Example #1
    def forward(self, inputs, tformat, loss_fn=None, hidden_states=None, **kwargs):
        test_mode = kwargs["test_mode"]

        avail_actions, params_aa, tformat_aa = _to_batch(inputs["avail_actions"], tformat)
        x, params, tformat = _to_batch(inputs["main"], tformat)
        x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
        x = self.fc2(x)

        # mask policy elements corresponding to unavailable actions
        n_available_actions = avail_actions.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
        x = th.exp(x)
        x = x.masked_fill(avail_actions == 0, np.sqrt(float(np.finfo(np.float32).tiny)))
        x_sum = x.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
        second_mask = (x_sum <= np.sqrt(float(np.finfo(np.float32).tiny)) * avail_actions.shape[1])
        x_sum = x_sum.masked_fill(second_mask, 1.0)
        x = th.div(x, x_sum)

        # throw debug warning if second masking was necessary
        if th.sum(second_mask.data) > 0:
            if self.args.debug_verbose:
                print('Warning in MACKRLNonRecurrentAgentLevel3.forward(): some sum during the softmax has been 0!')

        # add softmax exploration (if switched on)
        if self.args.coma_exploration_mode in ["softmax"] and not test_mode:
            epsilons = inputs["epsilons"].unsqueeze(_tdim(tformat))
            epsilons, _, _ = _to_batch(epsilons, tformat)
            x = avail_actions * epsilons / n_available_actions + x * (1 - epsilons)

        x = _from_batch(x, params, tformat)

        if loss_fn is not None:
            losses, _ = loss_fn(x, tformat=tformat)

        return x, hidden_states, losses, tformat
Example #2
    def forward(self, inputs, hidden_states, tformat, loss_fn=None, **kwargs):
        If data contains whole sequences, can pass loss_fn to forward pass in order to generate all losses
        Can either be operated in sequence mode, or operated step-by-step
        _check_inputs_validity(inputs, self.input_shapes, tformat)
        _inputs = inputs["main"]

        loss = None
        t_dim = _tdim(tformat)
        assert t_dim == 2, "t_dim along unsupported axis"
        t_len = _inputs.shape[t_dim]

        loss_x = []
        output_x = []
        h_list = [hidden_states]

        for t in range(t_len):

            x = _inputs[:, :, slice(t, t + 1), :].contiguous()
            x, tformat = self.encoder({"main":x}, tformat)
            x, params_x, tformat_x = _to_batch(x, tformat)
            h, params_h, tformat_h = _to_batch(h_list[-1], tformat)

            h = self.gru(x, h)
            x = self.output(h)

            h = _from_batch(h, params_h, tformat_h)
            x = _from_batch(x, params_x, tformat_x)

            # we will not branch the variables if loss_fn is set - instead return only tensor values for x in that case
            output_x.append(x) if loss_fn is None else output_x.append(x.clone())

        if loss_fn is not None:
            _x = th.cat(loss_x, dim=_tdim(tformat))
            loss = loss_fn(_x, tformat=tformat)[0]

        return th.cat(output_x, t_dim), \
           th.cat(h_list[1:], t_dim), \
           loss, \
Example #3
    def forward(self, inputs, tformat, **kwargs):
        # _check_inputs_validity(inputs, self.input_shapes, tformat, allow_nonseq=True)

        if getattr(self.args, "critic_is_recurrent", False):
            _inputs = inputs.get("main")

            t_dim = _tdim(tformat)
            assert t_dim == 1, "t_dim along unsupported axis"
            t_len = _inputs.shape[t_dim]

                hidden_states = kwargs["hidden_states"]

            x_list = []
            h_list = [hidden_states]
            for t in range(t_len):
                x = _inputs[:, slice(t, t + 1), :].contiguous()

                x, params_x, tformat_x = _to_batch(x, tformat)
                h, params_h, tformat_h = _to_batch(h_list[-1], tformat)

                x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
                h = self.gru(x, h)
                x = self.fc2(x)

                h = _from_batch(h, params_h, tformat_h)
                x = _from_batch(x, params_x, tformat_x)


            return th.cat(x_list, t_dim), \
            main, params, m_tformat = _to_batch(inputs.get("main"), tformat)
            x = F.relu(self.fc1(main))
            vvalue = self.fc2(x)

        return _from_batch(vvalue, params, m_tformat), m_tformat
Example #4
    def forward(self, inputs, hidden_states, tformat, loss_fn=None, **kwargs):
        seq_lens = kwargs["seq_lens"]

