = []
    b_vert_n = b_struct.vertex_neighbors(b1_key)
    for n in b_vert_n:
                b1["axis_endpoints"][0], b1["axis_endpoints"][1],

    pts_b1 = find_points_extreme(pts_all_b1, b1["axis_endpoints"])

    pts_all_b2 = []
    b_vert_n = b_struct.vertex_neighbors(b2_key)
    for n in b_vert_n:
                b2["axis_endpoints"][0], b2["axis_endpoints"][1],

    pts_b2 = find_points_extreme(pts_all_b2, b2["axis_endpoints"])

    vec_test_dir_1 = subtract_vectors(pt_mean, pt)
    if not check_dir(vec_sol, vec_test_dir_1):
        vec_sol = scale_vector(vec_sol, -1)

    lx1 = distance_point_point(pt, pt_x1)
    lx2 = distance_point_point(pt, pt_x2)
    l_max = lx1 if lx1 > lx2 else lx2

    sol = [vec_sol, l_max, pts_b1, pts_b2]

    return sol
Example #4
def lines_tangent_to_cylinder(base_point, line_vect, ref_point, dist):
    """Calculating of plane tangents to one cylinder
        See SP dissertation 3.1.3.b (p. 74)

    .. image:: ../images/plane_tangent_to_one_cylinder.png
        :scale: 80 %
        :align: center

    base_point : [type]
    line_vect : [type]
        vector [other end of the axis, base_point], **the direction here is very important!**
    ref_point : point
        new point Q
    dist : float
        radius of the cylinder

        [origin point M, vector MB, -1 * vector MB], the latter two entries represent
        the tangent points' local coordinate in the plane [point M, e_x, e_y]
    l_vect = normalize_vector(line_vect)
    line_QMprime = subtract_vectors(ref_point, base_point)
    # ppol = point M, project out longitutude axis component of base_point
    ppol = add_vectors(base_point,
                       scale_vector(l_vect, dot_vectors(line_QMprime, l_vect)))
    # ppolr_vect = line QB
    line_QM = subtract_vectors(ref_point, ppol)

    e_x = normalize_vector(line_QM)
    e_y = cross_vectors(e_x, l_vect)
    if length_vector(line_QM) == 0: return None
    x = dist / length_vector(line_QM)
    # x coordinate in the local axis
    d_e1 = scale_vector(e_x, dist * x)
    # d(radius of bar section) has to be larger than l(distance from point to bar axis), otherwise the sqrt turns negative
    # if d < l: change ref_point
    if x * x < 1.0:
        # y coordinate in the local axis
        d_e2 = scale_vector(e_y, dist * math.sqrt(1.0 - x * x))
        return None

    # upper tangent point
    d_e_add = add_vectors(d_e1, d_e2)
    # lower tangent point
    d_e_sub = subtract_vectors(d_e1, d_e2)
    return [ppol, d_e_add, d_e_sub]
Example #5
def find_point_2(x, *args):

    ptM, ex, ey, radius, pt_b_1, l_1, pt_b_2, l_2, d1, d2, ind = args

    r_c = 2 * radius
    ref_point_tmp = add_vectors(scale_vector(ex, x),
                                scale_vector(ey, math.sqrt(r_c * r_c - x * x)))
    ref_point = add_vectors(ref_point_tmp, ptM)

    vec_l = tangent_from_point_one(pt_b_1, l_1, pt_b_2, l_2, ref_point, d1, d2,

    return ref_point, vec_l
Example #6
def calculate_offset_pos_two_side_one_point_locked(b_struct, v_key, pt_1, pt_2,
                                                   v1, v2, d_o_1, d_o_2):
    """calculate offsetted plane when the bar's both sides are blocked by vector v1 and v2

