Example #1
def variant_array(value):
    from ctypes import (POINTER, Structure, byref, cast, c_long, c_float,
                        c_double, memmove, pointer, sizeof)
    from comtypes import _safearray, IUnknown, com_interface_registry
    from comtypes.automation import VARIANT, VT_VARIANT, VT_SAFEARRAY, VT_ARRAY, tagVARIANT, VT_DISPATCH
    from comtypes.safearray import _midlSAFEARRAY
    vartype = VT_DISPATCH
    itemtype = VARIANT
    cls = _midlSAFEARRAY(itemtype)
    rgsa = (_safearray.SAFEARRAYBOUND * 1)()
    rgsa[0].cElements = len(value)
    rgsa[0].lBound = 0
    pa = _safearray.SafeArrayCreateEx(vartype, 1, rgsa, None)
    pa = cast(pa, cls)
    # Now, fill the data in:
    ptr = POINTER(itemtype)()  # pointer to the item values
    _safearray.SafeArrayAccessData(pa, byref(ptr))
        for i, a in enumerate(value):
            ptr[i] = a
    var = tagVARIANT()
    memmove(byref(var._), byref(pa), sizeof(pa))
    var.vt = VT_ARRAY | pa._vartype_
    return var
Example #2
def create_from_linearized_matrix(value):
    from ctypes import (POINTER, Structure, byref, cast, c_long, c_float,
                        c_double, memmove, pointer, sizeof)
    from comtypes import _safearray, IUnknown, com_interface_registry
    from comtypes.automation import VARIANT, VT_R8, VT_ARRAY, tagVARIANT
    from comtypes.safearray import _midlSAFEARRAY
    addr, n = value.buffer_info()
    vartype = VT_R8
    itemtype = c_double
    cls = _midlSAFEARRAY(itemtype)
    matrixsize = 4
    rgsa = (_safearray.SAFEARRAYBOUND * 2)()
    rgsa[0].cElements = matrixsize
    rgsa[0].lBound = 0
    rgsa[1].cElements = matrixsize
    rgsa[1].lBound = 0
    pa = _safearray.SafeArrayCreateEx(vartype, 2, rgsa, None)
    pa = cast(pa, cls)
    # Now, fill the data in:
    ptr = POINTER(itemtype)()  # pointer to the item values
    _safearray.SafeArrayAccessData(pa, byref(ptr))
        nbytes = matrixsize**2 * sizeof(itemtype)
        memmove(ptr, addr, nbytes)
    var = tagVARIANT()
    memmove(byref(var._), byref(pa), sizeof(pa))
    var.vt = VT_ARRAY | pa._vartype_
    return var
Example #3
        def test(self):
            # The point of this test is the ReadWaveform method below,
            # which takes several [in, out] arguments.
            agDrvr = CreateObject("Agilent546XX.Agilent546XX")

            # XXX XXX XXX The following call crashes hard with an accessviolation when
            # the OANOCACHE environ variable is set.
            import os
            if "OANOCACHE" in os.environ:
                print "Cannot test. buggy COM object?"

            # Initialize the driver in simulation mode.  Resource descriptor is ignored.
            agDrvr.Initialize("", False, False, "Simulate=true")
            # Initialize driver.  Edit resource descriptor for your system.
            # agDrvr.Initialize("GPIB0::7::INSTR", False, False, "QueryInstrStatus=true")

            from comtypes.gen import IviScopeLib
            iviDrvr = agDrvr.QueryInterface(IviScopeLib.IIviScope)

            # Get driver Identity properties.  Driver initialization not required.
##            print "Identifier:", iviDrvr.Identity.Identifier
##            print "   Revision:",  agDrvr.Identity.Revision
##            print "Description:", agDrvr.Identity.Description

            # Get instrument Identity properties.
##            print "InstrumentModel: ", agDrvr.Identity.InstrumentModel
##            print "   FirmwareRevision: ", agDrvr.Identity.InstrumentFirmwareRevision
##            print "   SerialNumber: ", agDrvr.System.SerialNumber

