Example #1
    def test_members_share_attribute(self):
        am = AttributeManager('first_name', [])
        assert not am.members_share_attribute(Member(1), Member(2))
        assert not am.members_share_attribute(Member(1, first_name='a'),
        assert not am.members_share_attribute(Member(1, first_name='a'),
                                              Member(2, first_name='b'))
        assert am.members_share_attribute(Member(1, first_name='a'),
                                          Member(2, first_name='a'))

        am = AttributeManager('instruments', [])
        assert not am.members_share_attribute(Member(1), Member(2))
        assert not am.members_share_attribute(Member(1, instruments=Tuba()),
        assert not am.members_share_attribute(
            Member(1), Member(2, instruments=[Tuba(), Trombone()]))
        assert not am.members_share_attribute(
            Member(1, instruments=Tuba()),
            Member(2, instruments=[Trumpet(), Trombone()]))
        assert am.members_share_attribute(Member(1, instruments=Tuba()),
                                          Member(2, instruments=Tuba()))
        assert am.members_share_attribute(
            Member(1, instruments=[Trumpet(), Trombone()]),
            Member(2, instruments=[Tuba(), Trombone()]),
Example #2
    def test_unique_attributes_of(self, member):
        member.instruments = [Tuba(), Trombone()]
        am = AttributeManager('instruments', [])
        am.register_member(Member(5, instruments=[Tuba()]))
        assert am.unique_attributes_of(member) == [Trombone()]

        bm = AttributeManager('age', [])
        assert bm.unique_attributes_of(member) == []
Example #3
    def test_build_question_list_as_hint(self):
        am = AttributeManager('instruments', ['first_name'])
        bm = AttributeManager('first_name', [])

        allowed = [Trumpet(), Drums(), Bassoon(), Clarinet(), Horn(), Flute()]

        for i in range(4):
            member = Member(i,
                            instruments=[Tuba(), Trombone()])

        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError,
                           match='currently not hintable for first_name'):

        for i in range(100):
            member = Member(
                i + 10,
                first_name=random.choice(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']),
                instruments=random.sample(allowed, random.randint(1, 4)),

        member, attr, opts, idx = am.build_question_with(bm)
        assert attr in am.data
        assert attr in [Tuba(), Trombone()]
        assert len(set(opts)) == 4
        assert member in am.available_members
        assert member in bm.available_members
        for first_name in set(opts).difference({opts[idx]}):
            assert not any(attr in am.get_members_attribute(m)
                           and bm.get_members_attribute(m) == first_name
                           for m in bm.available_members)
Example #4
class Member:  # pylint: disable=R0902,R0913,R0904
    A member of AkaBlas.

        Orchestra instance support subscription for all properties and attributes listed in

        user_id (:obj:`int`): The Telegram user_id.
        phone_number (:obj:`str`): Optional. Phone number.
        first_name (:obj:`str`): Optional. First name.
        last_name (:obj:`str`): Optional. Last name.
        nickname (:obj:`str`): Optional. Nickname.
        gender (:obj:`str`): Optional. Gender.
        date_of_birth (:class:`datetime.date`): Optional. : Date of birth.
        joined (:obj:`int`): Optional. The year this member joined AkaBlas.
        photo_file_id (:obj:`str`): Optional. Telegram file ID of the user photo
        allow_contact_sharing (:obj:`bool`): Whether sharing this members contact information with
            others is allowed.
        user_score (:class:`components.UserScore`): A highscore associated with this member.

        user_id: The Telegram user_id.
        phone_number: Phone number.
        first_name: First name.
        last_name: Last name.
        nickname: Nickname.
        gender: Gender.
        joined: The year this member joined AkaBlas as for digit number.
        date_of_birth: Date of birth.
        instruments: Instrument(s) this member plays.
        address: Address. Only address `or`` latitude and longitude may be passed.
        latitude: Latitude of address. Only address `or`` latitude and longitude may
            be passed.
        longitude: Longitude of address. Only address `or`` latitude and longitude may
            be passed.
        photo_file_id: Telegram file ID of the user photo
        functions: Function(s) this member holds.
        allow_contact_sharing: Whether sharing this users contact information with others is
            allowed. Defaults to :obj:`False`.

