Example #1
 def __call__(self, *args):
     callbacks = self.handler._listeners.get(self.name, [])
     #print "event", self.name, callbacks
     for fn in callbacks:
             fn(self.handler._sender, Dispatch(args[0]), True)
Example #2
def __excel_app_from_hwnd(window_h):
    comtypes library is used to search windows handles for Excel application,
    then converts that pointer to a pywin object thru __comtype_to_pywin_obj()

    sometimes, non-Excel applications are running under the same window_h
    as an Excel process, like "print driver host for applications"

    these will fail to return a valid excel7_wnd for FindWindowEx,
    but killing these processes will also bring down the Excel application, which is
    not neccessarily corrupt
    global corrupt_hwnds

    if window_h in corrupt_hwnds:
        return None

    desk_wnd = FindWindowEx(window_h, None, xl_desk_class, None)
    excel7_wnd = FindWindowEx(desk_wnd, None, xl_excel7_class, None)

    if excel7_wnd == 0:
        if __is_excel_process(window_h):

        return None

    cls_id = GUID.from_progid(xl_clsid)
    obj_ptr = ctypes.POINTER(IDispatch)()

    AccessibleObjectFromWindow(excel7_wnd, native_om, byref(cls_id),
    window = Dispatch(obj_ptr)

        com_obj = window.application
        excel_app = __comtype_to_pywin_obj(com_obj, IDispatch)
        excel_app = pywin_dispatch(excel_app)

        excel_app.Visible = True

        return excel_app

    except (COMError, com_error, NameError) as e:
        raise ChildProcessError(
            'remote procedure call to Excel application rejected\n'
            '(check if cursor is still active within a cell somewhere, '
            'Excel will reject automation calls while waiting on '
            'user input)') from e
Example #3
 def getDOMParser(self):
     o = comtypes.client.CreateObject('MSXML.DOMDocument')
     return Dispatch(o)
Example #4
 def getXmlHttpRequest(self):
     #print "getXMLHttpRequest"
     o = comtypes.client.CreateObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0')
     #print "getXMLHttpRequest", o
     return Dispatch(o)
Example #5
 def getDomDocument(self):
     return Dispatch(self.pBrowser.Document)
Example #6
    def _get_value(self, dynamic=False):
        vt = self.vt
        if vt in (VT_EMPTY, VT_NULL):
            return None
        elif vt == VT_I1:
            return self._.VT_I1
        elif vt == VT_I2:
            return self._.VT_I2
        elif vt == VT_I4:
            return self._.VT_I4
        elif vt == VT_I8:
            return self._.VT_I8
        elif vt == VT_UI8:
            return self._.VT_UI8
        elif vt == VT_INT:
            return self._.VT_INT
        elif vt == VT_UI1:
            return self._.VT_UI1
        elif vt == VT_UI2:
            return self._.VT_UI2
        elif vt == VT_UI4:
            return self._.VT_UI4
        elif vt == VT_UINT:
            return self._.VT_UINT
        elif vt == VT_R4:
            return self._.VT_R4
        elif vt == VT_R8:
            return self._.VT_R8
        elif vt == VT_BOOL:
            return self._.VT_BOOL
        elif vt == VT_BSTR:
            return self._.bstrVal
        elif vt == VT_DATE:
            days = self._.VT_R8
            return datetime.timedelta(days=days) + _com_null_date
        elif vt == VT_CY:
            return self._.VT_CY / decimal.Decimal("10000")
        elif vt == VT_UNKNOWN:
            val = self._.c_void_p
            if not val:
                # We should/could return a NULL COM pointer.
                # But the code generation must be able to construct one
                # from the __repr__ of it.
                return None  # XXX?
            ptr = cast(val, POINTER(IUnknown))
            # cast doesn't call AddRef (it should, imo!)
            return ptr.__ctypes_from_outparam__()
        elif vt == VT_DECIMAL:
            return self.decVal.as_decimal()
        elif vt == VT_DISPATCH:
            val = self._.c_void_p
            if not val:
                # See above.
                return None  # XXX?
            ptr = cast(val, POINTER(IDispatch))
            # cast doesn't call AddRef (it should, imo!)
            if not dynamic:
                return ptr.__ctypes_from_outparam__()
                from comtypes.client.dynamic import Dispatch
                return Dispatch(ptr)
        # see also c:/sf/pywin32/com/win32com/src/oleargs.cpp
        elif self.vt & VT_BYREF:
            return self
        elif vt == VT_RECORD:
            from comtypes.client import GetModule
            from comtypes.typeinfo import IRecordInfo

            # Retrieving a COM pointer from a structure field does NOT
            # call AddRef(), have to call it manually:
            punk = self._.pRecInfo
            ri = punk.QueryInterface(IRecordInfo)

            # find typelib
            tlib = ri.GetTypeInfo().GetContainingTypeLib()[0]

            # load typelib wrapper module
            mod = GetModule(tlib)
            # retrive the type and create an instance
            value = getattr(mod, ri.GetName())()
            # copy data into the instance
            ri.RecordCopy(self._.pvRecord, byref(value))

            return value
        elif self.vt & VT_ARRAY:
            typ = _vartype_to_ctype[self.vt & ~VT_ARRAY]
            return cast(self._.pparray, _midlSAFEARRAY(typ)).unpack()
            raise NotImplementedError("typecode %d = 0x%x)" % (vt, vt))