            # Setup for a measurement.  Reset in this case.

            pMeasurement = agDrvr.Measurements.Item("UserChannel1")
            # ReadWaveform() takes a sweep and reads the data.
            # Definition generated for ReadWaveform():
            #COMMETHOD([helpstring(u'Acquires and returns a waveform on the configured channels.')],
            #          HRESULT, 'ReadWaveform',
            #          ( ['in'], Agilent546XXTimeOutEnum, 'MaxTime' ),
            #          ( ['in', 'out'], POINTER(_midlSAFEARRAY(c_double)), 'pWaveformArray' ),
            #          ( ['in', 'out'], POINTER(c_double), 'pInitialX' ),
            #          ( ['in', 'out'], POINTER(c_double), 'pXIncrement' )),

            # [in, out] arguments are now optional (comtypes
            # constructs an empty default value when nothing is
            # passed).
            psaWaveform = _midlSAFEARRAY(c_double).create([])
            self._check_result(pMeasurement.ReadWaveform(20000, pInitialX=9.0))
            self._check_result(pMeasurement.ReadWaveform(20000, pXIncrement=9.0, pInitialX=3.0))
            self._check_result(pMeasurement.ReadWaveform(20000, []))
            self._check_result(pMeasurement.ReadWaveform(20000, pWaveformArray = []))
            self._check_result(pMeasurement.ReadWaveform(20000, psaWaveform))
            self._check_result(pMeasurement.ReadWaveform(20000, pXIncrement=9.0))
Example #4
class ISetupInstance2(ISetupInstance):
    _iid_ = GUID('{89143C9A-05AF-49B0-B717-72E218A2185C}')
    _methods_ = [
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'GetState',
                  (['out'], POINTER(DWORD), 'pState')),
            [], HRESULT, 'GetPackages',
            (['out'], POINTER(_midlSAFEARRAY(
                POINTER(ISetupPackageReference))), 'ppPackage'))
Example #5
    def _get_value(self, dynamic=False):
        vt = self.vt
        if vt in (VT_EMPTY, VT_NULL):
            return None
        elif vt == VT_I1:
            return self._.VT_I1
        elif vt == VT_I2:
            return self._.VT_I2
        elif vt == VT_I4:
            return self._.VT_I4
        elif vt == VT_I8:
            return self._.VT_I8
        elif vt == VT_UI8:
            return self._.VT_UI8
        elif vt == VT_INT:
            return self._.VT_INT
        elif vt == VT_UI1:
            return self._.VT_UI1
        elif vt == VT_UI2:
            return self._.VT_UI2
        elif vt == VT_UI4:
            return self._.VT_UI4
        elif vt == VT_UINT:
            return self._.VT_UINT
        elif vt == VT_R4:
            return self._.VT_R4
        elif vt == VT_R8:
            return self._.VT_R8
        elif vt == VT_BOOL:
            return self._.VT_BOOL
        elif vt == VT_BSTR:
            return self._.bstrVal
        elif vt == VT_DATE:
            days = self._.VT_R8
            return datetime.timedelta(days=days) + _com_null_date
        elif vt == VT_CY:
            return self._.VT_CY / decimal.Decimal("10000")
        elif vt == VT_UNKNOWN:
            val = self._.c_void_p
            if not val:
                # We should/could return a NULL COM pointer.
                # But the code generation must be able to construct one
                # from the __repr__ of it.
                return None # XXX?
            ptr = cast(val, POINTER(IUnknown))
            # cast doesn't call AddRef (it should, imo!)
            return ptr.__ctypes_from_outparam__()
        elif vt == VT_DECIMAL:
            return self.decVal.as_decimal()
        elif vt == VT_DISPATCH:
            val = self._.c_void_p
            if not val:
                # See above.
                return None # XXX?
            ptr = cast(val, POINTER(IDispatch))
            # cast doesn't call AddRef (it should, imo!)
            if not dynamic:
                return ptr.__ctypes_from_outparam__()
                from comtypes.client.dynamic import Dispatch
                return Dispatch(ptr)
        # see also c:/sf/pywin32/com/win32com/src/oleargs.cpp
        elif self.vt & VT_BYREF:
            return self
        elif vt == VT_RECORD:
            from comtypes.client import GetModule
            from comtypes.typeinfo import IRecordInfo