    _AD_URL: ClassVar[str] = ''
    _AD_URL_ACTIVE: ClassVar[str] = ''
    _AD_USERNAME: ClassVar[str] = ''
    _AD_PASSWORD: ClassVar[str] = ''
    _AKADRESSEN: ClassVar[Optional[pd.DataFrame]] = None
    _AKADRESSEN_ACTIVE: ClassVar[Optional[pd.DataFrame]] = None
    _AKADRESSEN_CACHE_TIME: ClassVar[Optional[dt.date]] = None

    def __init__(
        user_id: Union[str, int],
        phone_number: str = None,
        first_name: str = None,
        last_name: str = None,
        nickname: str = None,
        gender: str = None,
        date_of_birth: dt.date = None,
        instruments: Union[List[Instrument], Instrument] = None,
        address: str = None,
        latitude: float = None,
        longitude: float = None,
        photo_file_id: str = None,
        allow_contact_sharing: Optional[bool] = False,
        joined: int = None,
        functions: Union[List[str], str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        if sum([x is not None for x in [longitude, latitude]]) == 1:
            raise ValueError(
                'Either none of longitude and latitude or both must be passed!'
        if longitude and address:
            raise ValueError(
                'Only address or longitude and latitude may be passed!')

        self.user_id: int = int(user_id)
        self.phone_number = phone_number
        self.first_name = first_name
        self.last_name = last_name
        self.nickname = nickname
        self.gender = gender
        self.joined = joined
        self.date_of_birth = date_of_birth
        self.photo_file_id = photo_file_id
        self.allow_contact_sharing = allow_contact_sharing
        self.user_score = UserScore()

        # See https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/3004
        self._instruments: List[Instrument] = []
        self.instruments = instruments  # type: ignore
        self._functions: List[str] = []
        self.functions = functions  # type: ignore

        self._geo_locator: Photon = Photon(timeout=5)
        self._address: Optional[str] = None
        self._longitude: Optional[float] = None
        self._latitude: Optional[float] = None
        self._raw_address: Optional[dict] = None
        if address:
        if longitude and latitude:
            self.set_address(coordinates=(latitude, longitude))

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f'Member({self.full_name or str(self.user_id)})'

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        if isinstance(other, Member):
            return self.user_id == other.user_id
        return False

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        return self.user_id

    def __getitem__(
            self, item: str
    ) -> Union[str, dt.date, int, List[Instrument], None, float]:
        if item not in self.SUBSCRIPTABLE:
            raise KeyError(
                'Member either does not have such an attribute or does not support '
                'subscription for it.')
        return getattr(self, item)

    def __setitem__(self, item: str, value: Any) -> None:
        if item not in self.SUBSCRIPTABLE:
            raise KeyError(
                'Member either does not have such an attribute or does not support '
                'subscription for it.')
        return setattr(self, item, value)

    def to_str(self) -> str:  # pylint: disable=C0116
        with setlocale('de_DE.UTF-8'):
            return (
                f'Name: {self.full_name or "-"}\n'
                f'Geschlecht: {self.gender or "-"}\n'
                f'Geburtstag: '
                f'{self.date_of_birth.strftime("%d. %B %Y") if self.date_of_birth else "-"}\n'
                f'Instrument/e: {self.instruments_str or "-"}\n'
                f'Dabei seit: {self.joined or "-"}\n'
                f'Ämter: {self.functions_str or "-"}\n'
                f'Adresse: {self.address or "-"}\n'
                f'Mobil: {self.phone_number or "-"}\n'
                f'Foto: {"🖼" if self.photo_file_id else "-"}\n'
                f'Daten an AkaBlasen weitergeben: '
                f'{"Aktiviert" if self.allow_contact_sharing else "Deaktiviert"}'

    def set_address(self,
                    address: str = None,
                    coordinates: Tuple[float, float] = None) -> Optional[str]:
        Tries to get the missing data from the Open Street Map API. Exactly one of the optional
        parameters must be passed.

            address: The address.
            coordinates: Coordinates as tuple of latitude and longitude.

