Example #1
 def puts(self, addr, s):
     """Put string of bytes at given address. Will overwrite any previous
     a = array("B", asbytes(s))
     for i in range_g(len(a)):
         self._buf[addr + i] = a[i]
Example #2
def _get_file_and_addr_range(s, _support_drive_letter=None):
    """Special method for hexmerge.py script to split file notation
    into 3 parts: (filename, start, end)

    @raise _BadFileNotation  when string cannot be safely split.
    if _support_drive_letter is None:
        _support_drive_letter = (os.name == 'nt')
    drive = ''
    if _support_drive_letter:
        if s[1:2] == ':' and s[0].upper() in ''.join([chr(i) for i in range_g(ord('A'), ord('Z')+1)]):
            drive = s[:2]
            s = s[2:]
    parts = s.split(':')
    n = len(parts)
    if n == 1:
        fname = parts[0]
        fstart = None
        fend = None
    elif n != 3:
        raise _BadFileNotation
        fname = parts[0]
        def ascii_hex_to_int(ascii):
            if ascii is not None:
                    return int(ascii, 16)
                except ValueError:
                    raise _BadFileNotation
            return ascii
        fstart = ascii_hex_to_int(parts[1] or None)
        fend = ascii_hex_to_int(parts[2] or None)
    return drive+fname, fstart, fend
Example #3
 def __setitem__(self, addr, byte):
     """Set byte at address."""
     t = type(addr)
     if t in IntTypes:
         if addr < 0:
             raise TypeError('Address should be >= 0.')
         self._buf[addr] = byte
     elif t == slice:
         if not isinstance(byte, (list, tuple)):
             raise ValueError('Slice operation expects sequence of bytes')
         start = addr.start
         stop = addr.stop
         step = addr.step or 1
         if None not in (start, stop):
             ra = range_l(start, stop, step)
             if len(ra) != len(byte):
                 raise ValueError('Length of bytes sequence does not match '
                                  'address range')
         elif (start, stop) == (None, None):
             raise TypeError('Unsupported address range')
         elif start is None:
             start = stop - len(byte)
         elif stop is None:
             stop = start + len(byte)
         if start < 0:
             raise TypeError('start address cannot be negative')
         if stop < 0:
             raise TypeError('stop address cannot be negative')
         j = 0
         for i in range_g(start, stop, step):
             self._buf[i] = byte[j]
             j += 1
         raise TypeError('Address has unsupported type: %s' % t)
Example #4
def _get_file_and_addr_range(s, _support_drive_letter=None):
    """Special method for hexmerge.py script to split file notation
    into 3 parts: (filename, start, end)

    @raise _BadFileNotation  when string cannot be safely split.
    if _support_drive_letter is None:
        _support_drive_letter = os.name == "nt"
    drive = ""
    if _support_drive_letter:
        if s[1:2] == ":" and s[0].upper() in "".join([chr(i) for i in range_g(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1)]):
            drive = s[:2]
            s = s[2:]
    parts = s.split(":")
    n = len(parts)
    if n == 1:
        fname = parts[0]
        fstart = None
        fend = None
    elif n != 3:
        raise _BadFileNotation
        fname = parts[0]

        def ascii_hex_to_int(ascii):
            if ascii is not None:
                    return int(ascii, 16)
                except ValueError:
                    raise _BadFileNotation
            return ascii

