def DropEverythingTest(ndmz, nhosts, nquarantine): """Some random real world test""" dpi = 'f' fw_address = 'ip_f' dmz_test_host = 'd1' dmz_test_addr = 'ip_d1' host_addresses = ['ip_h%d' % (i) for i in xrange(nhosts)] quarantine_addresses = ['ip_q%d' % (i) for i in xrange(nquarantine)] outside = 'o' outside_address = 'ip_o' nodes = [dpi, dmz_test_host, outside] addresses = [fw_address, dmz_test_addr, outside_address] addresses.extend(quarantine_addresses) addresses.extend(host_addresses) ctx = components.Context(nodes, addresses) net = components.Network(ctx) outside = components.EndHost(getattr(ctx, outside), net, ctx) dmz_test_host = components.EndHost(getattr(ctx, dmz_test_host), net, ctx) dpi = components.DropAll(getattr(ctx, dpi), net, ctx) outside_address = getattr(ctx, outside_address) fw_address = getattr(ctx, fw_address) dmz_test_addr = getattr(ctx, dmz_test_addr) net.RoutingTable(dpi, [(outside_address, outside), \ (dmz_test_addr, dmz_test_host)]) net.RoutingTableWithFailure(outside, [(outside_address, lambda t: True, outside), \ (dmz_test_addr, components.not_failed(dpi), dpi), \ (dmz_test_addr, components.failed(dpi), dmz_test_host)]) net.RoutingTableWithFailure(dmz_test_host, [(outside_address, components.not_failed(dpi), dpi),\ (outside_address, components.failed(dpi), outside), (dmz_test_addr, lambda t: True, dmz_test_host)]) net.setAddressMappings([(outside, outside_address), \ (dpi, fw_address), \ (dmz_test_host, dmz_test_addr)]) net.Attach(outside, dmz_test_host, dpi) class DMZRet(object): def __init__(self, outside, dmz, fw, ctx, net): self.outside = outside self.dmz = dmz self.fw = fw self.ctx = ctx = net self.check = components.PropertyChecker(ctx, net) return DMZRet(outside, dmz_test_host, dpi, ctx, net)
def RonoDPITest (ndmz, nhosts, nquarantine): """Some random real world test""" dpi = 'f' fw_address = 'ip_f' dmz_test_host = 'd1' dmz_test_addr = 'ip_d1' host_addresses = ['ip_h%d'%(i) for i in xrange(nhosts)] quarantine_addresses = ['ip_q%d'%(i) for i in xrange(nquarantine)] outside = 'o' outside_address = 'ip_o' nodes = [dpi, dmz_test_host, outside] addresses = [fw_address, dmz_test_addr, outside_address] addresses.extend(quarantine_addresses) addresses.extend(host_addresses) ctx = components.Context(nodes, addresses) net = components.Network (ctx) outside = components.EndHost(getattr(ctx, outside), net, ctx) dmz_test_host = components.EndHost(getattr(ctx, dmz_test_host), net, ctx) dpi = components.DDOSProtection(getattr(ctx, dpi), net, ctx) outside_address = getattr(ctx, outside_address) fw_address = getattr(ctx, fw_address) dmz_test_addr = getattr(ctx, dmz_test_addr) net.RoutingTable(dpi, [(outside_address, outside), \ (dmz_test_addr, dmz_test_host)]) net.RoutingTableWithFailure(outside, [(outside_address, lambda t: True, outside), \ (dmz_test_addr, components.not_failed(dpi), dpi), \ (dmz_test_addr, components.failed(dpi), dmz_test_host)]) net.RoutingTableWithFailure(dmz_test_host, [(outside_address, components.not_failed(dpi), dpi),\ (outside_address, components.failed(dpi), outside), (dmz_test_addr, lambda t: True, dmz_test_host)]) net.setAddressMappings([(outside, outside_address), \ (dpi, fw_address), \ (dmz_test_host, dmz_test_addr)]) net.Attach(outside, dmz_test_host, dpi) class DMZRet (object): def __init__ (self, outside, dmz, fw, ctx, net): self.outside = outside self.dmz = dmz self.fw = fw self.ctx = ctx = net self.check = components.PropertyChecker(ctx, net) return DMZRet(outside, dmz_test_host, dpi, ctx, net)