            The found address.
        if bool(address and coordinates) or not bool(address or coordinates):
            raise ValueError('Exactly one of the parameters must be passed!')
            if address:
                location = self._geo_locator.geocode(address)
                location = self._geo_locator.reverse(coordinates)
        except GeopyError:
            self._raw_address = None
            self._address = None
            self._longitude = None
            self._latitude = None

            return self._address

        if location:
            if 'properties' in location.raw:
                raw = location.raw['properties']
                if (('street' in raw or 'name' in raw) and 'postcode' in raw
                        and 'city' in raw and 'country' in raw):
                    raw['city'] = raw['city'].replace('Brunswick',
                    street = raw.get('street') or raw.get('name')
                    raw['street'] = street
                    h_m = raw.get('housenumber')
                    housenumber = f" {h_m}" if h_m else ''
                    self._address = f"{street}{housenumber}, {raw['postcode']} {raw['city']}"
                    if raw['country'] != 'Germany':
                        self._address += f" {raw['country']}"
                    self._raw_address = raw
                    self._address = location.address
                self._address = location.address

            self._latitude = location.latitude
            self._longitude = location.longitude
            self._raw_address = None
            self._address = None
            self._longitude = None
            self._latitude = None

        return self._address

    def clear_address(self) -> None:
        Deletes the address of this member.
        self._raw_address = None
        self._address = None
        self._longitude = None
        self._latitude = None

    def full_name(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Full name of the member. May be :obj:`None`.
        if not any([self.first_name, self.last_name, self.nickname]):
            return None
        if self.first_name is None and self.last_name is None:
            return self.nickname
        nickname: Optional[str] = None
        if self.nickname is not None:
            nickname = f'"{self.nickname}"'
        return ' '.join([
            n for n in [self.first_name, nickname, self.last_name]
            if n is not None

    def address(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Address of the member.
        return self._address

    def address(self, value: str) -> NoReturn:  # pylint: disable=R0201
        raise ValueError('Please use set_address to update the address!')

    def latitude(self) -> Optional[float]:
        Latitude of the members address.
        return self._latitude

    def latitude(self, value: float) -> NoReturn:  # pylint: disable=R0201
        raise ValueError('Please use set_address to update the latitude!')

    def longitude(self) -> Optional[float]:
        Longitude of the members address.
        return self._longitude

    def longitude(self, value: float) -> NoReturn:  # pylint: disable=R0201
        raise ValueError('Please use set_address to update the longitude!')

    def instruments(self) -> List[Instrument]:
        Instrument(s) this member plays. List may be empty
        return self._instruments

    def instruments(
            self, instruments: Optional[Union[List[Instrument],
                                              Instrument]]) -> None:
        if instruments is None:
            self._instruments = []
        elif isinstance(instruments, Instrument):
            self._instruments = [
            ] if instruments in self.ALLOWED_INSTRUMENTS else []
            self._instruments = [
                i for i in instruments if i in self.ALLOWED_INSTRUMENTS

    def instruments_str(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Stringified list of the instrument(s) the member plays. May be empty.
        if self.instruments:
            return ', '.join(str(i) for i in self.instruments)
        return None

    def functions(self) -> List[str]:
        Function(s) this member holds. List may be empty
        return self._functions

    def functions(self, functions: Optional[Union[List[str], str]]) -> None:
        if functions is None:
            self._functions = []
        elif isinstance(functions, str):
            self._functions = [functions]
            self._functions = functions

    def functions_str(self) -> Optional[str]:
        Stringified list of the function(s) the member holds. May be empty.
        if self.functions:
            return ', '.join(self.functions)
        return None

    def vcard_filename(self) -> str:
        Gives a filename of the vcard generated by :attr:`vcard`.
        return f'{self.full_name}.vcf'.replace(' ', '_').replace('"', '')

    def vcard(self, bot: Bot, admin: bool = False) -> BytesIO:
        Gives a vCard of the member.

            bot: A Telegram bot to retrieve the members photo (if set). Must be the same bot that
                retrieved the file ID.
            admin: Whether this method is invoked with admin rights.

            The vCard as bytes stream. Make sure to close it!