        fstart = ascii_hex_to_int(parts[1] or None)
        fend = ascii_hex_to_int(parts[2] or None)
    return drive + fname, fstart, fend
Example #5
 def __getitem__(self, addr):
     ''' Get requested byte from address.
     @param  addr    address of byte.
     @return         byte if address exists in HEX file, or self.padding
                     if no data found.
     t = type(addr)
     if t in IntTypes:
         if addr < 0:
             raise TypeError('Address should be >= 0.')
         return self._buf.get(addr, self.padding)
     elif t == slice:
         addresses = dict_keys(self._buf)
         ih = IntelHex()
         if addresses:
             start = addr.start or addresses[0]
             stop = addr.stop or (addresses[-1] + 1)
             step = addr.step or 1
             for i in range_g(start, stop, step):
                 x = self._buf.get(i)
                 if x is not None:
                     ih[i] = x
         return ih
         raise TypeError('Address has unsupported type: %s' % t)
Example #6
 def puts(self, addr, s):
     """Put string of bytes at given address. Will overwrite any previous
     a = array('B', asbytes(s))
     for i in range_g(len(a)):
         self._buf[addr + i] = a[i]
Example #7
 def __setitem__(self, addr, byte):
     """Set byte at address."""
     t = type(addr)
     if t in IntTypes:
         if addr < 0:
             raise TypeError("Address should be >= 0.")
         self._buf[addr] = byte
     elif t == slice:
         if not isinstance(byte, (list, tuple)):
             raise ValueError("Slice operation expects sequence of bytes")
         start = addr.start
         stop = addr.stop
         step = addr.step or 1
         if None not in (start, stop):
             ra = range_l(start, stop, step)
             if len(ra) != len(byte):
                 raise ValueError("Length of bytes sequence does not match " "address range")
         elif (start, stop) == (None, None):
             raise TypeError("Unsupported address range")
         elif start is None:
             start = stop - len(byte)
         elif stop is None:
             stop = start + len(byte)
         if start < 0:
             raise TypeError("start address cannot be negative")
         if stop < 0:
             raise TypeError("stop address cannot be negative")
         j = 0
         for i in range_g(start, stop, step):
             self._buf[i] = byte[j]
             j += 1
         raise TypeError("Address has unsupported type: %s" % t)
Example #8
 def __getitem__(self, addr):
     """ Get requested byte from address.
     @param  addr    address of byte.
     @return         byte if address exists in HEX file, or self.padding
                     if no data found.
     t = type(addr)
     if t in IntTypes:
         if addr < 0:
             raise TypeError("Address should be >= 0.")
         return self._buf.get(addr, self.padding)
     elif t == slice:
         addresses = dict_keys(self._buf)
         ih = IntelHex()
         if addresses:
             start = addr.start or addresses[0]
             stop = addr.stop or (addresses[-1] + 1)
             step = addr.step or 1
             for i in range_g(start, stop, step):
                 x = self._buf.get(i)
                 if x is not None:
                     ih[i] = x
         return ih
         raise TypeError("Address has unsupported type: %s" % t)
Example #9
 def gets(self, addr, length):
     """Get string of bytes from given address. If any entries are blank
     from addr through addr+length, a NotEnoughDataError exception will
     be raised. Padding is not used."""
     a = array('B', asbytes('\0' * length))
         for i in range_g(length):
             a[i] = self._buf[addr + i]
     except KeyError:
         raise NotEnoughDataError(address=addr, length=length)
     return asstr(a.tostring())
Example #10
 def gets(self, addr, length):
     """Get string of bytes from given address. If any entries are blank
     from addr through addr+length, a NotEnoughDataError exception will
     be raised. Padding is not used."""
     a = array("B", asbytes("\0" * length))
         for i in range_g(length):
             a[i] = self._buf[addr + i]
     except KeyError:
         raise NotEnoughDataError(address=addr, length=length)
     return asstr(a.tostring())
Example #11
    def dump(self, tofile=None):
        """Dump object content to specified file object or to stdout if None.
        Format is a hexdump with some header information at the beginning,
        addresses on the left, and data on right.

        @param  tofile        file-like object to dump to

        if tofile is None:
            tofile = sys.stdout
        # start addr possibly
        if self.start_addr is not None:
            cs = self.start_addr.get("CS")
            ip = self.start_addr.get("IP")
            eip = self.start_addr.get("EIP")
            if eip is not None and cs is None and ip is None:
                tofile.write("EIP = 0x%08X\n" % eip)
            elif eip is None and cs is not None and ip is not None:
                tofile.write("CS = 0x%04X, IP = 0x%04X\n" % (cs, ip))
                tofile.write("start_addr = %r\n" % start_addr)
        # actual data
        addresses = dict_keys(self._buf)
        if addresses:
            minaddr = addresses[0]
            maxaddr = addresses[-1]
            startaddr = int(minaddr >> 4) * 16
            endaddr = int((maxaddr >> 4) + 1) * 16
            maxdigits = max(len(str(endaddr)), 4)
            templa = "%%0%dX" % maxdigits
            range16 = range_l(16)
            for i in range_g(startaddr, endaddr, 16):
                tofile.write(templa % i)
                tofile.write(" ")
                s = []
                for j in range16:
                    x = self._buf.get(i + j)
                    if x is not None:
                        tofile.write(" %02X" % x)
                        if 32 <= x < 127:  # GNU less does not like 0x7F (128 decimal) so we'd better show it as dot
                        tofile.write(" --")
                        s.append(" ")
                tofile.write("  |" + "".join(s) + "|\n")
Example #12
    def dump(self, tofile=None):
        """Dump object content to specified file object or to stdout if None.
        Format is a hexdump with some header information at the beginning,
        addresses on the left, and data on right.

