my_file = open(config.todo_loc, 'w') my_file.close() my_file = open(config.todo_loc, 'r') f = my_file.readlines() my_file.close() y = 0 f2 = f for n in f: y += 1 f2[y - 1] = str(y) + ': ' + f[y - 1] + '\n' f_readable = ''.join(f2) x = len(f) if x == 1: text1 = 'you have one item on your list' text = text1 + 'and it is:' + f_readable elif x > 1: text1 = 'you have %s items on your list' % x text = text1 + ' and they are:\n' + f_readable else: text = 'you have zero items on your list' talking(text) talking('Would you like me to send this to your email?') i_said = listening() key = ['yes', 'no'] a = pre_selection(i_said, key) if a == [0]: talking('preparing your todo list to be sent') send_email(text, 'ToDo List') elif a == [1]: pass
def todo(action): """ talking('would you like to add to your to do list or clear it') key = ['add','clear','ad'] i_said = listening() a = pre_selection(i_said, key) print a""" # prints todo list if action == [11, 12]: the_start = True while the_start: try: my_file = open(config.todo_loc, 'r') except IOError: print 'No ToDo list exists, creating a new file' my_file = open(config.todo_loc, 'w') my_file.close() my_file = open(config.todo_loc, 'r') f = my_file.readlines() my_file.close() talking('what would you like to add to your list') while True: try: i_said = listening() f.insert(0, i_said + '\n') break except TypeError, e: print e print 'nothing was said' my_file = open(config.todo_loc, 'w') my_file.writelines(f) my_file.close() talking('your task has been added, would you like to add more') try: i_said = listening() key = ['yes', 'ad', 'add', 'more', 'done', 'no', 'finished'] find_truth = pre_selection(i_said, key) for num in find_truth: print find_truth yes_test = [0, 1, 2, 3] no_test = [4, 5, 6] a = num in yes_test if a: for num2 in find_truth: b = num2 in no_test if b: the_start = False else: print 'adding more' elif not a: for num2 in find_truth: b = num2 in no_test if b: the_start = False except TypeError, e: the_start = False print e break
def decide(i_said): key = ['who', 'are', 'made', 'you'] i_mean = pre_selection(i_said, key) if i_mean == [0, 1, 3]: identity() elif i_mean == [0, 2, 3]: maker() else: print 'no eggs here'
def __init__(self): comp_score = 0 player_score = 0 tie_game = 0 player = 0 playing = True validity = True talking('Lets play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors') while playing: while validity: i_said = listening() bro_commands = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors', 'quit', 'Rock'] player_hand = pre_selection(i_said, bro_commands) if (player_hand == [0]) or (player_hand == [4]): player = 1 break elif player_hand == [1]: player = 2 break elif player_hand == [2]: player = 3 break elif player_hand == [3]: player = 4 break else: print 'Invalid Choice' if player == 4: if player_score > comp_score: text = 'final score, player %i, computer %i, Congratulations you win' % (player_score, comp_score) elif player_score < comp_score: text = 'final score, player %i, computer %i, Computer wins' % (player_score, comp_score) else: text = 'final score, player %i, computer %i, tie game' % (player_score, comp_score) talking(text) break else: comp = self.comp_hand() result = self.play_hand(comp, player) player_choice = self.interpret(player) comp_choice = self.interpret(comp) print '\nYou played %s and the computer played %s' % (player_choice, comp_choice) talking(result) print '' print '-' * 34 if result == 'Computer wins!': comp_score += 1 elif result == 'Player wins!': player_score += 1 elif result == 'Tie game': tie_game += 1 print 'Player: %i Computer: %i Tie Games: %i' % (player_score, comp_score, tie_game) print '-' * 34 print ''
