Example #1
    def _generate_waveform(self):
        # Relative path to our wave file (from MEDIA_ROOT)
        wavPath = self.wav.name
        # Absolute path to our wave file
        wavPathAbsolute = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, wavPath)
        idString = str(self.id)
        # Get length of audio (samples)
        length = audioHelpers.getLength(wavPathAbsolute)        

        # For each zoom level
        for zoomLevel in AudioFile.ZOOM_LEVELS:
            # Path to the image for the waveform at this zoom level
            waveformPath = self._get_waveform_path(zoomLevel)
                # from this wave file
                # put waveform here
                # At zoomLevel px per second (width)
                zoomLevel * length, 
                # Height
Example #2
    def save(self, f = None, *args, **kwargs):
        # if we're updating not initializing
        if self.pk:
            return super(AudioFile,self).save(*args,**kwargs)
        # Get original filename of uploaded file
        name = str(f)
        self.name = name
        # Save ourself so we can get an id for the filename
        super(AudioFile, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
        # Using this AudioFile object's id, create filenames
        idString = str(self.id)
        wavName = idString+'.wav'
        oggName = idString+'.ogg'
        mp3Name = idString+'.mp3'

        # grab the path of the temporary uploaded file.  This is where the user's
        #   uploaded file exists currently.
        inputFilePath = f.temporary_file_path()
        #   Create files with dummy contents but with proper names.
        self.wav.save(wavName, SimpleUploadedFile(wavName, 'temp contents'), save = False)
        self.ogg.save(oggName, SimpleUploadedFile(oggName, 'temp contents'), save = False)
        self.mp3.save(mp3Name, SimpleUploadedFile(mp3Name, 'temp contents'), save = False)
        #   Now we placeholders for the audio files.
        # The input is the temporary uploaded file location
        wavInput = f.temporary_file_path()
        # output was determined above
        wavOutput = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, self.wav.name)

        #   the ogg file will be encoded from the normalized wav file
        oggInput = wavOutput
        oggOutput = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, self.ogg.name)
        #   and so will the mp3
        mp3Input = wavOutput
        mp3Output = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, self.mp3.name)

        #   now overwrite the dummy files with the actual encodes
        # We will first normalize the wav file (convert to proper sample rate,
        #   etc). NOTE: this doesn't actually mean "normalize" to 0db, but 
        #   hopefully in the future.
        audioHelpers.toNormalizedWav(wavInput, wavOutput)
        #   Do the same for ogg
        audioHelpers.toOgg(oggInput, oggOutput)
        #   and mp3
        audioHelpers.toMp3(mp3Input, mp3Output)
        # Generate the waveform onto disk
        # Save duration of audio file in seconds
        self.duration = audioHelpers.getLength(wavOutput)

        super(AudioFile, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
        event = AudioFileUploadedEvent(
          user = self.uploader,
          audioFile = self,
          collection = self.collection