    # ! Note: the old y axis is kept in this function, local x axis is updated

    b_struct : [type]
    v_key : int
        vertex key in BarStructure, representing a physical bar
    pt_1 : list
        first contact point's projection on the bar's axis
    pt_2 : list
        second contact point's projection on the bar's axis
    v1 : list
        first contact point - contact point vector
    v2 : list
        second contact point - contact point vector
    d_o_1 : float
        offset distance for end point #1
    d_o_2 : float
        offset distance for end point #2

        offset plane's origin, x-, y-, z-axis

    pt_1_new = add_vectors(pt_1, scale_vector(v1, -1. * d_o_1))
    pt_2_new = add_vectors(pt_2, scale_vector(v2, -1. * d_o_2))

    vec_x_new = normalize_vector(vector_from_points(pt_1_new, pt_2_new))
    x_ax = b_struct.vertex[v_key]["gripping_plane"][1]

    if not angle_vectors(x_ax, vec_x_new, deg=True) < 90:
        vec_x_new = scale_vector(vec_x_new, -1.)

    # transform gripping plane
    pt_o = b_struct.vertex[v_key]["gripping_plane"][0]
    y_ax = b_struct.vertex[v_key]["gripping_plane"][2]
    vec_z = cross_vectors(vec_x_new, y_ax)
    l_n = (pt_1_new, pt_2_new)
    pt_o_new = closest_point_on_line(pt_o, l_n)

    return pt_o_new, vec_x_new, y_ax, vec_z
Example #7
def closest_point_on_line(point, line):
    """Computes closest point on line to a given point.

    point : sequence of float
        XYZ coordinates.
    line : tuple
        Two points defining the line.

        XYZ coordinates of closest point.


    See Also

    a, b = line
    ab = subtract_vectors(b, a)
    ap = subtract_vectors(point, a)
    c = vector_component(ap, ab)
    return add_vectors(a, c)
Example #8
def tween_points_distance(points1, points2, dist, index=None):
    """Compute an interpolated set of points between two sets of points, at
    a given distance.

    points1 : list
        The first set of points
    points2 : list
        The second set of points
    dist : float
        The distance from the first set to the second at which to compute the
        interpolated set.
    index: int
        The index of the point in the first set from which to calculate the
        distance to the second set. If no value is given, the first point will be used.
        List of points

    if not index:
        index = 0
    d = distance_point_point(points1[index], points2[index])
    scale = float(dist) / d
    tweens = []
    for i in range(len(points1)):
                scale_vector(vector_from_points(points1[i], points2[i]),
    return tweens
Example #9
def tween_points(points1, points2, num):
    """Compute the interpolated points between two sets of points.

    points1 : list
        The first set of points
    points2 : list
        The second set of points
    num : int
        The number of interpolated sets to return
        Nested list of points

    tweens = []
    for j in range(num - 1):
        tween = []
        for i in range(len(points1)):
                    scale_vector(vector_from_points(points1[i], points2[i]),
                                 1 / (num / (j + 1)))))
    return tweens
Example #10
def intersection_line_plane(line, plane, epsilon=1e-6):
    """Computes the intersection point of a line (ray) and a plane

    line : tuple
        Two points defining the line.
    plane : tuple
        The base point and normal defining the plane.

    point : tuple
        if the line (ray) intersects with the plane, None otherwise.

    pt1 = line[0]
    pt2 = line[1]
    p_cent = plane[0]
    p_norm = plane[1]

    v1 = subtract_vectors(pt2, pt1)
    dot = dot_vectors(p_norm, v1)

    if fabs(dot) > epsilon:
        v2 = subtract_vectors(pt1, p_cent)
        fac = -dot_vectors(p_norm, v2) / dot
        vec = scale_vector(v1, fac)
        return add_vectors(pt1, vec)

    return None
Example #11
def project_point_line(point, line):
    """Project a point onto a line.

    point : list of float
        XYZ coordinates of the point.
    line : tuple
        Two points defining the projection line.

        XYZ coordinates of the projected point.

    For more info, see [1]_.