def IMC(nservers): nodes = ['n%d' % i for i in xrange(nservers)] servers = list(nodes) nodes.append('lb1_o') nodes.append('lb2_o') lbs_out = ['lb1_o', 'lb2_o'] nodes.append('lb1_i') nodes.append('lb2_i') lbs_in = ['lb1_i', 'lb2_i'] nodes.append('dpi1') nodes.append('dpi2') dpis = ['dpi1', 'dpi2'] nodes.append('fw1_o') nodes.append('fw2_o') fws_out = ['fw1_o', 'fw2_o'] nodes.append('fw1_i') nodes.append('fw2_i') fws_in = ['fw1_i', 'fw2_i'] addresses = ['i_%s' % n for n in nodes] ctx = components.Context(nodes, addresses) net = components.Network(ctx) # Make nodes all_nodes = [] servers = [components.EndHost(getattr(ctx, s), net, ctx) for s in servers] all_nodes += servers lbs_out = [components.AllowAll(getattr(ctx, s), net, ctx) for s in lbs_out] all_nodes += lbs_out lbs_in = [components.AllowAll(getattr(ctx, s), net, ctx) for s in lbs_in] all_nodes += lbs_in dpis = [components.AllowAll(getattr(ctx, s), net, ctx) for s in dpis] all_nodes += dpis fws_out = [ components.AclFirewall(getattr(ctx, s), net, ctx) for s in fws_out ] all_nodes += fws_out fws_in = [ components.AclFirewall(getattr(ctx, s), net, ctx) for s in fws_in ] all_nodes += fws_in address_mapping = zip(nodes, addresses) address_mapping = map(lambda (n, a): (getattr(ctx, n), getattr(ctx, a)), \ address_mapping) net.Attach(*all_nodes) net.setAddressMappings(address_mapping) server_addresses = [getattr(ctx, 'i_%s' % s) for s in servers] # Server routing does not need to account for source. server_routing = [] for addr in server_addresses: server_routing.append( (addr, components.not_failed(lbs_out[0]), lbs_out[0])) server_routing.append( (addr, components.failed(lbs_out[0]), lbs_out[1])) for s in servers: net.RoutingTableWithFailure(s, server_routing) lb_out_routing = [] lb_in_routing = [] for (addr, server) in zip(server_addresses, servers): lb_in_routing.append((addr, server)) lb_out_routing.append( (addr, components.not_failed(fws_out[0]), fws_out[0])) lb_out_routing.append( (addr, components.failed(fws_out[0]), fws_out[1])) for lb in lbs_in: net.RoutingTable(lb, lb_in_routing) for lb in lbs_out: net.RoutingTableWithFailure(lb, lb_out_routing) fw_out_routing = [] fw_in_routing = [] dpi_routing = [] for addr in server_addresses: fw_in_routing.append( (addr, components.not_failed(lbs_in[0]), lbs_in[0])) fw_in_routing.append((addr, components.failed(lbs_in[0]), lbs_in[1])) fw_out_routing.append((addr, components.not_failed(dpis[0]), dpis[0])) fw_out_routing.append((addr, components.failed(dpis[0]), dpis[1])) dpi_routing.append((addr, components.failed(fws_in[0]), fws_in[1])) dpi_routing.append((addr, components.not_failed(fws_in[0]), fws_in[0])) for fw in fws_out: net.RoutingTableWithFailure(fw, fw_out_routing) for fw in fws_in: net.RoutingTableWithFailure(fw, fw_in_routing) for dpi in dpis: net.RoutingTableWithFailure(dpi, dpi_routing) class IMCTopo(object): def __init__(self): self.servers = servers self.lbs_out = lbs_out self.lbs_in = lbs_in self.fws_out = fws_out self.fws_in = fws_in self.dpis = dpis self.ctx = ctx = net self.check = components.PropertyChecker(ctx, net) self.addresses = dict([(str(x), y) for (x, y) in address_mapping]) return IMCTopo()