            _check_inputs_validity(inputs, self.input_shapes, tformat)
        except Exception as e:
            print("Exception {} - have replaced NaNs with zeros".format(e))
            for _k, _v in inputs.items():
                inputs[_k][inputs[_k]!=inputs[_k]] = 0.0

        test_mode = kwargs["test_mode"]

        _inputs = inputs["main"]
        _inputs_aa = _pad(inputs["avail_actions"], tformat, seq_lens, 1.0)

        loss = None
        t_dim = _tdim(tformat)
        assert t_dim == 2, "t_dim along unsupported axis"
        t_len = _inputs.shape[t_dim]

        x_list = []
        h_list = [hidden_states]

        for t in range(t_len):

            x = _inputs[:, :, slice(t, t + 1), :].contiguous()
            avail_actions = _inputs_aa[:, :, slice(t, t + 1), :].contiguous()
            x, tformat = self.encoder({"main":x}, tformat)

            x, params_x, tformat_x = _to_batch(x, tformat)
            avail_actions, params_aa, tformat_aa = _to_batch(avail_actions, tformat)
            h, params_h, tformat_h = _to_batch(h_list[-1], tformat)

            h = self.gru(x, h)
            x = self.output(h)

            # # mask policy elements corresponding to unavailable actions
            # n_available_actions = avail_actions.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
            # x = th.exp(x)
            # x = x.masked_fill(avail_actions == 0, np.sqrt(float(np.finfo(np.float32).tiny)))
            # x_sum = x.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
            # second_mask = (x_sum <= np.sqrt(float(np.finfo(np.float32).tiny))*avail_actions.shape[1])
            # x_sum = x_sum.masked_fill(second_mask, 1.0)
            # x = th.div(x, x_sum)

            n_available_actions = avail_actions.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
            x = x - (1 - avail_actions) * 1e30
            x = F.softmax(x, 1)

            # throw debug warning if second masking was necessary
            # if th.sum(second_mask.data) > 0:
            #     if self.args.debug_verbose:
            #         print('Warning in MACKRLRecurrentAgentLevel3.forward(): some sum during the softmax has been 0!')

            # add softmax exploration (if switched on)
            if self.args.mackrl_exploration_mode_level3 in ["softmax"] and not test_mode:
               epsilons = inputs["epsilons_central_level3"].unsqueeze(_tdim(tformat)).detach()
               epsilons, _, _ = _to_batch(epsilons, tformat)
               # n_available_actions[n_available_actions==0.0] = 1 #np.sqrt(float(np.finfo(np.float32).tiny))
               #if th.sum(th.sum(n_available_actions, dim=-1) > 0):
               #    a = 6
               #    pass
               #if th.sum(n_available_actions == 0.0) > 0:
               #    a = 5
               #    pass
               x = avail_actions.detach() * epsilons / n_available_actions + x * (1 - epsilons) # avail_actions * epsilons / n_available_actions + x * (1 - epsilons)

            h = _from_batch(h, params_h, tformat_h)
            x = _from_batch(x, params_x, tformat_x)


        if loss_fn is not None:
            _x = th.cat(x_list, dim=_tdim(tformat))
            loss = loss_fn(_x, tformat=tformat)[0]

        return th.cat(x_list, t_dim), \
               th.cat(h_list[1:], t_dim), \
               loss, \
Example #5
    def forward(self, inputs, hidden_states, tformat, loss_fn=None, **kwargs):
        seq_lens = kwargs["seq_lens"]

            _check_inputs_validity(inputs, self.input_shapes, tformat)
        except Exception as e:
            print("Exception {} - have replaced NaNs with zeros".format(e))
            for _k, _v in inputs.items():
                inputs[_k][inputs[_k]!=inputs[_k]] = 0.0

        test_mode = kwargs["test_mode"]
        pairwise_avail_actions = _pad(kwargs["pairwise_avail_actions"].detach(), tformat, seq_lens, 1.0)
        pairwise_avail_actions.requires_grad = False