            ValueError: If sharing contact information is not allowed and :attr:`admin` is
        if not (self.allow_contact_sharing or admin):
            raise ValueError(
                'This member does not allow sharing it\'s contact information.'

        vcard = vobject.vCard()
        if self.full_name:
            vcard.add('fn').value = self.full_name.replace('"', '')
            vcard.add('fn').value = ''
        vcard.add('n').value = vobject.vcard.Name(family=self.last_name or '',
                                                  given=self.first_name or '')
        vcard.add('nickname').value = self.nickname or ''
        vcard.add('tel').value = self.phone_number or ''
        vcard.add('role').value = self.instruments_str or ''
        org = ['AkaBlas e.V.']
        if self.instruments:
            org.append(self.instruments_str)  # type: ignore
        vcard.add('org').value = org
        vcard.add('title').value = self.functions_str or ''

        if self.gender == Gender.MALE:
            vcard.add('gender').value = 'M'
        elif self.gender == Gender.FEMALE:
            vcard.add('gender').value = 'F'

        if self.date_of_birth:
            vcard.add('bday').value = self.date_of_birth.strftime('%Y%m%d')

        if self._raw_address:
            vcard.add('adr').value = vobject.vcard.Address(
                street=' '.join([
                    self._raw_address.get('housenumber', '')

        if self.photo_file_id:
            photo_stream = BytesIO()
            file = bot.get_file(self.photo_file_id)
            photo = vcard.add('photo')
            photo.encoding_param = 'B'
            photo.type_param = 'JPG'
            photo.value = photo_stream.read()

        vcard_file = BytesIO()
        return vcard_file

    def _compare(str1: str, str2: str, allow_partial: bool = True) -> float:
        str_1 = str1.lower()
        str_2 = str2.lower()
        if allow_partial:
            return max(fuzz.ratio(str_1, str_2),
                       fuzz.partial_ratio(str_1, str_2)) / 100
        return fuzz.ratio(str_1, str_2) / 100

    def compare_instruments_to(self, string: str) -> float:
        Compares the members instruments to the given string. The comparison is case insensitive.

            string: The string to compare to.

            Similarity in percentage.

            ValueError: If the member has no instruments.
        if not self.instruments_str:
            raise ValueError('This member has no instruments.')
        return self._compare(self.instruments_str, string)

    def compare_functions_to(self, string: str) -> float:
        Compares the members functions to the given string. The comparison is case insensitive.

            string: The string to compare to.

            Similarity in percentage.

            ValueError: If the member holds no functions.
        if not self.functions_str:
            raise ValueError('This member holds no functions.')
        functions = copy.deepcopy(self.functions)
        if 'Pärchenwart' in self.functions:
            if self.gender == Gender.FEMALE:
            elif self.gender == Gender.MALE:
        return max(
            self._compare(f, string, allow_partial=False) for f in functions)

    def compare_first_name_to(self, string: str) -> float:
        Compares the members first name to the given string. The comparison is case insensitive.

            string: The string to compare to.

            Similarity in percentage.

            ValueError: If the member has no first name.
        if self.first_name is None:
            raise ValueError('This member has no first name.')
        return self._compare(self.first_name, string)

    def compare_last_name_to(self, string: str) -> float:
        Compares the members last name to the given string. The comparison is case insensitive.

            string: The string to compare to.

            Similarity in percentage.

            ValueError: If the member has no last name.
        if self.last_name is None:
            raise ValueError('This member has no last name.')
        return self._compare(self.last_name, string)

    def compare_nickname_to(self, string: str) -> float:
        Compares the members nickname to the given string. The comparison is case insensitive.

            string: The string to compare to.

            Similarity in percentage.

            ValueError: If the member has no nickname.
        if self.nickname is None:
            raise ValueError('This member has no nickname.')
        return self._compare(self.nickname, string)

    def compare_full_name_to(self, string: str) -> float:
        Compares the members full name to the given string. The comparison is case insensitive.

            string: The string to compare to.

            Similarity in percentage.

            ValueError: If the member has no full name.
        if self.full_name is None:
            raise ValueError('This member has no full name.')
        str_1 = self.full_name.lower().replace('"', '')
        str_2 = string.lower()
        return (fuzz.ratio(str_1, str_2) +
                fuzz.token_set_ratio(str_1, str_2)) / 200

    def compare_address_to(self, string: str) -> float:
        Compares the members address to the given string. The comparison is case insensitive.

            string: The string to compare to.

