def do_action(project, actionargs, deploypath, global_config, extra_env={}): target = actionargs[0] branch = 'release' if len(actionargs) < 2 else actionargs[1] deploypath = join(deploypath, target) dependspath = join(deploypath, 'depends') codepath = join(deploypath, 'code') staticpath = join(deploypath, 'static') htmlpath = join(deploypath, 'html') reader = JWLReader(project) #SWITCH TO RELEASE BRANCH try: if branch != 'CURRENT': sys_call('git checkout ' + branch, reader.path) reader.compile_coffee() #SETUP DEPLOY CONFIG envkey = target + '_' dplines = ['from jwl import deployconfig'] config_data = {} for section in reader._config.sections(): for key, value in reader._config.items(section): if section.startswith(envkey) or section.find('_') == -1: if section.startswith(envkey): sectiontitle = 'env.' + section[len(envkey):] else: sectiontitle = section rvalue = repr(value) dplines.append( "deployconfig.set2('%(sectiontitle)s.%(key)s', %(rvalue)s)" % locals()) dplines.append( "print '%(sectiontitle)s.%(key)s', '=', %(rvalue)s" % locals()) config_data[sectiontitle + '.' + key] = value print sectiontitle + '.' + key, '=', value config_data['env'] = target for key, value in extra_env.iteritems(): rvalue = repr(value) dplines.append("deployconfig.set2('%(key)s', %(rvalue)s)" % locals()) dplines.append("print '%(key)s', '=', %(rvalue)s" % locals()) config_data[key] = value #server_side paths server_deploypath = config_data['env.basic.deploypath'] server_dependspath = server_deploypath + '/depends' server_codepath = server_deploypath + '/code' server_staticpath = server_deploypath + '/static' server_htmlpath = server_deploypath + '/html' rserver_dependspath = repr(server_dependspath) rserver_codepath = repr(server_codepath) rserver_staticpath = repr(server_staticpath) rserver_htmlpath = repr(server_htmlpath) deployrepo = config_data['env.basic.deployrepo'] if not exists(deploypath): makedirs(deploypath) sys_call('git clone ' + deployrepo + ' ' + deploypath) sys_call('git checkout uploaded', deploypath) else: #clean but don't remove the .git directory sys_call('git pull origin uploaded', deploypath) for p in (dependspath, codepath, htmlpath, staticpath): if exists(p): rmtree(p, onerror=onerror) for p in (dependspath, codepath, htmlpath, staticpath): if not exists(p): makedirs(p) print 'fetching dependencies' #fetch the dependencies depends = reader.config_items('depends') for name, url in depends: dpath = join(dependspath, name) if url.startswith('local:'): url = url[6:] ls = url.split(';') i = 0 try: while not exists(ls[i]): i += 1 except: raise Exception('could not find path ' + url) url = ls[i] if exists(dpath): rmtree(dpath) shutil.copytree(url, dpath, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns( '*.git', '*.svn')) else: if not exists(dpath): try: makedirs(dpath) sys_call('git init', dpath) #sys_call('git remote add origin ' + url, dpath) except: rmtree(dpath) raise sys_call('git pull ' + url + ' master', dpath) #run any custom compilation code if exists(join(reader.path, '')): old_path = list(sys.path) sys.path.append(reader.path) sys.path.append(dependspath) import compile compile del sys.path[:] sys.path.extend(old_path) gen(join(codepath, ''), '\n'.join(dplines)) #legacy... # config_data['facebook_app_id'] = config_data['env.facebook.facebook_app_id'] urlhandlers = [] #create the html pages for sourcefile in reader.get_html(config_data): stripped_name = basename(sourcefile.path).rsplit('.', 1)[0] gen(join(htmlpath, stripped_name), merge_source_file(sourcefile)) urlhandlers.append( 'urlhandlers.append((r"/(%(stripped_name)s)", NoCacheStaticHandler, {"path": %(rserver_htmlpath)s}))' % locals()) urlhandlers.append( 'urlhandlers.append((r"/()", NoCacheStaticHandler, {"path": %(rserver_htmlpath)s, "default_filename": "index"}))' % locals()) #copy over resources if exists(staticpath): rmtree(staticpath) for sourcefile in reader.get_resources(config_data): relative_path = relpath(sourcefile.path, reader.resources) if not exists(join(staticpath, dirname(relative_path))): makedirs(join(staticpath, dirname(relative_path))) if sourcefile.binary: shutil.copy(sourcefile.path, join(staticpath, relative_path)) else: gen(join(staticpath, relative_path), merge_source_file(sourcefile)) rprefix = reader.resource_prefix urlhandlers.append( 'urlhandlers.append((r"/%(rprefix)s/(.