    .. [1] Wiki Books. *Linear Algebra/Orthogonal Projection Onto a Line*.
           Available at: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Linear_Algebra/Orthogonal_Projection_Onto_a_Line.

    a, b = line
    ab = subtract_vectors(b, a)
    ap = subtract_vectors(point, a)
    c = vector_component(ap, ab)

    return add_vectors(a, c)
Example #12
def intersection_segment_plane(segment, plane, epsilon=1e-6):
    """Computes the intersection point of a line segment and a plane

        segment (tuple): Two points defining the line segment.
        plane (tuple): The base point and normal defining the plane.

        point (tuple) if the line segment intersects with the plane, None otherwise.

    pt1 = segment[0]
    pt2 = segment[1]
    p_cent = plane[0]
    p_norm = plane[1]

    v1 = subtract_vectors(pt2, pt1)
    dot = dot_vectors(p_norm, v1)

    if fabs(dot) > epsilon:
        v2 = subtract_vectors(pt1, p_cent)
        fac = -dot_vectors(p_norm, v2) / dot
        if fac > 0. and fac < 1.:
            vec = scale_vector(v1, fac)
            return add_vectors(pt1, vec)
        return None
        return None
Example #13
def mirror_point_point(point, mirror):
    """Mirror a point about a point.

        point (sequence of float): XYZ coordinates of the point to mirror.
        mirror (sequence of float): XYZ coordinates of the mirror point.

    return add_vectors(mirror, subtract_vectors(mirror, point))
Example #14
def offset_line(line, distance, normal=[0., 0., 1.]):
    """Offset a line by a distance

        line (tuple): Two points defining the line.
        distances (float or tuples of floats): The offset distance as float.
            A single value determines a constant offset. Alternatively, two
            offset values for the start and end point of the line can be used to
            a create variable offset.
        normal (tuple): The normal of the offset plane.

        offset line (tuple): Two points defining the offset line.


        .. code-block:: python

            line = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (3.0, 3.0, 0.0)]

            distance = 0.2 # constant offset
            line_offset = offset_line(line, distance)

            distance = [0.2, 0.1] # variable offset
            line_offset = offset_line(line, distance)

    pt1, pt2 = line[0], line[1]
    vec = subtract_vectors(pt1, pt2)
    dir_vec = normalize_vector(cross_vectors(vec, normal))

    if isinstance(distance, list):
        distances = distance
        distances = [distance, distance]

    vec_pt1 = scale_vector(dir_vec, distances[0])
    vec_pt2 = scale_vector(dir_vec, distances[1])
    pt1_new = add_vectors(pt1, vec_pt1)
    pt2_new = add_vectors(pt2, vec_pt2)
    return pt1_new, pt2_new
Example #15
def find_point_3(x, *args):

    ptM, ex, ey, radius, pt_b_1, l_1, pt_b_2, l_2, pt_b_3, l_3, pt_b_4, l_4, b, ind_1, ind_2 = args

    x1 = x[0]
    x2 = x[1]

    pt_1_tmp = add_vectors(scale_vector(ex, x1), scale_vector(ey, x2))
    pt_1 = add_vectors(pt_1_tmp, ptM)
    vec_l1 = tangent_from_point_one(pt_b_1, l_1, pt_b_2, l_2, pt_1, 2 * radius,
                                    2 * radius, ind_1)[0]
    vec_l2 = tangent_from_point_one(pt_b_3, l_3, pt_b_4, l_4, pt_1, 2 * radius,
                                    2 * radius, ind_2)[0]
    ref_point = pt_1
    if not vec_l1 or not vec_l2:
        return None
    ang = angle_vectors(vec_l1, vec_l2)

    return ang, ref_point, vec_l1, vec_l2
Example #16
def intersection_line_triangle(line, triangle, epsilon=1e-6):
    """Computes the intersection point of a line (ray) and a triangle
    based on the Moeller Trumbore intersection algorithm

    line : tuple
        Two points defining the line.
    triangle : sequence of sequence of float
        XYZ coordinates of the triangle corners.

    point : tuple
        if the line (ray) intersects with the triangle, None otherwise.