            Similarity in percentage.

            ValueError: If the member has no address.
        if self.address is None:
            raise ValueError('This member has no address.')
        return fuzz.token_sort_ratio(self.address.lower(),
                                     string.lower()) / 100

    def distance_of_address_to(self, coordinates: Tuple[float,
                                                        float]) -> float:
        Computes the distance between the members address and the given coordinates.

            coordinates: A tuple of latitude and longitude to compare to.

            The distance in kilometers.

            ValueError: If the member has no address.
        if self.address is None:
            raise ValueError('This member has no address.')
        return distance.distance((self.latitude, self.longitude),

    def age(self) -> Optional[int]:
        The age of the member at evaluation time. :obj:`None`, if :attr:`date_of_birth` is not set.
        if not self.date_of_birth:
            return None

        today = dt.date.today()
        born = self.date_of_birth
        return today.year - born.year - ((today.month, today.day) <
                                         (born.month, born.day))

    def birthday(self) -> Optional[str]:
        The birthday of the member int he format ``DD.MM.``. :obj:`None`, if :attr:`date_of_birth`
        is not set.
        if not self.date_of_birth:
            return None

        return self.date_of_birth.strftime('%d.%m.')

    def set_akadressen_credentials(cls, url: str, url_active: str,
                                   username: str, password: str) -> None:
        Set the credentials needed to retrieve the AkaDRessen

            url: The URL of the AkaDressen.
            url_active: The URL of the AkaDressen containing only the active members.
            username: Username.
            password: Password.
        cls._AD_URL = url
        cls._AD_URL_ACTIVE = url_active
        cls._AD_USERNAME = username
        cls._AD_PASSWORD = password

    def copy(self) -> 'Member':
        Returns: A (deep) copy of this member.
        # for backwards compatibility
        if not hasattr(self, '_functions'):
            self._functions = []  # pylint: disable=W0212  # type: ignore
        if hasattr(self.user_score, 'member'):
            del self.user_score.member  # type: ignore  # pylint: disable=E1101 # pragma: no cover
        for score in self.user_score._high_score.values():  # pylint: disable=W0212  # type: ignore
            if hasattr(score, 'member'):  # pragma: no cover
                del score.member  # pragma: no cover

        new_member = copy.deepcopy(self)
        if not hasattr(new_member, 'joined'):
            new_member.joined = None
        new_member.instruments = [
            i for i in new_member.instruments if i in self.ALLOWED_INSTRUMENTS

        return new_member

    def _get_akadressen(cls, active: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:  # pylint: disable=R0915

        # A bunch of helpers to parse the downloaded data
        leading_whitespace_pattern = re.compile(r'\b(?=\w)(\w) (\w)')
        trailing_whitespace_pattern = re.compile(r'(\w) ([^0-9])\b(?<=\w)')

        def string_to_date(string: Union[str, np.nan]) -> Optional[dt.date]:
            if string is np.nan:
                return None
            with setlocale('de_DE.UTF-8'):
                string = string.replace('Mrz',
                                        dt.datetime(2020, 3, 1).strftime('%b'))
                    out = dt.datetime.strptime(string, '%d. %b. %y').date()
                except ValueError:
                    out = dt.datetime.strptime(string, '%d. %b. %Y').date()
                if out.year >= dt.datetime.now().year:
                    out = out.replace(year=out.year - 100)
            return out

        def year_to_int(string: Union[str, np.nan]) -> Optional[int]:
            if string is np.nan:
                return None
            out = dt.datetime.strptime(string, '%y').date()
            if out.year >= dt.datetime.now().year:
                out = out.replace(year=out.year - 100)
            return out.year

        def string_to_instrument(string: str) -> Optional[Instrument]:
                return Instrument.from_string(string)
            except ValueError:
                return None

        def remove_whitespaces(string: str) -> str:
            string = re.sub(leading_whitespace_pattern, r'\g<1>\g<2>', string)
            return re.sub(trailing_whitespace_pattern, r'\g<1>\g<2>', string)