*)", NoCacheStaticHandler, {"path": %(rserver_staticpath)s}))' % locals()) #copy over any raw python files for file in reader.list_python(): shutil.copy(file, join(codepath, basename(file))) cookie_secret = repr(reader.config('basic', 'cookie_secret')) # deal with in a non-legacy way at some point? # google_consumer_key = reader.config('google', 'consumer_key') # google_consumer_secret = reader.config('google', 'consumer_secret') #build server_interface.js server_interface_path = resolve_import('jwl_make/server_interface.js', None) del sys.path[:] sys.path.extend(clean_path) sys.path.append(dependspath) sys.path.append(codepath) import index from jwl.remote_method import make_dummy_handler with open(join(htmlpath, 'server_interface.js'), 'w') as f: f.write('var server = "%s";' % reader.server_prefix) with open(server_interface_path, 'r') as f2: f.write( f.write('\n') f.write(make_dummy_handler(index.main).write_js_interface()) urlhandlers.append( 'urlhandlers.append((r"/(server_interface.js)", NoCacheStaticHandler, {"path": %(rserver_htmlpath)s}))' % locals()) urlhandlercode = '\n'.join(urlhandlers) readerserverprefix = reader.server_prefix is_debug = config_data['env.basic.debug'] server_port = config_data['env.basic.port'] #build the execution file launch_server = r""" import sys sys.path.append(%(rserver_dependspath)s) sys.path.append(%(rserver_codepath)s) import deployconfig_init from jwl import deployconfig deployconfig.set(debug=%(is_debug)s) import index import tornado from jwl.tornado_launch import launch from jwl.remote_method import make_dummy_handler, NoCacheStaticHandler urlhandlers = [] %(urlhandlercode)s #GOOGLE LOGIN # from jwl.googleauth import LoginController # urlhandlers.append((r"/auth/(.*)", LoginController)) if __name__ == '__main__': urlhandlers.append((r"/%(readerserverprefix)s.*", index.main)) print 'about to run startup code' index.do_startup(urlhandlers) application = tornado.web.Application(urlhandlers, cookie_secret=%(cookie_secret)s, gzip=True)#, google_consumer_key=google_consumer_key, google_consumer_secret=google_consumer_secret) index.main._my_application = application print 'startup code complete, starting server...' launch(application, %(server_port)s) """ % locals() gen(join(codepath, ''), launch_server) print 'about to upload...' #check in the local code to git sys_call('git add --all', deploypath, failokay=True) sys_call('git commit -a -m "automated..."', deploypath, failokay=True) sys_call('git push origin uploaded', deploypath) #Upload to server host_string = config_data[''] if host_string == 'localhost': execute = sys_call else: import fabric.api as fab def execute(args, cwd, fail_okay): with fab.settings(host_string=host_string, key_filename=keyfile, disable_known_hosts=True): with with fab.settings(warn_only=fail_okay): keyfile = global_config.get('keys', config_data['env.basic.sshkey']) try: execute('git add --all', server_deploypath, True) execute('git commit -a -m "saving any changes such as .pyc etc"', server_deploypath, True) execute('git merge uploaded', server_deploypath, False) execute(config_data['env.basic.startcommand'], server_deploypath, False) finally: if host_string != 'localhost': from fabric.state import connections for key in connections.keys(): connections[key].close() del connections[key] finally: #SWITCH BACK TO MASTER BRANCH if branch != 'CURRENT': sys_call('git checkout master', reader.path)
