Example #1
def test_frames():
    def count():
        while True:
            count.i += 1
    count.i = 0
    inject(frames(5, Camera()), count())
    assert count.i == 5
Example #2
def center_rotation_axis(camera, motor, initial_motor_step,
                         num_iterations=2, num_projections=None, flat=None, dark=None):
    Center the rotation axis controlled by *motor*.

    Use an iterative approach to center the rotation axis. Around *motor*s
    current position, we evaluate five points by running a reconstruction.
    *rotation_motor* rotates the sample around the tomographic axis.
    *num_iterations* controls the final resolution of the step size, halving
    each iteration. *flat* is a flat field frame and *dark* is a dark field
    frame which will be used for flat correcting the acuired projections.

    width_2 = camera.roi_width.magnitude / 2.0
    axis_pos = width_2

    # Crop the dark and flat
    if flat is not None:
        middle = flat.shape[0] / 2
        flat = flat[middle, :]
        if dark is not None:
            dark = dark[middle, :]

    n = num_projections or tomo_projections_number(camera.roi_width)
    angle_step = np.pi / n * q.rad

    step = initial_motor_step
    current = motor.position

    for i in range(num_iterations):
        frm = current - step
        to = current + step
        div = 2.0 * step / 5.0

        positions = (frm, frm + div, current, current + div, to)
        scores = []

        for position in positions:
            motor.position = position
            backproject = Backproject(axis_pos)
            sino_result = Result()
            sino_coro = sino_result()
            if flat is not None:
                sino_coro = flat_correct(flat, sino_coro, dark=dark)

            inject(frames(n, camera, callback=lambda: rotation_motor.move(angle_step).join()),
                   middle_row(sinograms(n, sino_coro)))

            sinogram = (sinogram.result[0, :, :], )
            result = Result()
            m0 = np.mean(np.sum(sinogram[0], axis=1))

            inject(sinogram, backproject(result()))

            img = result.result

            # Other possibilities: sum(abs(img)) or sum(img * heaviside(-img))
            score = np.sum(np.abs(np.gradient(img))) / m0

        current = positions[scores.index(min(scores))]
        step /= 2.0
Example #3
 async def test_frames(self):
     acc = Accumulate()
     await acc(frames(5, Camera()))
     assert len(acc.items) == 5