        def extract_nickname(string: str) -> Optional[str]:
            if '(' in string:
                return string.split('(')[0].strip()
            return None

        def remove_nickname(string: str) -> str:
            if '(' in string:
                parts = string.split('(')
                string = ' '.join(parts[1:]).replace(')', '')
            return string

        def expand_brunswick(address: str) -> str:
            address = remove_whitespaces(address)
            return address.replace('BS', 'Braunschweig')

        def first_name(string: str) -> str:
            names = string.split(' ')
            if len(names) > 2:
                return ' '.join(names[:-1])
            return names[0]

        def last_name(string: str) -> str:
            return string.split(' ')[-1]

        with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.pdf', delete=False) as akadressen:
            response = requests.get(
                cls._AD_URL_ACTIVE if active else cls._AD_URL,
                auth=(cls._AD_USERNAME, cls._AD_PASSWORD),
            if response.status_code == 200:
                response.raw.decode_content = True
                shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, akadressen)

                # Read tables from PDF
                tables = read_pdf(akadressen.name,
                # Convert to pandas DataFrame
                d_f = pd.concat([t.df for t in tables])
                # Rename columns
                if active:
                    d_f = d_f.rename(
                            0: 'name',
                            1: 'date_of_birth',
                            2: 'address',
                            3: 'phone',
                            4: 'instrument',
                            5: 'joined',
                    d_f = d_f.rename(
                            0: 'name',
                            1: 'address',
                            2: 'phone',
                            3: 'date_of_birth',
                            4: 'instrument',

                # Drop empty lines
                d_f = d_f.replace(r'^\s*$', np.nan, regex=True)
                d_f = d_f.dropna(thresh=4)

                # Parse all the data
                if active:
                    d_f.loc[:, 'joined'] = d_f.loc[:,
                    d_f.loc[:, 'fullname'] = d_f.loc[:, 'name'].apply(
                            'date_of_birth'] = d_f.loc[:,
                    d_f.loc[:, 'instrument'] = d_f.loc[:, 'instrument'].apply(
                    d_f.loc[:, 'address'] = d_f.loc[:, 'address'].apply(
                    d_f.loc[:, 'fullname'] = d_f.loc[:, 'name'].apply(
                            'name'] = d_f.loc[:,
                    d_f.loc[:, 'nickname'] = d_f.loc[:, 'name'].apply(
                    d_f.loc[:, 'name'] = d_f.loc[:,
                            'first_name'] = d_f.loc[:,
                    d_f.loc[:, 'last_name'] = d_f.loc[:,

                return d_f

            raise Exception('Could not retrieve AkaDressen.')

    def guess_member(cls, user: User) -> Optional[List['Member']]:
        Tries to guess a :class:`components.Member` from the AkaDressen based on the Telegram
        users attributes. May return no or several hits.

            user: A Telegram user.
        def generous_ratio(str1: Optional[str], str2: Optional[str]) -> float:
            if str1 is None or str2 is None:
                return 0.0
            str1 = str1.lower().strip()
            str2 = str2.lower().strip()
            return max(
                fuzz.ratio(str1, str2),
                fuzz.partial_ratio(str1, str2),
                fuzz.token_set_ratio(str1, str2),

        # Refresh AkaDressen
        if (cls._AKADRESSEN_CACHE_TIME is None
                or cls._AKADRESSEN_ACTIVE is None
                or dt.date.today() > cls._AKADRESSEN_CACHE_TIME
                or cls._AKADRESSEN is None):
            cls._AKADRESSEN = cls._get_akadressen()
            cls._AKADRESSEN_ACTIVE = cls._get_akadressen(active=True)
            if cls._AKADRESSEN is not None:
                cls._AKADRESSEN_CACHE_TIME = dt.date.today()

        ranking: Dict[int, float] = defaultdict(lambda: 0.0)
        count = 0
        for row in cls._AKADRESSEN.itertuples(index=True):
            ranking[count] = 0
            for attr in ['first_name', 'last_name']:
                ranking[count] += generous_ratio(getattr(user, attr),
                                                 getattr(row, attr))
            for attr in ['first_name', 'last_name', 'nickname']:
                ranking[count] += generous_ratio(user.username,
                                                 getattr(row, attr))

