Example #1
X = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, m)  # vector of actions

# Reward Function
f = np.full((m, n), -np.inf)
for k in range(m):
    f[k, S >= X[k]] = (X[k]**(1 - gamma)) / (1 - gamma) - cost * X[k]

# State Transition Function

g = np.zeros_like(f)
for k in range(m):
    snext = alpha * (S - X[k]) - 0.5 * beta * (S - X[k])**2
    g[k] = getindex(snext, S)

# Model Structure
model = DDPmodel(f, g, delta)

## Analysis

# Plot Optimal Policy
demo.figure('Optimal Harvest Policy', 'Stock', 'Harvest')
plt.plot(S, X[model.policy])

# Plot Value Function
demo.figure('Optimal Value Function', 'Stock', 'Value')
plt.plot(S, model.value)

# Simulate Model
nyrs = 20
t = np.arange(nyrs + 1)
# Reward Function
f = np.full((m, n), -np.inf)
for k in range(m):
    f[k, S >= X[k]] = (X[k] ** (1 - gamma)) / (1 - gamma) - cost * X[k]

# State Transition Function

g = np.zeros_like(f)
for k in range(m):
    snext = alpha * (S - X[k]) - 0.5 * beta * (S - X[k]) ** 2
    g[k] = getindex(snext, S)

# Model Structure
model = DDPmodel(f, g, delta)

## Analysis

# Plot Optimal Policy
demo.figure('Optimal Harvest Policy', 'Stock', 'Harvest')

# Plot Value Function
demo.figure('Optimal Value Function', 'Stock', 'Value')

# Reward Function
f = np.zeros((m, n))
f[0] = v  # gets leisure
f[1, 0] = u  # gets benefit

# State Transition Probability Matrix
P = np.zeros((m, n, n))
P[0, :, 0] = 1  # remains unemployed
P[1, 0, 0] = 1 - pfind  # finds no job
P[1, 0, 1] = pfind  # finds job
P[1, 1, 0] = pfire  # gets fired
P[1, 1, 1] = 1 - pfire  # keeps job

# Model Structure
model = DDPmodel(f, P, delta)

## Solution

# Solve Bellman Equation
wage = np.arange(55, 66)
xtable = np.zeros((wage.size, 2), dtype=int)
for i, w in enumerate(wage):
    model.reward[1, 1] = w  # vary wage
    xtable[i] = model.solve().policy  # solve via policy iteration

## Analysis

# Display Optimal Policy
print('  Optimal Job Search Strategy')
print('   (1=innactive, 2=active)   ')
# Reward Function
f = np.zeros((m, n))
f[0] = v                   # gets leisure
f[1, 0] = u                   # gets benefit

# State Transition Probability Matrix
P = np.zeros((m, n, n))
P[0, :, 0] = 1                 # remains unemployed
P[1, 0, 0] = 1 - pfind           # finds no job
P[1, 0, 1] = pfind             # finds job
P[1, 1, 0] = pfire             # gets fired
P[1, 1, 1] = 1 - pfire           # keeps job

# Model Structure
model = DDPmodel(f, P, delta)

## Solution

# Solve Bellman Equation
wage = np.arange(55, 66)
xtable = np.zeros((wage.size, 2), dtype=int)
for i, w in enumerate(wage):
    model.reward[1, 1] = w  # vary wage
    xtable[i] = model.solve().policy  # solve via policy iteration

## Analysis

# Display Optimal Policy
print('  Optimal Job Search Strategy')
print('   (1=innactive, 2=active)   ')
m = 500  # number of actions
X = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, m)  # vector of actions

# Reward Function
f = np.empty((m, n))
for k in range(m):
    f[k] = ((S * (1 - X[k]))**(1 - alpha)) / (1 - alpha)

# State Transition Function
g = np.empty_like(f)
for k in range(m):
    snext = gamma * X[k] * S + (X[k] * S)**beta
    g[k] = getindex(snext, S)

# Model Structure
model = DDPmodel(f, g, delta).solve()

## Analysis

# Plot Optimal Policy
demo.figure('Optimal Investment', 'Wealth', 'Investment')
plt.plot(S, X[model.policy] * S)

# Plot Optimal Policy
demo.figure('Optimal Consumption', 'Wealth', 'Consumption')
plt.plot(S, S - X[model.policy] * S)

# Plot Value Function
demo.figure('Optimal Value Function', 'Wealth', 'Value')
plt.plot(S, model.value)
# Reward Function
f = np.full((m, n), -np.inf)
for c, s in enumerate(S):
    for r, x in enumerate(X):
        if x <= s:
            f[r, c] = price * x - (x ** 2) / (1 + s)

