Example #1
def mesh_draw(mesh, color=None):
    Draw a mesh object in Rhino.

    mesh : compas.datastructures.Mesh
        The mesh object.
    color : str, tuple, list, dict (None)
        The vertex color specification.
        Defaults to None.

    Colors can be specifiedin different ways:

    * str: A hexadecimal color that will be applied to all elements subject to the specification.
    * tuple, list: RGB color that will be applied to all elements subject to the specification.
    * dict: RGB or hex color dict with a specification for some or all of the related elements.

    RGB colors specified as values between 0 and 255, should be integers.
    RGB colors specified as values between 0.0 and 1.0, should be floats.

    artist = MeshArtist(mesh)
    return artist.draw_mesh(color)
Example #2
    def to_rgmesh(self):
        """Convert to :class:`Rhino.Geometry.Mesh`

        artist = MeshArtist(self)
        return artist.draw_mesh()
 def grasshopper_draw(self):
     visualisations = []
     for woodLayer in self.timberboards:
         for board in woodLayer:
             my_box = board.box
             mesh_box = Mesh.from_shape(my_box)
             artist = MeshArtist(mesh_box)
             box_visualisation = artist.draw_mesh()
     return visualisations
    def grasshopper_draw():
        visualisations = []
        for brd in self.elements():
            board = brd[1]

            # visualise all the boards
            my_box = box_update(board)[1]
            mesh_box = Mesh.from_shape(my_box)
            artist = MeshArtist(mesh_box)
            box_visualisation = artist.draw_mesh()

        return visualisations
def grasshopper_draw(system):
    def box_update(elmnt):
        elmnt.board_frame = Frame(elmnt.centre_point, elmnt.length_vector, elmnt.width_vector)
        elmnt.box = Box(elmnt.board_frame, elmnt.length, elmnt.width, elmnt.height)
        return elmnt.board_frame, elmnt.box

    visualisations = []
    for brd in system.elements():
        board = brd[1]
        # visualise all the boards
        my_box = box_update(board)[1]
        mesh_box = Mesh.from_shape(my_box)
        artist = MeshArtist(mesh_box)
        box_visualisation = artist.draw_mesh()

    return visualisations
Example #6
from compas.datastructures import Mesh
from compas.datastructures import mesh_subdivide

from compas_ghpython.artists import MeshArtist

# make a control mesh
mesh = Mesh.from_polyhedron(6)

# set default vertex attributes
mesh.update_default_vertex_attributes({'is_fixed': False})

# make an artist for drawing
artist = MeshArtist(mesh)

# draw the control mesh into outputs P, L
P = artist.draw_vertices()
L = artist.draw_edges()

# keep some of the vertices fixed and make a subd mesh (using catmullclark)
for key, value in zip(range(len(is_fixed)), is_fixed):
    mesh.set_vertex_attribute(key, 'is_fixed', value)

fixed = mesh.vertices_where({'is_fixed': True})
subd = mesh_subdivide(mesh, scheme='catmullclark', k=k, fixed=fixed)

# pass the new mesh to the artist
artist.mesh = subd

# draw the result into output M
M = artist.draw_mesh()
 def draw(self):
     from compas_ghpython.artists import MeshArtist
     for vkey, element in self.assembly.elements():
         artist = MeshArtist(element.mesh)
         yield artist.draw_mesh()
def cgmesh_to_rgmesh(mesh):
    artist = MeshArtist(mesh)

    return artist.draw_mesh()