            count += 1

        max_ranking = max(ranking.values())
        if max_ranking == 0:
            return None

        list_df = list(cls._AKADRESSEN.itertuples(index=False))
        all_max_rankings = [
            list_df[idx] for idx in ranking if ranking[idx] == max_ranking
        members = []
        for row in all_max_rankings:
            potential_joined = cls._AKADRESSEN_ACTIVE.loc[
                cls._AKADRESSEN_ACTIVE['fullname'] == row.fullname  # pylint: disable=E1136
            if len(potential_joined) == 1:
                joined = potential_joined.iloc[0].joined
                joined = None
        return members

    SUBSCRIPTABLE = sorted([
    """List[:obj:`str`]: Attributes supported by subscription."""

    ALLOWED_INSTRUMENTS: List[Instrument] = [
    """List[:class:`components.Instrument`]: Instruments that members are allowed to play."""
Example #5
 def test_from_string_allowed(self):
     assert Instrument.from_string('tub', []) is None
     assert Instrument.from_string('tub',
                                   [Trombone(), 'Schlagzeug']) is None
     assert Instrument.from_string('tub', ['Tuba']) == Tuba()
     assert Instrument.from_string('tub', [Tuba()]) == Tuba()
Example #6
class TestInstruments:
        [i for i in instruments.__dict__.values() if isinstance(i, type)])
    def test_instruments(self, cls):
        instrument = cls()
        assert isinstance(instrument.name, str)
        assert isinstance(str(instrument), str)

        [i for i in instruments.__dict__.values() if isinstance(i, type)])
    def test_from_string_by_name(self, cls):
        assert Instrument.from_string(cls.name) == cls()

        'abbr, expected',
            ('flö', Flute()),
            ('kla', Clarinet()),
            ('obe', Oboe()),
            ('hlz', WoodwindInstrument()),
            ('sax', Saxophone()),
            ('asx', AltoSaxophone()),
            ('tsx', TenorSaxophone()),
            ('f*g', Bassoon()),
            ('trp', Trumpet()),
            ('flü', Flugelhorn()),
            ('teh', BaritoneHorn()),
            ('hrn', Horn()),
            ('pos', Trombone()),
            ('tub', Tuba()),
            ('tpd', PercussionInstrument()),
            ('git', Guitar()),
            ('bss', BassGuitar()),
    def test_from_string_by_abbreviation(self, abbr, expected):
        assert Instrument.from_string(abbr) == expected

                             ['unknown', 'Geige', 'Violin', 'Brennholz'])
    def test_from_string_unknown(self, string):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Unknown'):

    def test_from_string_allowed(self):
        assert Instrument.from_string('tub', []) is None
        assert Instrument.from_string('tub',
                                      [Trombone(), 'Schlagzeug']) is None
        assert Instrument.from_string('tub', ['Tuba']) == Tuba()
        assert Instrument.from_string('tub', [Tuba()]) == Tuba()

        [i for i in instruments.__dict__.values() if isinstance(i, type)])
    def test_global(self, cls):
        instrument = cls()
        assert isinstance(instrument, Instrument)
        assert instrument <= Instrument()
        assert Instrument() >= instrument
        assert instrument < Instrument() or type(instrument) is Instrument
        assert Instrument() > instrument or type(instrument) is Instrument
        assert not instrument > Instrument()
        assert instrument == cls()
        assert hash(instrument) == hash(cls())

        [i for i in instruments.__dict__.values() if isinstance(i, type)])
    def test_string_equality(self, cls):
        assert cls() == cls.name
        assert cls.name.lower() == cls()
        assert not cls() == f' {cls.name}'
        assert not cls() == 'random string'

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('cls', [WoodwindInstrument, BrassInstrument])
    def test_classes(self, cls):
        instrument = cls()
        assert isinstance(instrument, Instrument)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('cls', [HighBrassInstrument, LowBrassInstrument])
    def test_brass(self, cls):
        instrument = cls()
        assert isinstance(instrument, BrassInstrument)
        assert instrument <= BrassInstrument()
        assert BrassInstrument() >= instrument
        assert instrument < BrassInstrument()
        assert BrassInstrument() > instrument
        assert not instrument > BrassInstrument()
        assert hash(instrument) != hash(BrassInstrument())
        assert instrument == cls()