def IMC(nservers): nodes = ['n%d'%i for i in xrange(nservers)] servers = list(nodes) nodes.append('lb1_o') nodes.append('lb2_o') lbs_out = ['lb1_o', 'lb2_o'] nodes.append('lb1_i') nodes.append('lb2_i') lbs_in = ['lb1_i', 'lb2_i'] nodes.append('dpi1') nodes.append('dpi2') dpis = ['dpi1', 'dpi2'] nodes.append('fw1_o') nodes.append('fw2_o') fws_out = ['fw1_o', 'fw2_o'] nodes.append('fw1_i') nodes.append('fw2_i') fws_in = ['fw1_i', 'fw2_i'] addresses = ['i_%s'%n for n in nodes] ctx = components.Context(nodes, addresses) net = components.Network(ctx) # Make nodes all_nodes = [] servers = [components.EndHost(getattr(ctx, s), net, ctx) for s in servers] all_nodes += servers lbs_out = [components.AllowAll(getattr(ctx, s), net, ctx) for s in lbs_out] all_nodes += lbs_out lbs_in = [components.AllowAll(getattr(ctx, s), net, ctx) for s in lbs_in] all_nodes += lbs_in dpis = [components.AllowAll(getattr(ctx, s), net, ctx) for s in dpis] all_nodes += dpis fws_out = [components.AclFirewall(getattr(ctx, s), net, ctx) for s in fws_out] all_nodes += fws_out fws_in = [components.AclFirewall(getattr(ctx, s), net, ctx) for s in fws_in] all_nodes += fws_in address_mapping = zip(nodes, addresses) address_mapping = map(lambda (n, a): (getattr(ctx, n), getattr(ctx, a)), \ address_mapping) net.Attach(*all_nodes) net.setAddressMappings(address_mapping) server_addresses = [getattr(ctx, 'i_%s'%s) for s in servers] # Server routing does not need to account for source. server_routing = [] for addr in server_addresses: server_routing.append((addr, components.not_failed(lbs_out[0]), lbs_out[0])) server_routing.append((addr, components.failed(lbs_out[0]), lbs_out[1])) for s in servers: net.RoutingTableWithFailure(s, server_routing) lb_out_routing = [] lb_in_routing = [] for (addr, server) in zip(server_addresses, servers): lb_in_routing.append((addr, server)) lb_out_routing.append((addr, components.not_failed(fws_out[0]), fws_out[0])) lb_out_routing.append((addr, components.failed(fws_out[0]), fws_out[1])) for lb in lbs_in: net.RoutingTable(lb, lb_in_routing) for lb in lbs_out: net.RoutingTableWithFailure(lb, lb_out_routing) fw_out_routing = [] fw_in_routing = [] dpi_routing = [] for addr in server_addresses: fw_in_routing.append((addr, components.not_failed(lbs_in[0]), lbs_in[0])) fw_in_routing.append((addr, components.failed(lbs_in[0]), lbs_in[1])) fw_out_routing.append((addr, components.not_failed(dpis[0]), dpis[0])) fw_out_routing.append((addr, components.failed(dpis[0]), dpis[1])) dpi_routing.append((addr, components.failed(fws_in[0]), fws_in[1])) dpi_routing.append((addr, components.not_failed(fws_in[0]), fws_in[0])) for fw in fws_out: net.RoutingTableWithFailure(fw, fw_out_routing) for fw in fws_in: net.RoutingTableWithFailure(fw, fw_in_routing) for dpi in dpis: net.RoutingTableWithFailure(dpi, dpi_routing) class IMCTopo(object): def __init__(self): self.servers = servers self.lbs_out = lbs_out self.lbs_in = lbs_in self.fws_out = fws_out self.fws_in = fws_in self.dpis = dpis self.ctx = ctx = net self.check = components.PropertyChecker(ctx, net) self.addresses = dict([(str(x), y) for (x, y) in address_mapping]) return IMCTopo()