def selection(what_i_said): find_truth = pre_selection(what_i_said, slct) if not find_truth: talking('How can I help you sir') menus.menu_choice() what_i_said = listening() what_i_said = what_i_said.replace('what\'s','what is') find_truth = pre_selection(what_i_said, slct) print find_truth while True: if (find_truth == [0, 1]) or (find_truth == [15]): games.play_hi_low() break elif find_truth == [2]: break elif (find_truth == [3, 4, 16, 17]) or (find_truth == [4, 9, 16, 17]) or (find_truth == [3, 4, 9, 16, 17]) \ or (find_truth == [3, 4]) or (find_truth == [4, 9]) or (find_truth == [3, 4, 9]): weather.current_weather() break elif (find_truth == [4, 5]) or (find_truth == [5]) or (find_truth == [4, 5, 16, 17]) or \ (find_truth == [4, 16, 17]): weather.forecast() break elif find_truth == [6, 7, 8]: games.RPSGame() break elif find_truth == [10]: games.tell_joke() break elif (find_truth == [11, 12]) or (find_truth == [11, 13]) or (find_truth == [11, 14]): todo_action.todo(find_truth) break elif (find_truth == [16, 17]) or (find_truth == [17, 18]) or (find_truth == [17, 19]) or \ (find_truth == [17, 20]) or (find_truth == [17, 21]) or (find_truth == [16, 22]) or \ (find_truth == [22, 18]) or (find_truth == [22, 19]) or (find_truth == [22, 20]) or \ (find_truth == [22, 21]): knowledge.wolfram_alpha(what_i_said) break else: decide(what_i_said) break
def wake_up(what_thread): print 'thread %s has started' % what_thread while True: menus.menu_intro() i_said = listening() key = config.my_name i_said = i_said.replace('what\'s','what is') find_truth = pre_selection(i_said, key) if find_truth == [0]: selection(i_said) else: menus.menu_choice() print 'no selection made'
def wolfram_alpha(my_question): searching = True search_item = 0 some_text = None look_for = my_question talking('let me think') key = config.wolf_key my_question = my_question.replace('ava ', '') my_question = my_question.replace(' ', '+') print my_question url = '' + key + '&input=' + my_question + '&format=plaintext' tree = ET.ElementTree(file=urllib.urlopen(url)) for elem in tree.iterfind('pod[@title="Result"]/subpod/plaintext'): some_text = elem.text try: some_text = some_text.replace('\'', ' feet') some_text = some_text.replace('\"', ' inches') talking(some_text) time.sleep(1) except Exception, e: print e pattern = re.compile('([^\s\w]|_)+') b_string = re.sub(pattern, '', look_for) phrase = b_string print phrase pattern = re.compile("\\b(lot|lots|a|an|who|can|you|what|is|info|somethings|whats|have|i|something|to|know|like" "|Id|information|about|tell|me)\\W", re.I) phrase_noise_removed = [pattern.sub("", phrase)] print phrase_noise_removed[0] term_search =[0]) # ToDo: test this portion. It checks to see if what AVA is searching for is the correct thing while searching: text = 'would you like me to get information on %s' % term_search[search_item] talking(text) rsp = listening() my_rsp = comprehension.pre_selection(rsp, ['yes', 'no']) if (my_rsp == [0]) and (search_item <= 2): print term_search[search_item] the_summary = (wikipedia.summary(term_search[search_item], 2)) print the_summary talking(the_summary) searching = False elif my_rsp == [1]: talking('ok') search_item += 1
def play_hi_low(): play_again = True while play_again: cont = True num_guess = 0 comp_num = randint(1, 10) print comp_num talking('I have picked a number between one and ten. Can you guess what it is?') while True: player_guess = listening() # checks for the number 6 (has difficulty understanding difference between 6 and sex) if player_guess == 'sex': player_guess = '6' # checks for the number 4 (has difficulty understanding difference between 4 and thor) if player_guess == 'thor': player_guess = '4' try: player_guess = int(player_guess) except (ValueError, TypeError), e: print e if player_guess == comp_num: num_guess += 1 text = 'Congratulations! You won in %i guesses!' % num_guess talking(text) talking('Do you want to play again. Yes or no?') i_said = listening() key = ['yes', 'no', 'quit'] redo = pre_selection(i_said, key) while cont: if redo == [0]: cont = False break elif (redo == [1, 2]) or (redo == [1]) or (redo == [2]): # if anything else is said, assume a quit play_again = False cont = False break else: talking('I am sorry. please say either yes or no') break break elif player_guess < comp_num: talking('Guess higher') num_guess += 1 elif player_guess > comp_num: talking('Guess lower') num_guess += 1