    The line is treated as continues, directed ray and not as line segment with a start and end point

    a, b, c = triangle
    v1 = subtract_vectors(line[1], line[0])
    p1 = line[0]
    # Find vectors for two edges sharing V1
    e1 = subtract_vectors(b, a)
    e2 = subtract_vectors(c, a)
    # Begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate u parameter
    p = cross_vectors(v1, e2)
    # if determinant is near zero, ray lies in plane of triangle
    det = dot_vectors(e1, p)
    if (det > -epsilon and det < epsilon):
        return None
    inv_det = 1.0 / det
    # calculate distance from V1 to ray origin
    t = subtract_vectors(p1, a)
    # Calculate u parameter and make_blocks bound
    u = dot_vectors(t, p) * inv_det
    # The intersection lies outside of the triangle
    if (u < 0.0 or u > 1.0):
        return None
    # Prepare to make_blocks v parameter
    q = cross_vectors(t, e1)
    # Calculate V parameter and make_blocks bound
    v = dot_vectors(v1, q) * inv_det
    # The intersection lies outside of the triangle
    if (v < 0.0 or u + v > 1.0):
        return None
    t = dot_vectors(e2, q) * inv_det
    if t > epsilon:
        return add_vectors(p1, scale_vector(v1, t))
    # No hit
    return None
Example #17
def p_planes_tangent_to_cylinder(
    """find tangent planes of a cylinder passing through a given point ()

    .. image:: ../images/plane_tangent_to_one_cylinder.png
        :scale: 80 %
        :align: center

    base_point : point
        point M
    line_vect : vector
        direction of the existing bar's axis, direction [the other pt, base_pt], **direction very important!**
    ref_point : point
        point Q
    dist : float
        cylinder radius

    list of two [ref_point, local_y, local_x]
        local x = QB
        local_y // line_vect
    l_vect = normalize_vector(line_vect)
    tangent_pts = lines_tangent_to_cylinder(base_point, line_vect, ref_point,
    if tangent_pts is None:
        return None
    base_pt, upper_tang_pt, lower_tang_pt = tangent_pts
    r1 = subtract_vectors(add_vectors(base_pt, upper_tang_pt), ref_point)
    r1 = normalize_vector(r1)
    r2 = subtract_vectors(add_vectors(base_pt, lower_tang_pt), ref_point)
    r2 = normalize_vector(r2)
    return [[ref_point, l_vect, r1], [ref_point, l_vect, r2]]
Example #18
def center_of_mass_polyhedron(polyhedron):
    """Compute the center of mass of a polyhedron"""
    vertices, faces = polyhedron

    V = 0
    x = 0.0
    y = 0.0
    z = 0.0
    ex = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    ey = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
    ez = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]

    for face in faces:
        if len(face) == 3:
            triangles = [face]
            triangles = []
            # for i in range(1, len(face) - 1):
            #     triangles.append(face[0:1] + vertices[i:i + 2])

        for triangle in triangles:
            a = vertices[triangle[0]]
            b = vertices[triangle[1]]
            c = vertices[triangle[2]]
            ab = subtract_vectors(b, a)
            ac = subtract_vectors(c, a)
            n = cross_vectors(ab, ac)
            V += dot_vectors(a, n)
            nx = dot_vectors(n, ex)
            ny = dot_vectors(n, ey)
            nz = dot_vectors(n, ez)

            for j in (-1, 0, 1):
                ab = add_vectors(vertices[triangle[j]],
                                 vertices[triangle[j + 1]])
                x += nx * dot_vectors(ab, ex)**2
                y += ny * dot_vectors(ab, ey)**2
                z += nz * dot_vectors(ab, ez)**2

    if V < 1e-9:
        V = 0.0
        d = 1.0 / 48.0
        V = V / 6.0
        d = 1.0 / 48.0 / V

    x *= d
    y *= d
    z *= d

    return x, y, z
Example #19
def f_tangent_point_3(x, *args):

    ptM, ex, ey, radius, pt_b_1, l_1, pt_b_2, l_2, pt_b_3, l_3, pt_b_4, l_4, b, ind_1, ind_2 = args

    x1 = x[0]
    x2 = x[1]

    ref_point_tmp = add_vectors(scale_vector(ex, x1), scale_vector(ey, x2))
    ref_point = add_vectors(ref_point_tmp, ptM)

