def calcForce(positions, numberOfCells, numberOfdead, Origin, oriConc,
              cellConc, Diff, t, kd, highBC, DisplacementScaleByConc,
              searchingRange, marker, auto_factor, state, ConcByCell, odes,
              step_size, shape_factor):
    [Parameter Description]
    positions:               position of cells from pdb file 
    numberOfCells:           total number of cells (num of cells in 1st half + num of cells in 2nd half)
    Origin:                  the origin of chemoattractant source 
    oriConc:                 the max concentration released from the source of chemoattractant
    cellConc:                the max concentration released by cells (determining the degree of intercellular communication)
    Diff:                    the diffusion rate of chemoattractant 
    t:                       time 
    kd:                      constant associated with Hills coefficient for autocrinic release
    highBC:                  [max X, max Y, max Z]
    DisplacementScaleByConc: Displacement Scale 
    searchingRange:          searching range around the cell 
    marker:                  a list of marker for resting and activated cells 
    auto_factor:             a list of autocrinic factors based on the state of cells 
    state:                   the characteristics of diffusion of chemoattractant: steady, error, or linear  
    ConcByCell:              the concentration accumulated by the attractant released from each individual cell
    shape_factor:               = 1 for square > 1 for slab

    # Do some magic here that will return substrate field-related force acting on each particle
    n = 0
    m = 0
    dummy_coord = np.zeros([numberOfCells, 2])  # since it's 2D

    for i in enumerate(positions):
        if n > numberOfdead:
            dummy_coord[m][0] = i[1][0].value_in_unit(nanometers)
            dummy_coord[m][1] = i[1][1].value_in_unit(nanometers)
            #dummy_coord[m][2] = i[1][2].value_in_unit(nanometers)*0
            m += 1
        n += 1
    recordedPositions = dummy_coord

    # Done
    DistCelltoOrigin = conc.DistCelltoOrigin(recordedPositions, Origin,
                                             shape_factor, state)

    # Done
    DistCelltoCell = conc.DistCelltoCell(recordedPositions)

    # Done
    ConcByOrigin = conc.ConcByOrigin(DistCelltoOrigin, t, Diff, oriConc, state,

    # Done
    ConcbyCell, HC = conc.ConcByCell(ConcByOrigin, ConcByCell, DistCelltoCell,
                                     t, Diff, kd, auto_factor, cellConc)

    fvX, fvY, fvZ, odesnew = conc.forceGen(ConcbyCell, Origin, shape_factor,
                                           recordedPositions, t, Diff, HC,
                                           searchingRange, highBC,
                                           DisplacementScaleByConc, cellConc,
                                           oriConc, state, odes, step_size)

    return fvX, fvY, fvZ, ConcbyCell, odesnew
def calcForce(positions, numberOfCells, Origin, SourceOfOrigin, oriConc,
              cellConc, Diff, t, kd, highBC, DisplacementScaleByConc,
              searchingRange, marker, auto_factor, state, ConcByCell):
    [Parameter Description]
    positions:               position of cells from pdb file 
    numberOfCells:           total number of cells (num of cells in 1st half + num of cells in 2nd half)
    Origin:                  the origin of chemoattractant source 
    SourceOfOrigin:          None = One end of simulation box in x axis, Center = the center of simulation box
    oriConc:                 the max concentration released from the source of chemoattractant
    cellConc:                the max concentration released by cells (determining the degree of intercellular communication)
    Diff:                    the diffusion rate of chemoattractant 
    t:                       time 
    kd:                      constant associated with Hills coefficient for autocrinic release
    highBC:                  [max X, max Y, max Z]
    DisplacementScaleByConc: Displacement Scale 
    searchingRange:          searching range around the cell 
    marker:                  a list of marker for resting and activated cells 
    auto_factor:             a list of autocrinic factors based on the state of cells 
    state:                   the characteristics of diffusion of chemoattractant: steady, error, or linear  
    ConcByCell:              the concentration accumulated by the attractant released from each individual cell

    # Do some magic here that will return substrate field-related force acting on each particle
    n = 0
    dummy_coord = np.zeros([3, numberOfCells])

    #ConcByCell                = np.zeros(numberOfCells) + 1e-14

    for i in enumerate(positions):
        dummy_coord[0][n] = i[1][0].value_in_unit(nanometers)
        dummy_coord[1][n] = i[1][1].value_in_unit(nanometers)
        dummy_coord[2][n] = i[1][2].value_in_unit(nanometers) * 0
        n += 1

    recordedPositions = dummy_coord

    DistCelltoOrigin = conc.DistCelltoOrigin(recordedPositions, Origin,
                                             SourceOfOrigin, state)

    DistCelltoCell = conc.DistCelltoCell(recordedPositions)

    ConcByOrigin = conc.ConcByOrigin(DistCelltoOrigin, t, Diff, oriConc, state,

    ConcbyCell, HC = conc.ConcByCell(ConcByOrigin, ConcByCell, DistCelltoCell,
                                     t, Diff, kd, auto_factor, cellConc)

    fvX, fvY, fvZ = conc.forceGen(ConcbyCell, Origin, SourceOfOrigin,
                                  recordedPositions, t, Diff, HC,
                                  searchingRange, highBC,
                                  DisplacementScaleByConc, cellConc, oriConc,

    return fvX, fvY, fvZ, ConcbyCell