            # Retrieving a COM pointer from a structure field does NOT
            # call AddRef(), have to call it manually:
            punk = self._.pRecInfo
            ri = punk.QueryInterface(IRecordInfo)

            # find typelib
            tlib = ri.GetTypeInfo().GetContainingTypeLib()[0]

            # load typelib wrapper module
            mod = GetModule(tlib)
            # retrive the type and create an instance
            value = getattr(mod, ri.GetName())()
            # copy data into the instance
            ri.RecordCopy(self._.pvRecord, byref(value))

            return value
        elif self.vt & VT_ARRAY:
            typ = _vartype_to_ctype[self.vt & ~VT_ARRAY]
            return cast(self._.pparray, _midlSAFEARRAY(typ)).unpack()
            raise NotImplementedError("typecode %d = 0x%x)" % (vt, vt))
Example #6
 def _set_value(self, value):
     if value is None:
         self.vt = VT_NULL
     elif hasattr(value, '__len__') and len(value) == 0:
         self.vt = VT_NULL
     # since bool is a subclass of int, this check must come before
     # the check for int
     elif isinstance(value, bool):
         self.vt = VT_BOOL
         self._.VT_BOOL = value
     elif isinstance(value, (int, c_int)):
         self.vt = VT_I4
         self._.VT_I4 = value
     elif isinstance(value, long):
         u = self._
         # try VT_I4 first.
         u.VT_I4 = value
         if u.VT_I4 == value:
             # it did work.
             self.vt = VT_I4
         # try VT_UI4 next.
         if value >= 0:
             u.VT_UI4 = value
             if u.VT_UI4 == value:
                 # did work.
                 self.vt = VT_UI4
         # try VT_I8 next.
         if value >= 0:
             u.VT_I8 = value
             if u.VT_I8 == value:
                 # did work.
                 self.vt = VT_I8
         # try VT_UI8 next.
         if value >= 0:
             u.VT_UI8 = value
             if u.VT_UI8 == value:
                 # did work.
                 self.vt = VT_UI8
         # VT_R8 is last resort.
         self.vt = VT_R8
         u.VT_R8 = float(value)
     elif isinstance(value, (float, c_double)):
         self.vt = VT_R8
         self._.VT_R8 = value
     elif isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
         self.vt = VT_BSTR
         # do the c_wchar_p auto unicode conversion
         self._.c_void_p = _SysAllocStringLen(value, len(value))
     elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
         delta = value - _com_null_date
         # a day has 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400 seconds
         com_days = delta.days + (delta.seconds + delta.microseconds * 1e-6) / 86400.
         self.vt = VT_DATE
         self._.VT_R8 = com_days
     elif npsupport.isdatetime64(value):
         com_days = value - npsupport.com_null_date64
         com_days /= npsupport.numpy.timedelta64(1, 'D')
         self.vt = VT_DATE
         self._.VT_R8 = com_days
     elif decimal is not None and isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal):
         self._.VT_CY = int(round(value * 10000))
         self.vt = VT_CY
     elif isinstance(value, POINTER(IDispatch)):
         CopyComPointer(value, byref(self._))
         self.vt = VT_DISPATCH
     elif isinstance(value, POINTER(IUnknown)):
         CopyComPointer(value, byref(self._))
         self.vt = VT_UNKNOWN
     elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
         obj = _midlSAFEARRAY(VARIANT).create(value)
         memmove(byref(self._), byref(obj), sizeof(obj))
         self.vt = VT_ARRAY | obj._vartype_
     elif isinstance(value, array.array):
         vartype = _arraycode_to_vartype[value.typecode]
         typ = _vartype_to_ctype[vartype]
         obj = _midlSAFEARRAY(typ).create(value)
         memmove(byref(self._), byref(obj), sizeof(obj))
         self.vt = VT_ARRAY | obj._vartype_
     elif npsupport.isndarray(value):
         # Try to convert a simple array of basic types.
         descr = value.dtype.descr[0][1]
         typ = npsupport.numpy.ctypeslib._typecodes.get(descr)
         if typ is None:
             # Try for variant
             obj = _midlSAFEARRAY(VARIANT).create(value)
             obj = _midlSAFEARRAY(typ).create(value)
         memmove(byref(self._), byref(obj), sizeof(obj))
         self.vt = VT_ARRAY | obj._vartype_
