def load_sensor(self): name = self.device_id mac = self._poller._mac try: print_line('Update Sensor fill cache {}'.format(self.device_id)) self._poller.clear_cache() self._poller.fill_cache() print_line('Success Update Sensor fill cache {}'.format( self.device_id)) firmware = self._poller.firmware_version() for param, _ in self.parameters.items(): self._data[param] = self._poller.parameter_value(param) print_line('Update sensor "{}" ({}) successful'.format( self.device_id, json.dumps(self._data))) except (IOError, BluetoothBackendException): print_line( 'Initial connection to Mi Sensor "{}" ({}) failed.'.format( name, mac), error=True) self.status = False return if self.status: return print('Device Id: "{}"'.format(name)) print('MAC address: {}'.format(mac)) print('Firmware: {}'.format(firmware)) print_line( 'Initial connection to Mi Sensor "{}" ({}) successful'.format( name, mac)) self.status = True
def load_client(self, node_id, mqtt_config): topic = "{}/sensor/{}/device".format(self._base_topic, node_id).lower() client = mqtt.Client(node_id) client.on_connect = on_connect client.on_message = on_message client.on_subscribe = on_subscribe client.on_disconnect = on_disconnect client.will_set(topic, 'off', qos=1, retain=True) if mqtt_config.get('tls', False): # According to the docs, setting PROTOCOL_SSLv23 "Selects the highest protocol version # that both the client and server support. Despite the name, this option can select # “TLS” protocols as well as “SSL”" - so this seems like a resonable default client.tls_set(ca_certs=mqtt_config.get('tls_ca_cert', None), keyfile=mqtt_config.get('tls_keyfile', None), certfile=mqtt_config.get('tls_certfile', None), tls_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) if mqtt_config.get('username'): client.username_pw_set(mqtt_config.get('username'), mqtt_config.get('password', None)) try: client.connect(mqtt_config['host'], mqtt_config['port'], keepalive=60) except: print_line( 'MQTT connection error. Please check your settings in the configuration file "config.json"', error=True) sys.exit(1) client.loop_start() client.user_data_set({"topic": topic}) return client
def run(self): print_line("--> Load Data:" + self._mqtt_node.node_id) data = self._sensor.update() if not self._sensor.status: print_line("--> Load Data Fail:" + self._mqtt_node.node_id) return topic = '{}/sensor/{}/state'.format(self._mqtt_node.base_topic, self._mqtt_node.node_id).lower() print_line("--> Send Data:%s %s" % (topic, json.dumps(data))) self._mqtt_node.client.publish(topic, json.dumps(data), 1, True)
topic = '{}/sensor/{}/state'.format(self._mqtt_node.base_topic, self._mqtt_node.node_id).lower() print_line("--> Send Data:%s %s" % (topic, json.dumps(data))) self._mqtt_node.client.publish(topic, json.dumps(data), 1, True) if __name__ == '__main__': # Load configuration file config_dir = parse_args.config_dir with open(os.path.join(config_dir, 'config.json')) as f: config = json.loads( sd_notifier.notify('READY=1') print_line("--> Start Load Sensor") sensors_list = load_sensors(config) print_line("--> Finish Load Sensor") while True: print_line("--> Start Load GateWay Sensors") for item in sensors_list: send_job = SendDataThread(item['sensor'], item['mqtt_node']) print_line("--> Sensor Update Load Job:" + send_job.getName() + "," + send_job.mqtt_node.node_id) send_job.start() start = time.time() while True: if send_job.isAlive(): time.sleep(1) else:
def on_disconnect(client, userdata, rc): if rc != 0: print_line("Unexpected disconnection %s" % rc)
def on_subscribe(client, userdata, mid, granted_qos): print_line("On Subscribed: qos = %d" % granted_qos)
def on_message(client, userdata, msg): print_line("SEND:" + msg.topic + " " + str(msg.payload.decode('utf-8'))) if msg.topic in _sub_dict: _sub_dict[msg.topic](userdata, msg)
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): client.publish(userdata['topic'], 'on', qos=1, retain=True) print_line("Connected with result code " + str(rc) + userdata + flags)