#!/usr/bin/env python # Make executable with # >> chmod +x # Main run file import config import compile import version if config.settings['RUN_COMPILER']: if config.settings['RUN_VERSIONING']:
def do_action(project, actionargs, deploypath, global_config, extra_env = {}): target = actionargs[0] branch = 'release' if len(actionargs) < 2 else actionargs[1] deploypath = join(deploypath, target) dependspath = join(deploypath, 'depends') codepath = join(deploypath, 'code') staticpath = join(deploypath, 'static') htmlpath = join(deploypath, 'html') reader = JWLReader(project) #SWITCH TO RELEASE BRANCH try: if branch != 'CURRENT': sys_call('git checkout ' + branch, reader.path) reader.compile_coffee() #SETUP DEPLOY CONFIG envkey = target + '_' dplines = ['from jwl import deployconfig'] config_data = {} for section in reader._config.sections(): for key, value in reader._config.items(section): if section.startswith(envkey) or section.find('_') == -1: if section.startswith(envkey): sectiontitle = 'env.' + section[len(envkey):] else: sectiontitle = section rvalue = repr(value) dplines.append("deployconfig.set2('%(sectiontitle)s.%(key)s', %(rvalue)s)"%locals()) dplines.append("print '%(sectiontitle)s.%(key)s', '=', %(rvalue)s"%locals()) config_data[sectiontitle + '.' + key] = value print sectiontitle + '.' + key, '=', value config_data['env'] = target for key, value in extra_env.iteritems(): rvalue = repr(value) dplines.append("deployconfig.set2('%(key)s', %(rvalue)s)"%locals()) dplines.append("print '%(key)s', '=', %(rvalue)s"%locals()) config_data[key] = value #server_side paths server_deploypath = config_data['env.basic.deploypath'] server_dependspath = server_deploypath + '/depends' server_codepath = server_deploypath + '/code' server_staticpath = server_deploypath + '/static' server_htmlpath = server_deploypath + '/html' rserver_dependspath = repr(server_dependspath) rserver_codepath = repr(server_codepath) rserver_staticpath = repr(server_staticpath) rserver_htmlpath = repr(server_htmlpath) deployrepo = config_data['env.basic.deployrepo'] if not exists(deploypath): makedirs(deploypath) sys_call('git clone ' + deployrepo + ' ' + deploypath) sys_call('git checkout uploaded', deploypath) else: #clean but don't remove the .git directory sys_call('git pull origin uploaded', deploypath) for p in (dependspath, codepath, htmlpath, staticpath): if exists(p): rmtree(p, onerror=onerror) for p in (dependspath, codepath, htmlpath, staticpath): if not exists(p): makedirs(p) print 'fetching dependencies' #fetch the dependencies depends = reader.config_items('depends') for name, url in depends: dpath = join(dependspath, name) if url.startswith('local:'): url = url[6:] ls = url.split(';') i = 0 try: while not exists(ls[i]): i += 1 except: raise Exception('could not find path ' + url) url = ls[i] if exists(dpath): rmtree(dpath) shutil.copytree(url, dpath, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('*.git', '*.svn')) else: if not exists(dpath): try: makedirs(dpath) sys_call('git init', dpath) #sys_call('git remote add origin ' + url, dpath) except: rmtree(dpath) raise sys_call('git pull ' + url + ' master', dpath) #run any custom compilation code if exists(join(reader.path, '')): old_path = list(sys.path) sys.path.append(reader.path) sys.path.append(dependspath) import compile compile del sys.path[:] sys.path.extend(old_path) gen(join(codepath, ''), '\n'.join(dplines)) #legacy... # config_data['facebook_app_id'] = config_data['env.facebook.facebook_app_id'] urlhandlers = [] #create the html pages for sourcefile in reader.get_html(config_data): stripped_name = basename(sourcefile.path).rsplit('.', 1)[0] gen(join(htmlpath, stripped_name), merge_source_file(sourcefile)) urlhandlers.append('urlhandlers.append((r"/(%(stripped_name)s)", NoCacheStaticHandler, {"path": %(rserver_htmlpath)s}))'%locals()) urlhandlers.append('urlhandlers.append((r"/()", NoCacheStaticHandler, {"path": %(rserver_htmlpath)s, "default_filename": "index"}))'%locals()) #copy over resources if exists(staticpath): rmtree(staticpath) for sourcefile in reader.get_resources(config_data): relative_path = relpath(sourcefile.path, reader.resources) if not exists(join(staticpath, dirname(relative_path))): makedirs(join(staticpath, dirname(relative_path))) if sourcefile.binary: shutil.copy(sourcefile.path, join(staticpath, relative_path)) else: gen(join(staticpath, relative_path), merge_source_file(sourcefile)) rprefix = reader.resource_prefix urlhandlers.append('urlhandlers.append((r"/%(rprefix)s/(.