        @param  tofile        file-like object to dump to

        if tofile is None:
            tofile = sys.stdout
        # start addr possibly
        if self.start_addr is not None:
            cs = self.start_addr.get('CS')
            ip = self.start_addr.get('IP')
            eip = self.start_addr.get('EIP')
            if eip is not None and cs is None and ip is None:
                tofile.write('EIP = 0x%08X\n' % eip)
            elif eip is None and cs is not None and ip is not None:
                tofile.write('CS = 0x%04X, IP = 0x%04X\n' % (cs, ip))
                tofile.write('start_addr = %r\n' % start_addr)
        # actual data
        addresses = dict_keys(self._buf)
        if addresses:
            minaddr = addresses[0]
            maxaddr = addresses[-1]
            startaddr = int(minaddr >> 4) * 16
            endaddr = int((maxaddr >> 4) + 1) * 16
            maxdigits = max(len(str(endaddr)), 4)
            templa = '%%0%dX' % maxdigits
            range16 = range_l(16)
            for i in range_g(startaddr, endaddr, 16):
                tofile.write(templa % i)
                tofile.write(' ')
                s = []
                for j in range16:
                    x = self._buf.get(i + j)
                    if x is not None:
                        tofile.write(' %02X' % x)
                        if 32 <= x < 127:  # GNU less does not like 0x7F (128 decimal) so we'd better show it as dot
                        tofile.write(' --')
                        s.append(' ')
                tofile.write('  |' + ''.join(s) + '|\n')
Example #13
    def _tobinarray_really(self, start, end, pad, size):
        if pad is None:
            pad = self.padding

        bin = array('B')

        if self._buf == {} and None in (start, end):
            return bin

        if size is not None and size <= 0:
            raise ValueError("tobinarray: wrong value for size")

        start, end = self._get_start_end(start, end, size)

        for i in range_g(start, end + 1):
            bin.append(self._buf.get(i, pad))

        return bin
Example #14
    def _tobinarray_really(self, start, end, pad, size):
        if pad is None:
            pad = self.padding

        bin = array("B")

        if self._buf == {} and None in (start, end):
            return bin

        if size is not None and size <= 0:
            raise ValueError("tobinarray: wrong value for size")

        start, end = self._get_start_end(start, end, size)

        for i in range_g(start, end + 1):
            bin.append(self._buf.get(i, pad))

        return bin
Example #15
 def __delitem__(self, addr):
     """Delete byte at address."""
     t = type(addr)
     if t in IntTypes:
         if addr < 0:
             raise TypeError('Address should be >= 0.')
         del self._buf[addr]
     elif t == slice:
         addresses = dict_keys(self._buf)
         if addresses:
             start = addr.start or addresses[0]
             stop = addr.stop or (addresses[-1] + 1)
             step = addr.step or 1
             for i in range_g(start, stop, step):
                 x = self._buf.get(i)
                 if x is not None:
                     del self._buf[i]
         raise TypeError('Address has unsupported type: %s' % t)
Example #16
 def __delitem__(self, addr):
     """Delete byte at address."""
     t = type(addr)
     if t in IntTypes:
         if addr < 0:
             raise TypeError("Address should be >= 0.")
         del self._buf[addr]
     elif t == slice:
         addresses = dict_keys(self._buf)
         if addresses:
             start = addr.start or addresses[0]
             stop = addr.stop or (addresses[-1] + 1)
             step = addr.step or 1
             for i in range_g(start, stop, step):
                 x = self._buf.get(i)
                 if x is not None:
                     del self._buf[i]
         raise TypeError("Address has unsupported type: %s" % t)
Example #17
    def tobinarray(self, start=None, end=None, size=None):
        """Convert this object to binary form as array (of 2-bytes word data).
        If start and end unspecified, they will be inferred from the data.
        @param  start   start address of output data.
        @param  end     end address of output data (inclusive).
        @param  size    size of the block (number of words),
                        used with start or end parameter.
        @return         array of unsigned short (uint16_t) data.
        bin = array("H")