     elif isinstance(value, Structure) and hasattr(value, "_recordinfo_"):
         guids = value._recordinfo_
         from comtypes.typeinfo import GetRecordInfoFromGuids
         ri = GetRecordInfoFromGuids(*guids)
         self.vt = VT_RECORD
         # Assigning a COM pointer to a structure field does NOT
         # call AddRef(), have to call it manually:
         self._.pRecInfo = ri
         self._.pvRecord = ri.RecordCreateCopy(byref(value))
     elif isinstance(getattr(value, "_comobj", None), POINTER(IDispatch)):
         CopyComPointer(value._comobj, byref(self._))
         self.vt = VT_DISPATCH
     elif isinstance(value, VARIANT):
         _VariantCopy(self, value)
     elif isinstance(value, c_ubyte):
         self._.VT_UI1 = value
         self.vt = VT_UI1
     elif isinstance(value, c_char):
         self._.VT_UI1 = ord(value.value)
         self.vt = VT_UI1
     elif isinstance(value, c_byte):
         self._.VT_I1 = value
         self.vt = VT_I1
     elif isinstance(value, c_ushort):
         self._.VT_UI2 = value
         self.vt = VT_UI2
     elif isinstance(value, c_short):
         self._.VT_I2 = value
         self.vt = VT_I2
     elif isinstance(value, c_uint):
         self.vt = VT_UI4
         self._.VT_UI4 = value
     elif isinstance(value, c_float):
         self.vt = VT_R4
         self._.VT_R4 = value
     elif isinstance(value, c_int64):
         self.vt = VT_I8
         self._.VT_I8 = value
     elif isinstance(value, c_uint64):
         self.vt = VT_UI8
         self._.VT_UI8 = value
     elif isinstance(value, _byref_type):
         ref = value._obj
         self._.c_void_p = addressof(ref)
         self.__keepref = value
         self.vt = _ctype_to_vartype[type(ref)] | VT_BYREF
     elif isinstance(value, _Pointer):
         ref = value.contents
         self._.c_void_p = addressof(ref)
         self.__keepref = value
         self.vt = _ctype_to_vartype[type(ref)] | VT_BYREF
         raise TypeError("Cannot put %r in VARIANT" % value)
Example #7
    def _get_value(self, dynamic=False):
        vt = self.vt
        if vt in (VT_EMPTY, VT_NULL):
            return None
        elif vt == VT_I1:
            return self._.VT_I1
        elif vt == VT_I2:
            return self._.VT_I2
        elif vt == VT_I4:
            return self._.VT_I4
        elif vt == VT_I8:
            return self._.VT_I8
        elif vt == VT_UI8:
            return self._.VT_UI8
        elif vt == VT_INT:
            return self._.VT_INT
        elif vt == VT_UI1:
            return self._.VT_UI1
        elif vt == VT_UI2:
            return self._.VT_UI2
        elif vt == VT_UI4:
            return self._.VT_UI4
        elif vt == VT_UINT:
            return self._.VT_UINT
        elif vt == VT_R4:
            return self._.VT_R4
        elif vt == VT_R8:
            return self._.VT_R8
        elif vt == VT_BOOL:
            return self._.VT_BOOL
        elif vt == VT_BSTR:
            return self._.bstrVal
        elif vt == VT_DATE:
            days = self._.VT_R8
            return datetime.timedelta(days=days) + _com_null_date
        elif vt == VT_CY:
            return self._.VT_CY / decimal.Decimal("10000")
        elif vt == VT_UNKNOWN:
            val = self._.c_void_p
            if not val:
                # We should/could return a NULL COM pointer.
                # But the code generation must be able to construct one
                # from the __repr__ of it.
                return None  # XXX?
            ptr = cast(val, POINTER(IUnknown))
            # cast doesn't call AddRef (it should, imo!)
            return ptr.__ctypes_from_outparam__()
        elif vt == VT_DECIMAL:
            return self.decVal.as_decimal()
        elif vt == VT_DISPATCH:
            val = self._.c_void_p
            if not val:
                # See above.
                return None  # XXX?
            ptr = cast(val, POINTER(IDispatch))
            # cast doesn't call AddRef (it should, imo!)
            if not dynamic:
                return ptr.__ctypes_from_outparam__()
                from comtypes.client.dynamic import Dispatch
                return Dispatch(ptr)
        # see also c:/sf/pywin32/com/win32com/src/oleargs.cpp
        elif self.vt & VT_BYREF:
            return self
        elif vt == VT_RECORD:
            from comtypes.client import GetModule
            from comtypes.typeinfo import IRecordInfo