        _inputs = inputs["main"]

        loss = None
        t_dim = _tdim(tformat)
        assert t_dim == 2, "t_dim along unsupported axis"
        t_len = _inputs.shape[t_dim]

        x_list = []
        h_list = [hidden_states]

        for t in range(t_len):

            x = _inputs[:, :, slice(t, t + 1), :].contiguous()
            avail_actions = pairwise_avail_actions[:, :, slice(t, t + 1), :].contiguous().detach()
            x, tformat = self.encoder({"main":x}, tformat)

            x, params_x, tformat_x = _to_batch(x, tformat)
            avail_actions, params_aa, tformat_aa = _to_batch(avail_actions, tformat)
            h, params_h, tformat_h = _to_batch(h_list[-1], tformat)

            h = self.gru(x, h)
            x = self.output(h)

            if getattr(self.args, "mackrl_logit_bias", 0.0) != 0.0:
                x = th.cat([x[:, 0:1] + self.args.mackrl_logit_bias, x[:, 1:]], dim=1)

            n_available_actions = avail_actions.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
            x = x - (1 - avail_actions) * 1e30
            x = F.softmax(x, 1)

            # add softmax exploration (if switched on)
            if self.args.mackrl_exploration_mode_level2 in ["softmax"] and not test_mode:
               epsilons = inputs["epsilons_central_level2"].unsqueeze(_tdim(tformat)).detach()
               epsilons, _, _ = _to_batch(epsilons, tformat)
               n_available_actions[n_available_actions==0.0] = 1.0
               x = avail_actions.detach() * epsilons / n_available_actions + x * (1 - epsilons)

            h = _from_batch(h, params_h, tformat_h)
            x = _from_batch(x, params_x, tformat_x)


        x_cat = th.cat(x_list, t_dim)

        if hasattr(self.args, "mackrl_always_delegate") and self.args.mackrl_always_delegate:
            x_cat[:, :, :, 0] = 1.0
            x_cat[:, :, :, 1:] = 0.0

        if loss_fn is not None:
            loss = loss_fn(x_cat, tformat=tformat)[0]

        return x_cat, \
               th.cat(h_list[1:], t_dim), \
               loss, \
Example #6
    def forward(self, inputs, hidden_states, tformat, loss_fn=None, **kwargs):
            _check_inputs_validity(inputs, self.input_shapes, tformat)
        except Exception as e:
            print("Exception {} - have replaced NaNs with zeros".format(e))
            for _k, _v in inputs.items():
                inputs[_k][inputs[_k]!=inputs[_k]] = 0.0

        test_mode = kwargs["test_mode"]
        n_agents = kwargs["n_agents"]

        if len(inputs["main"].shape) == 3:
            _inputs = inputs["main"].unsqueeze(0) # as agent dimension is lacking
            _inputs = inputs["main"]
        #_inputs_aa = inputs["avail_actions"]

        loss = None
        t_dim = _tdim(tformat)
        assert t_dim == 2, "t_dim along unsupported axis"
        t_len = _inputs.shape[t_dim]

        x_list = []
        h_list = [hidden_states]

        for t in range(t_len):

            x = _inputs[:, :, slice(t, t + 1), :].contiguous()
            #avail_actions = _inputs_aa[:, :, slice(t, t + 1), :].contiguous()
            x, tformat = self.encoder({"main":x}, tformat)

            x, params_x, tformat_x = _to_batch(x, tformat)
            #avail_actions, params_aa, tformat_aa = _to_batch(avail_actions, tformat)
            h, params_h, tformat_h = _to_batch(h_list[-1], tformat)

            h = self.gru(x, h)
            x = self.output(h)

            # mask policy elements corresponding to unavailable actions
            #n_available_actions = avail_actions.detach().sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)

            # DEBUG
            x = F.softmax(x, 1)

            # Alternative variant
            #x = th.nn.functional.softmax(x).clone()
            #x.masked_fill_(avail_actions.long() == 0, float(np.finfo(np.float32).tiny))
            #x = th.div(x, x.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True))

            if self.args.mackrl_exploration_mode_level1 in ["softmax"] and not test_mode:
               epsilons = inputs["epsilons_central_level1"].unsqueeze(_tdim("bs*t*v")).detach()
               epsilons, _, _ = _to_batch(epsilons, "bs*t*v")
               x = epsilons /  x.shape[-1] + x * (1 - epsilons)

            if hasattr(self.args, "mackrl_fix_level1_pair") and self.args.mackrl_fix_level1_pair:
                x[:,1:] = 0.0
                x[:, 0] = 1.0

            h = _from_batch(h, params_h, tformat_h)
            x = _from_batch(x, params_x, tformat_x)


        if loss_fn is not None:
            _x = th.cat(x_list, dim=_tdim(tformat))
            loss = loss_fn(_x, tformat=tformat)[0]

        return th.cat(x_list, t_dim), \
               th.cat(h_list[1:], t_dim), \
               loss, \