Example #1
    def init(self, *args):
        """Initializer for dynamically created classes.

      self: The instance of this class.  Listed to make the linter hush.
      *args: Either a ComputedObject to be promoted to this type, or
             arguments to an algorithm with the same name as this class.

      The new class.
        klass = globals()[name]
        onlyOneArg = (len(args) == 1)
        # Are we trying to cast something that's already of the right class?
        if onlyOneArg and isinstance(args[0], klass):
            result = args[0]
            # Decide whether to call a server-side constructor or just do a
            # client-side cast.
            ctor = ApiFunction.lookupInternal(name)
            firstArgIsPrimitive = not isinstance(args[0], ComputedObject)
            shouldUseConstructor = False
            if ctor:
                if not onlyOneArg:
                    # Can't client-cast multiple arguments.
                    shouldUseConstructor = True
                elif firstArgIsPrimitive:
                    # Can't cast a primitive.
                    shouldUseConstructor = True
                elif args[0].func != ctor:
                    # We haven't already called the constructor on this object.
                    shouldUseConstructor = True

        # Apply our decision.
        if shouldUseConstructor:
            # Call ctor manually to avoid having promote() called on the output.
            ComputedObject.__init__(self, ctor,
            # Just cast and hope for the best.
            if not onlyOneArg:
                # We don't know what to do with multiple args.
                raise EEException('Too many arguments for ee.%s(): %s' %
                                  (name, args))
            elif firstArgIsPrimitive:
                # Can't cast a primitive.
                raise EEException(
                    'Invalid argument for ee.%s(): %s.  Must be a ComputedObject.'
                    % (name, args))
                result = args[0]
            ComputedObject.__init__(self, result.func, result.args,
  def init(self, *args):
    """Initializer for dynamically created classes.

      self: The instance of this class.  Listed to make the linter hush.
      *args: Either a ComputedObject to be promoted to this type, or
             arguments to an algorithm with the same name as this class.

      The new class.
    klass = globals()[name]
    onlyOneArg = (len(args) == 1)
    # Are we trying to cast something that's already of the right class?
    if onlyOneArg and isinstance(args[0], klass):
      result = args[0]
      # Decide whether to call a server-side constructor or just do a
      # client-side cast.
      ctor = ApiFunction.lookupInternal(name)
      firstArgIsPrimitive = not isinstance(args[0], ComputedObject)
      shouldUseConstructor = False
      if ctor:
        if not onlyOneArg:
          # Can't client-cast multiple arguments.
          shouldUseConstructor = True
        elif firstArgIsPrimitive:
          # Can't cast a primitive.
          shouldUseConstructor = True
        elif args[0].func != ctor:
          # We haven't already called the constructor on this object.
          shouldUseConstructor = True

    # Apply our decision.
    if shouldUseConstructor:
      # Call ctor manually to avoid having promote() called on the output.
      ComputedObject.__init__(self, ctor, ctor.promoteArgs(ctor.nameArgs(args)))
      # Just cast and hope for the best.
      if not onlyOneArg:
        # We don't know what to do with multiple args.
        raise EEException(
            'Too many arguments for ee.%s(): %s' % (name, args))
      elif firstArgIsPrimitive:
        # Can't cast a primitive.
        raise EEException(
            'Invalid argument for ee.%s(): %s.  Must be a ComputedObject.' %
            (name, args))
        result = args[0]
      ComputedObject.__init__(self, result.func, result.args, result.varName)
Example #3
  def init(self, *args):
    """Initializer for dynamically created classes.

      self: The instance of this class.  Listed to make the linter hush.
      *args: Either a ComputedObject to be promoted to this type, or
             arguments to an algorithm with the same name as this class.

      The new class.
    if isinstance(args[0], ComputedObject) and len(args) == 1:
      result = args[0]
      result = ApiFunction.call_(name, *args)

    ComputedObject.__init__(self, result.func, result.args)
Example #4
  def init(self, *args):
    """Initializer for dynamically created classes.

      self: The instance of this class.  Listed to make the linter hush.
      *args: Either a ComputedObject to be promoted to this type, or
             arguments to an algorithm with the same name as this class.

      The new class.
    if isinstance(args[0], ComputedObject) and len(args) == 1:
      result = args[0]
      result = ApiFunction.call_(name, *args)

    ComputedObject.__init__(self, result.func, result.args)
Example #5
def _Promote(arg, klass):
  """Wrap an argument in an object of the specified class.

  This is used to e.g.: promote numbers or strings to Images and arrays
  to Collections.

    arg: The object to promote.
    klass: The expected type.

    The argument promoted if the class is recognized, otherwise the
    original argument.
  if arg is None:
    return arg

  if klass == 'Image':
    return Image(arg)
  elif klass == 'Feature':
    if isinstance(arg, Collection):
      # TODO(user): Decide whether we want to leave this in. It can be
      #              quite dangerous on large collections.
      return ApiFunction.call_(
          'Feature', ApiFunction.call_('Collection.geometry', arg))
      return Feature(arg)
  elif klass in ('Element', 'EEObject'):
    # TODO(user): Remove EEObject once the server is updated.
    if isinstance(arg, Element):
      # Already an EEObject.
      return arg
    elif isinstance(arg, ComputedObject):
      # Try a cast.
      return Element(arg.func, arg.args)
      # No way to convert.
      raise EEException('Cannot convert %s to Element.' % arg)
  elif klass == 'Geometry':
    if isinstance(arg, Collection):
      return ApiFunction.call_('Collection.geometry', arg)
      return Geometry(arg)
  elif klass in ('FeatureCollection', 'Collection'):
    # For now Collection is synonymous with FeatureCollection.
    if isinstance(arg, Collection):
      return arg
      return FeatureCollection(arg)
  elif klass == 'ImageCollection':
    return ImageCollection(arg)
  elif klass == 'Filter':
    return Filter(arg)
  elif klass == 'Algorithm' and isinstance(arg, basestring):
    return ApiFunction.lookup(arg)
  elif klass == 'Date':
    if isinstance(arg, basestring):
        import dateutil.parser    # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
      except ImportError:
        raise EEException(
            'Conversion of strings to dates requires the dateutil library.')
        return dateutil.parser.parse(arg)
    elif isinstance(arg, numbers.Number):
      return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(arg / 1000)
    elif isinstance(arg, ComputedObject):
      # Bypass promotion of this and do it directly.
      func = ApiFunction.lookup('Date')
      return ComputedObject(func, func.promoteArgs(func.nameArgs([arg])))
      return arg
  elif klass == 'Dictionary':
    if klass not in globals():
      # No dictionary class defined.
      return arg
    cls = globals()[klass]
    if isinstance(arg, cls):
      return arg
    elif isinstance(arg, ComputedObject):
      return cls(arg)
      # Can't promote non-ComputedObjects up to Dictionary; no constructor.
      return arg
  elif klass == 'String':
    if (types.isString(arg) or
        isinstance(arg, ComputedObject) or
        isinstance(arg, String) or
        types.isVarOfType(arg, String)):
      return String(arg)
      return arg
  elif klass in globals():
    cls = globals()[klass]
    # Handle dynamically created classes.
    if isinstance(arg, cls):
      return arg
    elif isinstance(arg, basestring):
      if not hasattr(cls, arg):
        raise EEException('Unknown algorithm: %s.%s' % (klass, arg))
      return getattr(cls, arg)()
      return cls(arg)
    return arg