            # Retrieving a COM pointer from a structure field does NOT
            # call AddRef(), have to call it manually:
            punk = self._.pRecInfo
            ri = punk.QueryInterface(IRecordInfo)

            # find typelib
            tlib = ri.GetTypeInfo().GetContainingTypeLib()[0]

            # load typelib wrapper module
            mod = GetModule(tlib)
            # retrive the type and create an instance
            value = getattr(mod, ri.GetName())()
            # copy data into the instance
            ri.RecordCopy(self._.pvRecord, byref(value))

            return value
        elif self.vt & VT_ARRAY:
            typ = _vartype_to_ctype[self.vt & ~VT_ARRAY]
            return cast(self._.pparray, _midlSAFEARRAY(typ)).unpack()
            raise NotImplementedError("typecode %d = 0x%x)" % (vt, vt))
Example #8
 def _set_value(self, value):
     if value is None:
         self.vt = VT_NULL
     elif hasattr(value, '__len__') and len(value) == 0:
         self.vt = VT_NULL
     # since bool is a subclass of int, this check must come before
     # the check for int
     elif isinstance(value, bool):
         self.vt = VT_BOOL
         self._.VT_BOOL = value
     elif isinstance(value, (int, c_int)):
         self.vt = VT_I4
         self._.VT_I4 = value
     elif isinstance(value, long):
         u = self._
         # try VT_I4 first.
         u.VT_I4 = value
         if u.VT_I4 == value:
             # it did work.
             self.vt = VT_I4
         # try VT_UI4 next.
         if value >= 0:
             u.VT_UI4 = value
             if u.VT_UI4 == value:
                 # did work.
                 self.vt = VT_UI4
         # try VT_I8 next.
         if value >= 0:
             u.VT_I8 = value
             if u.VT_I8 == value:
                 # did work.
                 self.vt = VT_I8
         # try VT_UI8 next.
         if value >= 0:
             u.VT_UI8 = value
             if u.VT_UI8 == value:
                 # did work.
                 self.vt = VT_UI8
         # VT_R8 is last resort.
         self.vt = VT_R8
         u.VT_R8 = float(value)
     elif isinstance(value, (float, c_double)):
         self.vt = VT_R8
         self._.VT_R8 = value
     elif isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
         self.vt = VT_BSTR
         # do the c_wchar_p auto unicode conversion
         self._.c_void_p = _SysAllocStringLen(value, len(value))
     elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
         delta = value - _com_null_date
         # a day has 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400 seconds
         com_days = delta.days + (delta.seconds +
                                  delta.microseconds * 1e-6) / 86400.
         self.vt = VT_DATE
         self._.VT_R8 = com_days
     elif npsupport.isdatetime64(value):
         com_days = value - npsupport.com_null_date64
         com_days /= npsupport.numpy.timedelta64(1, 'D')
         self.vt = VT_DATE
         self._.VT_R8 = com_days
     elif decimal is not None and isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal):
         self._.VT_CY = int(round(value * 10000))
         self.vt = VT_CY
     elif isinstance(value, POINTER(IDispatch)):