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('cls', [Trumpet, Flugelhorn, Horn])
    def test_high_brass(self, cls):
        instrument = cls()
        assert isinstance(instrument, HighBrassInstrument)
        assert instrument <= HighBrassInstrument()
        assert HighBrassInstrument() >= instrument
        assert instrument < HighBrassInstrument()
        assert HighBrassInstrument() > instrument
        assert not instrument > HighBrassInstrument()
        assert hash(instrument) != hash(HighBrassInstrument())
        assert instrument == cls()

        'cls', [Euphonium, Baritone, BaritoneHorn, Tuba, Trombone])
    def test_low_brass(self, cls):
        instrument = cls()
        assert isinstance(instrument, LowBrassInstrument)
        assert instrument <= LowBrassInstrument()
        assert LowBrassInstrument() >= instrument
        assert instrument < LowBrassInstrument()
        assert LowBrassInstrument() > instrument
        assert not instrument > LowBrassInstrument()
        assert hash(instrument) != hash(LowBrassInstrument())
        assert instrument == cls()

    def test_wood(self, cls):
        instrument = cls()
        assert isinstance(instrument, WoodwindInstrument)
        assert instrument <= WoodwindInstrument()
        assert WoodwindInstrument() >= instrument
        assert instrument < WoodwindInstrument()
        assert WoodwindInstrument() > instrument
        assert not instrument > WoodwindInstrument()
        assert hash(instrument) != hash(WoodwindInstrument())
        assert instrument == cls()

        [AltoSaxophone, SopranoSaxophone, BaritoneSaxophone, TenorSaxophone])
    def test_sax(self, cls):
        instrument = cls()
        assert isinstance(instrument, Saxophone)
        assert instrument <= Saxophone()
        assert Saxophone() >= instrument
        assert instrument < Saxophone()
        assert Saxophone() > instrument
        assert not instrument > Saxophone()
        assert hash(instrument) != hash(Saxophone())
        assert instrument == cls()

    def test_percussion(self):
        instrument = Drums()
        assert isinstance(instrument, PercussionInstrument)
        assert instrument <= PercussionInstrument()
        assert PercussionInstrument() >= instrument
        assert instrument < PercussionInstrument()
        assert PercussionInstrument() > instrument
        assert not instrument > PercussionInstrument()
        assert hash(instrument) != hash(PercussionInstrument())
        assert instrument == Drums()

    def test_guitar(self):
        instrument = BassGuitar()
        assert isinstance(instrument, Guitar)
        assert instrument <= Guitar()
        assert Guitar() >= instrument
        assert instrument < Guitar()
        assert Guitar() > instrument
        assert not instrument > Guitar()
        assert hash(instrument) != hash(Guitar())
        assert instrument == BassGuitar()

    def test_conductor_warning(self, recwarn):
        assert len(recwarn) == 1
        assert 'Conductor is deprecated.' in str(recwarn[0].message)
Example #7
BACK = 'Zurück'
""":obj:`str`: Text indicating a 'back' action. Use as text or callback data."""
DONE = 'Fertig'
""":obj:`str`: Text indicating a 'done' action. Use as text or callback data."""
ALL = 'Alles'
""":obj:`str`: Text indicating to select all. Use as text or callback data."""

INSTRUMENT_KEYBOARD: List[List[Instrument]] = [
    [Flute(), Clarinet()],
    [Oboe(), Bassoon()],
    [SopranoSaxophone(), AltoSaxophone()],
    [TenorSaxophone(), BaritoneSaxophone()],
    [Trumpet(), Flugelhorn()],
    [Euphonium(), Baritone()],
    [BaritoneHorn(), Trombone()],
    [Guitar(), BassGuitar()],
    [PercussionInstrument(), Drums()],

    ['first_name', 'last_name'],
    ['full_name', 'nickname'],
    ['age', 'birthday'],
    ['instruments', 'joined'],
    ['address', 'photo_file_id'],