        if self._buf == {} and None in (start, end):
            return bin

        if size is not None and size <= 0:
            raise ValueError("tobinarray: wrong value for size")

        start, end = self._get_start_end(start, end, size)

        for addr in range_g(start, end + 1):

        return bin
Example #18
    def tobinarray(self, start=None, end=None, size=None):
        '''Convert this object to binary form as array (of 2-bytes word data).
        If start and end unspecified, they will be inferred from the data.
        @param  start   start address of output data.
        @param  end     end address of output data (inclusive).
        @param  size    size of the block (number of words),
                        used with start or end parameter.
        @return         array of unsigned short (uint16_t) data.
        bin = array('H')

        if self._buf == {} and None in (start, end):
            return bin

        if size is not None and size <= 0:
            raise ValueError("tobinarray: wrong value for size")

        start, end = self._get_start_end(start, end, size)

        for addr in range_g(start, end + 1):

        return bin
Example #19
    def _decode_record(self, s, line=0):
        """Decode one record of HEX file.

        @param  s       line with HEX record.
        @param  line    line number (for error messages).

        @raise  EndOfFile   if EOF record encountered.
        s = s.rstrip("\r\n")
        if not s:
            return  # empty line

        if s[0] == ":":
                bin = array("B", unhexlify(asbytes(s[1:])))
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                # this might be raised by unhexlify when odd hexascii digits
                raise HexRecordError(line=line)
            length = len(bin)
            if length < 5:
                raise HexRecordError(line=line)
            raise HexRecordError(line=line)

        record_length = bin[0]
        if length != (5 + record_length):
            raise RecordLengthError(line=line)

        addr = bin[1] * 256 + bin[2]

        record_type = bin[3]
        if not (0 <= record_type <= 5):
            raise RecordTypeError(line=line)

        crc = sum(bin)
        crc &= 0x0FF
        if crc != 0:
            raise RecordChecksumError(line=line)

        if record_type == 0:
            # data record
            addr += self._offset
            for i in range_g(4, 4 + record_length):
                if not self._buf.get(addr, None) is None:
                    raise AddressOverlapError(address=addr, line=line)
                self._buf[addr] = bin[i]
                addr += 1  # FIXME: addr should be wrapped
                # BUT after 02 record (at 64K boundary)
                # and after 04 record (at 4G boundary)

        elif record_type == 1:
            # end of file record
            if record_length != 0:
                raise EOFRecordError(line=line)
            raise _EndOfFile

        elif record_type == 2:
            # Extended 8086 Segment Record
            if record_length != 2 or addr != 0:
                raise ExtendedSegmentAddressRecordError(line=line)
            self._offset = (bin[4] * 256 + bin[5]) * 16

        elif record_type == 4:
            # Extended Linear Address Record
            if record_length != 2 or addr != 0:
                raise ExtendedLinearAddressRecordError(line=line)
            self._offset = (bin[4] * 256 + bin[5]) * 65536

        elif record_type == 3:
            # Start Segment Address Record
            if record_length != 4 or addr != 0:
                raise StartSegmentAddressRecordError(line=line)
            if self.start_addr:
                raise DuplicateStartAddressRecordError(line=line)
            self.start_addr = {"CS": bin[4] * 256 + bin[5], "IP": bin[6] * 256 + bin[7]}

        elif record_type == 5:
            # Start Linear Address Record
            if record_length != 4 or addr != 0:
                raise StartLinearAddressRecordError(line=line)
            if self.start_addr:
                raise DuplicateStartAddressRecordError(line=line)
            self.start_addr = {"EIP": (bin[4] * 16777216 + bin[5] * 65536 + bin[6] * 256 + bin[7])}
Example #20
    def _decode_record(self, s, line=0):
        '''Decode one record of HEX file.

        @param  s       line with HEX record.
        @param  line    line number (for error messages).

        @raise  EndOfFile   if EOF record encountered.
        s = s.rstrip('\r\n')
        if not s:
            return  # empty line

        if s[0] == ':':
                bin = array('B', unhexlify(asbytes(s[1:])))
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                # this might be raised by unhexlify when odd hexascii digits
                raise HexRecordError(line=line)
            length = len(bin)
            if length < 5:
                raise HexRecordError(line=line)
            raise HexRecordError(line=line)

        record_length = bin[0]
        if length != (5 + record_length):
            raise RecordLengthError(line=line)

        addr = bin[1] * 256 + bin[2]

        record_type = bin[3]
        if not (0 <= record_type <= 5):
            raise RecordTypeError(line=line)

        crc = sum(bin)
        crc &= 0x0FF
        if crc != 0:
            raise RecordChecksumError(line=line)

        if record_type == 0:
            # data record
            addr += self._offset
            for i in range_g(4, 4 + record_length):
                if not self._buf.get(addr, None) is None:
                    raise AddressOverlapError(address=addr, line=line)
                self._buf[addr] = bin[i]
                addr += 1  # FIXME: addr should be wrapped
                # BUT after 02 record (at 64K boundary)
                # and after 04 record (at 4G boundary)

        elif record_type == 1:
            # end of file record
            if record_length != 0:
                raise EOFRecordError(line=line)
            raise _EndOfFile

        elif record_type == 2:
            # Extended 8086 Segment Record
            if record_length != 2 or addr != 0:
                raise ExtendedSegmentAddressRecordError(line=line)
            self._offset = (bin[4] * 256 + bin[5]) * 16

        elif record_type == 4:
            # Extended Linear Address Record
            if record_length != 2 or addr != 0:
                raise ExtendedLinearAddressRecordError(line=line)
            self._offset = (bin[4] * 256 + bin[5]) * 65536

        elif record_type == 3:
            # Start Segment Address Record
            if record_length != 4 or addr != 0:
                raise StartSegmentAddressRecordError(line=line)
            if self.start_addr:
                raise DuplicateStartAddressRecordError(line=line)
            self.start_addr = {
                'CS': bin[4] * 256 + bin[5],
                'IP': bin[6] * 256 + bin[7],

        elif record_type == 5:
            # Start Linear Address Record
            if record_length != 4 or addr != 0:
                raise StartLinearAddressRecordError(line=line)
            if self.start_addr:
                raise DuplicateStartAddressRecordError(line=line)
            self.start_addr = {
                (bin[4] * 16777216 + bin[5] * 65536 + bin[6] * 256 + bin[7]),
Example #21
    def write_hex_file(self, f, write_start_addr=True):
        """Write data to file f in HEX format.

        @param  f                   filename or file-like object for writing
        @param  write_start_addr    enable or disable writing start address
                                    record to file (enabled by default).
                                    If there is no start address in obj, nothing
                                    will be written regardless of this setting.
        fwrite = getattr(f, "write", None)
        if fwrite:
            fobj = f
            fclose = None
            fobj = open(f, "w")
            fwrite = fobj.write
            fclose = fobj.close

        # Translation table for uppercasing hex ascii string.
        # timeit shows that using hexstr.translate(table)
        # is faster than hexstr.upper():
        # 0.452ms vs. 0.652ms (translate vs. upper)
        if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
            # Python 3
            table = bytes(range_l(256)).upper()
            # Python 2
            table = "".join(chr(i).upper() for i in range_g(256))

        # start address record if any
        if self.start_addr and write_start_addr:
            keys = dict_keys(self.start_addr)
            bin = array("B", asbytes("\0" * 9))
            if keys == ["CS", "IP"]:
                # Start Segment Address Record
                bin[0] = 4  # reclen
                bin[1] = 0  # offset msb
                bin[2] = 0  # offset lsb
                bin[3] = 3  # rectyp
                cs = self.start_addr["CS"]
                bin[4] = (cs >> 8) & 0x0FF
                bin[5] = cs & 0x0FF
                ip = self.start_addr["IP"]
                bin[6] = (ip >> 8) & 0x0FF
                bin[7] = ip & 0x0FF
                bin[8] = (-sum(bin)) & 0x0FF  # chksum
                fwrite(":" + asstr(hexlify(bin.tostring()).translate(table)) + "\n")
            elif keys == ["EIP"]:
                # Start Linear Address Record
                bin[0] = 4  # reclen
                bin[1] = 0  # offset msb
                bin[2] = 0  # offset lsb
                bin[3] = 5  # rectyp
                eip = self.start_addr["EIP"]
                bin[4] = (eip >> 24) & 0x0FF
                bin[5] = (eip >> 16) & 0x0FF
                bin[6] = (eip >> 8) & 0x0FF
                bin[7] = eip & 0x0FF
                bin[8] = (-sum(bin)) & 0x0FF  # chksum
                fwrite(":" + asstr(hexlify(bin.tostring()).translate(table)) + "\n")
                if fclose:
                raise InvalidStartAddressValueError(start_addr=self.start_addr)