         CopyComPointer(value, byref(self._))
         self.vt = VT_DISPATCH
     elif isinstance(value, POINTER(IUnknown)):
         CopyComPointer(value, byref(self._))
         self.vt = VT_UNKNOWN
     elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
         obj = _midlSAFEARRAY(VARIANT).create(value)
         memmove(byref(self._), byref(obj), sizeof(obj))
         self.vt = VT_ARRAY | obj._vartype_
     elif isinstance(value, array.array):
         vartype = _arraycode_to_vartype[value.typecode]
         typ = _vartype_to_ctype[vartype]
         obj = _midlSAFEARRAY(typ).create(value)
         memmove(byref(self._), byref(obj), sizeof(obj))
         self.vt = VT_ARRAY | obj._vartype_
     elif npsupport.isndarray(value):
         # Try to convert a simple array of basic types.
         descr = value.dtype.descr[0][1]
         typ = npsupport.numpy.ctypeslib._typecodes.get(descr)
         if typ is None:
             # Try for variant
             obj = _midlSAFEARRAY(VARIANT).create(value)
             obj = _midlSAFEARRAY(typ).create(value)
         memmove(byref(self._), byref(obj), sizeof(obj))
         self.vt = VT_ARRAY | obj._vartype_
     elif isinstance(value, Structure) and hasattr(value, "_recordinfo_"):
         guids = value._recordinfo_
         from comtypes.typeinfo import GetRecordInfoFromGuids
         ri = GetRecordInfoFromGuids(*guids)
         self.vt = VT_RECORD
         # Assigning a COM pointer to a structure field does NOT
         # call AddRef(), have to call it manually:
         self._.pRecInfo = ri
         self._.pvRecord = ri.RecordCreateCopy(byref(value))
     elif isinstance(getattr(value, "_comobj", None), POINTER(IDispatch)):
         CopyComPointer(value._comobj, byref(self._))
         self.vt = VT_DISPATCH
     elif isinstance(value, VARIANT):
         _VariantCopy(self, value)
     elif isinstance(value, c_ubyte):
         self._.VT_UI1 = value
         self.vt = VT_UI1
     elif isinstance(value, c_char):
         self._.VT_UI1 = ord(value.value)
         self.vt = VT_UI1
     elif isinstance(value, c_byte):
         self._.VT_I1 = value
         self.vt = VT_I1
     elif isinstance(value, c_ushort):
         self._.VT_UI2 = value
         self.vt = VT_UI2
     elif isinstance(value, c_short):
         self._.VT_I2 = value
         self.vt = VT_I2
     elif isinstance(value, c_uint):
         self.vt = VT_UI4
         self._.VT_UI4 = value
     elif isinstance(value, c_float):
         self.vt = VT_R4
         self._.VT_R4 = value
     elif isinstance(value, c_int64):
         self.vt = VT_I8
         self._.VT_I8 = value
     elif isinstance(value, c_uint64):
         self.vt = VT_UI8
         self._.VT_UI8 = value
     elif isinstance(value, _byref_type):
         ref = value._obj
         self._.c_void_p = addressof(ref)
         self.__keepref = value
         self.vt = _ctype_to_vartype[type(ref)] | VT_BYREF
     elif isinstance(value, _Pointer):
         ref = value.contents
         self._.c_void_p = addressof(ref)
         self.__keepref = value
         self.vt = _ctype_to_vartype[type(ref)] | VT_BYREF
         raise TypeError("Cannot put %r in VARIANT" % value)