*)", NoCacheStaticHandler, {"path": %(rserver_staticpath)s}))'%locals()) #copy over any raw python files for file in reader.list_python(): shutil.copy(file, join(codepath, basename(file))) cookie_secret = repr(reader.config('basic', 'cookie_secret')) # deal with in a non-legacy way at some point? # google_consumer_key = reader.config('google', 'consumer_key') # google_consumer_secret = reader.config('google', 'consumer_secret') #build server_interface.js server_interface_path = resolve_import('jwl_make/server_interface.js', None) del sys.path[:] sys.path.extend(clean_path) sys.path.append(dependspath) sys.path.append(codepath) import index from jwl.remote_method import make_dummy_handler with open(join(htmlpath, 'server_interface.js'), 'w') as f: f.write('var server = "%s";'%reader.server_prefix) with open(server_interface_path, 'r') as f2: f.write( f.write('\n') f.write(make_dummy_handler(index.main).write_js_interface()) urlhandlers.append('urlhandlers.append((r"/(server_interface.js)", NoCacheStaticHandler, {"path": %(rserver_htmlpath)s}))'%locals()) urlhandlercode = '\n'.join(urlhandlers) readerserverprefix = reader.server_prefix is_debug = config_data['env.basic.debug'] server_port = config_data['env.basic.port'] #build the execution file launch_server = r""" import sys sys.path.append(%(rserver_dependspath)s) sys.path.append(%(rserver_codepath)s) import deployconfig_init from jwl import deployconfig deployconfig.set(debug=%(is_debug)s) import index import tornado from jwl.tornado_launch import launch from jwl.remote_method import make_dummy_handler, NoCacheStaticHandler urlhandlers = [] %(urlhandlercode)s #GOOGLE LOGIN # from jwl.googleauth import LoginController # urlhandlers.append((r"/auth/(.*)", LoginController)) if __name__ == '__main__': urlhandlers.append((r"/%(readerserverprefix)s.*", index.main)) print 'about to run startup code' index.do_startup(urlhandlers) application = tornado.web.Application(urlhandlers, cookie_secret=%(cookie_secret)s, gzip=True)#, google_consumer_key=google_consumer_key, google_consumer_secret=google_consumer_secret) index.main._my_application = application print 'startup code complete, starting server...' launch(application, %(server_port)s) """%locals() gen(join(codepath, ''), launch_server) print 'about to upload...' #check in the local code to git sys_call('git add --all', deploypath, failokay=True) sys_call('git commit -a -m "automated..."', deploypath, failokay=True) sys_call('git push origin uploaded', deploypath) #Upload to server host_string = config_data[''] if host_string == 'localhost': execute = sys_call else: import fabric.api as fab def execute(args, cwd, fail_okay): with fab.settings(host_string=host_string,key_filename=keyfile,disable_known_hosts=True): with with fab.settings(warn_only=fail_okay): keyfile = global_config.get('keys', config_data['env.basic.sshkey']) try: execute('git add --all', server_deploypath, True) execute('git commit -a -m "saving any changes such as .pyc etc"', server_deploypath, True) execute('git merge uploaded', server_deploypath, False) execute(config_data['env.basic.startcommand'], server_deploypath, False) finally: if host_string != 'localhost': from fabric.state import connections for key in connections.keys(): connections[key].close() del connections[key] finally: #SWITCH BACK TO MASTER BRANCH if branch != 'CURRENT': sys_call('git checkout master', reader.path)