        # data
        addresses = dict_keys(self._buf)
        addr_len = len(addresses)
        if addr_len:
            minaddr = addresses[0]
            maxaddr = addresses[-1]

            if maxaddr > 65535:
                need_offset_record = True
                need_offset_record = False
            high_ofs = 0

            cur_addr = minaddr
            cur_ix = 0

            while cur_addr <= maxaddr:
                if need_offset_record:
                    bin = array("B", asbytes("\0" * 7))
                    bin[0] = 2  # reclen
                    bin[1] = 0  # offset msb
                    bin[2] = 0  # offset lsb
                    bin[3] = 4  # rectyp
                    high_ofs = int(cur_addr >> 16)
                    b = divmod(high_ofs, 256)
                    bin[4] = b[0]  # msb of high_ofs
                    bin[5] = b[1]  # lsb of high_ofs
                    bin[6] = (-sum(bin)) & 0x0FF  # chksum
                    fwrite(":" + asstr(hexlify(bin.tostring()).translate(table)) + "\n")

                while True:
                    # produce one record
                    low_addr = cur_addr & 0x0FFFF
                    # chain_len off by 1
                    chain_len = min(15, 65535 - low_addr, maxaddr - cur_addr)

                    # search continuous chain
                    stop_addr = cur_addr + chain_len
                    if chain_len:
                        ix = bisect_right(addresses, stop_addr, cur_ix, min(cur_ix + chain_len + 1, addr_len))
                        chain_len = ix - cur_ix  # real chain_len
                        # there could be small holes in the chain
                        # but we will catch them by try-except later
                        # so for big continuous files we will work
                        # at maximum possible speed
                        chain_len = 1  # real chain_len

                    bin = array("B", asbytes("\0" * (5 + chain_len)))
                    b = divmod(low_addr, 256)
                    bin[1] = b[0]  # msb of low_addr
                    bin[2] = b[1]  # lsb of low_addr
                    bin[3] = 0  # rectype
                    try:  # if there is small holes we'll catch them
                        for i in range_g(chain_len):
                            bin[4 + i] = self._buf[cur_addr + i]
                    except KeyError:
                        # we catch a hole so we should shrink the chain
                        chain_len = i
                        bin = bin[: 5 + i]
                    bin[0] = chain_len
                    bin[4 + chain_len] = (-sum(bin)) & 0x0FF  # chksum
                    fwrite(":" + asstr(hexlify(bin.tostring()).translate(table)) + "\n")

                    # adjust cur_addr/cur_ix
                    cur_ix += chain_len
                    if cur_ix < addr_len:
                        cur_addr = addresses[cur_ix]
                        cur_addr = maxaddr + 1
                    high_addr = int(cur_addr >> 16)
                    if high_addr > high_ofs:

        # end-of-file record
        if fclose:
Example #22
    def write_hex_file(self, f, write_start_addr=True):
        """Write data to file f in HEX format.

        @param  f                   filename or file-like object for writing
        @param  write_start_addr    enable or disable writing start address
                                    record to file (enabled by default).
                                    If there is no start address in obj, nothing
                                    will be written regardless of this setting.
        fwrite = getattr(f, "write", None)
        if fwrite:
            fobj = f
            fclose = None
            fobj = open(f, 'w')
            fwrite = fobj.write
            fclose = fobj.close

        # Translation table for uppercasing hex ascii string.
        # timeit shows that using hexstr.translate(table)
        # is faster than hexstr.upper():
        # 0.452ms vs. 0.652ms (translate vs. upper)
        if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
            # Python 3
            table = bytes(range_l(256)).upper()
            # Python 2
            table = ''.join(chr(i).upper() for i in range_g(256))

