Example #1
def clean_cache_relations(job_id, db):
    #print('cleaning cache relations for %r ' % job_id)

    # for all jobs that were done
    cache = get_job_cache(job_id, db)
    if cache.state == Cache.DONE:
        for parent in direct_parents(job_id, db):
            parent_job = get_job(parent, db)
            #print('  parent %r has dynamic %s' % (parent, parent_job.dynamic_children))
            if not job_id in parent_job.dynamic_children:
                #print('    skipping parent %r ' % parent)
                dynamic_children = parent_job.dynamic_children[job_id]
                #print('    dynamic_children %s' % parent_job.dynamic_children)
                #print('    children %s' % parent_job.children)
                del parent_job.dynamic_children[job_id]
                parent_job.children = parent_job.children - dynamic_children
                set_job(parent, parent_job, db) 
Example #2
def comp(command, *args, **kwargs):
    ''' Main method to define a computation.
        Extra arguments:
        :arg:job_id:   sets the job id (respects job_prefix)
        :arg:extra_dep: extra dependencies (not passed as arguments)
    if compmake.compmake_status == compmake_status_slave:
        return None
    # Check that this is a pickable function
        msg = ('Cannot pickle %r. Make sure it is not a lambda function or a '
              'nested function. (This is a limitation of Python)' % command)
        raise SerializationError(msg)
    args = list(args) # args is a non iterable tuple
    # Get job id from arguments
    job_id_key = 'job_id'
    if job_id_key in kwargs:
        # make sure that command does not have itself a job_id key
        #available = command.func_code.co_varnames
        argspec = inspect.getargspec(command)
        if job_id_key in argspec.args:
            msg = ("You cannot define the job id in this way because 'job_id' " 
                   "is already a parameter of this function.")
            raise UserError(msg)    
        job_id = kwargs[job_id_key]
        if job_prefix:
            job_id = '%s-%s' % (job_prefix, job_id)
        del kwargs[job_id_key]
        if job_id in jobs_defined_in_this_session:
            raise UserError('Job %r already defined.' % job_id)
        job_id = generate_job_id(command)
    if 'extra_dep' in kwargs:
        extra_dep = collect_dependencies(kwargs['extra_dep'])
        del kwargs['extra_dep']
        extra_dep = set()
    children = collect_dependencies([args, kwargs])
    all_args = (command, args, kwargs) 
    command_desc = command.__name__
    c = Job(job_id=job_id, children=list(children), command_desc=command_desc)
    # TODO: check for loops     
    for child in children:
        child_comp = get_job(child)
        if not job_id in child_comp.parents:
            set_job(child, child_comp)
    if job_exists(job_id):
        # OK, this is going to be black magic.
        # We want to load the previous job definition,
        # however, by unpickling(), it will start
        # __import__()ing the modules, perhaps
        # even the one that is calling us.
        # What happens, then is that it will try to 
        # add another time this computation recursively.
        # What we do, is that we temporarely switch to 
        # slave mode, so that recursive calls to comp() 
        # are disabled.
        if compmake_config.check_params: #@UndefinedVariable
            old_status = compmake_status
            old_computation = get_job(job_id)
            assert False, 'update for job_args'
            same, reason = old_computation.same_computation(c)
            if not same:
                set_job(job_id, c)
                set_job_args(job_id, all_args)
                publish('job-redefined', job_id=job_id , reason=reason)
                # XXX TODO clean the cache
                publish('job-already-defined', job_id=job_id)
            # We assume everything's ok
            set_job(job_id, c)
            set_job_args(job_id, all_args)
            publish('job-defined', job_id=job_id)
        set_job(job_id, c)
        set_job_args(job_id, all_args)
        publish('job-defined', job_id=job_id)
    assert job_exists(job_id)
    assert job_args_exists(job_id)

    return Promise(job_id)