# State Transition Function
g = np.empty_like(f)
for r, x in enumerate(X):
    snext = S - x
    g[r] = getindex(snext, S)

# Model Structure
model = DDPmodel(f, g, delta)

# Analysis

# Simulate Model
sinit = S.max()
nyrs = 15
t = np.arange(nyrs + 1)
spath, xpath = model.simulate(sinit, nyrs)

# Plot Optimal Policy
demo.figure('Optimal Extraction Policy', 'Stock', 'Extraction')
plt.plot(S, X[model.policy])

# Plot Value Function
    # survives predation, finds food
    snext = S[i] - 1 + e[k]
    j = getindex(snext, S)
    P[k, i, j] += p[k] * q[k]
    # survives predation, finds no food
    snext = S[i] - 1
    j = getindex(snext, S)
    P[k, i, j] += p[k] * (1 - q[k])

# Terminal Value Function
vterm = np.ones(n)            # terminal value: survive
vterm[0] = 0                 # terminal value: death

# Model Structure
model = DDPmodel(f, P, 1, T, vterm=vterm)

## Analysis

lims = [-0.5, emax + 0.5], [0, 1]

# Plot Survial Probabilities, Period 0
demo.figure('Survival Probability (Period 0)', 'Stock of Energy', 'Probability', *lims)
plt.bar(S, model.value[0], 1)

# Plot Survial Probabilities, Period 5
demo.figure('Survival Probability (Period 5)', 'Stock of Energy', 'Probability', *lims)
plt.bar(S, model.value[5], 1)

# State Transition Probability Matrix
P = np.zeros((2, n1, n2, n1, n2))
for i in range(n1):
    for j in range(n2):
        if i < 9:
            P[0, i, j, i+1, j] = 1     # Raise lactation number by 1, if keep
            P[0, i, j, 0] = 0.2, 0.6, 0.2

        P[1, i, j, 0] = 0.2, 0.6, 0.2       # Optional replacement

P.shape = 2, n, n

# Model Structure
model = DDPmodel(f, P, delta).solve(print=True)

## Analysis

# Display Optimal Policy
xtemp = model.policy.reshape((n1, n2))
header = '{:^8s} {:^8s}  {:^8s}  {:^8s}'.format('Age','Lo', 'Med', 'Hi')

print('Optimal Policy')
print(*('{:^8d} {:^8s}  {:^8s}  {:^8s}\n'.format(s, *X[x]) for s, x in zip(s1, xtemp)))

# Plot Value Function
demo.figure('Optimal Replacement Value', 'Age', 'Optimal Value (thousands)')
# State Transition Probability Matrix
P = np.zeros((2, n1, n2, n1, n2))
for i in range(n1):
    for j in range(n2):
        if i < 9:
            P[0, i, j, i + 1, j] = 1  # Raise lactation number by 1, if keep
            P[0, i, j, 0] = 0.2, 0.6, 0.2

        P[1, i, j, 0] = 0.2, 0.6, 0.2  # Optional replacement

P.shape = 2, n, n

# Model Structure
model = DDPmodel(f, P, delta).solve(print=True)

## Analysis

# Display Optimal Policy
xtemp = model.policy.reshape((n1, n2))
header = '{:^8s} {:^8s}  {:^8s}  {:^8s}'.format('Age', 'Lo', 'Med', 'Hi')

print('Optimal Policy')
print(*('{:^8d} {:^8s}  {:^8s}  {:^8s}\n'.format(s, *X[x])
        for s, x in zip(s1, xtemp)))

# Plot Value Function
demo.figure('Optimal Replacement Value', 'Age', 'Optimal Value (thousands)')
plt.plot(s1, model.value.reshape((n1, n2)) / 1000)
Example #10
f = np.full((m, n), -np.inf)
for k in range(m):
    f[k, k:] = alpha1 * X[k]**beta1 + alpha2 * (S[k:] - X[k])**beta2

# State Transition Probability Matrix
P = np.zeros((m, n, n))

for k in range(m):
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(r.size):
            snext = min(S[i] - X[k] + r[j], maxcap)
            inext = getindex(snext, S)
            P[k, i, inext] = P[k, i, inext] + p[j]

# Model Structure
model = DDPmodel(f, P, delta)

## Analysis

# Plot Optimal Policy
demo.figure('Optimal Irrigation Policy', 'Water Level', 'Irrigation', [-1, 31],
            [0, 6])
plt.plot(S, X[model.policy], '*')

# Plot Value Function
demo.figure('Optimal Value Function', 'Water Level', 'Value')
plt.plot(S, model.value)

# Simulate Model
sinit = np.zeros(10000)
Example #11
m = len(X)  # number of actions

# Reward Function
f = np.empty((m, n))
y = -0.2 * S**2 + 2 * S + 8  # yield per lactation
f[0] = price * y
f[1] = f[0] - cost
f[0, -1] = -np.inf  # force replace at lactation 10

# State Transition Function
g = np.ones_like(f)
g[0] = np.minimum(np.arange(n) + 1,
                  n - 1)  # Raise lactation number by 1, if keep

# Model Structure

model = DDPmodel(f, g, delta)

# Plot Optimal Policy
demo.figure('Optimal Replacement', 'Age', 'Optimal Decision', [0, n + 1],
            [-0.5, 1.5])
plt.plot(S, model.policy, '*', markersize=15)
plt.yticks((0, 1), X)

# Plot Value Function
demo.figure('Optimal Value in Cow Replacement', 'Age', 'Value (thousands)')
plt.plot(S, model.value / 1000)

X = ['Keep', 'Replace']      # keep or replace
m = len(X)                   # number of actions

# Reward Function
f = np.empty((m, n))
y = -0.2 * S ** 2 + 2 * S + 8  # yield per lactation
f[0] = price * y
f[1] = f[0] - cost
f[0, -1] = -np.inf               # force replace at lactation 10

# State Transition Function
g = np.ones_like(f)
g[0] = np.minimum(np.arange(n) + 1, n - 1)  # Raise lactation number by 1, if keep

# Model Structure

model = DDPmodel(f, g, delta)

# Plot Optimal Policy
demo.figure('Optimal Replacement', 'Age', 'Optimal Decision', [0, n + 1], [-0.5, 1.5])
plt.plot(S, model.policy, '*', markersize=15)
plt.yticks((0, 1), X)

# Plot Value Function
demo.figure('Optimal Value in Cow Replacement', 'Age', 'Value (thousands)')
plt.plot(S, model.value / 1000)


# Reward Function
f = np.empty((m ,n))
for k in range(m):
    f[k] = ((S * (1 - X[k])) ** (1-alpha)) / (1 - alpha)

# State Transition Function
g = np.empty_like(f)
for k in range(m):
    snext = gamma * X[k] * S + (X[k] * S) ** beta
    g[k] = getindex(snext, S)

# Model Structure
model = DDPmodel(f, g, delta).solve()

## Analysis

# Plot Optimal Policy
demo.figure('Optimal Investment', 'Wealth', 'Investment')
plt.plot(S, X[model.policy] * S)

# Plot Optimal Policy
demo.figure('Optimal Consumption', 'Wealth', 'Consumption')
plt.plot(S, S - X[model.policy] * S)

# Plot Value Function
demo.figure('Optimal Value Function', 'Wealth', 'Value')
plt.plot(S, model.value)
Example #14
X = ['hold', 'exercise']   	# vector of actions
m = len(X)               	# number of actions

# Reward Function
f = np.zeros((m,n))
f[1] = strike - price

# State Transition Probability Matrix
P = np.zeros((m, n, n))

for i in range(n):
    P[0, i, min(i + 1, n - 1)] = q
    P[0, i, max(i - 1, 0)] = 1 - q

# Model Structure
model = DDPmodel(f, P, delta, horizon=N)
## Analysis

# Plot Optimal Exercise Boundary
i, j = np.where(np.diff(model.policy[:-1], 1))
temp = (i * tau)[::-1]
demo.figure('Put Option Optimal Exercise Boundary', 'Time to Maturity', 'Asset Price')
plt.plot(temp, price[j])

# Plot Option Premium vs. Asset Price
demo.figure('Put Option Value', 'Asset Price', 'Premium', [0, 2 * strike])
plt.plot([0, strike],[strike, 0], 'k--', lw=2)
plt.plot(price, model.value[0], lw=3)