    tfp_1 = tangent_from_point_one(pt_b_1, l_1, pt_b_2, l_2, ref_point,
                                   2 * radius, 2 * radius, ind_1)

    if tfp_1:
        vec_l1 = tfp_1[0]
        print("problem in opt 3 - 1")
        f = 180
        return f

    tfp_2 = tangent_from_point_one(pt_b_3, l_3, pt_b_4, l_4, ref_point,
                                   2 * radius, 2 * radius, ind_2)

    if tfp_2:
        #     vec_l2 = tfp_2[ind_2]
        vec_l2 = tfp_2[0]
        print("problem in opt 3 - 1")
        f = 180
        return f
        #return None
    ang_v = angle_vectors(vec_l1, vec_l2, deg=True)
    if 180 - ang_v < 90:
        f = 180 - ang_v
        f = ang_v

    return f
Example #20
def tangent_through_two_points(base_point1, line_vect1, ref_point1,
                               base_point2, line_vect2, ref_point2, dist1,

    ind = [0, 1]

    sols_vec = []
    sols_pts = []

    # print("tangent_through_two_points", base_point1, line_vect1, ref_point1, base_point2, line_vect2, ref_point2, dist1, dist2)

    for i in ind:
        ret_p1 = p_planes_tangent_to_cylinder(base_point1, line_vect1,
                                              dist1 + dist2 + dist1 + dist2)
        ret1 = ret_p1[i]
        z_vec = cross_vectors(line_vect1, ret1[2])
        plane1 = (ret1[0], z_vec)
        # print("plane1", plane1)
        pp1 = project_points_plane([ref_point1], plane1)[0]
        vec_move = scale_vector(subtract_vectors(ref_point1, pp1), 0.5)
        pt1 = add_vectors(pp1, vec_move)

        for j in ind:
            ret_p2 = p_planes_tangent_to_cylinder(
                base_point2, line_vect2, ref_point1,
                dist1 + dist2 + dist1 + dist2)
            ret2 = ret_p2[j]
            z_vec = cross_vectors(line_vect2, ret2[2])
            plane2 = (ret2[0], z_vec)
            pp2 = project_points_plane([ref_point2], plane2)[0]
            vec_move = scale_vector(subtract_vectors(ref_point2, pp2), 0.5)
            pt2 = add_vectors(pp2, vec_move)

            sols_pts.append([pt1, pt2])
            sol_vec = subtract_vectors(pt1, pt2)
    return sols_pts
Example #21
def calculate_offset_pos_two_side_two_point_locked(b_struct, v_key, vecs_con_1,
                                                   vecs_con_2, pts_con_1,
                                                   pts_con_2, d_o_1, d_o_2):
    """calculate offsetted plane when the bar's both ends have two contact points

    assert len(vecs_con_1) == 2 and len(pts_con_1) == 2
    assert len(vecs_con_2) == 2 and len(pts_con_2) == 2

    map(normalize_vector, vecs_con_1)
    map(normalize_vector, vecs_con_2)
    v1_1, v1_2 = vecs_con_1
    v2_1, v2_2 = vecs_con_2
    pt_1_1, pt_1_2 = pts_con_1
    pt_2_1, pt_2_2 = pts_con_2

    vm_1 = scale_vector(normalize_vector(add_vectors(v1_1, v1_2)), -1. * d_o_1)
    # original contact point (assuming two bars have the same radius)
    pt_1 = centroid_points([pt_1_1, pt_1_2])
    pt_1_new = translate_points([pt_1], vm_1)[0]

    vm_2 = scale_vector(normalize_vector(add_vectors(v2_1, v2_2)), -1. * d_o_2)
    pt_2 = centroid_points([pt_2_1, pt_2_2])
    pt_2_new = translate_points([pt_2], vm_2)[0]

    vec_x_new = normalize_vector(vector_from_points(pt_1_new, pt_2_new))
    x_ax = b_struct.vertex[v_key]["gripping_plane"][1]

    if not angle_vectors(x_ax, vec_x_new, deg=True) < 90:
        vec_x_new = scale_vector(vec_x_new, -1.)

    pt_o = b_struct.vertex[v_key]["gripping_plane"][0]
    y_ax = b_struct.vertex[v_key]["gripping_plane"][2]
    vec_z = cross_vectors(vec_x_new, y_ax)
    l_n = (pt_1_new, pt_2_new)
    pt_o_n = closest_point_on_line(pt_o, l_n)

    return pt_o_n, vec_x_new, y_ax, vec_z
Example #22
def reflect_line_triangle(line, triangle, tol=1e-6):
    """Bounce a line of a reflection triangle.

    line : tuple
        Two points defining the line.
    triangle : tuple
        The triangle vertices.
    tol : float, optional
        A tolerance for membership verification.
        Default is ``1e-6``.

        The reflected line defined by the intersection point of the line and triangle
        and the mirrored start point of the line with respect to a line perpendicular
        to the triangle through the intersection.

    The direction of the line and triangle are important.
    The line is only reflected if it points towards the front of the triangle.
    This is true if the dot product of the direction vector of the line and the
    normal vector of the triangle is smaller than zero.

    >>> triangle = [1.0, 0, 0], [-1.0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1.0]
    >>> line = [-1, 1, 0], [-0.5, 0.5, 0]
    >>> reflect_line_triangle(line, triangle)
    ([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0])

    x = intersection_line_triangle(line, triangle, tol=tol)
    if not x:

    a, b = line
    t1, t2, t3 = triangle
    ab = subtract_vectors(b, a)
    n = cross_vectors(subtract_vectors(t2, t1), subtract_vectors(t3, t1))

    if dot_vectors(ab, n) > 0:
        # the line does not point towards the front of the triangle

    mirror = x, add_vectors(x, n)
    return x, mirror_point_line(a, mirror)
Example #23
def f_tangent_point_2(x, *args):

    ptM, ex, ey, radius, pt_b_1, l_1, pt_b_2, l_2, d1, d2, ind = args

    r_c = 2 * radius
    ref_point_tmp = add_vectors(scale_vector(ex, x),
                                scale_vector(ey, math.sqrt(r_c * r_c - x * x)))
    ref_point = add_vectors(ref_point_tmp, ptM)

    vecs_l_all = tangent_from_point_one(pt_b_1, l_1, pt_b_2, l_2, ref_point,
                                        d1, d2, ind)

    if vecs_l_all:
        vec_l = vecs_l_all[0]
        print("error in f")
        f = 1
        return f

    f = abs(
                    normalize_vector(vector_from_points(ptM, ref_point))))

    return f
Example #24
def mirror_point_point(point, mirror):
    """Mirror a point about a point.

    point : list of float
        XYZ coordinates of the point to mirror.
    mirror : list of float
        XYZ coordinates of the mirror point.

    list of float
        The mirrored point.

    return add_vectors(mirror, subtract_vectors(mirror, point))
Example #25
def mirror_point_plane(point, plane):
    """Mirror a point about a plane.

    point : list of float
        XYZ coordinates of mirror point.
    plane : tuple
        Base point and normal defining the mirror plane.

    list of float
        XYZ coordinates of the mirrored point.

    closest = closest_point_on_plane(point, plane)
    return add_vectors(closest, subtract_vectors(closest, point))
Example #26
def mirror_point_line(point, line):
    """Mirror a point about a line.

    point : list of float
        XYZ coordinates of the point to mirror.
    line : tuple
        Two points defining the mirror line.

    list of float
        The mirrored point.

    closest = closest_point_on_line(point, line)
    return add_vectors(closest, subtract_vectors(closest, point))
Example #27
def intersection_segment_plane(segment, plane, tol=1e-6):
    """Computes the intersection point of a line segment and a plane

    segment : tuple
        Two points defining the line segment.
    plane : tuple
        The base point and normal defining the plane.
    tol : float, optional
        A tolerance for membership verification.
        Default is ``1e-6``.

    point : tuple
        if the line segment intersects with the plane, None otherwise.

    a, b = segment
    o, n = plane

    ab = subtract_vectors(b, a)
    cosa = dot_vectors(n, ab)

    if fabs(cosa) <= tol:
        # if the dot product (cosine of the angle between segment and plane)
        # is close to zero the line and the normal are almost perpendicular
        # hence there is no intersection
        return None

    # based on the ratio = -dot_vectors(n, ab) / dot_vectors(n, oa)
    # there are three scenarios
    # 1) 0.0 < ratio < 1.0: the intersection is between a and b
    # 2) ratio < 0.0: the intersection is on the other side of a
    # 3) ratio > 1.0: the intersection is on the other side of b
    oa = subtract_vectors(a, o)
    ratio = -dot_vectors(n, oa) / cosa

    if 0.0 <= ratio and ratio <= 1.0:
        ab = scale_vector(ab, ratio)
        return add_vectors(a, ab)

    return None
Example #28
def project_point_line(point, line):
    """Project a point onto a line.

        point (sequence of float): XYZ coordinates.
        line (tuple): Two points defining a line.

        list: XYZ coordinates of the projected point.


    a, b = line
    ab = subtract_vectors(b, a)
    ap = subtract_vectors(point, a)
    c = vector_component(ap, ab)

    return add_vectors(a, c)
Example #29
def translate_points(points, vector):
    """Translate points.

    points : list of point
        A list of points.
    vector : vector
        A translation vector.

    list of point
        The translated points.


    return [add_vectors(point, vector) for point in points]
Example #30
def intersection_sphere_sphere(sphere1, sphere2):
    """Computes the intersection of 2 spheres.

    There are 4 cases of sphere-sphere intersection : 1) the spheres intersect
    in a circle, 2) they intersect in a point, 3) they overlap, 4) they do not

    sphere1 : tuple
        center, radius of the sphere.
    sphere2 : tuple
        center, radius of the sphere.

    case : str
        `point`, `circle`, or `sphere`
    result : tuple
        - point: xyz coordinates
        - circle: center, radius, normal
        - sphere: center, radius

    >>> sphere1 = (3.0, 7.0, 4.0), 10.0
    >>> sphere2 = (7.0, 4.0, 0.0), 5.0
    >>> result = intersection_sphere_sphere(sphere1, sphere2)
    >>> if result:
    >>>    case, res = result
    >>>    if case == "circle":
    >>>        center, radius, normal = res
    >>>    elif case == "point":
    >>>        point = res
    >>>    elif case == "sphere":
    >>>        center, radius = res



    center1, radius1 = sphere1
    center2, radius2 = sphere2

    distance = distance_point_point(center1, center2)

    # Case 4: No intersection
    if radius1 + radius2 < distance:
        return None
    # Case 4: No intersection, sphere is within the other sphere
    elif distance + min(radius1, radius2) < max(radius1, radius2):
        return None
    # Case 3: sphere's overlap
    elif radius1 == radius2 and distance == 0:
        return "sphere", sphere1
    # Case 2: point intersection
    elif radius1 + radius2 == distance:
        ipt = subtract_vectors(center2, center1)
        ipt = scale_vector(ipt, radius1 / distance)
        ipt = add_vectors(center1, ipt)
        return "point", ipt
    # Case 2: point intersection, smaller sphere is within the bigger
    elif distance + min(radius1, radius2) == max(radius1, radius2):
        if radius1 > radius2:
            ipt = subtract_vectors(center2, center1)
            ipt = scale_vector(ipt, radius1 / distance)
            ipt = add_vectors(center1, ipt)
            ipt = subtract_vectors(center1, center2)
            ipt = scale_vector(ipt, radius2 / distance)
            ipt = add_vectors(center2, ipt)
        return "point", ipt
    # Case 1: circle intersection
        h = 0.5 + (radius1**2 - radius2**2) / (2 * distance**2)
        ci = subtract_vectors(center2, center1)
        ci = scale_vector(ci, h)
        ci = add_vectors(center1, ci)
        ri = sqrt(radius1**2 - h**2 * distance**2)
        normal = scale_vector(subtract_vectors(center2, center1), 1 / distance)
        return "circle", (ci, ri, normal)