        # start address record if any
        if self.start_addr and write_start_addr:
            keys = dict_keys(self.start_addr)
            bin = array('B', asbytes('\0' * 9))
            if keys == ['CS', 'IP']:
                # Start Segment Address Record
                bin[0] = 4  # reclen
                bin[1] = 0  # offset msb
                bin[2] = 0  # offset lsb
                bin[3] = 3  # rectyp
                cs = self.start_addr['CS']
                bin[4] = (cs >> 8) & 0x0FF
                bin[5] = cs & 0x0FF
                ip = self.start_addr['IP']
                bin[6] = (ip >> 8) & 0x0FF
                bin[7] = ip & 0x0FF
                bin[8] = (-sum(bin)) & 0x0FF  # chksum
                fwrite(':' + asstr(hexlify(bin.tostring()).translate(table)) +
            elif keys == ['EIP']:
                # Start Linear Address Record
                bin[0] = 4  # reclen
                bin[1] = 0  # offset msb
                bin[2] = 0  # offset lsb
                bin[3] = 5  # rectyp
                eip = self.start_addr['EIP']
                bin[4] = (eip >> 24) & 0x0FF
                bin[5] = (eip >> 16) & 0x0FF
                bin[6] = (eip >> 8) & 0x0FF
                bin[7] = eip & 0x0FF
                bin[8] = (-sum(bin)) & 0x0FF  # chksum
                fwrite(':' + asstr(hexlify(bin.tostring()).translate(table)) +
                if fclose:
                raise InvalidStartAddressValueError(start_addr=self.start_addr)

        # data
        addresses = dict_keys(self._buf)
        addr_len = len(addresses)
        if addr_len:
            minaddr = addresses[0]
            maxaddr = addresses[-1]

            if maxaddr > 65535:
                need_offset_record = True
                need_offset_record = False
            high_ofs = 0

            cur_addr = minaddr
            cur_ix = 0

            while cur_addr <= maxaddr:
                if need_offset_record:
                    bin = array('B', asbytes('\0' * 7))
                    bin[0] = 2  # reclen
                    bin[1] = 0  # offset msb
                    bin[2] = 0  # offset lsb
                    bin[3] = 4  # rectyp
                    high_ofs = int(cur_addr >> 16)
                    b = divmod(high_ofs, 256)
                    bin[4] = b[0]  # msb of high_ofs
                    bin[5] = b[1]  # lsb of high_ofs
                    bin[6] = (-sum(bin)) & 0x0FF  # chksum
                    fwrite(':' +
                           asstr(hexlify(bin.tostring()).translate(table)) +

                while True:
                    # produce one record
                    low_addr = cur_addr & 0x0FFFF
                    # chain_len off by 1
                    chain_len = min(15, 65535 - low_addr, maxaddr - cur_addr)

                    # search continuous chain
                    stop_addr = cur_addr + chain_len
                    if chain_len:
                        ix = bisect_right(
                            addresses, stop_addr, cur_ix,
                            min(cur_ix + chain_len + 1, addr_len))
                        chain_len = ix - cur_ix  # real chain_len
                        # there could be small holes in the chain
                        # but we will catch them by try-except later
                        # so for big continuous files we will work
                        # at maximum possible speed
                        chain_len = 1  # real chain_len

                    bin = array('B', asbytes('\0' * (5 + chain_len)))
                    b = divmod(low_addr, 256)
                    bin[1] = b[0]  # msb of low_addr
                    bin[2] = b[1]  # lsb of low_addr
                    bin[3] = 0  # rectype
                    try:  # if there is small holes we'll catch them
                        for i in range_g(chain_len):
                            bin[4 + i] = self._buf[cur_addr + i]
                    except KeyError:
                        # we catch a hole so we should shrink the chain
                        chain_len = i
                        bin = bin[:5 + i]
                    bin[0] = chain_len
                    bin[4 + chain_len] = (-sum(bin)) & 0x0FF  # chksum
                    fwrite(':' +
                           asstr(hexlify(bin.tostring()).translate(table)) +

                    # adjust cur_addr/cur_ix
                    cur_ix += chain_len
                    if cur_ix < addr_len:
                        cur_addr = addresses[cur_ix]
                        cur_addr = maxaddr + 1
                    high_addr = int(cur_addr >> 16)
                    if high_addr > high_ofs:

        # end-of-file record
        if fclose: