from compecon import demo
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from compecon import NLP

# ### Define a NLP problem
# Here, we set convergence tolerance `tol=1e-20` and the option `all_x=True` to record all values taken by $x$ from the initial guess `x0=2.0` to the final solution. These values will be stored in the `.x_sequence` attribute.
# We also define `err` to compute the base-10 logarithm of the error (the gap between the current iteration and the solution).

# In[2]:

A = NLP(lambda x: (np.exp(x)-1, np.exp(x)), all_x=True, tol=1e-20)
err = lambda z: np.log10(np.abs(z)).flatten()
x0 = 2.0

# ### Solve the problem

# #### * Using Newton's method

# In[3]:

err_newton = err(A.x_sequence)

# #### * Using Broyden's method
# The ```solve``` method returns a pandas ```DataFrame```.

# In[11]:

S = model.solve()

# ## Analysis
# ### Plot Action-Contingent Value Functions

# In[12]:

# Compute and Plot Critical Unit Profit Contributions
pcrit = [
    NLP(lambda s: model.Value_j(s)[i].dot([1, -1])).broyden(0.0)[0]
    for i in range(A)
vcrit = [model.Value(s)[i] for i, s in enumerate(pcrit)]

# In[13]:

fig1 = demo.figure('Action-Contingent Value Functions',
                   'Net Unit Profit',
                   figsize=[10, 5])

cc = np.linspace(0.3, 0.9,

for a, i in enumerate(dstates):
    plt.plot(S.loc[i, 'value[keep]'],
Example #3
    return price * s - kappa + delta * vhat(c, h(0))

def vhat0(c, s):
    return delta * vhat(c, h(s))

def resid(c, s=snodes):
    return vhat(c, s) - np.maximum(vhat0(c, s), vhat1(c, s))

# ### Solve collocation equation

# In[6]:

cc = NLP(resid).broyden(np.zeros(2))

# ### Compute critical biomass

# In[7]:

scrit = NLP(lambda s: vhat0(cc, s) - vhat1(cc, s)).broyden(0.0)[0]

# In[8]:



# ### Compute refined state grid
# In[4]:

T = 300
pcrit = np.empty(T + 1)

# The critical exercise price is the price at which the value of exercising the option $K-\exp(p)$ equals the discounted expected value of keeping the option one more period $\delta E_\epsilon V(p + \epsilon)$. To find it, we set it as a nonlinear rootfinding problem by using the ```NLP``` class; here we assume that the option strike price is $K=1$ and that the discount factor is $\delta=0.9998$

# In[5]:

K = 1.0
delta = 0.9998
f = NLP(lambda p: K - np.exp(p) - delta * Value(p))

# Notice that we have not defined the ```Value(p)``` function yet. This function is unknown, so we are going to approximate it with a cubic spline, setting 500 nodes between -1 and 1. Since the basis is expressed in terms of log-prices, this interval corresponds to prices between 0.3679 and 2.7183.

# In[6]:

n = 500
pmin  = -1 # minimum log price
pmax  =  1 # maximum log price
Value = BasisSpline(n, pmin, pmax,
                    labels=['logprice'], l=['value'])

    f, J = cournot(q)
    step = -np.linalg.solve(J, f)
    q += step
    if np.linalg.norm(step) < 1.e-10: break


''' Generate data for contour plot '''
n = 100
q1 = np.linspace(0.1, 1.5, n)
q2 = np.linspace(0.1, 1.5, n)
z = np.array([cournot(q)[0] for q in gridmake(q1, q2).T]).T

''' Using a NLP object '''
q = np.array([0.2, 0.2])
cournot_problem = NLP(cournot)#, q)
q_star, fq_star = cournot_problem.newton(q)

''' Plot figures '''
steps_options = {'marker': 'o',
                 'color': (0.2, 0.2, .81),
                 'linewidth': 1.0,
                 'markersize': 6,
                 'markerfacecolor': 'red',
                 'markeredgecolor': 'red'}

contour_options = {'levels': [0.0],
                   'colors': '0.25',
                   'linewidths': 0.5}
T, n = 1, 15
tnodes = BasisChebyshev(n - 1, 0, T).nodes
F = BasisChebyshev(n, 0, T, y=np.ones((2, n)))

def resid(c, tnodes, T, n, F, r, k, eta, s0):
    F.c = np.reshape(c[:], (2, n))
    (p, s), d = F(tnodes, [[0, 1]])
    d[0] -= (r * p + k)
    d[1] += p ** -eta
    (p_0, p_T), (s_0, s_T) = F([0, T])
    return np.r_[d.flatten(), s_0 - s0, s_T]

storage = NLP(resid, F.c.flatten(), tnodes, T, n, F, r, k, eta, s0)
c = storage.broyden(print=True)
F.c = np.reshape(c, (2, n))

nplot = 501
t = np.linspace(0, T, nplot)
(p, s), (dp, ds) = F(t, [[0, 1]])
res_p = dp - r * p - k
res_s = ds + p ** -eta
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(t, res_p)
plt.ylabel('d(price) residual')

plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
Example #7
[e, w] = qnwnorm(m, mu, sigma**2)

# We are going to compute the critical exercise price in terms of the time to expiration, up to an horizon of $T=300$ periods. First we allocate memory for the critical prices:

# In[4]:

T = 300
pcrit = np.empty(T + 1)

# The critical exercise price is the price at which the value of exercising the option $K-\exp(p)$ equals the discounted expected value of keeping the option one more period $\delta E_\epsilon V(p + \epsilon)$. To find it, we set it as a nonlinear rootfinding problem by using the ```NLP``` class; here we assume that the option strike price is $K=1$ and that the discount factor is $\delta=0.9998$

# In[5]:

K = 1.0
delta = 0.9998
f = NLP(lambda p: K - np.exp(p) - delta * Value(p))

# Notice that we have not defined the ```Value(p)``` function yet. This function is unknown, so we are going to approximate it with a cubic spline, setting 500 nodes between -1 and 1. Since the basis is expressed in terms of log-prices, this interval corresponds to prices between 0.3679 and 2.7183.

# In[6]:

n = 500
pmin = -1  # minimum log price
pmax = 1  # maximum log price
Value = BasisSpline(n, pmin, pmax, labels=['logprice'], l=['value'])

# In the last expression, by passing the option `l` with a one-element list we are telling the ```BasisSpline``` class that we a single function named "value". On creation, the function will be set by default to $V(p)=0$ for all values of $p$, which conveniently corresponds to the terminal condition of this problem.

# ## Finding the critical exercise prices
alpha = 0.6
beta = np.array([0.6, 0.8])

''' Set up the Cournot function '''

''' Generate data for contour plot '''
n = 100
q1 = np.linspace(0.3, 1.1, n)
q2 = np.linspace(0.4, 1.2, n)
z = np.array([cournot(q)[0] for q in gridmake(q1, q2).T]).T

''' Using a NLP object '''
q = np.array([1.0, 0.5])
cournot_problem = NLP(cournot)#, q)
q_star, fq_star = cournot_problem.newton(q)

''' Plot figures '''
steps_options = {'marker': 'o',
                 'color': (0.2, 0.2, .81),
                 'linewidth': 1.0,
                 'markersize': 6,
                 'markerfacecolor': 'red',
                 'markeredgecolor': 'red'}

contour_options = {'levels': [0.0],
                   'colors': '0.25',
                   'linewidths': 0.5}
def resid(c):
    S.c = c  # update interpolation coefficients
    q = S(p) # compute quantity supplied at price nodes
    return p - q * (p ** (eta+1) / eta) - alpha * np.sqrt(q) - q ** 2

# Notice that `resid` only takes one argument. The other parameters (`Q`, `p`, `eta`, `alpha`) should be declared as such in the main script, were Python's scoping rules will find them.

# ### Solve for effective supply function
# Class `NLP` defines nonlinear problems. It can be used to solve `resid` by Broyden's method.

# In[7]:

cournot = NLP(resid)
S.c = cournot.broyden(S.c, tol=1e-12)

# ### Plot demand and effective supply for m=5 firms

# In[8]:

prices = np.linspace(a, b, 501)
fig1 = demo.figure('Cournot Effective Firm Supply Function', 
            'Quantity', 'Price', [0, 4], [0.5, 2])
plt.plot(5 * S(prices), prices, D(prices), prices)

Example #10
    fjac = [[y * np.exp(x), np.exp(x) - 2], [y, x - 3 * y**2]]
    return np.array(fval), np.array(fjac)

''' Parameters and initial value '''
alpha = 0.6
beta = np.array([0.6, 0.8])
''' Set up the Cournot function '''
''' Generate data for contour plot '''
n = 100
q1 = np.linspace(0.3, 1.1, n)
q2 = np.linspace(0.4, 1.2, n)
z = np.array([cournot(q)[0] for q in gridmake(q1, q2).T]).T
''' Using a NLP object '''
q = np.array([1.0, 0.5])
cournot_problem = NLP(cournot)  #, q)
q_star, fq_star = cournot_problem.newton(q)
''' Plot figures '''
steps_options = {
    'marker': 'o',
    'color': (0.2, 0.2, .81),
    'linewidth': 1.0,
    'markersize': 6,
    'markerfacecolor': 'red',
    'markeredgecolor': 'red'

contour_options = {'levels': [0.0], 'colors': '0.25', 'linewidths': 0.5}

Q1, Q2 = np.meshgrid(q1, q2)
methods. Initial values generated randomly.  True root is x1=1 x2=1.
from demos.setup import np, tic, toc
from compecon import NLP

''' Set up the problem '''
def f(x):
    fval = [200 * x[0] * (x[1] - x[0] ** 2) + 1 - x[0], 100 * (x[0] ** 2 - x[1])]
    fjac = [[200 * (x[1] - x[0] ** 2) - 400 * x[0] ** 2 - 1, 200 * x[0]],
            [200 * x[0], -100]]
    return np.array(fval), np.array(fjac)

problem = NLP(f)

''' Randomly generate starting point '''
problem.x0 = np.random.randn(2)

''' Compute root using Newton method '''
t0 = tic()
x1 = problem.newton()
t1 = 100 * toc(t0)
n1 = problem.fnorm

'''Compute root using Broyden method '''
t0 = tic()
x2 = problem.broyden()
t2 = 100 * toc(t0)
n2 = problem.fnorm
Example #12
T, n = 1, 15
tnodes = BasisChebyshev(n - 1, 0, T).nodes
F = BasisChebyshev(n, 0, T, y=np.ones((2, n)))

def resid(c, tnodes, T, n, F, r, k, eta, s0):
    F.c = np.reshape(c[:], (2, n))
    (p, s), d = F(tnodes, [[0, 1]])
    d[0] -= (r * p + k)
    d[1] += p**-eta
    (p_0, p_T), (s_0, s_T) = F([0, T])
    return np.r_[d.flatten(), s_0 - s0, s_T]

storage = NLP(resid, F.c.flatten(), tnodes, T, n, F, r, k, eta, s0)
c = storage.broyden(print=True)
F.c = np.reshape(c, (2, n))

nplot = 501
t = np.linspace(0, T, nplot)
(p, s), (dp, ds) = F(t, [[0, 1]])
res_p = dp - r * p - k
res_s = ds + p**-eta
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(t, res_p)
plt.ylabel('d(price) residual')

plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
# In[3]:

n, a, b = 21, 0.5, 2.5
Q = BasisChebyshev(n, a, b)
c0 = np.zeros(n)
c0[0] = 2
p = Q.nodes

# ### Solve for effective supply function

# In[4]:

monopoly = NLP(resid)
Q.c = monopoly.broyden(c0)

# ### Setup plot

# In[5]:

nplot = 1000
p = np.linspace(a, b, nplot)
rplot = resid(Q.c)

# ### Plot effective supply
Initial values generated randomly.  Some algorithms may fail to converge, depending on the initial value.
True fixedpoint is x = -0.09 y=-0.46.

from demos.setup import np, tic, toc
from compecon import NLP

''' Set up the problem '''
def g(z):
    x, y = z
    return np.array([x **2 + y ** 3, x * y - 0.5])

problem_as_fixpoint = NLP(g, maxit=1500)

''' Equivalent Rootfinding Formulation'''
def f(z):
    x, y = z
    fval = [x - x ** 2 - y ** 3,
            y - x * y + 0.5]
    fjac = [[1 - 2 * x, -3 * y **2],
            [-y, 1 - x]]

    return np.array(fval), np.array(fjac)

problem_as_zero = NLP(f, maxit=1500)

'''% Randomly generate starting point'''
xinit = np.random.randn(2)
Example #15
Compute root of f(x)=exp(-x)-1 using Newton and secant methods. Initial value generated randomly. True root is x=0.
from demos.setup import np, plt, tic, toc
from numpy.linalg import norm
from compecon import NLP
''' Set up the problem '''

def f(x):
    fval = np.exp(-x) - 1
    fjac = -np.exp(-x)
    return fval, fjac

problem = NLP(f, all_x=True)
''' Randomly generate starting point '''
problem.x0 = 10 * np.random.randn(1)
''' Compute root using Newton method '''
t0 = tic()
x1 = problem.newton()
t1 = 100 * toc(t0)
n1, x_newton = problem.fnorm, problem.x_sequence
''' Compute root using Broyden method '''
t0 = tic()
x2 = problem.broyden()
t2 = 100 * toc(t0)
n2, x_broyden = problem.fnorm, problem.x_sequence
''' Print results '''
print('Hundredths of seconds required to compute root of exp(-x)-1,')
print('via Newton and Broyden methods, starting at x = %4.2f.' % problem.x0)
DEMSLV01 Compute root of f(x)=exp(-x)-1

Compute root of f(x)=exp(-x)-1 using Newton and secant methods. Initial value generated randomly. True root is x=0.
from demos.setup import np, plt, tic, toc
from numpy.linalg import norm
from compecon import NLP

''' Set up the problem '''
def f(x):
    fval = np.exp(-x) - 1
    fjac = -np.exp(-x)
    return fval, fjac

problem = NLP(f, all_x=True)

''' Randomly generate starting point '''
problem.x0 = 10 * np.random.randn(1)

''' Compute root using Newton method '''
t0 = tic()
x1 = problem.newton()
t1 = 100 * toc(t0)
n1, x_newton = problem.fnorm, problem.x_sequence

''' Compute root using Broyden method '''
t0 = tic()
x2 = problem.broyden()
t2 = 100 * toc(t0)
Example #17
Compute fixedpoint of f(x) = x^0.5 using Newton, Broyden, and function iteration methods.
Initial values generated randomly. Some alrorithms may fail to converge, depending on the initial value.
True fixedpoint is x=1.
from demos.setup import np, tic, toc
from compecon import NLP
''' Randomly generate starting point '''
xinit = np.random.rand(1) + 0.5
''' Set up the problem '''

def g(x):
    return np.sqrt(x)

problem_as_fixpoint = NLP(g, xinit)
''' Equivalent Rootfinding Formulation '''

def f(x):
    fval = x - np.sqrt(x)
    fjac = 1 - 0.5 / np.sqrt(x)
    return fval, fjac

problem_as_zero = NLP(f, xinit)
''' Compute fixed-point using Newton method '''
t0 = tic()
x1 = problem_as_zero.newton()
t1 = 100 * toc(t0)
n1 = problem_as_zero.fnorm
Example #18
for it in range(40):
    f, J = cournot(q)
    step = -np.linalg.solve(J, f)
    q += step
    if np.linalg.norm(step) < 1.e-10: break

''' Generate data for contour plot '''
n = 100
q1 = np.linspace(0.1, 1.5, n)
q2 = np.linspace(0.1, 1.5, n)
z = np.array([cournot(q)[0] for q in gridmake(q1, q2).T]).T
''' Using a NLP object '''
q = np.array([0.2, 0.2])
cournot_problem = NLP(cournot)  #, q)
q_star, fq_star = cournot_problem.newton(q)
''' Plot figures '''
steps_options = {
    'marker': 'o',
    'color': (0.2, 0.2, .81),
    'linewidth': 1.0,
    'markersize': 6,
    'markerfacecolor': 'red',
    'markeredgecolor': 'red'

contour_options = {'levels': [0.0], 'colors': '0.25', 'linewidths': 0.5}

Q1, Q2 = np.meshgrid(q1, q2)
Example #19
__author__ = 'Randall'

import numpy as np
from numpy import log, exp, sqrt
from scipy.stats import norm as Normal_distribution
from compecon import NLP, MCP, LCP
from import example, exercise
''' Example page 32 '''
f = NLP(lambda x: x**3 - 2)
x = f.bisect(1, 2)
print('x = ', x)
''' Example page 33 '''
g = NLP(lambda x: x**0.5)
x = g.fixpoint(0.4)
print('x = ', x)
''' Example page 35 '''

def cournot(q):
    c = np.array([0.6, 0.8])
    eta = 1.6
    e = -1 / eta
    s = q.sum()
    fval = s**e + e * s**(e - 1) * q - c * q
    fjac = e*s**(e-1) * np.ones([2,2]) + e * s ** (e-1) * np.identity(2) +\
           (e-1)*e*s **(e-2)* np.outer(q, [1,1]) - np.diag(c)
    return fval, fjac
# ### Approximation structure

# In[3]:

n, a, b = 21, 0.5, 2.5
Q = BasisChebyshev(n, a, b)
c0 = np.zeros(n)
c0[0] = 2
p = Q.nodes

# ### Solve for effective supply function

# In[4]:

monopoly = NLP(resid)
Q.c = monopoly.broyden(c0)

# ### Setup plot

# In[5]:

nplot = 1000
p = np.linspace(a, b, nplot)
rplot = resid(Q.c)

# ### Plot effective supply

# In[6]:

demo.figure("Monopolist's Effective Supply Curve", 'Quantity', 'Price')
Compute fixedpoint of f(x) = x^0.5 using Newton, Broyden, and function iteration methods.
Initial values generated randomly. Some alrorithms may fail to converge, depending on the initial value.
True fixedpoint is x=1.
from demos.setup import np, tic, toc
from compecon import NLP

''' Randomly generate starting point '''
xinit = np.random.rand(1) + 0.5

''' Set up the problem '''
def g(x):
    return np.sqrt(x)

problem_as_fixpoint = NLP(g, xinit)

''' Equivalent Rootfinding Formulation '''
def f(x):
    fval = x - np.sqrt(x)
    fjac = 1-0.5 / np.sqrt(x)
    return fval, fjac

problem_as_zero = NLP(f, xinit)

''' Compute fixed-point using Newton method '''
t0 = tic()
x1 = problem_as_zero.newton()
t1 = 100 * toc(t0)
n1 = problem_as_zero.fnorm
Example #22

# In[6]:

def resid(c,s=vhat.nodes):
    vhat.c = c
    return vhat(s) - np.maximum(vhat0(s), vhat1(s))

# ### Solve collocation equation

# In[7]:

cc = NLP(resid).broyden(vhat.c)

# ### Compute critical biomass

# In[8]:

scrit = NLP(lambda s: vhat0(s)-vhat1(s)).broyden(0.0)[0]


# ### Compute refined state grid

# In[9]:

def resid(c):
    F.c = c  # update basis coefficients
    f = F(x) # interpolate at basis nodes x
    return f ** -2 + f ** -5 - 2 * x

# ### Compute function inverse

# In[4]:

c0 = np.zeros(n)  # set initial guess for coeffs
c0[0] = 0.2
problem = NLP(resid)
F.c = problem.broyden(c0)  # compute coeff by Broyden's method

# ### Plot setup

# In[5]:

n = 1000
x = np.linspace(a, b, n)
r = resid(F.c)

# ### Plot function inverse
# In[1]:

from compecon import demo
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from compecon import NLP

# ### Define a NLP problem
# Here, we set convergence tolerance `tol=1e-20` and the option `all_x=True` to record all values taken by $x$ from the initial guess `x0=2.0` to the final solution. These values will be stored in the `.x_sequence` attribute.
# We also define `err` to compute the base-10 logarithm of the error (the gap between the current iteration and the solution).

# In[2]:

A = NLP(lambda x: (np.exp(x) - 1, np.exp(x)), all_x=True, tol=1e-20)
err = lambda z: np.log10(np.abs(z)).flatten()
x0 = 2.0

# ### Solve the problem

# #### * Using Newton's method

# In[3]:

err_newton = err(A.x_sequence)

# #### * Using Broyden's method

# In[4]: